Showing posts with label Metaphysical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metaphysical. Show all posts
"The Brighter the Light, the Darker the Shadow" is an Interview with prominent Crop Circle researcher Michael Glickman featured on CROPfm in August 2004.

Tarek Al-Ubaidi met up with Michael Glickman in Horton/Wiltshire, and did an interview on crop circles, their meaning and the shift ! Chris Haderer recorded and edited the material.

“I have been drawing crop circles since 1990. Over the years I have developed several techniques and, whether working from measured surveys or from aerial photographs. I have tried to produce drawings, which embody - insofar as I could – the grace and precision of these enigmatic patterns.

The simpler formations take half a day to complete while some of the more complex have needed several weeks, occasionally months, to work out more fully the nature of their geometries.

In every case, however, there was something new to learn. An insight into the awesome skills of these artists, whoever they may be, or a hint of a further understanding of the phenomenon.

Season by season I have filed the diagrams away though I was never quite sure what might be done with them. And then, around 1996, I began – in more and more detail – to envision a range of posters. In late 2001, working with Allan Brown, we started to design the poster series. Allan, like me, is a designer and we both relish the task of drawing the latest formations. Perhaps the hardest task we faced was the editing, the brutal choice of which glyphs to include and which to cast overboard.

Assembling these posters has been for both of us a charmed and rewarding experience. We hope that they bring you a similar pleasure.”


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A brilliant 3 dimensional multi-layered Cube came down as a Crop Circle formation in a field at Danebury Hilly near Nether Wallop, Hampshire UK on the 6th of July 2010 ... Intricately accurate and blissfully divine, this one brings a certain uniqueness with it's multi-dimensional design incorporating Hexagons with a circle in centre ... arranged in layers to appear as a Cube when viewed from above ...

The Cube Crop Circle Formation Bishop Sutton, near New Alresford, Hampshire. Reported on the 9th of August 2009 !

The Metatron's Cube formation which appeared at Sugarhill Aldbourne, Wiltshire on the 1st of August 2007 ...

An animated diagram of the 3D Cube Crop Circle Formation at Danebury Hill, Hampshire 6th July 2010 !

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Humans are multidimensional beings composed of many parts and with connections to many dimensions. The human as well as the Universe are far more complex than scientists would have you believe. As physics is the science of the physical realm and its laws and functions, Metaphysics is the science of all realms, their laws and functions. From a Metaphysical viewpoint the physical world that we see before us is the third dimension.

There are other physical dimensions ranging from the 1st to the 9th dimensions and then many more above the 9th which are not so much physical dimensions but dimensions of consciousness and many dimensions below the first which are dimensions of material. The material in these lowest dimensions is in a state of fertile chaos and is yet to be formed into physicality.

