
Evolution, one of the first mysterious questions of our human existence answered way back in school when it all seemed to make some kinda logical sense with the stark similarity between us and our monkey counterparts ! As we moved along we started figuring out how far we could possibly be from the truth of who we really are ?

Really, do you really believe you are who you think you are ? Do you believe you are a victim to this finite life and like everything else this too shall end ? Yes, it shall, but that is an incomplete sentence because of the true nature of energy, it's transformed ! The end is the beginning ... ! All of this is a cyclical holographic reality where all ... the past, present and the future exist ALL AT ONCE ! What we observe with our natural eyesight is merely a 3D reality across space and time in technicolor. What we have come to understand is that everything has a signature to it, like DNA if you will. If you know the signature and inherently see everything as energy, you could well manipulate this energy working towards the divine message of Oneness and vibrate at higher frequencies of light. We found the sacredness of Sacred Geometry and all things in nature exist in this mystical golden ratio. Some unseen intelligence seems to be behind creation and we all would love to call it GOD :) We also believe our own consciousness isn't separate from this super mind. There is more meaning in evident paradox ! It makes all mystical phenomena unexplainable within the constraints of Science almost in an Agnostic sense. To Believe is Everything !!! To get back to the topic of discussion, the Indigo Generation ! Ones born post the 70's who represent a higher state of human evolution and a warrior like personality !!!

Whatever you call them, (Indigo's or something else) our children are coming into the world with their eyes wide open, ready to play their role in creating a world of compassion and peace. Are we witnessing a major leap in human evolution, what Jean Houston calls "Jump Time?" Many people believe that we are on the brink of a global awakening, and that the Indigo Children are here to show us our highest potential.

In "The INDIGO Evolution" , you will hear from leading experts from around the world that this is much more than an imaginary fancy. The Children are real, and they are changing the world. Director James Twyman takes us on a journey into one of the most important questions of our day: "Has the human race finally evolved to a higher reality?"

Evolution, one of the first mysterious questions of our human existence answered way back in school when it all seemed to make some kinda logical sense with the stark similarity between us and our monkey counterparts ! As we moved along we started figuring out how far we could possibly be from the truth of who we really are ? Really, do you really believe you are who you think you are ? Do you believe you are a victim to this finite life and like everything else this too shall end ? Yes, it shall, but that is an incomplete sentence because of the true nature of energy, it's transformed ! The end is the beginning ... ! All of this is a cyclical holographic reality where all ... the past, present and the future exist ALL AT ONCE ! What we observe with our natural eyesight is merely a 3D reality across space and time in technicolor. What we have come to understand is that everything has a signature to it, like DNA if you will. If you know the signature and inherently see everything as energy, you could well manipulate this energy working towards the divine message of Oneness and vibrate at higher frequencies of light. We found the sacredness of Sacred Geometry and all things in nature exist in this mystical golden ratio. Some invisible intelligence seems to be behind creation and we all would love to call, GOD :) We also believe our own consciousness isn't separate from this super mind. There is more meaning in evident paradox ! It makes all mystical phenomena unexplainable within the constraints of limiting Science almost in an Agnostic sense. To Believe is Everything !!! To get back to the topic of discussion, the Indigo Generation ! Ones born post the 70's who represent a higher state of human evolution and a warrior like personality !!!

Whatever you call them, (Indigo's or something else) our children are coming into the world with their eyes wide open, ready to play their role in creating a world of compassion and peace. Are we witnessing a major leap in human evolution, what Jean Houston calls "Jump Time?" Many people believe that we are on the brink of a global awakening, and that the Indigo Children are here to show us our highest potential.

In "The INDIGO Evolution" , you will hear from leading experts from around the world that this is much more than an imaginary fancy. The Children are real, and they are changing the world. Director James Twyman takes us on a journey into one of the most important questions of our day: "Has the human race finally evolved to a higher reality?"

What is an Indigo Child ?

As a summary, here are the ten attributes that best describe this new kind of child, the Indigo Child ...

