The Pineal Gland has for long been associated with Esoteric Knowledge surrounding the spiritual, metaphysical aspects of consciousness and the self. René Descartes, who dedicated much time to the study of the pineal gland, called it the "Seat of the Soul". He believed that it was the point of connection between the intellect and the body.
The Pineal Gland is a cone-shaped pea that sits on the roof of the 3rd ventricle of the brain, directly behind the root of the nose (3rd eye chakra) floating in a small lake of cerebrospinal fluid. It is our body's biological clock and has been called a window of the brain because, as with all mid-line structures bordering the 3rd and 4th ventricles of the brain, it doesn't have a blood-brain barrier.
Instead it relies on a constant supply of blood via, considering its miniscule size, a particularly rich vascular network. It was considered for many years to be as redundant as our appendix but this theory is brought sharply into question because, in our body's infinite wisdom, the pineal gland has been supplied with the best blood, oxygen and nutrient mix available other than that received by our kidneys!

It acts as a receiving mechanism capable of monitoring electro-magnetic fields and helping align bodies in space. With its central hormone, MELATONIN, the pineal not only regulates sleep/ wake cycles and the aging process, but also appears to act as the Mistress Gland (sofia)* orchestrating the body's entire endocrine system and thus, energetically speaking, the chakra system. It is also responsible for shamanic states, visions, kundalini awakening e.t.c.
The pineal gland is unique in that it sits alone in the brain whose other parts are paired. It is the first gland to be formed in the foetus and is distinguishable at 3 weeks. When our individual life force enters our foetal body at 7 weeks, the moment in which we become truly human, it passes through the pineal and triggers the first primordial flood of DMT ( N-dimethyltryptamine). Later, at birth, the pineal releases more DMT. DMT is also capable of mediating pivotal experiences of deep meditation, shamanic states of consciousness, psychoses, spiritual emergence and near death experiences.
The pineal gland begins to harden with calcified tissue starting at adolescence. These strange calcified deposits between 3-5 mm are called “brain sand”. There are asymmetrical crystals in the pineal gland that are ‘piezo-electric' - that is, they send out electronic voltage creating EM waves. Whenever a person is exposed to an EMF (electro-magnetic field) such as that of the earth the gland vibrates, sending out EM signals to the rest of the body. When the pineal gland is stimulated geomagnetically it produces alkaloids similar to plant psychedelics. Any strong change in the earth's EMF will produce a rush of psychedelics in our bodies enabling us to be more psychically active in shamanic states (earth/ land receptive).

When we experience a shamanic journey our pulse rate increases at the same time that our blood pressure drops. This is also what happens as the body is preparing to die. As the life-force leaves our body through the pineal gland, another flood of DMT is released. I believe that the initial stages of a shamanic journey replicate this near death experience and so triggers DMT release in the brain.
(NOTE: Yagé or ayahuasca, a brew made from so called ‘spirit vine' which is used as a ‘plant teacher' by shaman to induce shamanic states, is virtually the chemical equivalent of DMT in humans.)
I believe that shamanic work combined with breath work brings large volumes of oxygen and life-force into the bloodstream and, because of its excellent blood-supply, the pineal gland receives much stimulation from the oxygen/ prana drenched blood causing it to resonate/ vibrate thereby stimulating the release of DMT, our body's own powerful psychedelic. Lore has it that the pineal gland is the gateway into the soul. An energy vortex; a meeting place between psyche and soma, soul and body.
Ancient people knew of the importance of the pineal gland. Magician, Delores Ashcroft-Nowicki says that to the priests of Heliopolis, the embalmers of ancient Egypt (who were the forerunners of today's pathologists), the Star Chamber of Isis (the Holy of Holies) and the Halls of Anubis and Thoth were not just fanciful terms given to mythical locations but were actually places within the living brain where the priests and priestesses travelled to be taught by the gods.
The following is a description of The Star Chamber of Isis given by a priest of Isis undergoing the Rite of the Meeting of Mind with Mind:
“ The corridor is long and narrow and gleams like the inside of a shell drawn from the depths of the sea. The curtains that guard the entrance are of the softest gossamer, so fine that they seem like mist on a lake at dawn. As I pass through them I come into the presence of the Gods. The walls are of silver and give off a faint silver light that illuminates this holy place. Beneath my feet is the sandy silt of the sacred Nile, and all about me I hear the heartbeat of Isis . Behold, I dwell in the Star Chamber of the Goddess.”
The above sounds remarkably like the physical description of the pineal gland, which lies deep within the head, an important link to our deepest selves.
Tantric techniques attempt to produce enlightenment through sexual ecstasy. Pineal DMT release can mediate sexual ecstasy resulting from the strenuous exertion, intense emotions and pneumocatharthis (intense dynamic breathing). It is known that psychedelic features do emerge during orgasm. The link between conscious waking state and deep Shamanic consciousness is BLISS/RAPTURE, feelings associated with intense sexual pleasure.
(NOTE: The secret sex techniques of the Shamanka (female shaman) still in practice in certain rural areas of Brazil , Mexico and South America all, generally, involve breathing techniques.)
* Early medieval documents and alchemical texts refer to the ‘fallen' or lost Sofia – the allegorical term for the lost wisdom and innocence of mankind. Sofia is also represented by the fairytale “The Sleeping Beauty” where a prince has to toil through a hazardous ancient haunted forest to reach the sleeping princess. She has been sleeping for 100 years in a tower and can only be awakened by a kiss (the breath).
Source : Bridge Of Stars
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hell yeah.
this one symbolizes a fallen angel. let me explain it.
the top is the head and in it is the serpent (the twisted arrow),
the eye in the center is his soul (the all seeing eye),
the left and right of the head are wings (he is an angel),
the next two below the wings are hands (meaning that he lives in the material world)
the last two at the bottom are legs, opened legs mean he is a sinner and its the reason he lives in matter. Jesus legs were closed on the cross cuz he wasnt a sinner.
take a look at the vitruvian man for better understanding of what i m saying.
mathematics are a universal language, symbolism is an intergalactic language...
hope you get what i m saying...
sorry for my poor english =)
You guys out there are performing a great job.
psychic reading about love
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