Psychic attacks are common. We are all exposed to them, and they are responsible for many of the neuroses we see in our daily lives. Most of us have had experiences with psychic attacks, which somehow affect our thought process, our sense of judgment becomes wayward and we act out of compulsion rather than from a place of peace and understanding which might be our natural way of being. Psychic attacks and Energy Vampires make us feel drained ... sometimes bringing out the worst in us. They are not always people you interact with on a regular basis you may not like so much. Some are pretty much strangers whose presence makes you feel uncomfortable or draining.
Recently came across this beautifully written article on how to deal with psychic attacks and energy vampires ... The article speaks of a spurt in psychic energy attacks happening with a lot of folks around the world as we speak. Re-emergence of issues which seek healing in all kinds of relationships are more prevalent than ever before. Shedding off old layers which serve us no more help us bring newer perspectives into our awareness. Planet Earth is in transition and we can feel discomfort at some level as we are all connected to the spirit of Gaia whether we are consciously aware of it or not.
There’s a high degree of Psychic Energy Attack going on in the field right now. My strong sense is that it’s coming from (what I call) the ‘raptor consciousness’. It is a dense vibration, a controlling energy, that’s like a consumptive virus. It’s prevalent across the planet, has been so for millions of years, and acts through humanity’s denser vehicles of expression. I’ve described it’s origins in the Divinicus Book. Right now, that energy has been deeply stirred up and its stronghold here greatly challenged by the supportive, realigning energies of benevolence. It’s making life increasingly unstable, but here’s why that’s a good thing and how to deal with it…
It’s what happens when you stir the bed of the stream
The matrix is an interwoven system of frequencies that lowers vibration into dense behaviourisms – ones that specifically target the mind for example and thereby addict people to the consumptive physicality of life. Various energetic layers of the matrix have been stripped away in recent years leaving the base ‘raptor consciousness’ feeling very exposed – that’s my sense of it (some refer to it as the ‘reptilian energy’ acting through that ancient DNA within us).
I know this will sound very esoteric to some, but there are entities working the field in the background, purposefully depleting people so as to enhance their own energy. You hardly know they exist, because they operate on a different frequency than the human body. So you can’t see them necessarily, but they act through your 4D field, implanting thought and emotion to get people living lives that generally don’t serve their higher self. They feed off the energy that is then released. When directly challenged, that consciousness is bound to react and fight back, it’s what happens when you stir the ‘bed of the stream’. So the first advice to offer, is not to worry if you feel this denser energy depleting you, either during the day or in your sleep. It’s going to happen as this energy is confronted, unraveled and stripped away from the planet over time. But you’re strongly advised to counter it in your own field too.
9 Methods for dealing with Psychic Energy Attack
Here is some general advice around dealing with that…
1. Become as Nothing
In the Openhand Approach, this intervention energy is only ever present because of unconsciousness and sense of lack – the need to be completed in some way. Hence presence and awareness is essential: ‘becoming as nothing’ within your field, meaning not to react, go into fear or panic about what might be happening. Soften through your field with awareness. First accept whatever is going on. Be the witness of it, the Observer. This takes a lot of practice and we’ll need to progressively soften into new layers and new personal resistances as they arise. So keep working on this one – this article explains about realising more deeply “the One” inside of you…
2. Understand the personal limitations you’re dealing with
Accept that the Intervention is teaching your something about yourself. It will expose your own attachments, trauma and karma, because that’s what it acts within – your pain is the place where the light enters. So learn to transcend the pain by understanding what limitation you might be working with, thus you enlighten through the pain. This video gives a deeper indication in what I’m speaking of…
3. Take sovereignty of your field
Once you’ve become ‘as nothing’ in the attack, then you can truly begin work with it and shift it from your field. You can do this by acting through your field. It’s taking back sovereignty within your field through presence. So take some time to lie still, relax and scan your field for tell tale signs of some kind of attack/intervention: a buzzing in the head, temples or third eye; nausea in the solar plexus; tightness like a wound knot in the abdomen; a sense of depletion of your energy and general tiredness (especially when you wake up in the morning).
4. Build sense of Warrior Will
The more presence and attention you can bring to your field, the more likely you’ll feel the subtle signs of intervention. So then begin to work against it, using your intuition and sense of will. Recognise this energy does not belong in your field and doesn’t serve you. Let this stir your ray 1 warrior energy. Without anger, judgment or resentment, begin to push out this energy from your field. You can use particular meditations that you’re drawn to. Deep consciousness bodywork for example like soulmotion or Tai Chi (with the sense of the warrior) or strong, energetic dance.
5. The importance of staying grounded
Make sure in all these counter activities that you stay grounded, that your energy doesn’t leave the body or rise only into the higher chakras. So make sure you root yourself to the earth; push your energy down through your body into your legs and through your feet. The raptor consciousness is dense, you might feel it coming up from the ground, hence the need to push back down, to root the fullness of your consciousness throughout your body.
6. Establish energy fields
Consider establishing energy fields through your home and general area you live in. These are established by what you might call an ‘act of prayer’. It’s not praying though and not asking for anything in particular. It’s using your sense of presence and divine connection to establish a clear energy through the space that you live. If you or others are getting tight, wound up or angry in that space, use meditation to unravel it by sending peaceful waves through it. Switch off and unplug as much electronics as possible. Switch from wifi to ethernet where practicable. Switch off the mobile phone when not in use. Use the TV sparingly. All of these vibrations have a disruptive affect on your surrounding field and can allow in the intervention.
7. Create a Sacred Space
Many of us live in family environments where others are less conscious of what’s going on in the field and may have more attachment to ‘matrix’ behaviours. So in addition to the above, it’s going to help greatly to establish your own sacred space (that is entirely yours) within the home. It is from here that you can send out peaceful waves of energy through the entire space.
8. Be mindful of diet
You are what you eat. Be especially mindful of your diet. If you consume the denser vibrations of the matrix (meat, dairy and junk food such as MSG, Gluten, processed sugar), then you need to be cleansing these from your field daily. Investigate those foods that detox, rejuvenate and bring aligned vibrancy.
9. Call in Support
Benevolence is there to help us in all its myriad forms. If you have the sense of a particular Archangel for example (Michael perhaps) you can call in supportive help and protection. Bear in mind that true benevolence wishes to empower you personally. So make sure you’ve actively engaged in your own self-realisation first through the steps taken above. But then by all means work with fourth dimensional and angelic support. You simply have to open your heart and invite that presence to work with you, being very clear, that anything which doesn’t support your highest good has no invitation into your field. You can actually state and feel the energy of this through your field as an act of meditation.
Healing the Wounded Dragon in You
Finally, it’s important to evolve your behaviours over time. Especially now where the raptor consciousness will be more desperate to influence those behaviours. Here’s an important video on dealing with this energy that we call “Healing the Divine Warrior” – the wounded dragon (which this denser energy influences). It offers plenty of useful insight into this distorted energy and how to transform it within you.
Sending you love and support in these challenging times. Have no fear, take heart!
About the Author:
Openhand is the name we’ve given to the Benevolent Consciousness of the Universe. It is that energy which works within the weave of the fabric of life, helping to unravel karmic blockages, infuse soul and thereby catalyse spiritual evolution. Openhand works as a synchronistic mirror, revealing what is holding us back and how we can take our next evolutionary leap. Openhand Foundation works on behalf of this energy, helping ground its presence in this realm.
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