Robbie Williams Jon Ronson got together in a 30 minute documentary made by BBC Radio 4 on the subject of Extra Terrestrials and UFOs. In this programme Robbie and Jon attended a UFO conference in Laughlin, Nevada for 3 days. During the course of events they also meet a British lady Ann Andrews and her youngest son, Jason who is an Indigo Child, taken by Extra Terrestrials while he was in the womb and sent back to save the planet. The show was broadcasted on Tuesday, 6th May, at 18:30 (BST) on BBC Radio 4 . You can listen to some clips from the documentary here .
Genre : Psychedelic
Quality : 256 kbps
Size : 127 mb
Duration : 1 hour 16 minutes 49 seconds
Tools used : Traktor Dj Studio 3.2 / Acer Aspire / Goldwave to convert from wav to mp3
1. Life Style & Audio X - Future Shock Part 2
2. Alien Vs The Cat - The Race (Orbital Vibes Remix)
3. Astrix - Solaris (GMS Rmx)
4. Crystal Sound - Shmatrix
5. System Nipel Vs Electro Sun - We can Fly
6. PTX - Travel Adventure
7. Electric Universe - Mind of God
8. Black Cadillac - Showtime
9. Safi Connection - Monster DNA remix
10. Safi Connection - Deep Space
11. ESP - The Mind's Eye
In a cosmos [:)] full of countless planetary systems brimming with life and infinite number of possibilities to what could be, we explore the far reaches of space outside and within as we are messengers of light ! We bring together the cosmos as one through deep space exploration ! :)
A faint ringing sound in any one of the ears which is a lot like the flutter of wings symbolizes the presence of your Spirit Guides, Angels, Celestial Friends or Midwayers divine beings that exist in higher dimensions) trying to communicate with you. It's nothing really like a sound which can be heard by others around you, but it's more like a short resonating frequency, some kinda signal to your consciousness of an angelic presence or a subtle message from a higher entity. The ringing sound in the ear can also happen with the sudden appearance of a double or triple digit prompt. Doreen Virtue speaks in detail about Angelic Numbers and their significance. She says, "The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: " We can’t write our messages to you in the sky. You’ve got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in your life — especially in response to any questions or prayers you’ve posed. When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this? Your angels, of course ! "
Some folks also notice lights going out or on when they pass by, such as street lights. They may also hear the door bell ring, yet there is no one in sight. It's all due to our fun loving midway friends. They will use almost any electrically controlled device to get your attention.
Check out these videos on Tinnitus or Ringing Sound in the ears ... from a spiritual perspective.
1. Black - Wonderful Life
2. The Church - Under the Milky Way
3. Led Zeppelin - All my Love
4. The Beatles - Across the Universe
5. Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm
6. Robert Miles - One and One
7. EMF - Unbelievable
8. Supertramp - It's raining again
9. Paul McCartney - Hope of Deliverance
10.Crash Test Dummies - God Shuffled his Feet
11.Status Quo - In the Army Now
12.Led Zeppelin - D'yer Make'r
13.Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
14. System Nipel & Electra - Game On (Ananda Shake Remix)
1 Gb RAM ; 120 Gb HDD, Windows Vista Home Premium ... Good Vibes ! :)
Influenced by Pink Floyd and Dire Straits in his late teens, Psybates took to the Guitar and formed 'Bates Motel' alongside Sean Martin (Drums) and Sam David (Leads) . The band never quite moved on because of various reasons, however he continued his adventures with music and began experimenting with DJ'ing using two winamp windows and a DJ plugin. He finally found the perfect tool to mix music with Traktor DJ Studio. He specializes in playing psychedelic music which includes Classic / Psychedelic Rock, Chill-Out, Ambient Sounds for easy, reflective listening and Full On Psychedelic Goa Trance, for other times when the self dissolves in the oneness created with music as we stomp away to glory in unison !
