Showing posts with label Carl Gustav Jung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carl Gustav Jung. Show all posts
The Red Book, also known as Liber Novus (Latin for A New Book), is a 205-page manuscript written and illustrated by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung which was not published or shown to the public until 2009.

Until 2001, his heirs denied scholars access to the book, which he began after a fall out with Sigmund Freud in 1913. Jung originally titled the manuscript Liber Novus (literally meaning A New Book in Latin), but it was informally known and published as The Red Book. The book is written in calligraphic text and contains many illuminations.

Carl Jung's The Red Book is considered to be the most influential unpublished work in the history of psychology.

When Carl Jung embarked on an extended self-exploration he called his confrontation with the unconscious, the heart of it was 'The Red Book', a large, illuminated volume he created between 1914 and 1930. Here he developed his principle theories—of the archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation—that transformed psychotherapy from a practice concerned with treatment of the sick into a means for higher development of the personality.

While Jung considered The Red Book to be his most important work, only a handful of people have ever seen it. Now, in a complete facsimile and translation, it is available to scholars and the general public. It is an astonishing example of calligraphy and art on a par with The Book of Kells and the illuminated manuscripts of William Blake. This publication of The Red Book is a watershed that will cast new light on the making of modern psychology.

The process of digitally capturing "The Red Book" was done by DigitalFusion.

Download "The Red Book" Liber Novus by Carl Gustav Jung (PDF)

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The magic of synchronicity is experienced by each one us as we choose our experiences moment to moment, shaping our reality consciously through the power of thoughts and intent. It's how we feel gives us a certain signature frequency or specific state of vibration which attracts like frequencies through events, subtle signs as we move through our daily routine ... Consciousness is the underlying fabric of our experienced reality and with a little conscious awareness of this interwoven nature of thought and manifestation we will begin to consciously create our reality.

Cari Lagrange Murphy is a Best-Selling Inspirational and Spiritual Author, Founder and CEO of Empowerment Coaching Solutions, and an Empowerment Mentor Worldwide. Cari is dedicated to spiritual improvement and purposeful living through her consistently inspirational messages of individual empowerment. She encourages personal responsibility for our choices.

This involves not only acknowledging and embracing the power of our thoughts and feelings, but also living courageously by making wise decisions that reflect our truest spiritual desires and dreams. Cari inspires her readers and clients to expand the horizons of their imaginations, unleash their greatest potential, and create pathways to unlimited abundance !

This is one of her enlightening articles on Synchronicity !

What is Synchronicity ?

I was asked this question yesterday and decided to delve into its answer a little more deeply. My initial response was the following: Synchronicity is the process whereby our energy flows easily and beautifully and attracts to us all the ideal people and events that provide the perfect opportunity for growth. Awareness is key! There are no coincidences. Things, people, and circumstances come into our path for a reason. Synchronicity is the outward manifestation of our thoughts brought to us by our soul, linking and connecting us with others or with events that serve as meaningful opportunities that we have attracted into our experience to assist us in gaining clarity or evolving in some way.

The question lingered in my mind and I wanted to go a little deeper and provide more information on this powerful subject. Synchronicity and Serendipity are two of my favorite words! They represent the invisible, underlying spiritual workings of the Universe. There is a magical quality to these incidents that reminds us that there is something much grander going on behind the seeming coincidences that enter our experience. They can be perceived as signs that serve to offer awareness, awaken us, or inspire us in the unfolding of our spiritual destiny. They appear as two seemingly disconnected events that are actually beautifully interconnected in a divine way.

Each day we encounter meaningful synchronistic events that we have attracted and created (many times unconsciously) into our physical experience. Our souls create synchronistic incidents to be played out in the physical. We have all heard the expression, “There are no accidents.” From my personal perspective, this is absolutely true. All that we experience is by divine design. There are no accidents, just synchronicity wheels in motion. When we open to these events, they can help us make choices in our lives, because they are a form of guidance from the Universe. They aren’t always profound, but they ARE meaningful and represent the inner workings and guidance of the Universe.

Here are a couple of examples of synchronicity at work: A friend of mine was wondering whether or not he should follow through on his decision to get a divorce. He turned on the radio and heard an ad for available apartments. He smiled inside, embraced the soul sign being given, and knew what he needed to do. Another example would be thinking of a friend and receiving a phone call from that friend at that exact same time or watching a movie and seeing within the story of that film a metaphor for your own life situation. There are unlimited examples of this beautiful inter-connectedness of energy and matter/form/physical experience.

