Showing posts with label One thing i need to know. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One thing i need to know. Show all posts

Eckhart Tolle, the author of the bestseller, "The Power Of Now" which has changed millions of lives and continues to do so as more and more people are awakening to a greater spiritual reality encompassing all creation, collectively co-creating a new Earth where the old limiting paradigms of separation & fear are replaced by the divine wisdom of Oneness transforming humanity into fully conscious spiritual super beings, us !

Building on the astonishing success of The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle presents readers with an honest look at the current state of humanity: He implores us to see and accept that this state, which is based on an erroneous identification with the egoic mind, is one of dangerous insanity.

Tolle tells us there is good news, however. There is an alternative to this potentially dire situation. Humanity now, perhaps more than in any previous time, has an opportunity to create a new, saner, more loving world. This will involve a radical inner leap from the current egoic consciousness to an entirely new one.

In illuminating the nature of this shift in consciousness, Tolle describes in detail how our current ego-based state of consciousness operates. Then gently, and in very practical terms, he leads us into this new consciousness. We will come to experience who we truly are—which is something infinitely greater than anything we currently think we are—and learn to live and breathe freely.

" The One Thing "
by Eckhart Tolle

In the Gospel story of Mary and Martha, Jesus says to Martha, “You are anxious and troubled about many things, but only one thing is needful.” (Luke 10:41)

As I was writing A New Earth, people would sometimes ask me, “What is the new book about?” And invariably, my answer would be, “I only ever write or speak about one thing.” What is that one thing? Spiritual awakening. Can a person be awakened spiritually by a book? Yes, if three conditions are met:

Firstly, there must be a readiness on the part of the reader, an openness, a receptivity to spiritual truth, which is to say, a readiness to awaken. For the first time in history of humanity, large numbers of people have reached that point of readiness, which explains why millions have responded so deeply to The Power of Now.

Secondly, the text must have transformative power. This means the words must have come out of the awakened consciousness rather than the accumulated knowledge of a person’s mind. Only then will a text be charged with that power, a power that goes far beyond the informational value of the words. That is why such a book can be read again and again and lose none of its aliveness.

Thirdly, the terminology used needs to be as neutral as possible so that it transcends the confines of any one culture, religion, or spiritual tradition. Only then will it be accessible to a broad range of readers world-wide, regardless of cultural background.

All these conditions were met in The Power of Now, which is why the book has had such an impact on the collective consciousness.

Why write another book?

Since the publication of The Power of Now, I have given hundreds of talks and teaching sessions all over the world, and in the course of those seven years, the teaching evolved. While the essence remained the same (The Truth is timeless.), new perspectives arose, new signposts, alternative approaches to the Truth, as well as an added sense of urgency. A New Earth reflects this evolution and this urgency.

If The Power of Now worked for you and changed your life – as it did for countless people all over the world – there is no need for you to read A New Earth (although you may enjoy reading it and may find some of it helpful in recognizing the ego and thus sustaining the state of Presence).

My feeling is that A New Earth will make the teaching (the one thing) accessible to an even wider audience, including people who perhaps would not have dreamed of reading a “spiritual” book but have within them a hitherto unrecognized longing for spiritual awakening.

A New Earth will also be extremely helpful for those who read The Power of Now, found it interesting, but somehow missed the essence of it. It presents them with new perspectives on the same truth, new signposts, pointers towards Presence. Different pointers work for different people.

Millions are now ready to awaken because spiritual awakening is not an option anymore, but a necessity if humanity and the planet are to survive. Everything is speeding up – the madness, the collective egoic dysfunction, as well as the arising of the new consciousness, the awakening.

We are running out of time. From the perspective of the ego, that’s bad news and will give rise to fear. From a higher perspective, the running out of time is exactly what is needed for the new consciousness to come into this world.

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India has had a history of ET contact often interpreted as something to do with the God's in the Hindu religion. Many wars have been waged in our past which involved the use of highly sophisticated weapon systems unknown to us today. The use of flying vehicles and extraordinary beings in the history of India are all recorded in the Vedas and various other ancient scriptures. Our Gods descended from the Heavens and were living amongst us is a metaphor for god like entities incarnating on our planet from different star systems.