Psybates uses Traktor DJ Studio 3.2 as the platform to play music and has been doing so ritually since 2005. He has played at selective underground / private parties over the last 2 years, also co-hosted / organized these gatherings on certain celestial and spiritual occasions such as Full Moon Nights, Maha Shivratri, Buddha Poornima and also based on concepts which raise our collective consciousness to higher realms of divinity and are basically a lot of fun with shiny happy people sending positive beams of energy all around. We are all truly infinite spiritual beings having a human experience ! The trance dance experience is our expression of thankfulness to the *ONE for this consciousness by means of which " We Experience " and " We Are " ! Music has a deeper effect on our minds than what appears on the surface. It has the ability to transform us magically into sheer positive energy after which we just radiate. Together we dance in communion with the *omnipresent cosmic spirit !
Lately, I've been reading some channelings on the Internet. Most of these have made a deep connection with what seems to be from a higher realm, from a divine being of light ! There are many such channelings easy to find on the net however the ones from Arcturus & Ramtha, channeled through JZ Knight strike a chord within ! They speak of Oneness & Love ... Here's one really interesting channeling received by Sal Rachele from Leah, his twin flame from the sixth-density Venus and also with a group who call themselves, the Arcturians !
Leah on Six Six Six
Received by Sal Rachele
June 6, 2006
Dear beloveds, this is Leah. It has been several weeks since I delivered a message in this format. Many of you are wondering, “Where is Leah? Has she abandoned us?” No, dear ones, I am still here. Time is a bit strange in your world. I blink my eyes and a month has passed on your world. I am always here, and yet you go back into your 3D world and forget you are connected to the Whole. Such is life on your world.
There are many subjects I could talk about today, but I have chosen this one due to your preoccupation with numbers and numerology. We have spoken before about how numbers play a part in the design of our Universe. You have the ONE God present throughout all of Creation. You are made of the TWO polarities of God – Male and Female. You have the THREE – the Trinity of God, known as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in your Hindu traditions. You have the FOUR parts of God, as illustrated in some of your more esoteric writings, given by various names, including Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, or Father, Mother, perfect Balance and Manifestation. Then it gets a bit more complicated. You have the pentagram, or FIVE-pointed star, which has many meanings. You have the “as above, so below” SIX-pointed star represented in the Jewish faith. There is the idea of the SEVEN as a lucky number and the seven-dimensional model of the Universe. You have an EIGHT-dimensional model as well. You have NINE as completion and the last of the single digits. Then you have the TEN, a new beginning in your base ten number system, and the master number ELEVEN. The number TWELVE represents the number of densities in your local Universe. In actuality, this Universe operates on a Base 12 number system. Some of you are superstitious in the sense that you ascribe power to numbers, such as lucky or unlucky 13. In numerology, 13 is the most sacred of all numbers, representing the Tao, or the Void, or the sacred mystery of Creation. I could go on beyond 13, but I am not teaching a course in numerology here.
The 6-6-6 is a curious idea. Many of you have equated it with the devil, or Satan, or Lucifer, or the Mark of the Beast as given in the Revelation book of your Christian Bible. Numbers can be used as mental triggers, or as portals into certain subplanes and subdimensions. The 11:11 was very popular many years back. These numbers have been given the status of special codes designed to trigger certain responses within your mind. They have no power within themselves, although they may have certain unique mathematical properties.
You have had many trigger events, such as Harmonic Convergence and Harmonic Concordance. Any date or time that helps you come together in consciousness for a common purpose of peace and love is a worthy effort. As you know by now, there is power in numbers (of souls). Numbers represent geometric configurations and when certain numbers are combined, you have the building blocks of the Universe represented. The fractal geometries are based on complex numbers. These are numbers that exist in the natural world, but for which your mathematics is inadequate, and so you invent what you call imaginary numbers to compensate for this. Yet these so-called imaginary numbers, when generated with a computer, produce some of the most beautiful patterns in all of Creation. You find, upon careful exploration, that the entire Universe is based on these patterns and regenerates itself in this manner. You discover the hologram, or the Universe within the Universe. You begin to realize that you live in worlds within worlds within worlds. This is the beauty of Creation.