The 9 physical dimensions are where consciousness creates order with material, where consciousness actively creates universes and beings with the energies and forces contained in the lowest material dimensions. The lowest dimension and the highest are actually One and the same. At the deepest level of reality called the Ultimate Reality or the Absolute where all is one, before any differentiation, the two forces meet and truly are One. This state is often referred to as the void, as it has no form and no movement, just perfect balance. All of creation is contained within this void in a dormant state. From the Ultimate reality the first differentiation between active and passive forces occurs, creating consciousness (the active or Yang/Male side of creation) and material (the passive or yin/female side of creation). From these two differentiations of the absolute everything is created. Consciousness molds material into form and incarnates into this form. It is a constant sexual play where the Female Material Substance yearns to be molded by the Male Consciousness and the Male yearns to enter the Female and mold her substance into form. It is not that the Female Forces or Material Substance lack consciousness but that her consciousness is completely passive or yin. The Male side is totally active or Yang and is therefore given the broad term of consciousness which implies an active state. These conscious forces could also be called Spiritual forces but as we do not want to negate the Spirituality of the Material Forces we will use the word Consciousness. The 9 physical dimensions previously described are places made up of Conscious forces and Material forces. Matter has been formed by Consciousness into certain frequencies of vibration. For instance the 9th dimensional material vibrates at a much faster rate than the 2nd. The slower the vibration of the matter, the more dense the physicality of the dimension will be. As consciousness vibrates very fast it is much harder for it to incarnate into the lower dimensions and it has less control of the physical substance there. In the Third Dimension we need to eat food and drink water to gain energy for our physical bodies’ survival and hence the need for the food chain. In some higher dimensions, energy and sustenance for the physical body can be obtained directly from the atmosphere. The 9 dimensions are separated from one another by certain structures of energy but physically they can be in the same place. For example the earth has an expression of itself in each dimension. These different dimensional expressions of earth are all in the same place and are all a part of the same earth. A multi-dimensional being could go to and explore Earth in all of the dimensions but humans can only see and explore her third dimensional aspect because we have a third dimensional body. We could experience these other levels while in our physical body by cultivating our subtle perception. If we could raise our body’s vibration to a high enough level we could then enter the fourth dimension and explore there. Although the Dimension's are somewhat separate, they do interact and are all vital for each other. It's like a tower, without the foundations you cannot have a first level and without the first level you cannot have the second. So the dimensions are places where being's can incarnate into matter and live a life in the particular dimension that the chosen body is made for. Many Extra-Terrestrial's have bodies that can move through dimensions such as between the 4th to the sixth. The fifth would be this ET's natural resting place but they have the ability to densify or lighten their body to move up or down to the 6th or 4th dimensions at will. Because a being is able to move between dimensions does not mean they are more evolved than a human. Their body is certainly more versatile and can do many amazing things that a human cannot but this is due to their incarnation into a multi-dimensional body. The human is a being of consciousness which transcends all dimensions and who has incarnated into a human body for a short period of time. It's next incarnation may be here again or in a much higher dimension or a lower one or maybe it will not incarnate again. The point here is that higher dimension does not mean better, it is just a different place to incarnate and leads to different experiences. The plot gets thicker as although you are incarnated in the third dimension here you also have parts of yourself in many other dimensions at the same time. What you know of yourself is very limited due to a lack of incarnation and disconnection from interdimensional perception. You are a huge consciousness which has unlimited power to create whatever you want and you have parts of yourself in many dimensions simultaneously. You have only brought with you a portion of yourself and have left behind much of your consciousness in the dimensions above nine. The high dimensions of consciousness contain different levels of awareness and Spiritual powers. You may have also incarnated in other bodies, other physical dimensions and on other planets at the same time. Parts of you are probably all over the universe. At a certain level of your consciousness you are aware of all of your lives and all of yourself. The part that has incarnated here is but a tiny piece of a much larger being. The above information and much more is available first hand to anybody who chooses to follow the path of Spiritual Awakening and Inner Alchemy. This website and the tools available here are to help you remember what and who you are, to transform your energy bodies and incarnate higher forces of consciousness into your third dimensional body. The complexities of metaphysics throughout the universe and all of the dimensions could fill an infinite number of books. The knowledge that we need now is only what is relevant to us and this life on earth. What’s important are actual practices to awaken your spiritual senses, clear your energy and consciousness of past conditioning and incarnate higher dimensional force. Source : Geraldine Leschnik from the Facebook Group : ... We Are Not Alone ... ! Related Articles :

A magnificent Dragonfly Crop Circle appeared in the fields of Little London, near Yatesbury on the 3rd of June 2009. Quite synchronistically the day before yesterday, on the 2nd of June my friends Vikas & Nitin were reminiscing how they used to catch these 'Dragonflies' or 'Helicopters' as they were referred to when they were kids ... a day later on the 3rd of June, the same day the Dragonfly crop circle appeared, Nitin had a lucid dream about reading my blog which surprised even Nitin because he doesn't quite frequent this space and has little interest in the Esoteric or the Metaphysical ... Maybe now he will ! :) Thanks to our friends in their 'Helicopters' the world gets to witness these amazing crop circles, feel the magic of sacred art and be a part of the transformation, the metamorphosis of consciousness underway now ....

