Foods to Vibe Up to Fifth Dimension Frequencies

The food that we eat, literally becomes us ... the vibrational quality of the food, the Prana within is absorbed by our bodies with every single morsel of food we eat. In times like these when humanity is awakening to many truths its been previously unaware of, it becomes impossible to ignore certain facts and live a life of willful ignorance. In other words, once we wake up from our 'spiritual slumber' there is no going back to sleep again. One can only forget certain lessons but life keeps reminding us to stay true to our path and our soul's journey from time to time. The challenge lies in being able to translate this understanding and knowledge in our lives as our living experience, while forgoing our false ideals and belief systems which keep us serving our own egos while being unconsciously insensitive to others feelings.

Here is an article about Food choices and Spirituality which highlights certain key aspects of our evolutionary journey into the fifth dimension and what we can do to facilitate this transformation within each one of us as we make this shift.

There are many suggestions and directives offered in the spiritual community about the foods a person should eat in order to raise their vibration. In comparing the various suggestions to what people actually eat, it is clear that eating habits of lightworkers are as individual and varied as their personalities. It is becoming harder each day to obtain affordable healthy food as the majority of food available is tainted in one way or another. Is there really a “right” way of eating on the spiritual path and if so how can we obtain what we need in order to survive? The answer has many viewpoints and variables. First, it is important to know that every single person’s body on this planet is different, and therefore has different food requirements. Second, it is possible that some people are simply born of a high vibration and/or metabolism and can eat whatever they want without gaining weight or affecting their vibration level. Third, once a person changes their level of vibration, the body’s food needs and tolerances will change. Finally, the fourth thing to explore is that our DNA activation will render these choices obsolete.

Different strokes for different folks

When we were choosing the body we would inhabit before incarnating, we knew of our parent’s bloodlines and DNA, tracing all the way back through our grandparents and great grandparents. The eating habits of our ancestors are ingrained in our biological pattern. It is possible that this lineage could even go beyond Earth incarnations. The food requirements for our bodies could be influenced by these lineages and can also be changed through changes that we make in our diets that could affect our children and their children.

It is also highly likely that as we go through the changes of the times, we may begin to tune into “past life” characteristics of eating. All of the sudden we may begin to have an affinity for a food that we either never liked before or that we had never even heard of.

High vibrational humans and superhuman metabolism

There are people on this planet that are able to carry more particles of light of their oversoul in their body than others. Some of these people are here simply to “be” and are raising the vibrational level of the planet as well as the collective human consciousness. Because they carry more particles than the average human, their food needs would be different than the average human.

Some of these people have a very high metabolism that may be because of their vibrational level or may be inherited in their genes. These people seem to be able to eat whatever they want to in moderation without having an effect on their vibrational level and/or their weight. While metabolism may not be always linked to vibrational level, it is definitely a bonus when a high vibrational level causes superhuman metabolism.

Your current vibration can make a difference in food tolerance

Everyone is vibrating at a different frequency. Some people who are vibrating at a lower frequency may require a low vibrational diet in order to feel comfortable and satisfied. As the planet raises her vibrational level, the vibrational level of her inhabitants will rise. This may cause some people to have digestion troubles and diarrhea, gas, and bloating after eating lower vibrational foods such as beef, pork, and processed foods with no life in them.

Some people vibrating at a higher vibrational level may not be able to absorb low vibrational foods and require a very specific high vibrational raw or vegetarian diet. Some people that vibrate at a very high level have learned how to program their bodies through intention to be super waste machines that very efficiently dispose of anything that is not beneficial, allowing them to eat some things that others on a spiritual path simply cannot tolerate.

The majority consensus is that in order to raise your vibration level in the body, raw and organic foods such as fruits and vegetables can be used as a tool in starting up the super body computer. While some people need to follow this kind of diet in order to raise their vibrational level, others seem to be born ready to ascend and have no problem with food tolerances. Most people find themselves in the category of unhealthy eating habits most of their lives and changing their eating habits was the first step in defogging their brain and decalcifying their pineal gland.


The biggest challenge set up for us today is to eat 100% organic. Although there are some successful communities providing mostly organic fruits and vegetable, there are chemtrails being sprayed in the air which settles in the gardens and are found in our soil. Watering the gardens with tap water from the cities allows for fluoride and other chemicals to settle into the gardens. Processed foods contain harmful chemicals mostly designed to keep the pineal gland blocked and to make the body carry excess weight, as the fat cells protect the body by carrying the toxins within them as a shield. Most of these chemicals and toxins are also collected in the lining of our intestines until the body can find a way to expel them.