Ah, we digress. We began this discourse with the idea of the 6-6-6. Our point in bringing up this topic is thus: When a great number of souls believe in something, it has a bit of power. This power has been given to it and once given, it can take on a life of its own. So it is with 6-6-6. Some of you recoil from this, having been reminded of all sorts of sordid adventures in the 3D and 4D realms. The Mark of the Beast, a concept introduced by the Orions and Sirians many thousands of years ago, was originally intended to instill fear within the populace as one of many means of controlling you. Do you really want to keep giving power to this idea? In your sacred texts, there are esoteric meanings given to the sequence 6-6-6. We will not go into detail here. However, this coded sequence is associated with white and black magic, or the use of higher mind power to control and manipulate other souls and events through ritual.
Yes – there are energies and entities you can tune into that will assist you in amassing power for or against others, but is this really what you want to do? What purpose would that serve? It might be interesting and even enjoyable to dabble in white or black magic, but how does it contribute to your soul growth? Is it really important to go there? Do you have time for things like this when your primary goal is your enlightenment? It might be helpful to understand superstition and numerology, but how deeply do you want to go into this and for what purpose?
Your ego is the part of you that likes to control and dominate people, places and things. All of you have, at one time or another, become “control freaks.” You feel insecure inside and believe you are lacking in some way, and you feel that in order to become more complete, you must somehow force the Universe to do your bidding. I assure you, beloveds, that this is a path of misery and suffering. The only one you can control is yourself. Ultimately all attempts to control others will fail. Yes, you might amass great armies and so-called intelligence units and compliant soldiers and secret organizations and all manner of obscure tactics. You might create a secret society with rituals and initiations and status and hierarchy. You might delude yourself into thinking that you are very important because you are in the inner circle of some mighty and powerful legion or club or order. Yet what lies underneath these fantasies?
Your world has been heavily polarized into the “haves” and “have-nots”, into the rulers and the masses, into the learned and unlearned. Your so-called rulers have dabbled in white and black magic, in one form or another, for millennia, in their insane desire to control each other and the populace. To some degree they have succeeded. Instilling fear in others, they create an artificial sense of power and control. They erect fences and walls and secret chambers. They put on uniforms, robes and medallions. They beat their chests in self-importance. They rob and rape and pillage the resources of this world. They lord their spoils over others in a vain attempt to wrestle a real sense of importance out of their madness. They are the insane puppets of an ego that cannot be satisfied. They claw and grasp at things, people and experiences, desperately seeking something that they crave and long for. And what is that? It is what all souls long for. A remembrance of their holiness. A remembrance of their perfection. A remembrance of their Oneness. Yet they look outside themselves, or look inside to their egos. And they will never be satisfied as long as they continue their game of insanity.
Beloveds, forgive me for going on so long on this topic, but do you realize the extent of this madness? Can you see that the perpetrators and the victims are both caught in this macabre game of “I control you” and “You control me?” Whether you wear the costume of the controller or the controlled, you are not free. You are both enslaved. You are caught in the game of duality. Do you see this deeply, beloveds? Are you ready to end this tired, silly game?
Let me repeat a basic phrase you have all heard: Nobody can control you unless you allow it. You are free spirits. Nothing has ever changed that, nor will anything ever change it in the future. It matters not what country you live in, how despicable your leaders, how miserable their facades. Open your spiritual eyes and just say “No” to this madness. Reclaim your Divine heritage. Your God has never left you, not for one instant. Today, remember this and join me and the Confederation and the majority of souls in this Universe who have awakened to this fact. Let 6-6-6 be a joyous celebration of life. Dance with the devil. Party with Satan. Give Lucifer a big hug. Or better yet, give these symbols and the souls who believe in them a prayer and a blessing. Bless your world leaders. Pray for them. See them bathed in the perfection of God’s Golden Radiant Loving Presence.
Today is a wonderful day. It is an opportunity to see perfection in all people and things. Join me today in marveling at the beauty in all things, including 6-6-6. I am Leah, forever yours in spirit.
Evolution, one of the first mysterious questions of our human existence answered way back in school when it all seemed to make some kinda logical sense with the stark similarity between us and our monkey counterparts ! As we moved along we started figuring out how far we could possibly be from the truth of who we really are ?