• They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
• They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
• Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."
• They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
• They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
• They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
• They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
• They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
• They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
• They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

According to New Age belief, Indigo children are highly sensitive with a clear sense of self-definition and a strong feeling that they need to make a significant difference in the world. They are strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures. They are empathic and can easily detect or are in tune with the thoughts of others, and are naturally drawn to matters concerning mysteries, spirituality, the paranormal and the occult, while opposing unquestioned authority and contradictory to convention. They possess wisdom and level of awareness " beyond their years ". They are also said to feel a strong sense of entitlement.

We are all Indigo and have been born here with similar abilities though they might have been dormant for as long as we've been conditioned to live a finite life. This is changing NOW, and all of us Buddhas in Amnesia are waking up to the paradigm shift.


Source : Great Dreams

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The 2008 World Psychedelic Forum
Thu, May 22, 2008 - 11:51 AM
This article originally appeared in Conscious Choice magazine.

The 2008 World Psychedelic Forum was an almost shockingly respectable affair. Held in Basel, Switzerland, in a spacious convention center next to the five-star Swissôtel Basel, the event drew 1,500 visitors for a two-day symposium on the past and present state of psychedelic thought and research. Despite flashes of eccentricity and DayGlo, you could have easily thought you were at a conference for alternative medicine or some abstruse but uncontroversial hobby. I felt honored to be one of the speakers, part of a high-profile group which included the Czech LSD researcher and theorist Stanislav Grof; Ralph Metzner, a well-known author and teacher and one of Leary's original partners at Harvard; botanists Dennis McKenna, Christian Raetsch and Kat Harrison; MAPS director Rick Doblin; anthropologist and author Jeremy Narby; visionary artists Alex and Allyson Grey; and many more.

The Gaia Media Foundation organized the forum, following upon their successful LSD conference, marking the 100th birthday of the recently late LSD chemist Albert Hofmann, two years ago. The 2008 event mingled nostalgia and insularity, futurism and hope, in equal measures. On the nostalgia side, Timothy Leary's archivist Michael Horowitz mounted an exhibit of psychedelic art and media imagery, much of it from the heyday of late-sixties flower power, while Carolyn (Mountain Girl) Garcia gave a heartfelt speech about her journeys with the Merry Pranksters and the early Haight Ashbury days of the Grateful Dead. Although Hofmann was still living at the time, he declined to attend the festivities, due to family concerns.

Sixty-five years since Hofmann's first accidental dose, new frontiers in psychedelic research are opening up, represented at the Forum by an array of therapists and scientists from institutions across Europe, the U.S. and Canada. After a 35-year blockade on the subject, psychedelic research with human subjects is being permitted again. In Switzerland, a new study explores LSD as a tool of psychotherapy -- the first such study to be allowed since the early 1970s. After years of persistent effort, the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (maps.org) has succeeded in shepherding a number of projects through the regulatory system. Studies underway in the United States include research on use of psilocybin as a treatment for cluster headaches, and on MDMA (Ecstasy) as a treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a complex likely to haunt tens of thousands of veterans as they return from the Iraq War.

Today, there is potential for psychedelics to be reintroduced into mainstream culture, not as drastic catalysts of social upheaval but as tools that can help people overcome serious problems. In the future, MAPS sees itself becoming a "nonprofit pharmaceutical company" that distributes psychedelics to qualified professionals. On a deeper, almost subconscious level, cultural and political resistance to the scrupulous study and at least the religious use of psychedelics seems to have dissipated, to a certain extent. A recent study conducted by Johns Hopkins, giving psilocybin to subjects who had never taken a psychedelic before, found that most subjects had long-lasting positive changes in their worldview. CNN and The Wall Street Journal gave prominent coverage to the results of this study. Meanwhile, the US Supreme Court ruled in the favor of the American branch of União do Vegetal, a syncretic religion from Brazil that uses Ayahuasca as its sacrament.

