
In the 1960’s, while mankind was rapidly breaking the shackles of his home planet and venturing out into the nearby Cosmos, the idea naturally evolved that maybe our planet had been visited by extra-terrestrials in the distant past. When Erich Von Daniken released his famous book, Chariots of the Gods, in 1968, the hypothesis arose that maybe God was the primitive misinterpretation of extra-terrestrials visiting Earth, whose high technology was perceived as miracle, and may have formed the basis for many of the ancient religions around the world.

To its credit, this hypothesis can explain all of the events in the Bible and in other ancient religious documents all throughout the world. If it is assumed that it is possible for space aliens to travel a number of light years to Earth in the first place, then a number of the stories in the Bible can be explained in terms of extra-terrestrial intervention. We are told in the Bible that the three wise men followed a moving star, which led them to the location of Jesus. It has been postulated that maybe this star was really Halley’s Comet, as calculations suggest that the comet was in the sky at the time; however, a comet would be pointless and difficult to follow. Alternatively, believers of the “ancient astronaut” theory have suggested that the star could have been a UFO, which the wise men were compelled to follow via telepathic communication with the aliens (which is commonly reported in alien contact reports).

The birth of Jesus might be elucidated by the speculation that aliens visited Mary in her sleep (which she perceived as a dream in which she was visited by angels). The aliens could have artificially inseminated her with genetically engineered, or possibly even alien sperm; and this could explain the superhuman abilities which Jesus was reported to have had, and also the fact that Mary gave birth while she was still a virgin. So, perhaps Jesus was one of the first alien-human hybrids.

This idea has spawned a number of alien cults, the most popular being the Raelian Movement (which has over 35,000 members in 85 countries). According to this cult, scientists from another planet used Earth as a giant biological laboratory, on which they created all life using DNA, and created man in their own image. In December 1973, a French journalist (Rael) was supposedly contacted by a visitor from this other planet, and was dictated a message (basically consisting of a re-translation of the Bible in terms of extra-terrestrial intervention). He has now published this message as a series of books, which you can order over the Internet from the Raelian Revolution Virtual Shop. Rael was also asked to prepare an embassy for the aliens where they could officially land among us, bringing with them all the prophets as predicted by every religion.

There is enough evidence in the Vedas to support the UFO / Alien presence in ancient India. We were highly advanced even then and the weapons used in war were extremely sophisticated such as an arrow which picks it's target by sound. Flying Vehicles of the Gods which could travel faster than anything we can imagine and could also appear and disappear at will. We are under surveillance and constant vigil from the others who under most probability are on Earth and have been amongst us for a while now. An Alien Base on the dark side of the Moon where the famed Mother Ship sits still could easily be one of the most startling facts being kept from us in fear of an apocalypse on this power hungry planet Earth.

The Vedas not only describe the different home planets of the extraterrestrial visitors, which are sometimes situated in different dimensions and time frames, but also they describe aerial vehicles, in Sanskrit called Vimanas. These vehicles could be gross physical machines or they could be made out of subtle energy, or even transcendental, spiritual energy. It is described that humans of this earth did not manufacture such machines, although they did sometimes acquire them from technically advanced extraterrestrial beings. These beings have been in contact with our planet for millions of years and they know much more of our history than we do.

"Follow your Bliss"
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Beyond the stars in the far reaches of infinite space lie multiple universes similar to ours yet unique in their own special extra-terrestrial way ! Planetary systems and star clusters with varied Spiritual Entities just like us are somewhere out there hundreds of light years away. Pleiades is one of these star systems said to be around 500 light years away in the constellation of Taurus, The Bull ! The entire Pleiades cluster is the eye of the bull. The seven stars in the Pleiades star cluster are Taygeta, Maya, Coela, Atlas, Merope, Electra and Alcoyne. The Pleiadians live in the 5th dimension, which is one of love and creativity. Around Taygeta is a planet almost as big as Earth ( 10 % smaller ) called 'Erra'. The Lyrans left their home constellation because of the many wars in their world and consequently found home on Erra with the Pleiadians. This is where they started a new civilization in 228,000 B.C.