Fasting mostly involves going without food for a certain period of time depending on the results the person wishes to obtain and the reason for the fast. For the most part fasting is a great way to clear the intestines of toxins. It also helps the mind to be able to connect with the spiritual planes easier. However fasting could be dangerous for some people that require food based on their genetic makeup, and these people may require a different type of fasting where they eat more liquid foods and drink a lot of water. Some people who are here to ground the energies into the planet need to stay grounded with food every day. So again the level and type of fasting is very individual and is not for everyone, although many people use this tool at least once on their spiritual path.

Vegetarians vs. animal consumers

It is important to withhold judgment about those who choose vegetarianism or those who choose to eat animals. It is equally important not to tell someone they should eat only vegetables or that is ok for another to eat animals. The observation among the spiritual community is that there are a large growing number of vegetarians and this number will continue to rise as the body raises in vibration.

When people ingest an animal, the animal joins with the human and gets to be a part of the human experience. All animals have consciousness and it has been said that some animals that are raised specifically for human consumption know this and are willing to serve in this way. The human also takes on the experience of the animal to a certain extent, depending on the factors mentioned previously with spiritual attainment and awareness. Animals that are raised organically and with loving intentions for human consumption are the best choice if animals are to be eaten.

Another controversial point raised about animal consumption is that if an animal has been suddenly or tragically killed and eaten by a human, then the person can take on that fear vibration. The same goes for animals that are raised in terrible environments that would constitute abuse due to neglect and overcrowding. Blessing your animal food, giving gratitude to the animal, and intending to clear this energy and raise its vibrational level can alleviate the detrimental effects of ingesting that energy.

Fifth dimensional eating

As humans ascend into a fifth dimensional consciousness, the act of consuming of animals will likely change. For one thing, it would be hard to kill an animal once people become aware that all animals have a consciousness and can communicate. Intentional killing of animals of any kind will probably not exist in the fifth dimension. Those that choose to eat in the fifth dimension will be able to grow organic live foods and/or will be able to replicate it with technology. Thankfully we will be able to recreate a cheeseburger if we are craving a cheeseburger in the fifth dimension. Obviously it will be void of hormones, toxins, and chemicals, and could actually have more nutrients than a cheeseburger ever had before. Is this the real definition of “cheeseburger in paradise”?

Fifth dimensional eating will be for pleasure and will probably consist of a mix of fruits, vegetables, nuts, smoothies, and juices. As one decides to leave earth in their bodies to visit other planets, a lighter diet will automatically be desired as some planets in our galaxy vibrate above the fifth dimension. Most beings live on the prana life force and occasionally only eat for pleasure and for social occasions such as honoring those visitors from earth.

Why body weights vary

One thing that causes a person to be “too fat”, “too skinny” or “just right” can be linked to our genetics. If our great grandparents were potato farmers, for example, we may have a tendency to not commonly crave potatoes, but require them physically as well as psychologically because of the imprint we carry in our DNA.

Our upbringing as a child has a lot to do with our mind’s programming when it comes to eating. If we grew up eating meat and potatoes then we have entrained our brain to expect meat and potatoes for dinner. If our parents always served three meals a day then our brains will instruct our stomachs to look for that next meal and to sometimes panic or cause our blood sugar to crash when we do not have that fuel we are used to. The same rules apply to those that grew up eating out and having the opportunity to eat enough food for two or three people.

De-programming the brain can solve overeating problems, anorexia, and can help the mind learn to hear what the body wants to eat. When we begin to eat what our bodies need we begin to feel better and have more energy to exercise if that is what our body needs in order to be “just right”. When we reach this goal, the amount of pounds we weigh becomes insignificant.

Interference from dark forces

There is another observation that applies to a smaller portion of the population but should be mentioned here because it is something that will not be diagnosed by a physician. Interference from darker forces on this planet can cause extreme fluctuations in a person’s health and weight. Interference is only possible with the presence of fear in the human energy field. Such interference tied to food and health may cause an inability to eat or a tendency to overeat, and in both cases the overall goal of the interference may be death. Massive swelling in the body can occur as a defense to negative energy or devices placed in the body. Basic metaphysical and spiritual practices of love, raising your vibration, prayer, and intention are the first places to start with this type of interference and in some cases it is best to seek professional help if the symptoms persist.

Disease and the alkaline body

Dis-ease in the emotional body can manifest in the physical body in many forms. Cancer, Lyme Disease, Arthritis, and heart disease are just a few examples of diseases that can manifest out of blocked energies in the casual bodies. Studies show that cancer simply cannot survive in an alkaline body. Some doctors fail to prescribe an alkaline diet before beginning radiation or chemotherapy or before performing surgery.

It is not surprising that fifth dimensional dining would probably mirror an alkaline diet in order to maintain the optimum vibrational resonance.

How to listen to your body

The only way to make sure you are providing what food is best for your body during your spiritual journey is to listen to your body. One of the easiest ways is to pay attention to your cravings. Apparently if your body is craving a gallon of ice cream, one would need to question if there is an emotional issue tied to the craving. In this case you might be surprised that you body may actually need something in a small amount of a certain ingredient of ice cream if indeed the craving is not tied to an emotional issue. Generally speaking, paying attention to cravings with discernment and without judgment will help you decide what to eat as your body is telling you what nutrients it needs at the time.