Beyond the scientific framework, there is compelling anecdotal data on the benefits of psychedelic use for creative processes, intellectual work and personal development. Recently, British newspapers reported that Francis Crick may have been taking low doses of LSD when he discovered the double helix shape of the DNA molecule (although he refused to allow this to be published before his death). The Nobel Prize winning biochemist Kary Mullis openly discussed the inspiration he gained from psychedelics. Many pioneers of the Internet and the personal computer experimented with psychedelics. And of course, the anthemic music, film, literature and visual culture of the late-1960s remains iconic.

During his speech at the conference, Dr. Tom Roberts, a psychology professor at Northern Illinois University, proposed that the rediscovery of psychedelics in modern culture is creating a "second Reformation." During the first Reformation, the Bible, which was only available to a priest class able to read Latin, was translated, printed and distributed to the masses, who were then able to read and interpret the "word of God" for themselves. By providing direct access to the mystical experience described in sacred texts from around the world, this "second Reformation" will, eventually, eliminate the need for a priest class that stands between the individual and personal revelation. Of course, such a deep shift in cultural perspective is a long process -- the first Reformation developed over a few hundred years.

At this point in time, those of us who see validity in the psychedelic experience can feel cautiously optimistic that we are reaching some tipping point in cultural perception. The discourse around hallucinogens has become far more sophisticated and measured than it was a generation ago. While Timothy Leary argued psychedelics were a shortcut to "enlightenment" and that everyone should "turn on" and "drop out," researchers today consider psychedelics to be powerful tools that have negative effects if used improperly, like all tools. But these substances may also have tremendous benefits for the individual and society, when we become mature enough to make use of them.

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Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation Bootes, 37 light years away and the fourth brightest star in the night sky, with a visual magnitude of -0.05, after Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri. The constellation Bootes has the shape of a kite with the bright star Arcturus at the point of the kite where the tail is attached. Arcturus is the second brightest star visible from northern latitudes and the brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere.

The star is in the Local Interstellar Cloud. An easy way to find Arcturus is to follow the arc of the handle of the Big Dipper. It is a classic orange class K (K1) giant star with a precisely defined surface temperature of 4290 degrees Kelvin. To the eye, it shines 113 times more brightly than our Sun. Its lower temperature, however, causes it to radiate considerable energy in the infrared. When this infrared radiation is taken into account, Arcturus actually shines almost twice as brightly, releasing 215 times more radiation than our Sun.

Arcturus takes its name from its nearness to the sky Bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. From Arktouros or Arctophilax, "the Bear Guard" and also called "the Bear Watcher". The "Herdsman", or "driver of oxen" are other titles. Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes the Herdsman so it is also called Alpha Bootis. The pattern of stars in this constellation forms the shape of a kite or an ice cream cone; seeing a Herdsman driving the bears around the sky.

The Arcturians, a highly advanced extraterrestrial race, that channels information to those they connect with on Earth. It is the fifth- dimensional civilization that is a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch describes it as the mid-way programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with "physicals" at this end of the galaxy.

The Arcturians teach that the most fundamental ingredient for living in the fifth dimension is love. Negativity, fear and guilt must be overcome and exchanged for love and light. The Arcturians work in close connection with the ascended masters whom they call the Brotherhood of the All. They also work closely with what they refer to as the Galactic Command. The Arcturians travel the universe in their starships, which are some of the most advanced in the entire universe. One of the reasons Earth has not been attacked by warlike negative extraterrestrials has been those civilizations' fear of the advanced starships of the Arcturians. Their ships are state-of-the-art technology, far beyond anything I have mentioned so far. One of the starships circling the Earth is called the Starship Athena, after the Greek goddess.