Traveling though wormholes on one of their scouting missions through space, the Pleiadians discovered what they called Planet Terra ! Better known as Earth by most of us. Dated as late as 225, 000 B.C. They stayed back and co-habited Earth with the other 3 already present civilizations, hence entering the cycle of incarnation which might just be a very earthly phenomena until you are assigned a new planet, to be born among a strange new alien civilization. Pleiadians claim our earth to be 626 billion years old as per our measure of time. They have a record of the history of Earth's human evolution until this present day.

The places designated for the Pleiadians to incarnate were Bali, Samoa, Hawaii and India. Civilizations came and lived on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and natural disasters between 196, 000 B.C. and 10 A.D. The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. guiding humans toward a more spiritual path. In about 10 A.D., the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good for it was time humans evolved on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent. The Pleiadians communicate telepathically hence there are no telephones in Pleiades and language nuances are unheard of. Certain highly intelligent and evolved entities, working in tandem with the divine human consciousness bringing us closer to the dawn of a Golden Era. The Winter Solstice of all time isn't very far, keep the warm clothing handy and gear up for the ultimate adventure through space into a new dimension, a brand new realm of existence you could've only visualized with the mind's eye !!!

“You are living in a time when opportunities for self-empowerment, expanded awareness, and spiritual growth appear to be unlimited.” The Pleiadians  Related Links:

Terence McKenna said, that the search for higher intelligence is an inner journey– the connection to something greater is immediate and always at hand. I think reason can take us only a certain distance, and then we have to go with the divine imagination. There have been many episodes in the history of science where great hope gave way to paranoia. The [UFO] hysteria has become more explicit and has wandered in first one direction and then another, but if this is a contact it’s the most peculiarly un-contact-like contact it’s possible to imagine. And this is something I’m going to try and convince the UFO community of, what we drug people have that you don’t is repeatability. The Stropharia cubensis mushroom is a memory bank of galactic history.

Alien, but full of promise, it throws open a potential for understanding that will sweep away the petty concerns of earth and history-bound humanity. Reason, but a willingness to explore the edges has been [my] method. … I have never seen a violation of physics that was not connected somehow with a psychedelic experience. Not all psychedelics are alike. And this very small family of compounds, called the tryptomine hallucinogens, bear careful examination if we’re seriously interested in this question of extraterrestial penetration of the human world. Everybody knows this who has to do with this stuff [psilocybin], Gordon Wasson, Richard Shulties, Albert Hofmann, the giants know that this stuff is animate. This is not a drug. It’s something that’s disguising itself as a drug in order not to spread alarm. I think that the alien will be so alien that your jaw will hang in the air. And expecting to meet an anthropoid-like alien with an interest in your reproductive machinery and gross industrial capacity is as culture-bound a concept as searching NGC-321 for a good Italian restaurant. It’s absurd on the face of it. All of human history is the signifier of the presence of the alien. Human history is what happens to an advance animal species when it is inner-penetrated on a scale of a million years by a mind in another dimension. The flying saucer, the alien, the other is what is sculpting us out of animal organization as we move toward it in time. This is what shamanism is all about. This is what the psychedelic people are discovering as they descend into these trances. A shaman, and a psychedelic person, and a UFO contactee, is someone who has seen the end. They simply didn’t know what they were looking at, because who knows what the end looks like.

