Showing posts with label Spirit Guides and Midwayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirit Guides and Midwayers. Show all posts
Ever since I first encountered Orbs in photographs taken on my digital camera, I've been totally fascinated with the interactive magic of this phenomena ... As a result of which there have been hundreds of pictures that I've taken with the intention of manifesting Orbs ... and they always show up in more ways than one ... apart from the usual Balls of Light in different colors there have been golden sparks of light (also known as fairies by some) showing up in some of the pictures clicked !

Here are some of these Orb photographs clicked on my Olympus FE330 in the last couple of years ...

To view the images below in full resolution right click and open in a new window/tab ...

We moved to Goa in June last year ... and my first reaction on looking out of the workroom window was ... WOW ... This place is full of Love ! Notice the heart shaped leaves on the climbers ....

Couple of months later something amazing happened while I was clicking pictures of orbs right outside the same window ... soon after sunset ....

... and then this one happened ...

Golden Balls of Light coming together to create the ♥ Heart Shape ♥ !!!

"Heart Shaped Golden Orb Cluster"

This one is a timely reminder from our transdimensional family of light ... we are all connected ... and it is love who we really are .... ((( ♥ ))) ~ Always ... ツ

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"What Dreams May Come" is a 1998 movie starring Robin Williams, Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Annabella Sciorra. The film is based on the 1978 novel of the same name by Richard Matheson, and was directed by Vincent Ward. The movie is about the metaphysical reality ... the continuation of life beyond physical death ... It's definitely a must see for all ...

The movie won an Oscar for its expensive and impressive visual vistas depicting an imaginative afterlife. Robin Williams stars as Chris Nielsen, a doctor who has suffered with his artist wife Annie (Annabella Sciorra) through the devastating loss of their children, Marie and Ian, who were killed in a car accident. Although Annie's all-consuming depression nearly destroyed their marriage, the couple rebuilt their relationship and are now living out a comfortable middle age. Stopping one night to help a motorist in a wreck, Chris is struck by a car and killed. At first confused about where he is, Chris meets Albert (Cuba Gooding Jr.), a spiritual guide who helps him to realize he's passed away and that he must move on to the next world.

After trying with only limited success to communicate with the devastated Annie, Chris moves on and discovers an afterlife that can become whatever one envisions, where even his pet dog awaits him. What Chris envisions as paradise are the paintings of his wife, and he happily takes up residence there, awaiting the far-off day when Annie will eventually join him. He also meets his children, although they have chosen different appearances than the ones they had in life. Then tragedy strikes when Annie, inconsolable, commits suicide and goes to Hell. Although it is rarely done, Chris insists on traveling there, risking his eternal soul to save the woman he loves. Accompanied part of the way by Albert and a wizened guide called The Tracker (Max von Sydow), Chris finally reaches Annie in Hell, and must convince her of the truth in order to release her from her dark prison.

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Ratu Bagus discusses Energy Orbs or the Devas in this fascinating short documentary on the Orb phenomena called 'Playing With The Planets' ...

Recently at the ashram the phenomenon of Energy Orbs has become more and more visible. These beautiful representations of planetary energy are becoming manifest in response to the ever-growing level of consciousness present at this time.

In this DVD Ratu discusses the significance of these energies. With many photographic examples. The pictures taken at the ashram and around Ratu were taken by many people, on many cameras at different times. They capture the essence of these energies at play.
Source : Ratu Bagus
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Metaphysician and spiritual psychologist Doreen Virtue discussed her experiences working with angels, as well as her understanding of Indigo and Crystal children. She first began to see angels as a young child, they comforted her, and she perceived them as colors of light, and sound. They can be thought of as beings that live on a different frequency, though they can make themselves appear entirely physical, she explained.