The Arcturian starships are the finest in the entire universe. They are propelled by crystals that do not come from that planet but from a planet in the Milky Way that has not been discovered by Earthly scientists. These crystals have a way of conducting light energy from the Great Central Sun. The Arcturians say that they not longer use computers because they long ago outgrew the need for them. They have other systems that are far more advanced. One section of the starship is a replication of Arcturus. It has the ability to take any crew member back to Arcturus in his etheric body. This helps to strengthen and rejuvenate crew members who are away from home for long periods of time as they traverse the universes. Earth's frequency is very harsh for Arcturians because of their fifth-dimensional frequency. Arcturians don't eat but are able to ingest energy. The Arcturians sleep for only a short time once a week, but for them it is a sacred time to soul travel and connect to higher realms of consciousness. Another room in the Arcturian starship has a complete data bank containing every aspect of Earth life and of life on other planets as well. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities and through their nervous systems. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information one hundred times faster than the average human being on Earth.

An Arcturian ship has a room that strengthens the vibration of all who enter so they will not be overwhelmed by even the strongest vibrations of Planet Earth. The Arcturians are able to travel through time. They also have shuttlecraft that are global in shape which are used for activating energy points and grids on Earth that have been lying dormant for many centuries. The Arcturians have been working with Earth since life first started on this planet. They have many bases on Earth, and they also have three bases on the Moon. Many of their bases on Earth are inside mountains. Arcturians can manifest physically, but they also exist in the etheric state, so physical matter is not an obstacle to them. The Arcturian society is governed by the elders, who are revered by the people of Arcturus for their advanced knowledge, wisdom, and extremely high vibrational frequencies. The higher the vibrational frequency, the closer one is to Light, or spirit, or God. The Arcturians are short in physical statue, about three or four feet tall and slender. They look very much alike, which they are happy about because it erases the pettiness of comparing looks which is so predominant to Earth society. The Arcturians are the most loving and non-judgmental beings you can possibly imagine. Their skin is a greenish color. They have very large, almond- shaped eyes. They have only three fingers. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are totally telepathic. Their source of nourishment is an effervescent liquid that is highly vitalizing to their entire being. Their eyes are dark brown or black. Their main organ of seeing is actually their telepathic nature, not their physical eyes. Their sense of hearing transcends even their telepathic nature. They also have an ability to sense with the backs of their heads. The average life span is from three hundred fifty to four hundred years. Their highly developed spiritual nature has allowed them to avoid aging, since they have the ability to transcend time and space. They terminate life when the contract that has been arranged for their existence is finished. There is no sickness in the Arcturus star system ; it was eliminated centuries ago.

On Arcturus there is no competition. Every thought, word, deed, and product is judged by its ability to raise the vibration closer to God. If it does not, it does not exist on Arcturus. A person's frequency of vibration is directly related to the mastery he has over his body, emotions, thoughts, actions, and creations. Arcturians have total mastery over these aspects of self. They have developed the ability to transcend the ego, the separative, lower, fear-based self. Success is judged only in terms of the measure of Light frequency. There are machines that constantly check the vibrational frequencies each individual on the planet is manifesting. If one particular Arcturian receives feedback that he is not meeting his own goals for evolution, then immediately the elders send teachers to help that individual.

The Arcturians are here to assist humans in entering the fourth and fifth dimensions of reality and in raising their vibrational frequencies. They stand as the guardians and protectors of higher consciousness in the universe. Many souls are brought to the Arcturian starships during the dream state where they are worked on and helped. They are based in every country on the planet and, in fact, have bases all over the universe. They are here to educate humanity but have had a difficult time dealing with the government and the military, who seem to be primarily interested in military technology, not spiritual enlightenment.

One of the most remarkable people channeling messages from the Arcturians through Digital Geometry is Janosh. Janosh is a Dutch artist who creates contemporary, geometric art and gets inspired by ancient civilizations, philosophy and geometric proportions as these appear all over the world. The entire universe is shaped according to set, geometric proportions from the alignment of the stars and the leafs on trees to architectural structures and the human body. Because our cells are geometrically structured too, focusing on geometric shapes has a profound effect. And, as Greek philosopher Plato stated: Geometry will draw the soul towards the truth. With his art and accompanying multimedia presentations, Janosh wants to inspire people to discover their power and follow their passion in order to turn dreams into actions and actively determine the course of their life.

