
An investigation into the dramatic and mysterious world of the Huichol of Mexico – where perhaps the most traditional community of North America gave Benedict Allen the rare privilege of ritually taking their peyote, the hallucinogenic cacti, to bring him at last “face-to-face” with the gods.

One of Britain's leading adventurers, Benedict Allen, is particularly known for his television programmes - occasionally made with the help of a film crew but more typically without. He paved the way for the current generation of TV adventurers.

Uniquely in television, his philosophy is to genuinely immerse himself in extreme or alien environments, going alone and learning from indigenous people. As The Sunday Times put it: “Filming whatever actually happens, without all the hidden paraphernalia of a film crew, and whether in danger or lonely or undergoing various exotic rituals, he has effectively taken the viewers’ experience of adventure as far as it can go.”

However, most of his more challenging journeys – depicted in his first five books – in fact took place before he began filming his exploits. “I belonged to the last generation that might pass through a wilderness for months on end and not encounter a single person of my own culture. It was a privileged time: never in all those years can I remember coming across a single other foreigner, whilst out on a trek.” Such isolation seems inconceivable today.

Reference : Benedict Allen

You could also check out the post 'Psychedelic Torrent on Books, Movies & Documentaries on Drug Awareness' !

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"Retrospective" is an exclusive 45 minute retrospective documentary of interviews with Roger Waters, Alan Parker, Gerald Scarfe, Peter Biziou, Alan Marshall and James Guthrie about the making of the hugely successful album "The Wall"...

This documentary looks at the conception, design and live shows of The Wall performed by Pink Floyd in 1980 and 1981. It features in-depth 1980s era interviews with Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Richard Wright and Nick Mason and shows footage of The Wall performed at Earl's Court in 1980. It also features archival footage of the Syd Barrett era Pink Floyd and discusses how David Gilmour was brought into the band to initially augment their live shows when Syd became unreliable due to his drug problem and how Gilmour ultimately replaced him. A short retrospective of Pink Floyd post-Syd in included. The documentary also discusses is how Roger Waters' concept of The Wall came about and how Pink Floyd, the band, were on the verge of breaking up while performing The Wall concerts. Included are interviews with Mark Fisher (stage designer), Jonathan Park (stage designer), Gerald Scarfe (animation designer and director) and Bob Geldof and Alan Parker in relation to the making of The Wall Movie.

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Satish Kumar has been a pilgrim ever since, at the age of eight, he joined the brotherhood of wandering Jain monks in his native India. Later he walked the length and breadth of India with Gandhi’s successor Vinoba Bhave, persuading landowners to donate a portion of their lands to the poor, and in the 1960s he made an 8,000-mile pilgrimage for peace, which included walking from India over the Himalayas to Paris via Moscow.

In 2008, Satish Kumar presented a 50-minute programme on the BBC as part of the Natural World series. A highly acclaimed documentary that mixed eastern philosophy with the western landscape of Dartmoor; the programme was watched by over 3.6 million people.

In this unique BBC 2 Natural World documentary Resurgence Editor Satish Kumar reflects on our connection to our natural environment. Using the traditional English landscape of Dartmoor as his natural muse he offers a very Indian perspective through the changing seasons. Through the film, he introduces the Dartmoor scenes and sights that most inspire him – gnarled oak woods, whirling starlings, rushing rivers, stags in rut, wild tracts of heather, cuckoos hungry for food, the metamorphosis of moths – and contemplates what they reveal, and the lessons they hold for humanity.

‘I see the bees buzzing, collecting a little nectar here and a little nectar there. Never too much. Never a flower has complained that a bee has taken too much nectar away. Nature in balance. But this balance is tipping. Human beings go to nature and take, take, take, until all natural resources are depleted. Honey bees never do that. If I can learn that lesson of frugality and simplicity, I will be learning the art of living.’

~ Satish Kumar

In his new book Earth Pilgrim Satish draws on this personal experience and also his understanding of the spiritual traditions of both East and West.