When people have unexplained rescue experiences, these are sometimes cases of angelic intervention -- angels can act to save your life, if it's not your time to go, said Virtue. She's worked extensively with Archangel Michael, whom she described as the overseer of guardian angels. When in a dangerous situation and in need of assistance, simply call out "Michael, please help me," she suggested. Angels don't have wings, but have been portrayed that way because they have a glow about them, she added.

Indigo children are typically born from the mid 70's through the mid 90's and exhibit psychic qualities, a strong willfulness, and are attuned to truth, Virtue reported. Kids born from the mid 90's to the present include the Crystal children, who are more passive, forgiving, and connected to nature, she continued. Interestingly, the next generation, said Virtue, will be known as the Rainbow Children-- new souls without karma, who will only be born to families without dysfunction. Related Articles :
"The more we know about the meaning of life, the better we understand the important choices we must make. Robert Schwartz has done an excellent job of presenting the possible explanations of what we are doing here and why we are here. I highly recommend this book."

– Dannion Brinkley, author of 'Saved by the Light, and The Secrets of the Light'

"Your Soul's Plan is a deeply insightful guide as to why our lives unfold as they do and how to direct them to a deeper place. It's a powerful book and I highly recommend it" – Sonia Choquette, author of 'Trust Your Vibes'
"Your Soul's Plan is one of the most detailed explorations I have seen into understanding why we have chosen certain paths in our lives and how we may use that information to continue our journey as a soul here and now. This book will help thousands of people. A book you HAVE to have in your library!" – John Holland, author of 'Born Knowing, and Power of the Soul'

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Ratu is a self realised master, whose teaching has been received direct from the light. Ratu Bagus (meaning good king) is an extraordinary spiritual teacher. Ratu has the ability to develop our lives beyond what we could ever have imagined. He shows us how to truly heal ourselves by opening our hearts and helping us to connect to divine love. Those that meet him are touched by his sweetness, his love for humanity and endless compassion.

Ratu is endlessly creative in his approach to awaken our desire for freedom, he is both humble and powerful, with a wonderful sense of humour, he is completely accepting of everyone, he sees the light that is who we truly are, Ratu at Bramin Ceremonyand invites us to realise this too. Ratu has touched the lives of many, to meet him is a truly life changing experience.

The phenomenon of Energy Orbs has become more and more visable at the ashram.These beautiful representations of planetary energy are becoming manifest in response to the ever-growing level of consciousness present at this time.

The pictures shown here taken at the ashram and around Ratu were taken by many people, on many cameras at different times. They capture the essence of these energies at play.

Feeling their presence and working with them during training and meditating allows one to connect with our highest potential, free from the limits of the mind. When one is connected through feeling to these energy orbs spinning throughout the body occurs, while held in the safety of ones own orbit, it can feel like dancing through the universe.

‘Now is the golden time for the spiritual. Every year there is a growing level of spirituality. Our level has now already reached the 9th level. That is why we now unite with the planets. When the soul reaches the planets, a high level of consciousness emerges. This level of consciousness works together with nature and the planets. So the orbs that we see here are balls of energy. They are planets. In philosophy they symbolize the power of the deities.’

~ Ratu Bagus

Orbs in Motion

This is an excerpt from a recorded talk by Ratu at the ashram in April '09. The footage clearly shows energy orbs moving quickly within the room, and is very unusual as orbs are rarely caught on video camera.

Nyepi Orbs

On the sacred day of Nyepi or Day of Silence, it is traditional in Bali that no light or mains electricity is used, and people don't leave their homes. The whole island is silent and in darkness. This film is made from the exceptional images taken at the large Nyepi Ceremony that was held at the ashram in 2009.

Source : Ratu Bagus

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.... Namaste Beautiful Beings Of Light ....