Terence McKenna on 2012, UFOs And Shamanism

Psychedelic drugs are as important to the study of UFOs as the telescope was to the re-defining of astronomy. I think that the ‘real other’ need not be guarded by the frail efforts of a cults apologists. Now you may have thought telepathy was you hearing somebody else think. Apparently, that’s not what telepathy is. Telepathy is you seeing what somebody else means. It’s the visual acquisition of meaning rather than the audio acquisition of meaning. I think that we are on a collision course with a planet-transforming event, and that we have been for a very, very long time. I also believe that it lies below the horizon of rational apprehension at this point in time. That’s where the frontier of this hyper-technical fantasy is headed, toward a revivification of knowledge systems that were ancient when the pyramids were not yet even a gleam in the eye. I think we’re on the brink of a tremendous evolutionary adventure, and that it will involve physically re-designing ourselves.

Download the Podcast by Terence McKenna from "Matrix Masters" ( The Psychedelic Salon ) !

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In one corner of the universe, sending out messages to outer space in hope of contacting entities from distant civilizations ! To go where no man has ever gone has long been man's constant endeavor. From the wheel to the rocket, our race has realized innumerable dreams while creating twisted complexities distancing us from our roots, hence weakening our connection with the forces of nature. We are destroying the balance in nature and signs of oncoming catastrophe can be seen in the global climatic changes occurring by the minute. Shifting of tectonic plates at the bottom of the oceans and the glaciers melting away are just few of the identified omens to an impending apocalypse. Most of these changes in the weather can be attributed to man's persistent onslaught of the wilderness, ignorantly, selfishly wiping out speechless wonders of creation ! Our inability to comprehend certain fundamental laws of the universe and a blind eye to the mystery of causality and freaky synchronicity has brought man face to face with the wrath of nature raging fury like never before.

The social system has kept our sanities together for long enough however was never quite built to last ! An evident change from the end of chaos and all that brings pain and suffering to our waking life is nothing new to human life on Earth. There have been many such cataclysmic events in the history of Earth which have destroyed life so new life could evolve and bring in the freshness of a beautiful sunrise out there among the super psychedelic colors of nature. Death is just the culmination of a full cycle of taking birth, being and finally ending in the physical reality. Grieve not for there is no reason to grieve, it's just the way it is and the rest of the story that's playing in your head is a twisted tale of memories and the judgmental ego. In the words of the legendary mystic James Douglas Morrison, pain is a part of you and how can you ever be afraid of something that's a part of you !

With the winter solstice of 2012 an approximate 25,000 year old cycle shall end and what comes after that is the 5th dimensional existence. Evolution of the human DNA to a 12 strand structure. Possibility and imagination will merge as one ! Makes perfect sense and I'm sure what comes after this is a world of love and peace where all live as ONE ! Where all come together as one massive in celebration of who we call God ! The individualistic separation from the source shall dissolve into one collective aura and all shall realize the power of being ONE !!! Together, all atoms in space and our constantly expanding space constitute to what we call GOD. Everything is truly infinite and nothing quite ends. It's just transfered to a different realm of ethereal invisible existence ! We need to fearlessly dance away in the face of change and turmoil with a pure consciousness of love and peace for all ! Anything is possible and it's upto us to shape the fabric of our reality. We need to forgive all including ourselves and turn a new leaf. Be positive and spread good vibrations around us. The Dream of Utopia, the journey may seem a bit slow... it's all good, for the best, that's one thing i need to know !


Cannabis, popularly known as Marijuana, has been the most talked about and the most commonly used psychedelic in the world. There is a lot of propaganda and junk science associated with this topic sending out mixed messages of fear and uncertainty to the masses . There are some who have condemned the use of Cannabis terming it illegal, waging a multi-billion war on drugs, ignorantly including the mystical plant among other harmful chemically engineered substances. There is a good reason for most governments to do so. Cannabis opens up hidden doors in our psyche and the truth begins to emerge that changes everything in our world view ! The mind altering nature of Cannabis can make one less interested in the worldly chaos, hence discouraging many from becoming that brick in the wall, this system so wonderfully creates. That's a risk no country would like to take. However, not all countries have been able to enforce these laws and the use is on the rise with an ever increasing experimenting, rebel population waking up to the age of information. The catch is that all the information out there is not all fact and is mostly misappropriated for political and blissfully ignorant reasons. There is a lot of good and a whole lot of bad stuff associated with the history of Cannabis. The point is to realize that it's not the substance but the user who is responsible for his or her actions. It's probably the most misquoted and unacknowledged plant of all time !