In Earth Pilgrim Satish draws on this personal experience and also his understanding of the spiritual traditions of both East and West. The book takes the form of conversations between Satish and others about the inner and outer aspects of pilgrimage: “To be a pilgrim is to be on a path of adventure, to move out of our comfort zones, to let go of our prejudices and preconditioning, to make strides towards the unknown.” If we want to tread the pilgrim’s path, we need to go beyond ideas of good and evil, and to be dedicated to our quest - to our natural calling. We need to shed not just our unnecessary material possessions but also our burdens of fear, anxiety, doubt and worry; in this way we can find spiritual renewal and enter on the great adventure into the unknown. Paradoxically, being on a pilgrimage doesn’t necessarily mean travelling from one place to another - it means a state of mind, a state of consciousness, a state of fearlessness.

Satish believes that at this stage of human history we now need a new kind of pilgrim, unattached to any form of dogma - ‘Earth Pilgrims’ who are concerned with this world, not the next, and who are seeking a deep commitment to life in the here and now, upon this Earth, in this world. We need to realise that we are all connected, and through that connectivity we become pilgrims.

Source : Resurgence ~ At The Heart of Earth, Art & Spirit

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The Rendlesham Forest Incident is undoubtedly one of the best documented and most significant military encounters with a UFO. This is indeed credible evidence of an advanced higher dimensional intelligence here on Earth.

The incident spanned four days in 1980. Rendlesham Forest is a large pine forest, east of Ipswich, in Suffolk, England. Nearby are the twin NATO air bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge; at the time both bases were being leased to the United States Air Force. Several UFO incidents, including multiple-witness sightings by military personnel, ground traces, and radioactive anomalies were reported from Rendlesham forest. According to USAF security patrolmen on duty, "the object was described as being metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, approx. 2-3 meters across the base... it illuminated the entire forest with a white light, and had a pulsing red light on top and a bank(s) of blue lights underneath." In November, 2002, the British Ministry of Defense released the "Rendlesham File" of documents related to and confirming the Rendlesham Forest incident.

"Britain's Closest Encounter" is regarded as one of the best documentaries yet made about the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident. The documentary focuses not just on the case itself but also the investigators: believers, former believers and skeptics.

In this section the programme makers interviewed Vince Thurkettle, the local forester who was familiar with the site at which the UFO supposedly landed, and who was able to explain both the physical traces on the ground and the flashing light that was seen between the trees.

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On the 19th of February an amazing video of a UFO Fleet was taken on camera by Robert who was as usual scanning the skies for UFOs with his Yukon Ranger and saw these brilliant UFOs zipping over his home in Cardiff, UK in a V like formation, realigning, disappearing and re-appearing while in flight.

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Physicist Nassim Haramein discusses the Giant Earth sized UFOs orbiting the Sun in this video. He says that these Earth sized UFOs are in fact giant Extraterrestrial or Inter-dimensional spacecrafts, which are accessing our solar system, using the Sun as a singularity or Stargate. Mr. Haramein contends that NASA Stereo data of giant solar UFOs prove that extraterrestrial civilizations access our solar system via a star gate on the Sun when using large (Earth-size) vehicle spacecraft.

Nassim Haramein's exciting work, prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond. Haramein, who has spent his lifetime researching fields of physics from quantum theory to relativistic equations and cosmology, will lead you along a fascinating discussion geared to a layman's understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and creation that includes black holes, gravitational forces, dimensions, and the very structure of space itself - all of which are integral parts of his now-complete Unified Field Theory. Haramein's theory is currently in peer review process for publication in physics journals; however, the presentation does not end with the introduction of his theory alone, but includes the discussion of the path that he took to arrive at his views, which weaves between the texts and monuments of ancient civilizations, biology, chemistry and the primordial role of consciousness - all of which lend further credence to the science behind the theory.

Reference : Nassim Haramein ~ The Resonance Project Related Articles :
The Hollow Earth Documentary is the official documentary pre to the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition' (NPIEE) featuring Brooks Agnew, (PHD.) on the Hollow Earth Theory. The North Pole Inner Earth Expedition is extremely popular with millions of potential viewers. The films produced from this voyage will be the most valuable on-location production since the first manned voyage to the Moon. The project has been exposed to many millions of people in numerous countries. The market has been primed and audiences are more excited than ever to see the results of the daring crew. Many people are calling it “The Greatest Expedition in History.”