In these magnificent times we live in there has been provided an opportunity for all of humanity to awaken to the infinite possibilities that lie within our consciousness birthing a new age of Love & Harmony ... when we all truly live as one consciousness with all illusionary boundaries dissolved as we allow our inner light to shine ... the key to transformation lies within our ability to tune into the child within and stay in tune with the bliss of innocence allowing compassion to drive our thoughts, our feelings, our speech, our actions ... always ... knowing the self as one with the inherent unity which binds all creation as one infinite sea of consciousness ... spirit ... energy .... love .... god ... the field ... we can choose any name .... any label .... any tag .... there really is one actor playing all these parts in this infinite play of consciousness .... all parts destined to reunite with the true nature of self ....

We have a lot to learn from the children of today as these ONEderful beings of light bring forth an awe inspiring fresh energy of transformation through their w~one~derful gifts of unconditional love and compassion for all as we consciously co~create our reality and birth the neo paradigm of oneness as we bring to realization our true multidimensional nature .... Love & Light ... All Ways ....

Connecting To Innocence by Cheryl Goodrich ...

There is a wisdom that is so ancient. It bubbles up inside my mind and has the ability to be transported into time. This ancient wisdom is innocence and it contains everything that is needed to heal the world.

There are scatterings of this wisdom found in time. It is seen in the turns of the seasons, the wisdom of nature and the innocence of a child. These scatterings alone do not hold enough power to bring the healing of the world. Something else is needed. This something else is the link that unites all of these scattered pieces of wisdom together. This link is the idea of love and is found in the mind of every person who walks this earth. It is to the idea of love that we must turn to allow innocence to flourish in time for without innocence all life will perish.

Re-connecting to Love

When a person re-connects to love and begins to disconnect from the boundaries and barriers that time and space sets on the mind, it begins to connect to another Source that is powerful enough to move the forces of nature and gentle enough to cradle a child's innocence. As a person searches for this ancient source of wisdom, a pattern begins to emerge. This pattern is revealed each time the mind is freed from a past perceived hurt. Each step taken becomes a golden thread that binds together the fallen innocence that is scattered in the world. It is this connection that will save the world. There is nothing else. If there were then love would be a lie and all of the betrayal and pain found in the world would be the truth.

Connecting to innocence unites us to the ancient Wisdom found in Heaven.

Heaven cannot unite with what it does not know, but we can align our mind with innocence by perceiving a new way of thinking. We cannot pursue a new way of thinking until the old way is given up as something not wanted.

Why the Innocence of a Child is so Precious

We think we know, but do we understand how the seasons change? Why the innocence of a child is so precious? The wisdom of these things is what is worth pursuing, yet we get caught up in the "wisdom of the world" which teaches us we are something we are not. No wonder there is so much treachery and pain in the world. The constant demand that we become something we were never supposed to be overwhelms every mind that makes such a demand. The intensity that this strain causes is seen and played out on the faces of those that walk this world and on the face of those that makes such a request.

Our next challenge is not world peace, conquering outer space, feeding the world or global warming. It is not protecting the environment or the world economy. The next challenge that we have today is preserving something that we all are born with and is re-introduced into the world each time a child passes the threshold from eternity into time and space. That trait that is so cherished in our children is called innocence. This is the challenge for this millennium; how do we maintain and keep the quality of innocence in our children while bringing them up and teaching them to become physical beings? Spirit, by nature is innocent. If we can keep our children innocent, they will heal the world. They can teach the world how to love again without being threatened, for what they carry into the threshold of time is unconditional love. What they learn in the physical realm is that it is not safe to love unconditionally. This is fear and can only be learned in time. It is fear that threatens the existence of the world, nothing else.

Blending Physical and Spiritual

In the physical realm there is a strong tendency to believe that being physical is the greatest expression of Spirit. Being physical is not an end, or the final way Spirit can be interpreted, but instead just an avenue of expression of the Spirit. Being physical should be a blend of the Spirit, which is soft and yielding and also innocent, to the physical, which is a way to express the Spirit through the manipulation of physical matter or molding it to the Glory of God. God's Glory isn't found in the body. It is found in our Being.