Through history, many cultures have come across Cannabis and the use is not new to most civilizations. In ancient Germanic culture, Cannabis was associated with the Germanic love goddess, Freya. The harvesting of the plant was connected with an erotic high festival. It was believed that Freya lived as a fertile force in the plant's feminine flowers and by ingesting them one became influenced by this divine force. The Celts may have also used Cannabis as Hashish was found in Hallstatt, birthplace of Celtic culture. According to some scholars, Cannabis was an ingredient of holy anointing oil mentioned in various sacred Hebrew texts. Cannabis also has a Biblical reference and is said to have been used by Jesus himself. The wandering ascetics from India consumed the Cannabis flower in the form of a very popular Hallucinogenic drink called Bhaang. Sufi saints from Persia, the Sikhs in India, the Rastafarians worshiping their God JAH have all made use of Cannabis in some form or the other. There are many modern movements like the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church and the Church of Cognizance which consider Cannabis to be the Holy Eucharist and the Tree of Life.

Hemp, the term for Cannabis in it's industrial form is used for various purposes as shown above. In particular, it's used to make cloth and paper which is an excellent alternative to large scale felling of trees. Sounds like a solution to the scare of Global warming. The medicinal properties of Cannabis has paved the way for it's use in many parts of America making it easily available at stores on prescription. With so many good reasons for the plant to flourish, we must be utterly stupid to not do so ! What's bad is the ignorance to facts and the bullshit propaganda called DRUGS. Marijuana isn't even physically addictive as opposed to Nicotine and Alcohol. But how many of us really know this ? I hope we rise to the need of the hour by decriminalizing the use of Marijuana and turning around this already messed up system with some sense from Sensimilia. Even better, get your own home grown and make a start ! There are many popular strains such as Purple Haze, Acapulco Gold, White Widow, Kush, Panama Red, BC Bud, Chocolate Thai and the legendary G-13 which pack more punch and are way more potent than wild growing Cannabis ! Cannabis Sativa and the Cannabis Indica are the most commonly found varieties. Cannabis Indica found mostly in Asia is more potent than the Sativa. It's the resin from Cannabis Indica which produces the best Hashish in places like Afghanistan and the Himalayas. Smoking is not always the best option especially with the modern lifestyle of minimal physical activity. Good physical, mental and spiritual health are of paramount importance in no specific order of preference. Our world is beautiful green, let's keep it that way while bringing in more color to our lives !


Breath is our source of life. We inhale air to support life - oxygen is required to create energy (via respiration) - we exhale carbon dioxide waste. The cycle of life is intimately connected to metabolic processes which require oxygen for sustenance. Our heart pumps blood to our entire body, supplying it with a constant supply of oxygenated blood. Breath is the gateway that allows us to maintain life.

The rhythm of life is in the breath. This inward flow (filling us up) and outward flow (removing CO2) holds many secret messages – all we need to do is to stop and listen – if only for a moment. Nature breathes just like we do. The ocean waves flow like our breath. The water cycle breathes in moisture via evaporation and breathes out rain. The earth revolves around the sun. Seasons change. We encounter astrological shifts which orbit with the seasons. Constant motion.

Breath is life, which is perpetually flowing. Breath creates a shift from inward to outward, external to internal…a constant to and fro cycle. If our centre can be stilled via breathing consciously, we can experience living in the now. When we shift our consciousness to our breath, it allows us to stay in the present moment. This wakefulness allows the possibility of experiencing profound bliss and compassion.

The breath connects us to the element air (light, lofty and non-materialistic), which reminds us of our spirituality. Air is the ether of life on this planet. Without it, we expire within minutes. Nothing is so vital to life.

