Crossing the Event Horizon : Rise to the Equation : A Symposium With Scientist Nassim Haramein
1.0 The Search For the Fundamental Pattern
1.1 Interview with Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher
2.0 From Micro to Macro: Unifying the Field
2.1 The Sun: Another Cycle Begins
3.0 Everything is a Black "Whole"
3.1 Aintiram
4.0 Unlocking the Mystery: The Future is In Our Hands
4.1 The Knights Templar
4.2 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
In this 4 DVD presentation, Nassim will take you on a journey through humanity's evolution, exposing the changes necessary to produce an all-encompassing Unified Physics; a unification of not only the four forces of nature, but also evolution and the occurrence of consciousness.
Demonstrating the parallels between this theory and ancient codes found in documents and monuments, Nassim weaves a tale which may prove to be one of the most important discoveries of our time.
Have you ever wondered why those science classes were at all important?
Were you ever curious about the mysteries of Ancient Egypt?
What about the modern mystery of crop circles?
These DVDs explore all of the above as well as the following ::
DVD 1 :: The Search for the Fundamental Pattern Dimensions of Geometry, Chemistry, Scaling Law, Biology, Principle of Unification, Pyramids
DVD 2 :: From Micro to Macro – Unifying the Field Geometry, Structure of the Vacuum, Crop circles
DVD 3 :: Everything is a Black “Whole” Ancient Egypt, Archeology, Black Wholes/White Wholes
DVD 4 :: Unlocking the Mystery – The Future is in Our Hands Bible, The Arc of the Covenant, Knights Templar, Emmanuel's Tomb, Kabbalah, Tree of Life Decoded
Included on every disc is a series of special features to expand your understanding of this incredible body of work.
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Great book, for those who may wish to preview his work there are many u-tube videos available. Just type his name in the search and sort by date to get his most current observations.
In Lak' ech, my brother, from fear we find love...
... In Lak'ech Brother :)
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