Really, do you really believe you are who you think you are ? Do you believe you are a victim to this finite life and like everything else this too shall end ? Yes, it shall, but that is an incomplete sentence because of the true nature of energy, it's transformed ! The end is the beginning ... ! All of this is a cyclical holographic reality where all ... the past, present and the future exist ALL AT ONCE ! What we observe with our natural eyesight is merely a 3D reality across space and time in technicolor. What we have come to understand is that everything has a signature to it, like DNA if you will. If you know the signature and inherently see everything as energy, you could well manipulate this energy working towards the divine message of Oneness and vibrate at higher frequencies of light. We found the sacredness of Sacred Geometry and all things in nature exist in this mystical golden ratio. Some unseen intelligence seems to be behind creation and we all would love to call it GOD :) We also believe our own consciousness isn't separate from this super mind. There is more meaning in evident paradox ! It makes all mystical phenomena unexplainable within the constraints of Science almost in an Agnostic sense. To Believe is Everything !!! To get back to the topic of discussion, the Indigo Generation ! Ones born post the 70's who represent a higher state of human evolution and a warrior like personality !!!
Whatever you call them, (Indigo's or something else) our children are coming into the world with their eyes wide open, ready to play their role in creating a world of compassion and peace. Are we witnessing a major leap in human evolution, what Jean Houston calls "Jump Time?" Many people believe that we are on the brink of a global awakening, and that the Indigo Children are here to show us our highest potential.
In "The INDIGO Evolution" , you will hear from leading experts from around the world that this is much more than an imaginary fancy. The Children are real, and they are changing the world. Director James Twyman takes us on a journey into one of the most important questions of our day: "Has the human race finally evolved to a higher reality?"
Evolution, one of the first mysterious questions of our human existence answered way back in school when it all seemed to make some kinda logical sense with the stark similarity between us and our monkey counterparts ! As we moved along we started figuring out how far we could possibly be from the truth of who we really are ? Really, do you really believe you are who you think you are ? Do you believe you are a victim to this finite life and like everything else this too shall end ? Yes, it shall, but that is an incomplete sentence because of the true nature of energy, it's transformed ! The end is the beginning ... ! All of this is a cyclical holographic reality where all ... the past, present and the future exist ALL AT ONCE ! What we observe with our natural eyesight is merely a 3D reality across space and time in technicolor. What we have come to understand is that everything has a signature to it, like DNA if you will. If you know the signature and inherently see everything as energy, you could well manipulate this energy working towards the divine message of Oneness and vibrate at higher frequencies of light. We found the sacredness of Sacred Geometry and all things in nature exist in this mystical golden ratio. Some invisible intelligence seems to be behind creation and we all would love to call, GOD :) We also believe our own consciousness isn't separate from this super mind. There is more meaning in evident paradox ! It makes all mystical phenomena unexplainable within the constraints of limiting Science almost in an Agnostic sense. To Believe is Everything !!! To get back to the topic of discussion, the Indigo Generation ! Ones born post the 70's who represent a higher state of human evolution and a warrior like personality !!!
Whatever you call them, (Indigo's or something else) our children are coming into the world with their eyes wide open, ready to play their role in creating a world of compassion and peace. Are we witnessing a major leap in human evolution, what Jean Houston calls "Jump Time?" Many people believe that we are on the brink of a global awakening, and that the Indigo Children are here to show us our highest potential.
In "The INDIGO Evolution" , you will hear from leading experts from around the world that this is much more than an imaginary fancy. The Children are real, and they are changing the world. Director James Twyman takes us on a journey into one of the most important questions of our day: "Has the human race finally evolved to a higher reality?"
What is an Indigo Child ?
As a summary, here are the ten attributes that best describe this new kind of child, the Indigo Child ...
• They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
• They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
• Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."
• They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
• They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
• They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
• They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
• They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
• They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
• They are not shy in letting you know what they need.
