Namaste Dear One ... You are reading this transmission now only because you already know this deep within your soul to be happening as all the signs around us are suggesting. Our planet is on the path of rebirth and this process is not something new .... its been happening for a long long time from our linear understanding of time. Everything goes through some sort of metamorphosis with time ... and Gaia and all her children are no exception to this. We do at times feel the collective pain experienced by our mother who is deeply saddened by the way we treat each other, while living unhealthy lives in total disharmony with the natural laws that govern life on Earth.
Our own lives are a living example of this ongoing metamorphosis which is helping us reprogram our heavily conditioned minds which tell us who we are ... what we should be doing ... what is beautiful ... how should one be living an ideal life ?! We have artificial constructs in our imagination defining human relationships in our limiting ways. Love ... Partnership ... Marriage ... all seem like a prison cell for so many of us after a point because we never taught what it was to love ourselves ... to be by oneself without emotionally depending on someone else to complete us in some way, filling up a void, which technically speaking isn't even there :)
With little understanding of reality at large we step into this world with laid down programs that constantly seek to govern us, covertly, with subliminal messages which lay deeply embedded within the collective unconscious mind. This is the reality we share dear one ... We can pretend to be isolated from the rest of the world but the truth is that we are the world experiencing itself through a unique expression of itself, YOU ! As you look at the world outside you see little hope for real change to manifest as the world progressively seems to be going in the wrong direction. Pursuing false images of ourself ... chasing narcissistic ideas have kept us from growing further and achieving our truest potential as energetic beings capable of doing what we would 'normally' consider magical things. Healing ourselves and the planet is our mission at hand and there are many of us who are here for the same reason, however might have lost our way along the spiral many times, time and again .... but now is when we are being given all the signs by the universe to let go off our limited thinking capacities and experience true limitless potential as infinite beings of light, we are ....
Love ... Always ......
Cosmic Oneness
Recently came across this beautiful message from Judith Kusel ... worth sharing !
"This is the time of rebirth for all of us."
So many people tend to cling to the old patterns, mostly because of fear of stepping out of their own comfort zones, the tested, the familiar, and dive into the relatively unknown which is awaiting all of us.
The truth is that the unknown will stay unknown, until we finally let go of the old habits, thinking, believing, acting, being, etc.
When we finally let go and void is created, and Cosmos will immediately move into that void to fill it with something new. But if there is no space for the new to move into, then the soul tends to get stuck.
A lot of my energy work in opening portals/gateways in the last few months and years, has left me with a very clear understanding, that any form of stuck-ness, stagnancy, fear, submission, the losing of soul freedom, leads to souls being stuck in the ethers, and then clogging up the energy centers and vortices of the earth.
When I witnessed what has been released, I often just have tears running down my cheeks for the poor souls who were stuck there, we stuck in fear and submission, enslavement modes.
The same applies to trauma - souls who do not dissolve trauma also tend to get stuck, because they are too stuck in the victim mode, the dramas, and then they will get stuck in the energetic very low density energy field, they created for themselves!
Therefore it is best to constantly do the inner work, to be ready to explore new horizons, break through the self-imposed barriers of resistance, and have the guts to finally break free.
I treasure my freedom to be more than anything else, for it has taught me, that every time I allow myself to be led beyond norm, I grow with leaps and bounds and then am ready for the next octave of experiences, which then shift the consciousness level ten thousand times.
This is what is now awaiting us: - that breaking through the self-imposed barriers collectively and into the new Earth - the new creation !
(Judith Kusel)
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