Dragonfly eggs are laid within their territory near the water. Once hatched, these nymphs will live nearly two years on the bottom of streams and ponds. As they reach adulthood an amazing thing occurs, they transform into dragonflies and ascend to the air. In the air, they travel with wings that sparkle with spectacular colors by reflecting and refracting light and other colors. No insect or bird can maneuver as well as a dragonfly. Flying up to 30 mph, they will twist, turn, move up and down, fly backwards, even change directions instantaneously and still will spot movement 40 feet away.

The power of Dragonfly lies in its ability to see around things by looking from different angles. Using its ability to transform colors and lights by reflecting and refracting them, Dragonfly shows us that life, like light, can bend, shift, and adapt in various ways, making life's appearance never be what it appears to be. Dragonfly's magic shows us to see through life's illusions and find our true vision. It calls us to transform within our lives and reminds us to feel deeply so we will have the compassion necessary to help ourselves and others.

The animal symbolism of the dragonfly deals with:

  • prosperity
  • good luck
  • strength
  • peace
  • harmony
  • purity

These symbolic meanings of dragonfly are particularly associated in Asian (Japan) and Native American (Plains region) circles.

As a creature of the wind, the dragonfly totem represents change. It's iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows - lest we run into stormy weather.

Dragonflies are also creatures of the water, and any creature whose habitat is in, or around water carries symbolism relative the the subconscious, or "dreaming" mind and thoughts.

This is because in the animal world, water is symbolic of the subconscious mind ("deeper mind," "dreaming mind") and relates to the thoughts we have in relaxed/meditative/sleeping/subconscious states.

Dragonflies carry messages that deal with deeper thought - and they ask that we pay attention to our dreams, deeper thoughts and desires.

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A 600ft Jellyfish Crop Circle formation appeared in a barley field at Wayland's Smithy near Kingstone Coombes, Oxfordshire on the 29th of May, 2009. It is one of the most intriguing crop circles we've ever seen ... Karen Alexander, a crop circle expert, says, "We have seen butterfly and bird patterns in the past, but this is the first jellyfish crop circle in the world."

Animal Totem

Jellyfish (Light and Power). Symbolic Meaning : inner strength, vulnerability, transparency, truth. The transparency of the jellyfish teaches of the inner source within each of us. We have an enormous amount of power within us to draw upon. We can turn on the light even in the depths of darkness through the wisdom of the jellyfish. It often shows up just when you believe there is no hope left.

The jellyfish sting symbolizes that even the most vulnerable has the ability to shield and protect itself from outside influences. The jellyfish is an electrifying totem. It offers a spark to energize and illuminate. Powerful !

The human Being is comprised of a number of energy centres or chakra points. 1-7 are located within and associated with the physical body, the 7th or crown chakra just above the head. The alignment and activation of these centres opens the being to multi-dimensionality through the crown and to the chakra centres outside the incarnate ‘self’. There are believed to be 5 outside the body that are accessible to the human Being, reaching out progressively and connecting us to atmospheric, lunar, solar, galactic and universal consciousness.

The tentacles are non-symmetrical and seem to depict an organic, moving layer or sheath around the jellyfish. Their purpose is protection. Once activated the 12-point chakra system, through the crown ‘doorway’, will open human Beings to multi-dimensionality and envelop the physical body in an ethereal, protective shell. The tentacles also seem to suggest our awareness or consciousness flowing freely into the unified field. We are on a wondrous journey of self-discovery as we awaken to our essence and full potential.

~ Sol Ar

Due to the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on July 7th 2009 a Solar Storm may impact Earth's magnetosphere which creates a 'Jellyfish' like effect in the earth's magnetic field ...

Whenever a severe solar storm impacts directly on Earth, then our planetary magnetic field or 'Magnetosphere' changes into the general shape of a 'Jellyfish'.

Coronal mass ejections typically disturb Earth's magnetic field, distorting it into the shape of a jellyfish buffeted by a strong current. This interaction also energizes electrically charged particles, trapped within Earth's magnetosphere, and so causes bright auroral displays. Source: Crop Circe Connector Related Articles :

The Pineal Gland has for long been associated with Esoteric Knowledge surrounding the spiritual, metaphysical aspects of consciousness and the self. René Descartes, who dedicated much time to the study of the pineal gland, called it the "Seat of the Soul". He believed that it was the point of connection between the intellect and the body.