According to New Age belief, Indigo children are highly sensitive with a clear sense of self-definition and a strong feeling that they need to make a significant difference in the world. They are strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures. They are empathic and can easily detect or are in tune with the thoughts of others, and are naturally drawn to matters concerning mysteries, spirituality, the paranormal and the occult, while opposing unquestioned authority and contradictory to convention. They possess wisdom and level of awareness " beyond their years ". They are also said to feel a strong sense of entitlement.
We are all Indigo and have been born here with similar abilities though they might have been dormant for as long as we've been conditioned to live a finite life. This is changing NOW, and all of us Buddhas in Amnesia are waking up to the paradigm shift.
The 2008 World Psychedelic Forum Thu, May 22, 2008 - 11:51 AM This article originally appeared in Conscious Choice magazine.
The 2008 World Psychedelic Forum was an almost shockingly respectable affair. Held in Basel, Switzerland, in a spacious convention center next to the five-star Swissôtel Basel, the event drew 1,500 visitors for a two-day symposium on the past and present state of psychedelic thought and research. Despite flashes of eccentricity and DayGlo, you could have easily thought you were at a conference for alternative medicine or some abstruse but uncontroversial hobby. I felt honored to be one of the speakers, part of a high-profile group which included the Czech LSD researcher and theorist Stanislav Grof; Ralph Metzner, a well-known author and teacher and one of Leary's original partners at Harvard; botanists Dennis McKenna, Christian Raetsch and Kat Harrison; MAPS director Rick Doblin; anthropologist and author Jeremy Narby; visionary artists Alex and Allyson Grey; and many more.
The Gaia Media Foundation organized the forum, following upon their successful LSD conference, marking the 100th birthday of the recently late LSD chemist Albert Hofmann, two years ago. The 2008 event mingled nostalgia and insularity, futurism and hope, in equal measures. On the nostalgia side, Timothy Leary's archivist Michael Horowitz mounted an exhibit of psychedelic art and media imagery, much of it from the heyday of late-sixties flower power, while Carolyn (Mountain Girl) Garcia gave a heartfelt speech about her journeys with the Merry Pranksters and the early Haight Ashbury days of the Grateful Dead. Although Hofmann was still living at the time, he declined to attend the festivities, due to family concerns.
Sixty-five years since Hofmann's first accidental dose, new frontiers in psychedelic research are opening up, represented at the Forum by an array of therapists and scientists from institutions across Europe, the U.S. and Canada. After a 35-year blockade on the subject, psychedelic research with human subjects is being permitted again. In Switzerland, a new study explores LSD as a tool of psychotherapy -- the first such study to be allowed since the early 1970s. After years of persistent effort, the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies ( has succeeded in shepherding a number of projects through the regulatory system. Studies underway in the United States include research on use of psilocybin as a treatment for cluster headaches, and on MDMA (Ecstasy) as a treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a complex likely to haunt tens of thousands of veterans as they return from the Iraq War.
Today, there is potential for psychedelics to be reintroduced into mainstream culture, not as drastic catalysts of social upheaval but as tools that can help people overcome serious problems. In the future, MAPS sees itself becoming a "nonprofit pharmaceutical company" that distributes psychedelics to qualified professionals. On a deeper, almost subconscious level, cultural and political resistance to the scrupulous study and at least the religious use of psychedelics seems to have dissipated, to a certain extent. A recent study conducted by Johns Hopkins, giving psilocybin to subjects who had never taken a psychedelic before, found that most subjects had long-lasting positive changes in their worldview. CNN and The Wall Street Journal gave prominent coverage to the results of this study. Meanwhile, the US Supreme Court ruled in the favor of the American branch of União do Vegetal, a syncretic religion from Brazil that uses Ayahuasca as its sacrament.
Beyond the scientific framework, there is compelling anecdotal data on the benefits of psychedelic use for creative processes, intellectual work and personal development. Recently, British newspapers reported that Francis Crick may have been taking low doses of LSD when he discovered the double helix shape of the DNA molecule (although he refused to allow this to be published before his death). The Nobel Prize winning biochemist Kary Mullis openly discussed the inspiration he gained from psychedelics. Many pioneers of the Internet and the personal computer experimented with psychedelics. And of course, the anthemic music, film, literature and visual culture of the late-1960s remains iconic.
