The Meaning Of Life, Is There One ?

At some point in our lives, we humans struggle with this perennial question of finding meaning to life. There are many answers to this question however the fact is that each one of us has the power to make our lives whatever we wish to ... and we are always doing it ! Our conscious participation through our waking lives is what empowers us with the ability to create what we really want to ... thoughts create ! Sometimes the rough edges around the roads we journey throw us off balance, off center and present a new challenge which helps us grow as better human beings ... Finally all fits in perfectly as it should ...

Living from a place of conscious awareness can be extremely challenging in a world that primarily thrives on the illusions of a 5 sensory reality. The mental chaos is a direct result of us not being able to fully be in the present. As we drift into our own thoughts of the past or the future we start to alter our present vibrational state based on our emotions attached to those thoughts ... hence start manifesting a similar reality for ourselves and others around us ... each time, yet another repeatable drama emerges from this way of living unless one has mastered the art of transcending attachment to outcome and learned to flow in peace, in silence ...

On this journey we are all alone though there might be others who share some part of your journey while they too are on a journey of their own choice ... we can only create meaning for ourselves and live the life we wish to ... while allowing others to do the same ... there are many dark forests of realization to walk through before we can get to the other side ... and then there might still be some more forests to explore ... its through this exploration we find new ways to give meaning to this thing we call life ...

The meaning of life is in living and not searching for a meaning to life ... one could still search though ... it's still living, init :) We are all here for a while in this vehicle body, however long or short our stay may be, the best we can do is be nice to one another and live in harmony with all ... in balance with the natural way of life ! Feeling the heartbeat of mother Earth within our being always ... Breathe ... Love ... Be ~ _/\_ ~

No matter what we've been through in our lives, we always have the choice to let go off the past and start afresh ... let's make most of our time here and share the love and light all around us ...

Love You ! In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very deep insight to life and thereafter. Thank you very much.

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