The Pineal Gland is a cone-shaped pea that sits on the roof of the 3rd ventricle of the brain, directly behind the root of the nose (3rd eye chakra) floating in a small lake of cerebrospinal fluid. It is our body's biological clock and has been called a window of the brain because, as with all mid-line structures bordering the 3rd and 4th ventricles of the brain, it doesn't have a blood-brain barrier.

Instead it relies on a constant supply of blood via, considering its miniscule size, a particularly rich vascular network. It was considered for many years to be as redundant as our appendix but this theory is brought sharply into question because, in our body's infinite wisdom, the pineal gland has been supplied with the best blood, oxygen and nutrient mix available other than that received by our kidneys!

It acts as a receiving mechanism capable of monitoring electro-magnetic fields and helping align bodies in space. With its central hormone, MELATONIN, the pineal not only regulates sleep/ wake cycles and the aging process, but also appears to act as the Mistress Gland (sofia)* orchestrating the body's entire endocrine system and thus, energetically speaking, the chakra system. It is also responsible for shamanic states, visions, kundalini awakening e.t.c.

The pineal gland is unique in that it sits alone in the brain whose other parts are paired. It is the first gland to be formed in the foetus and is distinguishable at 3 weeks. When our individual life force enters our foetal body at 7 weeks, the moment in which we become truly human, it passes through the pineal and triggers the first primordial flood of DMT ( N-dimethyltryptamine). Later, at birth, the pineal releases more DMT. DMT is also capable of mediating pivotal experiences of deep meditation, shamanic states of consciousness, psychoses, spiritual emergence and near death experiences.

The pineal gland begins to harden with calcified tissue starting at adolescence. These strange calcified deposits between 3-5 mm are called “brain sand”. There are asymmetrical crystals in the pineal gland that are ‘piezo-electric' - that is, they send out electronic voltage creating EM waves. Whenever a person is exposed to an EMF (electro-magnetic field) such as that of the earth the gland vibrates, sending out EM signals to the rest of the body. When the pineal gland is stimulated geomagnetically it produces alkaloids similar to plant psychedelics. Any strong change in the earth's EMF will produce a rush of psychedelics in our bodies enabling us to be more psychically active in shamanic states (earth/ land receptive).

The pineal gland is effected by coherent EM fields and it changes its hormone production when exposed to EM at low levels. As the earth has the greatest effect of any force on our physiology it makes sense that the cells of our body and brain align with it. All life within the envelope of earth's vibrational influence attempts to match base-frequencies (entrainment) with that of the earth. To this end, each of our cells is constantly shifting patterns of energy to achieve harmonic resonance with the reference signals of our earth. Our bodies are truly amazing and they are intimately co-dependent with the earth and all its inhabitants. Our bodies are miraculous organs of phenomenal complexity and awesome ability. We are made up of multiple trillions of molecules, each vibrating with its own intelligence, all interlinked just as our universe is interlinked and interconnected. We reflect the whole. A picture may be beginning to emerge as to how we reach shamanic states through the wisdom of our body in tune with the earth.

When we experience a shamanic journey our pulse rate increases at the same time that our blood pressure drops. This is also what happens as the body is preparing to die. As the life-force leaves our body through the pineal gland, another flood of DMT is released. I believe that the initial stages of a shamanic journey replicate this near death experience and so triggers DMT release in the brain.

(NOTE: Yagé or ayahuasca, a brew made from so called ‘spirit vine' which is used as a ‘plant teacher' by shaman to induce shamanic states, is virtually the chemical equivalent of DMT in humans.)

I believe that shamanic work combined with breath work brings large volumes of oxygen and life-force into the bloodstream and, because of its excellent blood-supply, the pineal gland receives much stimulation from the oxygen/ prana drenched blood causing it to resonate/ vibrate thereby stimulating the release of DMT, our body's own powerful psychedelic. Lore has it that the pineal gland is the gateway into the soul. An energy vortex; a meeting place between psyche and soma, soul and body.