Stress causes us to stop breathing. When we are removed from awareness via stress and activity, we can always call upon the breath to bring us back. Breath is a meditation which waits patiently – always with us – still and steady – strong but malleable.

Breath moves like a wave, poetically touching us inside and out, constantly experiencing and re-experiencing itself like a melody. The complexity of breath is so unfathomable, that it is reminiscent of Wittgenstein's statement - "That of which we cannot speak, we must pass over in silence."

The breath is our only constant companion in life – it never abandons us throughout life – until our final breath. Never forget the elegant and delicate symbiosis experienced with each breath. Your life would never be the same without it! Wishing you all much ecstasy explored and experienced through the breath.

Breath is the basis of all life. Breath is also the basis of all meditation and meditative movement. Breath is the primary manner in which we all obtain life energy. The other three in metaphysical understanding are water, food and prana or chi. The most important concept to understand about breath and meditative movement is that one moves in coordination with the breath. One moves in and out of postures with the breath and one deepens and lengthens postures in coordination with the breath. Inhalations equate to tension whereas exhalations equate to relaxation and release. There are four important aspects of meditative breath. It is important to breathe slowly, deeply, steadily and consciously. It’s said most people breathe wrong. Most people breathe either from high, mid or low points. A complete yogi breath is a cyclical movement beginning from low point moving like a wave. Meditative movement leads to proper cyclical, complete breath.

Balanced breathing is utilized most frequently. Balanced breathing means the four parts to one breath cycle are equalized. The inhalations and exhalations are the same length of time to each other and the pause full and pause empty are the same length of time to each other too. For example 8 seconds in, 2 second pause, 8 seconds out, 2 second pause is an example of steady balanced breath. Meditation practitioners from long ago would count the breath not in seconds, but heartbeats. There are innumerable variations of meditative breath, however in most all meditations awareness of the matrix of meditative breath is a primarily important perception. Some more developed meditation practitioners move beyond focus on the breath, however even masters come back to and start with the breath. For the rest of us focus on the matrix of breath can calm the distracted monkey mind that swings from vine to vine, thought to thought. Trouble in meditation equates to, in general having a full mind, perceiving the breath allows one to be alternatively mindful so as to begin and develop meditation. Balanced breath is beneficial to balancing one’s energy, often all we need. As one masters balanced breath one can implement new patterns to enhance energy movement in four basic patterns beyond balanced breathing similar conceptually to the depiction of the Yin Yang mandala. Unlike balanced breath these forms build and release energy in specific ways. There is the enhancement and lengthening of the pause full, in/pause/out patter for building Yin energy. There is the enhancement of pause empty, in/out/pause for Yang energy. Then a pause is inserted midway between either the inhale or exhale for energy movement, in/pause/in/out for Yin and lastly in/out/pause/out for Yang. Meditation is mindfulness – the fullness of mind of the present. Whether distracted or focused, whether in still or moving meditation or in daily life, simply being mindful of the breath can connect mind and body.

Reference : Ethan Indigo Smith

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For thousands of years mankind has been intrigued by the possible existence of other life forms in our forever expanding universe. Tales of flying machines from the Mayans and ancient manuscripts on advanced Aerodynamics discovered in India are historic testimony to the presence of superior intelligent life traversing Earth for thousands of years. In an infinite universe with uncountable stars and planetary formations, I believe that the universe has always existed and we've all come from the Stars. ( We are all Star Stuff !)

With the Earth moving closer to the Sun and all the mounting chaos we've brought to our living existence, the need to reach out to someone higher is even more stronger this time around ! The crowded 3rd planet in one corner of the vast expanse of space is getting a wee bit lonely now. There is got to be more to this, than what we already know. I tend to get a little spaced out with my thoughts most of the time and somehow manage to get lost in all the inter twirled imagery my varying consciousness brings forth. The imaginative make reality more probable ! I guess I'd rather keep an open mind than stall within the affirmative.