Miracle of Birth

A true holy encounter reveals the innocence that each one of us still holds and it is beheld by one looking through innocent eyes. Innocence is a gift from God and God never takes back what He has given freely. The miracle restores our innocence and it is the gift that is being extended unto mankind by God so we can remember what the rest of creation already knows.

Take my hand and help me gather the wisdom that is tossed about in the world. Let us join together in a new understanding that brings us back to the simplicity of life. All of the harsh undertakings found in the world is simply a futile attempt to make a statement that screams; "I am not the innocence that lies scattered about in time. I am greater than this." But there is nothing greater because there is nothing else. The wisdom of the world is merely nothing because it does not contain a drop of innocence that a child offers to the world every time one is born.

..... In Lak'ech Ala K'in .... Bhole Naath Sabke Saath .......

((( ॐ )))

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'Spirit World : Evidence Of The Ether' is a feature length documentary by Enigma Motion Pictures featuring Chris Everard & David Icke about the esoteric knowledge of ether and the power of magical rituals used by Shamans, Psychics, Scientists and Secret Societies such as the Illuminati to tune into higher dimensions and other worldly beings.

The contents of Chris Everard's documentaries tend to promote the idea of 'evil' associated with secret societies broadly termed as the Illuminati. Evil in our understanding of the term are actions which do not help in the evolution of the Soul, hence we have karma which works on the causal principles of the universe and reincarnation which brings the soul back to further it's evolutionary process and continue to learn. Evil and the idea of demonic forces are no more than illusions of the 'Ego', a false sense of self which feeds on fear brought forth as a result of the illusion of separation from all of creation.

This idea is presented repeatedly throughout most of the Enigma Channel documentaries on the Illuminati hence offering a good opportunity for each one us to transcend the dualistic viewpoint and let unconditional love for all shine within our being and reverberate throughout the cosmos ... Now is when we believe what we know to be true from the deepest recesses of our being ... and realize our role as co-creators in shaping the neo paradigm of Love, Light & Oneness ...

Believe nothing unless it resonates well with your deep inner knowing ... Once the old ways of fear have been transcended, the new light of love will shine on all ... the world will live as One !

((( Shine On )))

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All beings are multi-dimensional including humans. Our problem is that we have forgotten our multi-dimensional nature and have been disconnected from much of ourselves. The variety of beings out there which you will become aware of through awakening your third eye and spiritual transformation is truly amazing. From nature spirits to angels to Extraterrestrials to huge beings maintaining the dimensions to the tiny beings in particles, there are beings everywhere. An explanation of the infinite variety of beings in existence is beyond the scope of any book as it is truly infinite. By awakening your spiritual senses you will inevitably become aware of many different beings and you will be able to communicate directly with them.

The communication used is telepathic although sometimes you may actually hear words. Generally telepathy involves the transmission of feelings which the receiver can then put into words much like a translation. There will always be information lost in translation just like when trying to explain to someone an experience you have had. Can they ever really know how you felt by your description alone? Can you know the taste of a piece of fruit by a description? You may get some idea but you can never know until you taste it. Indeed even with friends, loved ones and others here on earth telepathic communication could rid the world of so many misunderstandings.

