Alaska, Oregon & DC Legalize Weed For Recreational Use

What seems like a few states voting in favor of legalization of Marijuana for recreational use, might well be the start of a pleasant chain reaction with all other states in the U.S. and other countries following suit .... seriously considering reforming their drug laws, especially the ones surrounding natural plant based entheogens. With the Global Commission on Drug Policy also proposing complete legalization of all drugs, it does look like we are taking positive steps forward in removing all the unwarranted fears and wrong notions people harbor about some of these substances, while acting in a more humane way by not treating drug addiction like a criminal offence but more like a health and awareness issue which it actually is.

Legalization of Cannabis in Colorado and Washington have provided over 10,000 jobs and has created a multi-billion dollar industry, while helping reduce crime rate in both the states mentioned. You see when people smoke marijuana the last thing they wanna do is get into an altercation with someone. That is just not what stoners like to do, especially when stoned. We all know the effect Alcohol has on human sobriety after couple of extra drinks.

Oregon passed its legalization bill with support from 54 percent of voters, while Alaska passed its bill with 52 percent of voter support. In D.C., an overwhelming 69 percent of voters said "no more" to arrest and incarceration for possessing and using cannabis, a move that freedom advocates predict will have implications for the entire nation, perhaps the world at large.

The Oregon law, as explained by, recognizes that, as of July 1, 2015, individuals 21 years of age and older can legally possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana in public places and up to 8 ounces in their own homes. These same individuals can legally grow up to four cannabis plants per household.

"The new law gives the Oregon Liquor Control Commission until Jan. 1, 2016[,] to draft rules and implement regulations for production, processing and selling marijuana," explains "The measure says the state must begin receiving licensing applications by Jan. 4, 2016. The first batch of licenses should be issued during the first half of 2016."

In Alaska, individuals 21 years of age and older to possess and transport up to 1 ounce of cannabis, as well as grow and/or transport up to six cannabis plants at one time. Individuals are free to give up to 1 ounce of marijuana each to someone else, or six immature plants.

While D.C.'s legalization bill does not provision the establishment of recreational stores where Cannabis will be sold, individuals there will be allowed to possess up to 2 ounces of cannabis for personal use -- both residents and visitors will have this freedom -- and those living in D.C. will be allowed to grow up to six cannabis plants at home.

"With marijuana legal in the federal government's backyard, it's going to be increasingly difficult for national politicians to continue ignoring the growing majority of voters who want to end prohibition," added Tom Angell, chairman of Marijuana Majority, to CNN.

This is what it looks like in Colorado after Legalization .... The video below also features fascinating Cannabis infused Cuisine at Hunter S. Thompson's place in Aspen, Colorado.

Let's face it, most of the popular music we listen to, most creative people involved in arts, culture, music, movies ... all have at some point in their lives at least tried smoking marijuana once, while some continue to use it regularly with no signs of dementia or any psychological disorder like negative propaganda bandwagon has been harping about for a long time now. On the contrary many renowned artists and musicians today openly state their love for the herb and how it has positively impacted their lives.

Recreational use of the Herb is just one of the many ways to use Cannabis and it may have a negative connotation attached to it since most celebrities who smoke pot flaunt a lavish lifestyle with excesses involved. It is up to each individual to choose the use the herb they way they wish to and there are no absolutes to the effects of smoking weed, it all depends from person to person. Hence, legal regulation of the Herb, just like alcohol does seem like the way forward.

Cannabis undoubtedly has many medical benefits that are now being recognized by the world as it continues to cure people suffering from various illnesses without the use of any pharmaceutical drugs. Here is an interesting documentary titled 'Burzynski', which tells the story of a doctor and biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food an Drug Administration in American history.

It does look like we are in the final days of prohibition ....

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