
I saw a UFO claims Mick Jagger

Michael C Luckman - author of Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection - says The Rolling Stones rocker developed an interest in extraterrestrial phenomena after a close encounter of the third kind in the 60s.

Luckman said: "Mick Jagger has been very involved with the subject of UFOs for many years.

"In 1968 he went camping in Glastonbury with his then girlfriend, singer Marianne Faithful, and encountered a rare, luminous cigar-shaped mothership.

"Around the same time Mick had a UFO detector installed at his British estate. The alarm kept on going off whenever he left home, indicating the presence of strong electromagnetic activity in the immediate area."

The 63-year-old singer also sighted a UFO over the crowd during The Rolling Stones' infamous 1969 Altamont Concert in California.

Mick is not the only member of the band to believe in aliens. Guitarist Keith Richards has also admitted to "seeing a few".

Among the many celebrities such as Mohammed Ali, Art Bell (Late Night Talk Show Host), Ronald Reagon, Idi Amin former president of Uganda, David Bowie, Will Smith, Robbie Williams, the Beatles legend John Lennon is another musician Luckman claims has experienced personal contact with beings from another planet.

He said: "John Lennon was apparently given a small egg shaped metallic-looking object which he in turn gave to Uri Geller, the psychic.

"He didn't know what the purpose of it was, but he claimed he had been given it by an extraterrestrial. Interestingly, all this happened less than a year before he was assassinated."

An excerpt from an article on Lennon's UFO sighting ... The main structure of the craft could also be clearly seen for the duration of the event, due to the last remnants of the still setting sun. May ran back into the apartment and grabbed a 35mm camera, and once back on the roof both she and John took numerous pictures of the craft. May remembers John’s arms outstretched as he yelled at the UFO to come back and take him away! "He was very serious and I believe he really wanted that thing to take him with it back to wherever it came from, but then that was John Lennon, always looking for the next big adventure".


"WHAT THE #$*! DO WE KNOW?!" is a radical departure from convention. It demands a freedom of view and greatness of thought ! Filmed in Portland, Oregon, What the Bleep Do We Know blends a fictional story line, documentary-style discussion, and computer animation to present a viewpoint of the physical universe and human life within it, with connections to neuroscience and quantum physics. Some ideas discussed in the film are:
  • The universe is best seen as constructed from thought (or ideas) rather than from substance.
  • "Empty space" is not empty.
  • Beliefs about who one is and what is real form oneself and one's realities.
  • Peptides manufactured in the brain can cause a bodily reaction to an emotion.

In the narrative segments of the movie, Marlee Matlin portrays Amanda, a deaf photographer who acts as the viewer's avatar as she experiences her life from startlingly new and different perspectives.

In the documentary segments of the film, interviewees discuss the roots and meaning of Amanda's experiences. The comments focus primarily on a single theme: We create our own reality. The director, William Arntz, has described What the Bleep as a movie for the "metaphysical left".

Amanda, a divorced photographer, finds herself in a fantastic Alice-in-Wonderland experience when her daily, uninspired life literally begins to unravel, revealing the cellular, molecular and even quantum worlds which lie beneath. Guided by a Greek Chorus of leading scientists and mystics, she finds that if reality itself is not questionable, her notion of it certainly is. Stunning special effects plunge you into a world where quantum uncertainty is demonstrated - where Amanda's neurological processes, and perceptual shifts are engaged and lived - where everything is alive, and reality is changed by every thought. This film gives voice to the modern day radical souls of science, making them the true heroes of our day as they conquer and map the greatest uncharted territory yet - man's consciousness itself.

Down the Rabbit Hole takes the ideas introduced in the first What the Bleep movie, and plunges the viewer Deep into scientific findings that say Reality is fluid and that we are an integral part of everything -- It's the Next Evolution! (Lord of the Wind Films)

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Music, i consider the next best thing to life. With all the subjective classification of music, it seems to have covered all humanity across the world. Music can have a lasting impact on ones mind and this happens almost unconsciously following a review you heard from a slightly more forward friend of yours.