When communicating with beings in other dimensions it is sometimes a good idea to save the translation for later. While communicating simply use the means available and wait until the end to try to put things into words. Telepathy and inter-dimensional communication is based on feelings. The reason most cannot communicate in this way is that they are not in touch with their feelings. There are some beings that are working with humans here on earth who are helping with our spiritual transformation. These include Guides, Angels and Extra-Terrestrials. There are other multidimensional beings that can and do interact with us such as Animals, but these are the main ones that you will be in contact with and who will be helping with your spiritual awakening. For this reason I will give a brief description of these beings. Guides Guides are usually other beings who have incarnated as humans before. They are just like us accept they are not incarnated while they are your guide. They may or may not incarnate again on earth but generally they have incarnated at least once before. They are fit to help guide you because they know what it is like to be here and they are not currently incarnated. They are essentially residing in their light body in higher dimensions and so they have a much broader view of reality. They are not distorted by the astral body and chitta so they can communicate with many levels, beings and dimensions clearly and with ease. They have agreed to help guide you from the other side for this life. They are in contact with your own higher self and they know your purpose for incarnating on earth. They know a lot about you and your future and will help in whatever way they can for your highest good. However they cannot help you if you do not want them to or if what you ask is against your higher self's purpose. All beings in higher dimensions respect your free will and it is a rule that they may not impinge upon it. If you ask them to help you they will certainly do all that they can (as long as what you ask for is within your highest good).
Angels are from higher dimensions and do not incarnate into matter. They are like creator’s messengers and healers. They will always come when asked and help to heal you and send you love. As they come from higher dimensions of love and light they are unable to really feel and understand what it is to be human. They can send us love and healing and help to guide us through certain periods of life. They are essential when it comes to spiritual work as they send vital light and love to help heal our energy bodies, activate the Light body and repair its structures. Without their help spiritual transformation would be extremely slow if possible at all. There are different types of angels with specific tasks. For example a certain group of angels play a huge role in pregnancy and birth. If you tune into a pregnant woman with your third eye you will see and feel a huge amount of gold light around her which is the light of these angels. Incarnation into matter is a very hard process for the incoming spirit and these angels are vital for the process. In the last 20 years a huge number of angels and other beings have begun to help with our spiritual awakening and transformation. Prior to this it was far more difficult to make real progress as the energies needed to transform and activate our energy bodies were not here for us. 20 years ago it was extremely hard for an experienced meditator to have a past life experience. They would have to meditate away from the city for days and have the help of a connector before an experience could occur. Now with the help of so many angels and other beings it has become very easy for even a total beginner to have a past life experience first go. All that is needed are the simple techniques revealed in Past Life - Regression. Through your practices you will quickly become aware of the presence of angels around you and you will be able to connect with them and communicate at any time. They are truly amazing beings... Extra Terrestrials Extra Terrestrials are any beings incarnated in the 1st to the 9th dimension that come from a planet other than Earth. There is an amazing variety of life in this universe and the number of life forms is nothing short of miraculous. There are civilizations and cultures living on and within many planets all over the universe. They come in all shapes and sizes such as insect like giants, dolphins or other humanoid beings. In all of the 9 material dimensions there is a birth and death experience as a being incarnates into the life form and eventually leaves. In higher dimensions it is not uncommon for beings to live for thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands. On these planets and in the dimensions inhabited by such long lived beings you would find places of amazing harmony and spiritual knowledge. To us these worlds would seem like heaven and in a sense they are. In fact compared to our lives on earth almost the entire universe is heaven from a dualistic point of view. It is quite possible for humans to incarnate on other planets in between lives on earth. It is also possible for ETs to incarnate here for a life and this has occurred many times throughout history. However there is a group of beings who make