To quote Deepak Chopra:

“My own life has been touched often by synchronicity, so much so that now I get on an airplane expecting the passenger in the next seat to be surprisingly important to me, either just the voice I need to hear to solve a problem or a missing link in a transaction that needs to come together….

… I believe that all coincidences are messages from the unmanifest – they are like angels without wings, so to speak, sudden interruptions of life by a deeper level …. “

Often these meaningful coincidences occur at critical points in our lives, and they can be interpreted as containing the seeds of future growth. Synchronistic events really involve the meaningful unfoldment of potential. They are often associated with periods of transformation; for example, births, deaths, falling in love, intense creative work, or even a change of career/profession. It is as if this internal restructuring and/or mental energy produces external opportunities for us outward into the physical world.

In conclusion, I feel that synchronicity offers a beautiful bridge between our inner reality and the divine workings of spirit and our external reality that is revealed to us through our experiences. When we recognize these incidents as opportunities, life becomes VERY interesting! There is a sense of intrigue coupled with amusement when we start seeing things in new ways that broaden our perspective and engage our powers of manifestation with even greater intensity.

Go out and there enjoy this beautiful day and pay attention to the seemingly random coincidences that enter your experience. Challenge yourself to detect the deeper meaning to the divine patterns and find value in what is being offered to you! Be open to new perspectives and allow your mind its full, creative potential!

Much love,

Warmest Regards,
Cari LaGrange Murphy
Inspirational & Spiritual Author
Empowerment Coaching Solutions

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Welcome to our community... In Sanskrit, the word Veda means life. The Vedic tradition of knowledge, which is often referred to as Vedanta, deals with the meaning of life, the purpose of life, and the place of life in the universe as a whole. According to Vedanta, there are two symptoms of enlightenment. They are indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher level of consciousness.

The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things do not bother you anymore. You become lighthearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities -- and this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. A miracle is just a synchronistic event in which the time span between the intention of an event and the manifestation of the event is dramatically shortened. That is what synchronicity is all about, and that is what spirituality is about, too. Whatever spiritual tradition you study anywhere in the world, you also hear about miracles. So losing your worries is one symptom of enlightenment and increased synchronicity is the second one. And that is it. Those are the only two symptoms of enlightenment.

Whether you are a vegetarian or not, it really does not matter. Whether you believe in the peace movement or not, it does not matter. After all, there are a lot of people who believe in lots of things; but they are full of worries and they cannot sleep at night. They have a big burden on their shoulders. A person might have been in a monastery for thirty years, but it does not matter. They are not moving in the right direction. Because according to Vedanta there are only two symptoms that indicate that we are becoming intimate with the spirit.

What Is Synchrodestiny ?

So you can see why I consider this program on synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, to be a very important one. It is especially important because, in my opinion, synchronicity is not something that just happens by itself -- just as spiritual development does not happen by itself. We can foster synchronicity by introducing attention; and we can use synchronicity by introducing intention. When those two elements--attention and intention -- are linked to the phenomenon of meaningful coincidence, synchronicity is transformed into SynchroDestiny, and our lives are transformed into something that is truly magical.

The purpose of this program is to show what that means, and to explain in detail exactly how you can make it happen. The first time I heard about synchronicity was for me a synchronistic event. I was reading about Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, on a plane flight from New Delhi to London and then from London to New York. Jung was an early colleague of Freud, but they eventually had some fundamental disagreements. Freud believed that altered states of consciousness were essentially forms of psychosis -- forms of insanity; but Jung thought of altered states as the capacity to be in touch with a hidden reality. One of Jung's most important books is called "Dreams, Premonitions, and Wishes."

As I was reading this book on the plane from India to England, Jung was discussing about a patient who had described a dream. In this dream there was a very large beetle, a scarab beetle, and it was trying to break through the patient's window into his bedroom. As the patient was describing this dream to Carl Jung, they heard a rattle, and Jung looked around and saw that a beetle was trying to break in through the windowpane. So this was a synchronistic event. The fellow was describing his dream, and then that very thing happened in real life, just at the moment that he was describing it. So I was reading about this on the airplane. Then a few pages later the book said that because of their great differences, Jung and Freud finally parted ways, and Jung established a practice in Lucerne, Switzerland. Just at the moment that I read that sentence, the pilot announced that if you look out your window on the right side of the plane, we are flying over Lucerne, Switzerland. So immediately I was convinced that there was some message here for me, that I was going to pursue this topic of synchronicity I have been thinking about that topic ever since, and out of it has evolved this new concept of SynchroDestiny. In your own life, the more you become aware of these events, the more they will happen.