What began with listening to the likes of Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin is now a full throttle psychedelic head trip into the inner realms of the sub-conscious self or maybe it's just the psychedelics talking, either way it is a lot of FUN. Ironically, all music that unites us also happens to alienate us when we tend to camp with a typical sub-genre suggesting total conformance to the particular style. This separation kinda kills the potential of an experience. The moment you think of something you don't want, you create a wall around and we all know what walls do.

There is an obvious difference between the club vibe and the outdoor jungle vibe. Clubs just don't cut. However, with commercialization, somewhere they have merged and music has evolved. What began as Goa Trance or Psychedelic Trance has evolved into Dark, Full On / Morning, Ambient, Chill Out ... which covers the whole spectrum of psychedelic trance ranging through different phases that make a Trance Dance Festival spread across 2-7 days or more. Some day we will wake up each day of our waking lives to magical melodies in the wilderness we so long to return to. Our ancestors are calling out to us to return to our roots and realize the oneness in all creation. Our collective consciousness shall resurrect the broken tranquility that will bring about the dawn of the golden age where peace is all that will ever be !

One big festival called Planet Earth !

There is no clear distinction with sub-genre styles blending into one another almost hypnotically, hence what i call FULL ON (which is an all out energy zone) is considered a style close to euro-trance by some. Psychedelic Trance has always had some influence of the dark side adequately expressed in music of the recent time. This mind shattering haunting style of psychedelic trance makes a treat for all adventurous crusaders raring to experience whatever comes their way open heartedly in a sub-conscious state in a trans dimensional realm. Through our fears shall rise our most coveted gifts and the dark seems to throw you right in the middle of all the chaos. This journey from mayhem to euphoria is best stomping through the dark of the night and the brilliance of the day.

Club Music sure does alienate us from our spiritual trance dance roots. But music itself is spiritual in nature and where the intensity differs it principally affects the human mind.

It is the suggestive nature of other more easily accessed music that makes electronic music so special. As little or no words are associated with it (we need some direction don't we...), the ground of perception heightens and an impersonal thought grows into a surreal story of the tripping ego and the unknown.

I love music and i dance fearlessly to all psychedelic sounds ! Thanks for all the music and magic we love !

BoOm !

Zeitgeist (pronounced zIt-gIst) is originally a German expression that means "the spirit of the age", literally translated as time (Zeit), spirit (Geist)". In some countries it has a different meaning; e.g. in the Netherlands Zeitgeist literally refers to the mind of the time (tijdsgeest), and mind is understood as the mental spirit (state of mind). The word zeitgeist describes the intellectual and cultural climate of an era. In German, the word has more layers of meaning than the English translation, including the fact that Zeitgeist can only be observed for past events.

Zeitgeist, the Movie is a 2007 documentary film, produced by Peter Joseph about the Jesus myth hypothesis, the attacks of 9/11, and the Federal Reserve Bank as well as a number of conspiracy theories related to those three main topics. It was released free online via Google Video in June of 2007. A remastered version was presented as a global premiere on November 10, 2007 at the 4th Annual Artivist Film Festival & Artivist Awards. The film has attracted significant public interest.

In Zeitgeist we witness unveiling of the truth and it's larger implications on humanity ...

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Waking Life by tvxorissinora

In a broad scope, Waking Life is about a young man in a persistent lucid dream-like state. The film follows its protagonist as he initially observes and later participates in philosophical discussions that weave together issues like appearance and reality, free will, our relationships with others, and the meaning of life. Along the way the film touches on other topics including existentialism, situationist politics, posthumanity, and the film theory of André Bazin. The young man eventually comes to realize the possibility that the reason he is unable to wake up is because he is dead. The film ends on an ambiguous note, and in the commentary track, director Richard Linklater states that he never intended for people to think the protagonist was dead. Unsurprisingly, given the above themes and content, Waking Life is much more focused on dialogue (often even monologue) than on plot action. In this emphasis, it echoes the 1981 film My Dinner with Andre and the 1990 film Mindwalk. Long scenes in Waking Life consist of nothing but head shots of characters expounding on philosophical questions. The characters and their speech are very reminiscent of Linklater's earlier cult classic, Slacker. (Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy even appear as their characters from Linklater's Before Sunrise and Before Sunset)

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