up the human race and these are the ones who make up the vast majority of people here. Some people who have recently incarnated on other planets may have strange memories of such a place and know very well that it was another planet. They may be able to telepathically connect with beings from the other planet or may be visited in dreams by these beings. It is not just the angels and guides that are helping us but also many ETs from many different planets and dimensions. The connections formed through a few of us having lives on other planets were to help ground some of the forces from various planets and dimensions onto earth. There are many ETs around earth at the moment in various spaceships and the like. Many are in higher dimensions and so cannot be seen but there are also ships that can become third dimensional. These ETs are mostly here to help us to shift into the 4th dimension and to see what has been happening here. We have been involved in something never tried before and the results will affect the entire universe (see A New Mythology). So we have aliens all around us and many of you will have connections with certain groups. These groups are here to help us and use what they know about healing to help heal our subtle bodies. During meditation and sleep you may be visited by various ETs, they will help heal you and speed up your spiritual transformation.
Animals are far more than meets the eyes. Most come from other areas of the universe and in a certain respect they are Extra Terrestrials incarnated on earth. The bodies they inhabit on their home planet may be completely different to their bodies here or may be very similar. As humans are involved in a reincarnation cycle on earth, each group of beings throughout the universe has there own reincarnation cycle. The beings of each cycle have a similar consciousness and have similar personalities. They are expressing a part of the creator simply by being themselves. All life is evolving to a certain extent and so as each group continues its incarnations it gradually changes and becomes more of itself. Individuals can incarnate into different cycles for a life and return to their cycle or even leave their cycle and join another one if they desire to do so but generally groups tend to stay together. The reason for this is that the individuals in a group all have a connection to the same being of higher consciousness. For example all humans have higher selves which have higher selves which have higher selves which eventually meet up with each other. We are in fact the expression of a huge being that incarnates through all of us. The same goes for other civilizations and groups of beings. The interesting thing about earth is that the Human race has been doing something very unique which has never been done before (more on this in A New Mythology). Due to this it was necessary to have connections to all areas of the universe and to all types of consciousness. So the animals are beings from all over the universe incarnating into life forms here. You can tune into any animal including insects, birds, mammals, fish, etc and you can follow the consciousness of the animal to wherever they come from. Of course awakening your third eye will make this much more vivid but anyone can look at an animal and get a feel of its consciousness. It is important here to understand that the animal’s spirit or higher self comes through its light body which like ours does not shine through with perfect clarity. Like us, animals have an astral body which incarnates through the etheric and physical bodies. The light body only has a tiny part actually incarnated in the physical and this part is obstructed by the astral body. To see the being behind the animal (the higher self and the connections to higher consciousness) you must follow its column above its head. Animals are in fact in greater contact with their higher selves than humans so they know where they come from. While asleep they dream of their home planet and maintain a conscious connection even while awake. The connections held by animals on earth have been essential for the work we have been doing. They are like grounding rods for high spiritual forces of light and consciousness. Animals may seem to be less evolved than humans but if you were to see them on their home planets and in their multidimensional bodies you may realize that they are in fact very advanced. They have incarnated here into bodies that are very restricted and very much controlled by the instincts of the lower self as we reside in the 3rd dimension where matter is extremely dense. Remember that it is only a small part of them that resides within the body and as the instincts take control of their body in most situations many conclude that they are of lower consciousness than us intelligent humans. This is an illusion which was important for our purposes on earth. Tuning into animals is probably the easiest way to awaken your spiritual senses and begin to feel the various higher forces that are a part of our world. All animals resonate with vast beings of higher consciousness and are but a part of these beings incarnating into the third dimension. They have come here to help us with our purposes and are all beings of infinite love and light. Related Articles :