Every person is energy, just like the world around us. By acknowledging how you can deal with your thoughts, the words you speak, your fears and doubts, you will learn how to transform negative energy into positive energy. Your intentions influence your own life and your immediate surroundings. By dealing with your thoughts more consciously you will create endless possibilities to actively direct your life. Changes don’t always come easy, but it is in fact a very positive process. When we become more aware of the fact that we have created everything that happens to us ourselves, we can change this process and live our lives the way we want to. It is so much easier than we think.

Credits :

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" TranZition to the Light "

Genre: Psychedelic

Size: 144 mb

Duration: 63 minutes

Quality: 320 kbps

Tools used / not used: Native Instruments Traktor Ver. 3.2.2 / Acer Aspire 5610 - 2328 / No Headphones used to Prelisten / Goldwave Studio to convert from Wav to Mp3

Track Listing :

1.Frozen Ghost – Frozen Toast v2

2.Audiotec & Indra – Transformers

3.Lamat – Alien Invasion

4.Lamat – Airwalker

5.Ananda Shake & Phanatic – Phananda

6.Cyber Cartel – Supersonic

7.Kruger & Coyle – Witness ( Bulletproof Rmx )

8.Vibe Tribe & Dj Ido – Thank you for Flying Utopia

9.Life Style – Think about that One

10.Opium of the Masses – The Lost Planet

11.Space Buddha – Legendary Lighting

Thank You all for the Good Vibrations from our seen and unseen world !

Thank You for the Love and Light you share ! Let's raise our collective consciousness in order
of the divine light, dancing fearlessly through the dark embracing every moment of our blissful existence.


The Global Oneness Commitment is an eight-year project with the goal of uniting people around the globe to mutual actions in order to not only save what we have, but to transform the planet through an increase in spiritual awareness - a new consciousness creating a joyful home for all its inhabitants and sincere respect for all forms of life. The project is synchronised with the twin Venus Transits of 2004 and 2012. It starts with the first Venus transit of June 8th 2004 and ends with the second Transit June 6th 2012. The eight-year project is initiated by the Global Oneness Foundation based in Stockholm, Sweden, in association with the Times Foundation based in Delhi, India.

The Global Oneness Project is a web-based video initiative exploring how the simple notion of oneness can be lived in our increasingly complex world.

We're traveling the globe interviewing creative and courageous people who base their lives and work on the fundamental understanding that we are all connected and thus bear great responsibility for each other and our shared world. Our living library of films is available for free from our website or on DVD for events and educational use.

We are committed to documenting what is being born during this time of planetwide transformation. While we are confronted with unmistakable signs that our current way of life is no longer sustainable, inspiring and innovative people and programs are blossoming in all areas of our collective society. From a pay-it-forward café in Ahmedabad, to a youth program that brings African wisdom to Los Angeles, from the General Secretary of the Andean Nations, to the spiritual guardian of Uluru, our film subjects live and work with many of the following values, attitudes, and beliefs:

  • We are responsible to each other, the earth, and future generations.
  • There are enough resources for us all, if we share.
  • Free exchanges of information allow for greater, collective creative potential.
  • Love, care and compassion have the power to transform the fabric of society.

We hope that by showing the diverse ways oneness is expressed—in the fields of sustainability, conflict resolution, spirituality, art, economics, indigenous culture, and social justice—others will be inspired to create solutions to personal and community challenges from their own lived understanding of oneness.

The Global Oneness Project is a special project of Kalliopeia Foundation, a private grant-making foundation in northern California committed to honoring the unity at the heart of life’s rich diversity.

what is oneness


noun: The fact or state of being unified or whole, though comprised of two or more parts.

Oneness is a fundamental aspect of human experience. When a mother puts the needs of her family before her own, when we recycle because we are concerned about our planet’s resources, or when we instinctively treat others as we would be treated ourselves, we are relating to life with an understanding of our interdependence and the responsibilities that come with it.