Another great way of listening to your body is to pay attention to the way it reacts to the foods you eat. Gas, bloating, brain fog, diarrhea, constipation, and fatigue can all be some symptoms of eating the wrong foods for your body’s current needs. For example, if you hear your body telling you that you need strawberry ice cream, perhaps it is craving strawberries and milk or cream. Many wonderful nutrients can be derived from both, but after eating your strawberry ice cream, you get awful gas and bloating. Did that mean that you didn’t need the vitamin C from the strawberries or vitamin D from the cream? Maybe in the future you could try making homemade strawberry ice cream or a homemade strawberry smoothie made with organic ingredients and stevia. Perhaps the additives, sugar, or hormones in the ice cream would have caused the symptoms.

On the other hand, if you find that you get bursts of energy and brain clarity from certain foods then be sure to keep those foods in your kitchen. Pay attention to certain foods can satisfy you and make you happy as they release endorphins in your brain that stimulate a positive emotional response. If you get this type of response from eating something that you would normally consider bad for you then maybe your body needed a little treat! When it comes to treats, the general rule of everything in moderation helps to keep your cravings in check.

Some allergies are caused by foods as the body’s way of telling us what it does not want. Hives, nasal drainage, sneezing, and mucus are all symptoms of allergic reactions to foods that can oftentimes be mis-diagnosed as hay fever or “seasonal allergies” are treated with medication to alleviate such symptoms. By paying attention to what you are eating when these symptoms arise, a process of elimination can help narrow down what your body may be rejecting.

Speak to your cells and try to listen to what they have to say. It is highly unlikely that your body would lead you astray in eating anything harmful but you have to also pay attention to how it reacts to eliminate unnecessary ingredients that may be harmful. It is also unlikely that your body would ever truly ask you to eat a gallon of ice cream, so discernment in hearing the consciousness of your cells is needed in order to do it a favor by eating what it needs to be optimized.

Until a person learns to gauge what their body needs, an old rule of thumb that can be followed is “you are what you eat”. High vibrational, live foods such as fruits and vegetables generally end up being the best bet and anything else that isn’t alive requires energy to break it down into the useful ingredients and the neutral and harmful ones.

Societal influences have brought guilt into play when it comes to making food choices. It is possible that we have moved to a vibration level on the planet that will allow for discernment based on the body’s reaction. In the past, our bodies had months or even years to adjust to the raise in vibration of the planet. The quickening of the vibrational levels has immensely increased which will place stress on the body if attention has not been given to it previously. The foods your body needed a year, month, or even a day ago may change very quickly as the cells in our bodies are also changing very quickly.

Many foods once deemed bad for you by so called experts are now being brought back into our awareness to have certain beneficial effects on the body. Potatoes, coffee, and sea salt are a few examples of foods that were once seen as the ultimate food sin, which means that they might be really good for you!

Hang on until the DNA activation and shift

The observation of the spiritual community reveals the quest to keep the physical body alive until the “shift” of the planet into the fifth dimension. There is something to be said about being happy eating what makes you feel good. Some people sadly follow fad diets and daily dietary suggestions from government funded organizations, a physicians, or spiritual gurus out to make a buck. There is a fine line between what other people recommend vs. what your body may need. This is an example of walking the fine line between the third and the fifth dimensional boundaries when trying to manifest the New Earth and a new body.

You are the one on control of your body. When the veil is lifted and we move into a fifth dimensional way of living, having to make food choices based on avoiding toxins or chemicals will be a thing of the past. Basic survival needs will be taken care of and food can once again be a pleasure and can be a social event of giving and receiving.

Some people are here in this incarnation to be true spiritual leaders and may need to follow a strict high vibrational diet. Some people are in the middle and need a mixture of live foods and supplemental staples along with a little guilty pleasure. Some people simply came to earth to enjoy the experience of life as a human and can be either unaffected by various foods or may have chosen a food detriment as an exit point when it is time for them to go.

Listening to someone else rather than listening to what your body is trying to tell you will give your power away by ignoring the best tool we have for discernment. The answers can always be found within and with practice we can also use the body to discern truth in our outside world. Respecting your cells and organs as living beings with consciousness and the ability to communicate can catapult you along your spiritual journey.

When you love yourself and your body you are taking care of the one thing that many beings in our Universe do not have. The fifth dimensional human body will have the capability to allow travel all over the Universe and will be able to withstand many different vibrational levels. If more people really knew about the upcoming capability of our New Earth bodies, they would immediately take care of their vehicle and would give it the love and food it needs to survive into the new vibrations.

Reference : Cosmic Starseeds

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