In the film, an amiable, small-town everyman is inexplicably transformed into a genius with telekinetic powers. The original music score is composed by Thomas Newman. However, it included I Have The Touch by Peter Gabriel and Change the World by Eric Clapton and Babyface.
George Malley (John Travolta) is an amiable auto mechanic whose "everyman" life is transformed by a strange flash of light he observes on the evening of his 37th birthday.
Over the course of the following days, George starts to experience an extraordinary form of genius-level intelligence, rapidly absorbing vast amounts of information, formulating new, revolutionary ideas, and even exhibiting telekinetic abilities.
Watch on YouTube (8 Parts)
References : Phenomenon The Film ~ Wikipedia
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As David Wilcock said, these things are well hidden in Hollywood movies, as to somehow hide the truth, presenting it as just entertainment, fiction, etc. Since I've documented myself a bit, with the help of your blog, David's presentation, various documentaries on the Illuminati, etc, I'm beginning to see the world differently! Thank you very much for your restless efforts to document and publish this information!
I LIKE John Travolt MOVIES, he is a good actor
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