Oneness has informed spiritual, artistic, and indigenous traditions for thousands of years. And today we are becoming conscious of oneness through sciences, like ecology and physics, and through technology. Right now, for example, as you read these words on the World Wide Web, you are participating in oneness in a way that was inconceivable just a few decades ago. In this moment you are connected to the millions of Web users all over the world—a global network of people exchanging ideas and finding common ground across different histories, nationalities, languages, interests, and lives.

So why are we interested in oneness?

We have seen again and again through our film subjects that when people shift their focus away from personal fulfillment towards the needs of the community – be it local or global – innovative and life-sustaining solutions are born. We see this potential reflected all around us, and we hope to encourage others to recognize and participate in this emerging awareness so we can work together to help create a world that consciously reflects the values of oneness: freedom, compassion, abundance, and respect for all life.


We are living in a time of extraordinary changes and transformations that are taking place around us and with the culmination of a 26,625 year cycle in 2012 a new age of peace and love shall dawn on Planet Earth ! As our Sun moves through the Galactic Centre we would be in close proximity of a black hole, which the Mayans referred to as the womb of creation. The Sacred Tree. Earth will experience an extremely powerful magnetic re-alignment of the poles and other geographical changes as the crust moves around it's molten core to dawn a new beginning. A global shift in consciousness and the power of awareness among the masses shall bring forth the massive positive change we all collectively want to see in our world. We are about to realize the potential of the human mind and the power of our very thoughts that is responsible for all that is and all that will ever be. The door to infinite possibilities shall be thrown wide open for all who seek to walk through the darkness and into the light with an unshakable belief in the emergence of the divine human consciousness. Holy men, Preachers, Shamans, Mediums, Saints, Sages and all the wise souls who believe in the power of love shall light the way for others to awaken from the illusion of a finite existence. The immortal ethereal entities in the Himalayas are testimony to the fact that anything is possible and this thing called aging might just be a mental illness affecting the physical embodiment.

The mind holds the power to shape our reality and the powers of psychokinesis (also known as telekinesis) are as real as the sun and the moon. To be able to affect matter in the physical universe with your thoughts has been a long kept secret from the masses which threatens to shake the foundations of this socio-political empire most of us reading this are a part of. The few who may not be so much a part of the GPS (green paper system) are the ones who remain connected with the elements of nature and who nourish their mind, body, spirit with the riches of mother nature and positive thinking which is always followed by positive living, almost magically. Now the door you'd walked through in the earlier part of this random ramble has mysteriously transformed into a far open galaxy with a billion stars and planetary systems with pulsating life reverberating through space. Now it's upto you where you choose to go and what you choose to do.

Just keep one thing in mind a ny thin g i s po ss ib le !

Recommended : "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne ( Book and Documentary )

Related Link : Mind over Matter

The Genie is always listening .. . ... .... . . . .. :D

Start with yourself, be your own messiah !

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" Within the intricately syncopated pulses and biologically textured vibrations created by ever more complex methods of sound synthesis, we are honing the art of trance into the de-collapsing vistas of organized shamanic sciences and psychosomatic alchemy. To be fully exposed to the heartbeat of technological music is to be direct witness to the astounding presence of life and participant in it's aeonic momentum "
A good synopsis of the Psytrance experience .... The Trance Dance experience is a spiritual initiation as rightly said by Goa Gil. " It's communion with the Cosmic Spirit ! " The psychedelic experience evolves human consciousness and that's what's happening NOW ... EVOLUTION !

In the 1960’s, while mankind was rapidly breaking the shackles of his home planet and venturing out into the nearby Cosmos, the idea naturally evolved that maybe our planet had been visited by extra-terrestrials in the distant past. When Erich Von Daniken released his famous book, Chariots of the Gods, in 1968, the hypothesis arose that maybe God was the primitive misinterpretation of extra-terrestrials visiting Earth, whose high technology was perceived as miracle, and may have formed the basis for many of the ancient religions around the world.