The Pre-Documentary ...

Global Photo Associates is a Japanese production company located in Los Angeles. In November of 2006, they featured Dr. Agnew discussing the upcoming North Pole Inner Earth Expedition. That documentary aired in May of 2007 in Japan in the Genes of Galileo science documentary film contest, which featured 20 different subjects and producers. The North Pole Inner Earth Expedition won the $10,000 First Place with more than 16,900 votes and a 9.5% market share on the Nippon Television Network. That translates to more than 17 million viewers who watched the documentary on the first run.

In this documentary Brooks Agnew discusses ancient Buddhist Mandalas and Inter-dimensional Stargates, Ancient Stupas which resemble 'Tesla Coil Designs' and Orbs which are ascended masters or higher dimensional intelligences who are coming here to help people raise their consciousness to higher realms of being ...

Phoenix Science Foundation sponsored Part One of the pre-NPIEE documentary with on-location footage filmed in Tibet and Mount Shasta. The 30-minute video (To Download : Right Click & Save Link As) was completed in June of 2007 and is in great demand, especially when Dr. Agnew speaks at national conferences.

The science is real. The story is more than 5,000 years old. At a certain place above the Arctic Circle, there exists an oceanic depression. It's a place where sea level isn't level anymore.

The discovery that the earth is hollow would forever shatter our long-held beliefs about how planets are formed. More importantly, however, discovering life beneath the earth’s crust could potentially provide us with new tools that would allow life on the surface to regain environmental balance, harmony, and possibly even peace. These prospects make the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition the greatest expedition in the history of the world.

Project Cost : $ 2 Million

Mission Statement : To build a team with the right skills and the right consciousness to reunite the human race with their family in the  Inner Earth and beyond ...

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Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the, Sydney Harbour Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.

In March 2009, hundreds of millions of people took part in the third Earth Hour. Over 4000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative.

Earth Hour 2010 takes place on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm (local time) and is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to Asia to the Americas will stand in darkness. People across the world from all walks of life will turn off their lights and join together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common – our planet. So sign up now and let’s make 2010 the biggest Earth Hour yet !

There is absolutely no denying the evident global climate change however the reason why this change is happening may not entirely be our doing and may well be natural forces at work as our solar system moves into a highly energetically charged region in the galaxy constantly receiving ripples of cosmic energy bursts from the Galactic Centre, Hunab Ku ... as the Sun evolves all life literally revolving around the Sun also evolves along with it ... The Earth Hour event is a good opportunity for us to turn off the light bulbs and tube lights ... turn on our inner light and shine on ... radiating like a million suns sending Love, Light & Infinite Joy to all beings of the Cosmos ... :)

♪ ♩ ♬ ... You could always play some uplifting music while the global event is on in celebration of the trance~formation underway ... inevitable change ... for all is in divine order ... the time is now to stay in tune with this loving presence ... ♫ ♪ ♩

Reference : Earth Hour

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Where Science and Buddhism Meet : Emptiness, Oneness and the Nature of Reality is an enlightening video presentation compiled by Gerald about how the recent discoveries in Quantum Physics speak a language similar to the teachings of Gautama Buddha. The short documentary discusses the wave~particle duality, the quantum field, emptiness of all matter ... the nature of reality !

" Thank you for taking the time to watch this! If you enjoy this video and think it would be of some benefit or interest to others please share ! My intentions are of a pure and positive nature and with this I hope to share what I believe to be a very meaningful message. I've made this to share what I believe to be a profound convergence of two way seemingly opposite ways of perceiving and understanding reality. Lots of love !! "

~ Gerald

You can download a version of this video directly from Vimeo !

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But what if that search for happiness was based on a huge misconception, a misconception that has been drummed into us since birth, that we are separate individuals ?

In Who’s Driving the Dreambus ? film makers Boris and Claire Jänsch go on a personal journey through a series of interviews with eminent spiritual teachers, philosophers and writers - in a quest to unravel what it means to be alive. This radical and challenging documentary ventures into the heart of the mystery of identity, flipping the idea of spiritual endeavor on its head, revealing a message so profound and yet so simple that it might just end the search.

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