Ancient people knew of the importance of the pineal gland. Magician, Delores Ashcroft-Nowicki says that to the priests of Heliopolis, the embalmers of ancient Egypt (who were the forerunners of today's pathologists), the Star Chamber of Isis (the Holy of Holies) and the Halls of Anubis and Thoth were not just fanciful terms given to mythical locations but were actually places within the living brain where the priests and priestesses travelled to be taught by the gods.

The following is a description of The Star Chamber of Isis given by a priest of Isis undergoing the Rite of the Meeting of Mind with Mind:

The corridor is long and narrow and gleams like the inside of a shell drawn from the depths of the sea. The curtains that guard the entrance are of the softest gossamer, so fine that they seem like mist on a lake at dawn. As I pass through them I come into the presence of the Gods. The walls are of silver and give off a faint silver light that illuminates this holy place. Beneath my feet is the sandy silt of the sacred Nile, and all about me I hear the heartbeat of Isis . Behold, I dwell in the Star Chamber of the Goddess.”

The above sounds remarkably like the physical description of the pineal gland, which lies deep within the head, an important link to our deepest selves.

Tantric techniques attempt to produce enlightenment through sexual ecstasy. Pineal DMT release can mediate sexual ecstasy resulting from the strenuous exertion, intense emotions and pneumocatharthis (intense dynamic breathing). It is known that psychedelic features do emerge during orgasm. The link between conscious waking state and deep Shamanic consciousness is BLISS/RAPTURE, feelings associated with intense sexual pleasure.

(NOTE: The secret sex techniques of the Shamanka (female shaman) still in practice in certain rural areas of Brazil , Mexico and South America all, generally, involve breathing techniques.)

* Early medieval documents and alchemical texts refer to the ‘fallen' or lost Sofia – the allegorical term for the lost wisdom and innocence of mankind. Sofia is also represented by the fairytale “The Sleeping Beauty” where a prince has to toil through a hazardous ancient haunted forest to reach the sleeping princess. She has been sleeping for 100 years in a tower and can only be awakened by a kiss (the breath).

Source : Bridge Of Stars

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In light of the myo-electric research demonstrating that cognition takes place outside of the body (placing the physical body and brain squarely in the role of “radio receiver”), I use the analogy of a “thin client” computing system to explain how the Holographic Quantum-Mind (actually a misnomer, as the mind actually exists at the sub-quantum level...but again, for laypeople, the explanation suffices) functions: the body/brain acting as the “dumb terminal” (mixed analogy here, as I explain that, rather than being wired into an ethernet network, as is a thin-client computing system, the brain/body acts as a very sensitive “radio receiver”, with each being “tuned” to its own “sub-quantum holographic hard drive”, the DNA serving in a similar capacity (no pun intended) to a radio’s tuning capacitor, though incredibly more complex), the body’s bio-energy field (“Aura”, Orgone, Chi, Kundalini, Prana — whatever they choose to call it, depending upon their various backgrounds and predispositions) acts as the “antenna” (a bridge to the sub-quantum realm, where their “hard drive” is actually stored — so here, you have your “medium”, so to speak ), and, of course, the “Holographic Sub-Quantum Hard Drive” storing, not only your memories (“data”), but the “programs” that comprise your personality.

I go on from this point to explain that, while the analogy of a “hard drive” is convenient, we are not dealing with an actual physical construct, as the sub-quantum realm exists outside of space-time. I ask them to think of their individual “storage space” as “whirlpools in the river”; i.e., they have their own individual characteristics, but are “composed” of the same “substance” (again, I make clear that we are using analogy, and not speaking literally — many of these people tend to be VERY literal, as you might imagine from their professions!) as the rest of the sub-quantum realm. In other words, their own “personal” holographic storage space, rather than being “partitioned off” from the rest of the sub-quantum realm, is actually part-and-parcel of the holographic “fabric” of the sub-quantum realm. They are able to access their “data” and “programs” strictly by virtue of their physical/energetic resonant signature (I do NOT go into the pcar (phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance) issue, as their eyes would glass over, and I would lose them: but they can grasp resonance, and especially those familiar with signal routing through fiber-optic networks understand the concept of multiplexing, which builds a mental bridge for them to grasp this concept as applied to consciousness), which is matched to their “hard drive”.