To its credit, this hypothesis can explain all of the events in the Bible and in other ancient religious documents all throughout the world. If it is assumed that it is possible for space aliens to travel a number of light years to Earth in the first place, then a number of the stories in the Bible can be explained in terms of extra-terrestrial intervention. We are told in the Bible that the three wise men followed a moving star, which led them to the location of Jesus. It has been postulated that maybe this star was really Halley’s Comet, as calculations suggest that the comet was in the sky at the time; however, a comet would be pointless and difficult to follow. Alternatively, believers of the “ancient astronaut” theory have suggested that the star could have been a UFO, which the wise men were compelled to follow via telepathic communication with the aliens (which is commonly reported in alien contact reports).

The birth of Jesus might be elucidated by the speculation that aliens visited Mary in her sleep (which she perceived as a dream in which she was visited by angels). The aliens could have artificially inseminated her with genetically engineered, or possibly even alien sperm; and this could explain the superhuman abilities which Jesus was reported to have had, and also the fact that Mary gave birth while she was still a virgin. So, perhaps Jesus was one of the first alien-human hybrids.

This idea has spawned a number of alien cults, the most popular being the Raelian Movement (which has over 35,000 members in 85 countries). According to this cult, scientists from another planet used Earth as a giant biological laboratory, on which they created all life using DNA, and created man in their own image. In December 1973, a French journalist (Rael) was supposedly contacted by a visitor from this other planet, and was dictated a message (basically consisting of a re-translation of the Bible in terms of extra-terrestrial intervention). He has now published this message as a series of books, which you can order over the Internet from the Raelian Revolution Virtual Shop. Rael was also asked to prepare an embassy for the aliens where they could officially land among us, bringing with them all the prophets as predicted by every religion.

There is enough evidence in the Vedas to support the UFO / Alien presence in ancient India. We were highly advanced even then and the weapons used in war were extremely sophisticated such as an arrow which picks it's target by sound. Flying Vehicles of the Gods which could travel faster than anything we can imagine and could also appear and disappear at will. We are under surveillance and constant vigil from the others who under most probability are on Earth and have been amongst us for a while now. An Alien Base on the dark side of the Moon where the famed Mother Ship sits still could easily be one of the most startling facts being kept from us in fear of an apocalypse on this power hungry planet Earth.

The Vedas not only describe the different home planets of the extraterrestrial visitors, which are sometimes situated in different dimensions and time frames, but also they describe aerial vehicles, in Sanskrit called Vimanas. These vehicles could be gross physical machines or they could be made out of subtle energy, or even transcendental, spiritual energy. It is described that humans of this earth did not manufacture such machines, although they did sometimes acquire them from technically advanced extraterrestrial beings. These beings have been in contact with our planet for millions of years and they know much more of our history than we do.

"Follow your Bliss"
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Beyond the stars in the far reaches of infinite space lie multiple universes similar to ours yet unique in their own special extra-terrestrial way ! Planetary systems and star clusters with varied Spiritual Entities just like us are somewhere out there hundreds of light years away. Pleiades is one of these star systems said to be around 500 light years away in the constellation of Taurus, The Bull ! The entire Pleiades cluster is the eye of the bull. The seven stars in the Pleiades star cluster are Taygeta, Maya, Coela, Atlas, Merope, Electra and Alcoyne. The Pleiadians live in the 5th dimension, which is one of love and creativity. Around Taygeta is a planet almost as big as Earth ( 10 % smaller ) called 'Erra'. The Lyrans left their home constellation because of the many wars in their world and consequently found home on Erra with the Pleiadians. This is where they started a new civilization in 228,000 B.C.

Traveling though wormholes on one of their scouting missions through space, the Pleiadians discovered what they called Planet Terra ! Better known as Earth by most of us. Dated as late as 225, 000 B.C. They stayed back and co-habited Earth with the other 3 already present civilizations, hence entering the cycle of incarnation which might just be a very earthly phenomena until you are assigned a new planet, to be born among a strange new alien civilization. Pleiadians claim our earth to be 626 billion years old as per our measure of time. They have a record of the history of Earth's human evolution until this present day.