The more attention you put on synchronicity the more frequently you will encounter it. Because there is a very important principle that says whatever you put your attention on becomes stronger. If you withdraw your attention from something, it becomes weaker. So one of the first things I would like to suggest, on a practical level, is that you start paying attention to the synchronistic events that happen in your life. The more alert you are to them, the more they will happen. And then when you introduce intention, your intentions will be expressed and manifested through these events. So to sum this up for a moment, synchronicity is always a coming together of seemingly unlikely events. On the surface it seems like pure coincidence. But in reality there is much more to it than that. So right now at the outset, let me suggest something very practical that you should begin to do. Start putting attention on the synchronistic events that happen in your life -- and also introduce the intention that you will experience at least one synchronistic event each day. Then later, have the intention of experiencing at least two synchronistic events. Gradually you will see these things begin to accelerate in your life, because attention and intention makes any phenomenon grow stronger.

This message comes to you via the Namaste mailing list, hosted by Deepak Chopra and The Chopra Center for Well Being.

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Carl Gustav Jung (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the founder of analytical psychology. Jung's approach to psychology has been influential in the field of depth psychology and in countercultural movements across the globe. He emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the worlds of dreams, art, mythology, world religion and philosophy. Although he was a theoretical psychologist and practicing clinician, much of his life's work was spent exploring other areas, including Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology, sociology, as well as literature and the arts. His most notable ideas include the concept of psychological archetypes, the collective unconscious and synchronicity.

Jung emphasized the importance of balance and harmony. He cautioned that modern people rely too heavily on science and logic and would benefit from integrating spirituality and appreciation of unconscious realms.

As a quiet, introverted child, Carl Jung would come to be one of the most influential psychiatrists in the world. And, his association, collaboration, and eventual fall out with Sigmund Freud would make his biography even more astounding. Through an expansive education and by authoring many books, Carl Jung donated so much to the study of the human psyche that he is considered by many to stand next to, and not in the shadow of, the world’s leading psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

Born the son of a preacher, Jung went on to graduate with a degree in medicine from the University of Basel. He worked until 1909 in Burghöltzi, an asylum and clinic for those suffering the maladies of schizophrenia in Zürich. This experience undoubtedly affected Jung’s work in his later years.

Always interested in spirituality and parapsychology, Carl Jung dabbled in the arts of the spiritual world, ever exploring the realms of unconscious human experience that was often being ignored in modern-day medicine. Jung released his book entitled, The Psychology of Dementia Praecox. This caught the attention of Sigmund Freud and the two would later work and lecture together in the United States.

What bitterly separated Freud and Jung was their different beliefs on just how much sexuality controlled motivation. Freud believed it absolute. Jung admitted it was a part of man’s make up, but wouldn’t go as far as Freud did in his theories. This break-up caused a six-year mental breakdown for the young Jung. Some say that Jung was having prophetic images of World War I, which was looming in the distance.

Carl Jung overcame his breakdown and found the modern system of Analytical Psychology. Feeling limited and enclosed by the academia of the day, Jung decided to travel the world to explore and be an anthropologist of the mind of the people. He later dubbed this the “Collective Consciousness” of mankind. He went on to classify personalities as extrovert or introvert. He regarded mental breakdowns and fervent behavior to be rooted in the fact that one had not yet discovered their own personal meaning in the world. Jung hypothesized that through the exploration of the unconscious, in dreams, in art, and in other cultures, the ‘self’ could fully be realized.

Jung had interests in the study of literature and alchemy, and came to theorize that men and women each had a certain anima or animus – the inner need to feel and not reject our own male or female tendencies. Many of his theories are cited in his biography entitled Memories, Dreams, Reflections where he also explores the psychological conflicts of his own life.

Carl Jung was made the president of the General Medical Society for Psychotherapy in 1933. While this organization did have certain Nazi connections, Jung accepted the position in hopes of preserving the field of psychoanalysis and therapy. With some criticized publications, Jung never claimed any personal anti-Semitic feelings, but only theorized about differences of how each interpreted the role of psychology.

Carl Gustav Jung Movie Wisdom Of The Dream

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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