This explains Jung’s “Collective Unconscious”, and the “Akashic Records” of the ancient Tibetans. Further, we can see how supposed “reincarnation” functions: I make the analogy to cordless phones/cell phones and “crossed signals”, due to a crowded frequency spectrum — something with which they are all familiar. While everyone’s physical/energetic signature is unique, there are bound to be certain “overlaps”, which allow a person living NOW to “tap into” the “quantum hard drive” of someone who is “dead”. i.e., that person’s “data” and “programs” still exist in the sub-quantum realm, and are thus available to be “tapped”, providing that one can “get into resonance”, or “tune” to that person’s signature. Mediums do this voluntarily (the trend seems to be to call such people “channelers” these days), while in cases of reincarnation (and, at the extreme end, “possession”), there is a certain amount of resonance purely by chance. Incidentally, this also explains “genetic memory”: as the DNA is so instrumental in the “tuning” process, it can be understood how people of close genetic relation, thus sharing elements of their DNA, may “tap into” ancestors’ memories.

Telepathy can be similarly understood: when two people develop a close rapport, a “resonance” between themselves, their resonant signatures “overlap” to a certain extent, allowing for the “sharing” of “data”, and, in some cases, even their “programs” (personality traits, etc.).

With the audience having “followed the bouncing ball” thus far, and grasped via these analogies the basic concepts I am trying to convey, I inevitably get a question regarding “Astral Projection”/”Remote Viewing” and/or the “Near death Experience” (NDE). Usually, a brief review of the non-local nature of any realm outside of space-time is sufficient to answer questions about remote sensing: since space and time are illusory constructs confined to “space-time”, and the “mind” exists in the sub-quantum realm, OUTSIDE of space-time... (there is usually some “forehead slapping” at this point — in most cases I don’t have to go much further on that issue...).

With NDE, however, I have to get a bit more in-depth. Since the physical body is a tuning mechanism, and does not immediately decay upon physical death, the tuning apparatus remains relatively intact for a period of time. And, if we look at the work of Wilhelm Reich, explaining the energy dynamics of “Orgone” (Chi, Prana, etc.), we can see that the Bio-energy field (“Aura”, etc.) will remain coherent and attached to the physical body for a period of time as well. Thus, our receiver, antenna, and of course, the “sub-quantum hard drive”, are all intact for quite a while after death. During this time, the consciousness may de-focus from space-time, as can also happen during “Astral Travel” and/or “Remote Viewing”...and if the body is revivified, these memories may be retained, and a NDE is then reported.

At this point, questions usually lean toward the more esoteric aspect of Astral Travel/NDE, and the fact that certain constructs seem to be reported by various people: “Christians” may see “Jesus”, or other appropriate religious figures, while Buddhists see Buddha, etc., etc. I explain the “form follows energy” principle, and show that the more mental energy is given to a construct, whether in THIS “space-time” realm, or any other, the more “real” it becomes. Thus, with BILLIONS of human minds lending energy to their various belief systems, it should come as no surprise that people find what they EXPECT to find in the NDE state. I even posit that space-time itself may be the result of a group of entities in the sub-quantum realm having “concocted” space-time, in much the same way that programmers of Virtual Reality systems create “worlds”, either for entertainment, or for university educational programs.

After some metaphysical meanderings along this line, I usually re-cap the main points of the “Holographic Quantum-Mind” theory, and send them on their way. All in all, I have found that people take to this VERY well... almost as if, on some level, they know it to be true... and while most cannot hope to ever comprehend the details of the high-end mathematics and physics involved, they grasp it very well at the intuitive level.

By Louis Malklaka


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