In this documentary titled, "Crop Circles : The Enigma", we embark on a journey into the mysterious world of crop circles like never before. Steve Mitchell guides us through the very latest thoughts on these enigmatic patterns and symbols found across the world. We take flight high above the ground at sacred sites such as Silbury Hill and Avebury to get a new and unique angle on this phenomenon. What causes these often beautiful designs ? Are they man made like some believe who know nothing more about the phenomena ? Are these formations created by Extraterrestrials or some form of higher dimensional intelligence trying to make contact ... catalyzing a multi-leveled spiritual awakening through our personal investigation of the mystery and the synchromystical communication which ensues within our consciousness when we allow our light to shine staying in tune with the highest vibration of compassion for all ...
Crop Circles : Compelling Evidence
The Yin Yang Crop Circle UK 2009
Source : Reality Entertainment
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- Crop Circle Season : August 2009
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- The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock
- Crop Circle Creators : Orbs, Balls of Light on Camera
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These Crop Cicles has some meaning. How do I analyze some takes the form of Codes Arcturians. Certainly some of these codes has everything to do with symbols of positivity. In my belief, there is a strong significance on these cycles with Crop Codes Arcurianos. But here is my question: But who put these Crop Cicles these plantations? It would be some form of intelligence of other dimensions?
We are not alone!
Um Abraço, JC
This blog is insane ! Truth will set us free !
we are making the crop circles, they are a reflection of our own consciousness.
Shane Cubis
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