Humans are multidimensional beings composed of many parts and with connections to many dimensions. The human as well as the Universe are far more complex than scientists would have you believe. As physics is the science of the physical realm and its laws and functions, Metaphysics is the science of all realms, their laws and functions. From a Metaphysical viewpoint the physical world that we see before us is the third dimension.

There are other physical dimensions ranging from the 1st to the 9th dimensions and then many more above the 9th which are not so much physical dimensions but dimensions of consciousness and many dimensions below the first which are dimensions of material. The material in these lowest dimensions is in a state of fertile chaos and is yet to be formed into physicality.

The 9 physical dimensions are where consciousness creates order with material, where consciousness actively creates universes and beings with the energies and forces contained in the lowest material dimensions. The lowest dimension and the highest are actually One and the same. At the deepest level of reality called the Ultimate Reality or the Absolute where all is one, before any differentiation, the two forces meet and truly are One. This state is often referred to as the void, as it has no form and no movement, just perfect balance. All of creation is contained within this void in a dormant state. From the Ultimate reality the first differentiation between active and passive forces occurs, creating consciousness (the active or Yang/Male side of creation) and material (the passive or yin/female side of creation). From these two differentiations of the absolute everything is created. Consciousness molds material into form and incarnates into this form. It is a constant sexual play where the Female Material Substance yearns to be molded by the Male Consciousness and the Male yearns to enter the Female and mold her substance into form. It is not that the Female Forces or Material Substance lack consciousness but that her consciousness is completely passive or yin. The Male side is totally active or Yang and is therefore given the broad term of consciousness which implies an active state. These conscious forces could also be called Spiritual forces but as we do not want to negate the Spirituality of the Material Forces we will use the word Consciousness. The 9 physical dimensions previously described are places made up of Conscious forces and Material forces. Matter has been formed by Consciousness into certain frequencies of vibration. For instance the 9th dimensional material vibrates at a much faster rate than the 2nd. The slower the vibration of the matter, the more dense the physicality of the dimension will be. As consciousness vibrates very fast it is much harder for it to incarnate into the lower dimensions and it has less control of the physical substance there. In the Third Dimension we need to eat food and drink water to gain energy for our physical bodies’ survival and hence the need for the food chain. In some higher dimensions, energy and sustenance for the physical body can be obtained directly from the atmosphere. The 9 dimensions are separated from one another by certain structures of energy but physically they can be in the same place. For example the earth has an expression of itself in each dimension. These different dimensional expressions of earth are all in the same place and are all a part of the same earth. A multi-dimensional being could go to and explore Earth in all of the dimensions but humans can only see and explore her third dimensional aspect because we have a third dimensional body. We could experience these other levels while in our physical body by cultivating our subtle perception. If we could raise our body’s vibration to a high enough level we could then enter the fourth dimension and explore there. Although the Dimension's are somewhat separate, they do interact and are all vital for each other. It's like a tower, without the foundations you cannot have a first level and without the first level you cannot have the second. So the dimensions are places where being's can incarnate into matter and live a life in the particular dimension that the chosen body is made for. Many Extra-Terrestrial's have bodies that can move through dimensions such as between the 4th to the sixth. The fifth would be this ET's natural resting place but they have the ability to densify or lighten their body to move up or down to the 6th or 4th dimensions at will. Because a being is able to move between dimensions does not mean they are more evolved than a human. Their body is certainly more versatile and can do many amazing things that a human cannot but this is due to their incarnation into a multi-dimensional body. The human is a being of consciousness which transcends all dimensions and who has incarnated into a human body for a short period of time. It's next incarnation may be here again or in a much higher dimension or a lower one or maybe it will not incarnate again. The point here is that higher dimension does not mean better, it is just a different place to incarnate and leads to different experiences. The plot gets thicker as although you are incarnated in the third dimension here you also have parts of yourself in many other dimensions at the same time. What you know of yourself is very limited due to a lack of incarnation and disconnection from interdimensional perception. You are a huge consciousness which has unlimited power to create whatever you want and you have parts of yourself in many dimensions simultaneously. You have only brought with you a portion of yourself and have left behind much of your consciousness in the dimensions above nine. The high dimensions of consciousness contain different levels of awareness and Spiritual powers. You may have also incarnated in other bodies, other physical dimensions and on other planets at the same time. Parts of you are probably all over the universe. At a certain level of your consciousness you are aware of all of your lives and all of yourself. The part that has incarnated here is but a tiny piece of a much larger being. The above information and much more is available first hand to anybody who chooses to follow the path of Spiritual Awakening and Inner Alchemy. This website and the tools available here are to help you remember what and who you are, to transform your energy bodies and incarnate higher forces of consciousness into your third dimensional body. The complexities of metaphysics throughout the universe and all of the dimensions could fill an infinite number of books. The knowledge that we need now is only what is relevant to us and this life on earth. What’s important are actual practices to awaken your spiritual senses, clear your energy and consciousness of past conditioning and incarnate higher dimensional force. Source : Geraldine Leschnik from the Facebook Group : ... We Are Not Alone ... ! Related Articles :

Orbs appearing in photographs taken on digital cameras may seem to be something new to us but indigenous people from the world over have always known them as nature spirits, ancestors, ascended masters, transdimensional light beings manifesting in our 3 dimensional reality.