For years since Roswell, the SETI ( Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence ) has been scrambling radio signals into outer space in hope of a reply from some distant life force. All they've received so far, are radio waves from some distant supernova or an intergalactic war zone ! We have been looking far out in space for signs of life in hope to find astounding reflections of our own mortal realities. To finally be able to make something last ! Maybe the answers we seek have flown right into our habitat and we remain clueless, in denial of the truth. We need to look no further and somehow be able to reach conclusive evidence through filtering information we are constantly bombarded with. What's out there is also in here ! On myriad journeys through our consciousness we create our world, our reality in quest for knowledge.

I hope the Aliens understand "Across the Universe" by The Beatles, being beamed into the atmosphere by Nasa on the 4th of Feb, 2008 at 7 pm. Happens to be exactly 40 years since the Fab Four recorded it in 1968. The search for extra-terrestrial life has reached your desktop with SETI@home... SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. Telepathic communication on a free to do basis is always an option with these mysterious beings from the other side. We are to be soon contacted by these entities aboard the infamous Mothership ! Maybe there IS a Santa Claus after all !!!

The presence of dark matter and an invisible universe makes the probing even more intense !

The search is on with the strength couple of notches higher ...

Contact Has Begun With James Gilliland His Story


I don't even wanna try attempting to get at statistics and the history of language. What I've heard is that for millions of years mankind lived just like the animals... and then, something happened ! We learned to talk which was of course way before Adam and Eve were conceptualized ! Since then, there has been talking and more talking to the extent that now you get paid to talk ! The Talking industry is seamless and spreads across various cross cultural domains of everyday functioning feeding the system !


Terence McKenna proposes a revolutionary theory suggesting the use of psychedelics by our almost monkey ancestors which over many thousand years enabled us to develop mentally, eventually communicate through speech ! Out there in the wild there must be more such creatures living on Mushrooms, Berries and other vegetation which brings about change in cognitive abilities. They may not have learned to talk like the most prominent life form of our planet, but they sure do communicate their way ! Not too sure why we rank high among other Intelligent life.


Thanks to European Colonialism, English comes closest to being the one language we could have in common. It could've still been love if the accident called Speech hadn't happened, and now with all the bullshit in the world, love will have to wait until all humans learn to respect one another ! Computers and the Internet have made the most noteworthy contribution to Human existence shrinking infinite knowledge into pages easily accessed from home. The magic in binary runs through lives of millions of users across Earth, enriching our lives and connecting us with other interesting people.


All those people clinging on to regional twists of language need to get lost in the wild and chance upon the Amanita Muscaria and have a mind expanding vision of life being able to create images in the listeners mind through sound. The divisions and the walls we create with ignorant value systems about culture and lifestyle need to be brought down now. Brain washing the masses in the name of heritage and blah , will be a thing of yesterday once true knowledge gets washed in, on the shores of pure consciousness. English now and eventually love as the one and only language we'll ever know ... expressed .... communicated and understood in infinite ways ! Keep Talking ... we are still learning the unspoken language ....

Our emotional state of choice is Ecstasy. Our nourishment of choice is Love. Our addiction of choice is technology. Our religion of choice is music. Our currency of choice is knowledge. Our politics of choice is none. Our society of choice is utopian. Drop me a line if it will ever be :) ! You may hate us. You may dismiss us. You may misunderstand us. You may be unaware of our existence. We can only hope you do not care to judge us, because we would never judge you. We are not criminals. We are not disillusioned. We are not drug addicts. We are not naive children. We are one massive, global, tribal village that transcends man-made law, physical geography, and time itself. We are The Massive. One Massive.