The places designated for the Pleiadians to incarnate were Bali, Samoa, Hawaii and India. Civilizations came and lived on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and natural disasters between 196, 000 B.C. and 10 A.D. The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. guiding humans toward a more spiritual path. In about 10 A.D., the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good for it was time humans evolved on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent. The Pleiadians communicate telepathically hence there are no telephones in Pleiades and language nuances are unheard of. Certain highly intelligent and evolved entities, working in tandem with the divine human consciousness bringing us closer to the dawn of a Golden Era. The Winter Solstice of all time isn't very far, keep the warm clothing handy and gear up for the ultimate adventure through space into a new dimension, a brand new realm of existence you could've only visualized with the mind's eye !!!

“You are living in a time when opportunities for self-empowerment, expanded awareness, and spiritual growth appear to be unlimited.” The Pleiadians  Related Links:

Terence McKenna said, that the search for higher intelligence is an inner journey– the connection to something greater is immediate and always at hand. I think reason can take us only a certain distance, and then we have to go with the divine imagination. There have been many episodes in the history of science where great hope gave way to paranoia. The [UFO] hysteria has become more explicit and has wandered in first one direction and then another, but if this is a contact it’s the most peculiarly un-contact-like contact it’s possible to imagine. And this is something I’m going to try and convince the UFO community of, what we drug people have that you don’t is repeatability. The Stropharia cubensis mushroom is a memory bank of galactic history.

Alien, but full of promise, it throws open a potential for understanding that will sweep away the petty concerns of earth and history-bound humanity. Reason, but a willingness to explore the edges has been [my] method. … I have never seen a violation of physics that was not connected somehow with a psychedelic experience. Not all psychedelics are alike. And this very small family of compounds, called the tryptomine hallucinogens, bear careful examination if we’re seriously interested in this question of extraterrestial penetration of the human world. Everybody knows this who has to do with this stuff [psilocybin], Gordon Wasson, Richard Shulties, Albert Hofmann, the giants know that this stuff is animate. This is not a drug. It’s something that’s disguising itself as a drug in order not to spread alarm. I think that the alien will be so alien that your jaw will hang in the air. And expecting to meet an anthropoid-like alien with an interest in your reproductive machinery and gross industrial capacity is as culture-bound a concept as searching NGC-321 for a good Italian restaurant. It’s absurd on the face of it. All of human history is the signifier of the presence of the alien. Human history is what happens to an advance animal species when it is inner-penetrated on a scale of a million years by a mind in another dimension. The flying saucer, the alien, the other is what is sculpting us out of animal organization as we move toward it in time. This is what shamanism is all about. This is what the psychedelic people are discovering as they descend into these trances. A shaman, and a psychedelic person, and a UFO contactee, is someone who has seen the end. They simply didn’t know what they were looking at, because who knows what the end looks like.

Terence McKenna on 2012, UFOs And Shamanism

Psychedelic drugs are as important to the study of UFOs as the telescope was to the re-defining of astronomy. I think that the ‘real other’ need not be guarded by the frail efforts of a cults apologists. Now you may have thought telepathy was you hearing somebody else think. Apparently, that’s not what telepathy is. Telepathy is you seeing what somebody else means. It’s the visual acquisition of meaning rather than the audio acquisition of meaning. I think that we are on a collision course with a planet-transforming event, and that we have been for a very, very long time. I also believe that it lies below the horizon of rational apprehension at this point in time. That’s where the frontier of this hyper-technical fantasy is headed, toward a revivification of knowledge systems that were ancient when the pyramids were not yet even a gleam in the eye. I think we’re on the brink of a tremendous evolutionary adventure, and that it will involve physically re-designing ourselves.

Download the Podcast by Terence McKenna from "Matrix Masters" ( The Psychedelic Salon ) !

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