During his speech at the conference, Dr. Tom Roberts, a psychology professor at Northern Illinois University, proposed that the rediscovery of psychedelics in modern culture is creating a "second Reformation." During the first Reformation, the Bible, which was only available to a priest class able to read Latin, was translated, printed and distributed to the masses, who were then able to read and interpret the "word of God" for themselves. By providing direct access to the mystical experience described in sacred texts from around the world, this "second Reformation" will, eventually, eliminate the need for a priest class that stands between the individual and personal revelation. Of course, such a deep shift in cultural perspective is a long process -- the first Reformation developed over a few hundred years.
At this point in time, those of us who see validity in the psychedelic experience can feel cautiously optimistic that we are reaching some tipping point in cultural perception. The discourse around hallucinogens has become far more sophisticated and measured than it was a generation ago. While Timothy Leary argued psychedelics were a shortcut to "enlightenment" and that everyone should "turn on" and "drop out," researchers today consider psychedelics to be powerful tools that have negative effects if used improperly, like all tools. But these substances may also have tremendous benefits for the individual and society, when we become mature enough to make use of them.
Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation Bootes, 37 light years away and the fourth brightest star in the night sky, with a visual magnitude of -0.05, after Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri. The constellation Bootes has the shape of a kite with the bright star Arcturus at the point of the kite where the tail is attached. Arcturus is the second brightest star visible from northern latitudes and the brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere.
The star is in the Local Interstellar Cloud. An easy way to find Arcturus is to follow the arc of the handle of the Big Dipper. It is a classic orange class K (K1) giant star with a precisely defined surface temperature of 4290 degrees Kelvin. To the eye, it shines 113 times more brightly than our Sun. Its lower temperature, however, causes it to radiate considerable energy in the infrared. When this infrared radiation is taken into account, Arcturus actually shines almost twice as brightly, releasing 215 times more radiation than our Sun.
Arcturus takes its name from its nearness to the sky Bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. From Arktouros or Arctophilax, "the Bear Guard" and also called "the Bear Watcher". The "Herdsman", or "driver of oxen" are other titles. Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes the Herdsman so it is also called Alpha Bootis. The pattern of stars in this constellation forms the shape of a kite or an ice cream cone; seeing a Herdsman driving the bears around the sky.
The Arcturians, a highly advanced extraterrestrial race, that channels information to those they connect with on Earth. It is the fifth- dimensional civilization that is a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch describes it as the mid-way programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with "physicals" at this end of the galaxy.
The Arcturians teach that the most fundamental ingredient for living in the fifth dimension is love. Negativity, fear and guilt must be overcome and exchanged for love and light. The Arcturians work in close connection with the ascended masters whom they call the Brotherhood of the All. They also work closely with what they refer to as the Galactic Command. The Arcturians travel the universe in their starships, which are some of the most advanced in the entire universe. One of the reasons Earth has not been attacked by warlike negative extraterrestrials has been those civilizations' fear of the advanced starships of the Arcturians. Their ships are state-of-the-art technology, far beyond anything I have mentioned so far. One of the starships circling the Earth is called the Starship Athena, after the Greek goddess.
The Arcturian starships are the finest in the entire universe. They are propelled by crystals that do not come from that planet but from a planet in the Milky Way that has not been discovered by Earthly scientists. These crystals have a way of conducting light energy from the Great Central Sun. The Arcturians say that they not longer use computers because they long ago outgrew the need for them. They have other systems that are far more advanced. One section of the starship is a replication of Arcturus. It has the ability to take any crew member back to Arcturus in his etheric body. This helps to strengthen and rejuvenate crew members who are away from home for long periods of time as they traverse the universes. Earth's frequency is very harsh for Arcturians because of their fifth-dimensional frequency. Arcturians don't eat but are able to ingest energy. The Arcturians sleep for only a short time once a week, but for them it is a sacred time to soul travel and connect to higher realms of consciousness. Another room in the Arcturian starship has a complete data bank containing every aspect of Earth life and of life on other planets as well. Arcturians are able to ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities and through their nervous systems. This process is similar to ingesting food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information one hundred times faster than the average human being on Earth.