We were first drawn by the sound. From far away, the thunderous, muffled, echoing beat was comparable to a mother's heart soothing a child in her womb of concrete, steel, and electrical wiring. We were drawn back into this womb, and there, in the heat, dampness, and darkness of it, we came to accept that we are all the same. We came to accept that we are all equal. Not only to the darkness, and to ourselves, but to the very music slamming into us and passing through our souls: we are all equal. And somewhere around 35Hz we could feel the hand of God at our backs, pushing us forward, pushing us to push ourselves to strengthen our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Pushing us to turn to the person beside us to join hands and uplift them by sharing the uncontrollable joy we felt from creating this magical bubble that can, for one evening, protect us from the horrors, atrocities, and pollution of the outside world. It is in that very instant, with these very realizations that each of us was truly born. We continue to pack our bodies into clubs, or warehouses, or buildings you've abandoned and left for naught, and we bring life to them for one night. Strong, throbbing, vibrant life in it's purest, most intense, most hedonistic form.In these makeshift spaces, we seek to shed ourselves of the burden of uncertainty for a future you have been unable to stabilize and secure for us. We seek to relinquish our inhibitions, and free ourselves from the shackles and restraints you've put on us for your own peace of mind. We seek to re-write the programming that you have tried to indoctrinate us with since the moment we were born.

Programming that tells us to hate, that tells us to judge, that tells us to stuff ourselves into the nearest and most convenient pigeon hole possible. Programming that even tells us to climb ladders for you, jump through hoops, and run through mazes and on hamster wheels. Programming that tells us to eat from the shiny silver spoon you are trying to feed us with, instead of nourishing ourselves with our own capable hands. Programming that tells us to close our mind, instead of opening for clarity in realization.Until the sun rises to burn our eyes by revealing the distopian reality of the world you've created for us, we dance fiercely with our brothers and sisters in celebration of our life, of our culture, and of the values we believe in: Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony, Expression, Responsibility and Respect.Our enemy of choice is ignorance. Our weapon of choice is information. Our crime of choice is breaking and challenging whatever laws you feel you need to put in place to stop us from celebrating our existence. But know that while you may shut down any given party, on any given night, in any given city, in any given country or continent on this beautiful planet, you can never shut down the entire party. You don't have access to that switch, no matter what you may think. The music will never stop. The heartbeat will never fade. The party will never end ~

~ AnonymouS ~

I never cease to wonder at the Intelligent Design of life and the psychological manipulation of us humans, by us humans, for ... uh ... Who knows man ? ! The questions seem never ending and there is always a Why ? There is also lotsa Oxygen, that gets your real high !

Extensive physical activity pumps in more Oxygen to our Brain, apart from all that Adrenaline rushing through the bloodstream swinging our conscious states between rhythmic, repetitive vibrations. All the burning renews energies at various levels, that make us who we are. Oxygen, sustains our physical existence and fuels the brain to function better. The modern lifestyle brings in a host of Toxins and clogs the system making it devoid of precious O2 molecules. The ones involved with sports or some physical training get their regular dosage. The working class, especially those working weird shifts tend to get drawn into the inviting coziness of Sloth (Thanks to all the rich n greasy food delivered to your doorstep) and regular alcohol induced highs ! However, with the onset of Energy drinks ( I'd prefer fruit extracts like Guarana and other naturally found magic portions), mind expanding psychedelics and 8-10 hours of dancing to a beat twice as fast as your heartbeat, Oxygen is back in business !

Apparently, study on pure Oxygen's effect on humans shows that Oxygen may not be as benign as claimed to be ! When free radicals of the Oxygen molecule attack cell membrane lipids they produce Isofurans which lead to Hyperoxia - Induced Lung injury ! Scary eh ? Why be on one end of a pipe pumping in Oxygen into you from a cylinder when you are better of breathing fresh air, out there ?

A run through the friendly neighborhood and that occasional outdoor game with the boys certainly packs more power into the mind body mechanism. With carefully spaced out workouts in between grueling job routines, health is well taken care of. Is it better to burn out than fade away ? Sure makes some sense to burn while you are fading away or whatever, who knows how it's gonna end and if it really ends ? ! While the answers are being searched for, it's best to Dance ...

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