The skeptic view of Orbs as dust particles, moisture or a camera aberration quickly fades away when you truly understand the interactive phenomena of orb manifestation by clicking some of your own Orb pictures. There are loads of pictures and videos of Orbs in various colors and sizes, manifesting in our visible world ... on you tube if you search for ECETI Orbs you can see these amazing orbs in motion at the Sattva Sanctuary, James Gilliland's ranch !

While googling for Orbs i came across this wonderful article on Be Still Now .....

What are Orbs? I do not believe anyone really knows the answer to that question. They are in fact a supernatural energy, and with that in mind you will find a lot of skepticism. That is why I think it is always more fun to find out for yourself what it is YOU believe to be true. And the only way is to play and see for yourself about orbs.

I will put some of what I personally have found. You will see that they come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors.

I do not see orbs to be ghosts. Orbs are very soft, higher-vibrating energy. I believe they are actually a type of window looking at us from another dimension. This universe is very complex and multi-dimensional. The variety of orbs that you see are from the variety of dimensions they could be coming from in the universe. A lot of orbs are nature spirits living with us and helping us, possibly another life form watching us and studying us from another place in the universe, possibly even ourselves popping in to see the past or future. I have even heard that they are a particular life form in this universe that goes way back, old souls I guess you could say. But whatever they are, you can communicate with them softly. I believe as our senses and telepathy open up more, we will have deeper communication with them and learn more as we evolve.

At this time, I just enjoy taking photos and showing that we are not alone. We are surrounded by a variety of life forms out there. The universe is an amazing place and multi-dimensional. If you honor and respect ‘what is,’ then in return you will have honor and respect. This is a great natural law.

Have fun orb hunting, and I will now provide some tips:

  • Use a digital camera. Most digital cameras will pick up orbs, but some seem to be better than others. I typically use an older model Olympus digital camera and get consistently good results.

  • Use the camera’s flash both day and night. The light from the flash improves your chances of getting an orb on film. Often while taking pictures with a flash, you can see orbs reflecting the light with the naked eye. So look fast with the flash, and you will see where they are.

  • Remain CALM and STILL inside. More important than the camera is the attitude of the person using it. Bringing a cheerful, accepting, peaceful attitude with you will attract them and make your photo experience more exciting and productive. You may talk to them softly. Let them feel your love. They will be curious about you and move in closer or even follow you around. You will see the same orb in several photos when you study them.

  • After taking a photo, you may find that they will leave. If you are calm, you can talk to them silently in your head, and they will start to come back. They will feel safe. Be playful with them. You will find techniques that work for you.

  • Take plenty of photos, then go home and study them while fresh. That way you will know if something is a light from something else, a reflection, or other anomaly. You want to know what you are seeing is really an orb and not a flash reflecting off of something else out there like a house or car light, shiny surface, metals, leaves, and so on. Know what you are looking at when you are taking the picture. Be mindful.

  • Have fun showing family and friends. Be ready to hear from all of the skeptics out there who are ready to blame the camera, the setting, the light, just about anything except believe that you got an orb on film. But you know what it is you are taking the picture of, our little friends!!! They make life a lot more fun knowing we are never alone. And then you will be ready for Animal Spirits and Fairies. When you are playful, so much will come out to play with you.

  • Be playful and never fear.

You are Greatness

Be Still Now

and Know

Here are some Orb & Fairy pictures we clicked in Secunderabad, India ...

Vikas @ Hilltop Surrounded by Golden Orbs :)

Heart Shaped Golden Orb Cluster ... GOA ! Related Articles :

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