An Arcturian ship has a room that strengthens the vibration of all who enter so they will not be overwhelmed by even the strongest vibrations of Planet Earth. The Arcturians are able to travel through time. They also have shuttlecraft that are global in shape which are used for activating energy points and grids on Earth that have been lying dormant for many centuries. The Arcturians have been working with Earth since life first started on this planet. They have many bases on Earth, and they also have three bases on the Moon. Many of their bases on Earth are inside mountains. Arcturians can manifest physically, but they also exist in the etheric state, so physical matter is not an obstacle to them. The Arcturian society is governed by the elders, who are revered by the people of Arcturus for their advanced knowledge, wisdom, and extremely high vibrational frequencies. The higher the vibrational frequency, the closer one is to Light, or spirit, or God. The Arcturians are short in physical statue, about three or four feet tall and slender. They look very much alike, which they are happy about because it erases the pettiness of comparing looks which is so predominant to Earth society. The Arcturians are the most loving and non-judgmental beings you can possibly imagine. Their skin is a greenish color. They have very large, almond- shaped eyes. They have only three fingers. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are totally telepathic. Their source of nourishment is an effervescent liquid that is highly vitalizing to their entire being. Their eyes are dark brown or black. Their main organ of seeing is actually their telepathic nature, not their physical eyes. Their sense of hearing transcends even their telepathic nature. They also have an ability to sense with the backs of their heads. The average life span is from three hundred fifty to four hundred years. Their highly developed spiritual nature has allowed them to avoid aging, since they have the ability to transcend time and space. They terminate life when the contract that has been arranged for their existence is finished. There is no sickness in the Arcturus star system ; it was eliminated centuries ago.
On Arcturus there is no competition. Every thought, word, deed, and product is judged by its ability to raise the vibration closer to God. If it does not, it does not exist on Arcturus. A person's frequency of vibration is directly related to the mastery he has over his body, emotions, thoughts, actions, and creations. Arcturians have total mastery over these aspects of self. They have developed the ability to transcend the ego, the separative, lower, fear-based self. Success is judged only in terms of the measure of Light frequency. There are machines that constantly check the vibrational frequencies each individual on the planet is manifesting. If one particular Arcturian receives feedback that he is not meeting his own goals for evolution, then immediately the elders send teachers to help that individual.
The Arcturians are here to assist humans in entering the fourth and fifth dimensions of reality and in raising their vibrational frequencies. They stand as the guardians and protectors of higher consciousness in the universe. Many souls are brought to the Arcturian starships during the dream state where they are worked on and helped. They are based in every country on the planet and, in fact, have bases all over the universe. They are here to educate humanity but have had a difficult time dealing with the government and the military, who seem to be primarily interested in military technology, not spiritual enlightenment.
One of the most remarkable people channeling messages from the Arcturians through Digital Geometry is Janosh. Janosh is a Dutch artist who creates contemporary, geometric art and gets inspired by ancient civilizations, philosophy and geometric proportions as these appear all over the world. The entire universe is shaped according to set, geometric proportions from the alignment of the stars and the leafs on trees to architectural structures and the human body. Because our cells are geometrically structured too, focusing on geometric shapes has a profound effect. And, as Greek philosopher Plato stated: Geometry will draw the soul towards the truth. With his art and accompanying multimedia presentations, Janosh wants to inspire people to discover their power and follow their passion in order to turn dreams into actions and actively determine the course of their life.
Every person is energy, just like the world around us. By acknowledging how you can deal with your thoughts, the words you speak, your fears and doubts, you will learn how to transform negative energy into positive energy. Your intentions influence your own life and your immediate surroundings. By dealing with your thoughts more consciously you will create endless possibilities to actively direct your life. Changes don’t always come easy, but it is in fact a very positive process. When we become more aware of the fact that we have created everything that happens to us ourselves, we can change this process and live our lives the way we want to. It is so much easier than we think.