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Why would alien ships be so close to the sun? Wouldn't they burn and melt away just from solar flares? Perhaps they are the obvious meteors or asteroids.
... ^^^ ... Highly Advanced Intergalactic Motherships / UFOs / Spaceships ... Stargates ... Sun ... Recommended post "Nassim Haramein on C2C : UFOs Around Sun" ... :)
I would have thought that for an incredible advanced race they would not be using terrestrial material to construct their ship, in fact, they could be using the Sun's energy as fuel, who knows?
seeing all the orbs around the sun i mean you can see them ,how can our gov. still denies they exist, they must think we are all having a mass hallucination,as for me i really think, or bettet know they are there
i'm not a nut case, nor a drug addict, however i do smoke DMT from time to time simply because, as anyone who has smoked it knows, it will take you to an alternate dimention. while smoking dmt, i asked my mantis spirit guide about the ufos orbiting the sun. he has already told me that we as humans on planet earth were a genetic experiment who's genetic's and dna (pre-human) were spliced with an "alien" race's thus leading to the creatures we are today. i initially laughed at this and told him that i must be "really really high" and his message back to me was "the scientists on your planet are looking for other life bearing planets on a daily basis. and have found them. when the technology is discovered which will allow your scientists to interact with these other life forms, do you think they are just simply going to turn around and head back to planet earth?...absurd to think! they will do every genetis test on these creatures that they can, they will alsostudy the deoxyribonucleic acid structures and realize that these beings are not too different from earth bound humans..and thus, the hybridization will begin." he has gone into great detail about how this planet has neen "wiped out" three seperate times in an effort to make a superior race. he has told me that the dinosaurs were intentionally biologically (by a virus) destroyed in order to prepare a "clean canvas" so that modern man could be hybridized as an upper food chain species without the huge risk and hinderance of being demolished by these great beasts. lastly he told me that with our dependance on radio waves and mobile communications, the solar maximum that is currently happening would have already caused great devastation to our race. those "ufo's that we are seeing orbiting the sun are a group of "solar flare deflectors" put in place by our real creators to prevent our planet, essentially our "alien ant farm" from destruction. i am not intelligent enough to present these ideas on my own, before you call me crazy, smoke DMT and you will suddenly see the light. one final thought. jesus was an extraterrestrial placed here with a "rulebook for mankind" because in those times we were on a downward spiral as a race, we needed some serious worldwide guidance. lastly, why was it perfectly acceptable then (and still even by everyone now) that god could come floating down out of the sky, angels could come down out of the sky and Jesus could come down out of the sky, and be lifted back up to the "heavens" three days after death, but as soon as someone talks about an alien race coming down out of the sky, they are called crazy? dmt has taken me into another dimension. i met my maker so to speak. crazy right? smoke dmt. you will see the truth
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