Our race is just one of the infinite races of sentient beings in the Cosmos. The illusion of the material world and the isolation from our Gaian roots has driven humanity to a point of shocking revelation. While most of us sleep unaware of the infinite potential that lies inside of us, there is something out there telling us about the big change coming our way sometime soon ... and the unification of all is what we are heading for ... a time for convergence ... a time when all duality dissolves as oneness ! The recent upsurge in ET / UFO activity around the world is intentional to bring to our notice the sign of the times. It is to show the world that anything is possible ! The real gift is of Freedom and all the creative energy is nourished with Love ! Somehow our consciousness which has for long believed to be separate from everything else around is fundamental to reality and what we perceive !

At the culmination of a natural 26,000 year old cycle, mankind is on it's way to ascension to a higher reality, a higher dimension or possibly as a multi-dimensional form of indestructible energy. Again, anything is possible and you just need to open your mind to the magic of possibility and how your consciousness affects it ! Our separation is to dissolve as oneness and these small steps towards God realization will make you realize that God is Everything and Everything is God ! The ET / UFO phenomena might well be the projection of our own psyche and is deeply rooted in this unseen web of energy connecting everything in the cosmos. Once we begin to see everything as energy, we gradually dissolve all the illusory duality and multiplicity evident all around us. All of the synchromystical events involving political chaos, war, environmental meltdown, natural disasters, ET, Crop Circles, UFO, genetic mutation, radical shift in consciousness, the Indigo children, DNA modification and the year 2012 are all connected !

The Indian Government is supposedly going to come out with the truth about ET and UFOs but i don't think the ET are waiting for the parliament to pass the bill anyhow ! The truth is unfolding by itself however it's not something you will see on your telly or read about it in the local newspaper as of today the 22nd of August 2008. It is there and finds it's way through various portals of incoming information to the inquiring intellect. There is always " Google Search " if you want to know more ... There was an incident at a US Air Force Base in 1967 when 20 Nuclear Missiles were rendered incapable to use by a UFO, all in a matter of seconds. The Columbia crash has a mysterious UFO angle to it as well ... not so much an ET war as suggested by some but a measure to keep us grounded to Planet Earth ... why ... ?

Here is an Indian News Channel news report about a UFO sighting in Karnal, Haryana on the 8th of July, 2008. It was on air for a few hours before being taken off and not spoken of ever again like it never took place.

Fascinating video footage of multiple UFOs in South India, near Coimbatore ... some news of ET activity in the Indian Ocean region too ...
It would be nice if India acknowledges the source of all the advanced technology used in modern times. India has built an anti-gravity propulsion vehicle which functions by manipulating the electromagnetic flux around the vehicle. The advanced landing base in the Ladakh region is sealed off by the Indian Army and the Chinese forces so as to not allow civilians to enter the forbidden territory lest they find out what lies beneath ... It is a time for awakening when we shed the old paradigms of separation and make way for "Oneness" for it's the love that binds us !
((( We are One )))
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In one corner of the universe, sending out messages to outer space in hope of contacting entities from distant civilizations ! To go where no man has ever gone has long been man's constant endeavor. From the wheel to the rocket, our race has realized innumerable dreams while creating twisted complexities distancing us from our roots, hence weakening our connection with the forces of nature. We are destroying the balance in nature and signs of oncoming catastrophe can be seen in the global climatic changes occurring by the minute. Shifting of tectonic plates at the bottom of the oceans and the glaciers melting away are just few of the identified omens to an impending apocalypse. Most of these changes in the weather can be attributed to man's persistent onslaught of the wilderness, ignorantly, selfishly wiping out speechless wonders of creation ! Our inability to comprehend certain fundamental laws of the universe and a blind eye to the mystery of causality and freaky synchronicity has brought man face to face with the wrath of nature raging fury like never before.

The social system has kept our sanities together for long enough however was never quite built to last ! An evident change from the end of chaos and all that brings pain and suffering to our waking life is nothing new to human life on Earth. There have been many such cataclysmic events in the history of Earth which have destroyed life so new life could evolve and bring in the freshness of a beautiful sunrise out there among the super psychedelic colors of nature. Death is just the culmination of a full cycle of taking birth, being and finally ending in the physical reality. Grieve not for there is no reason to grieve, it's just the way it is and the rest of the story that's playing in your head is a twisted tale of memories and the judgmental ego. In the words of the legendary mystic James Douglas Morrison, pain is a part of you and how can you ever be afraid of something that's a part of you !

With the winter solstice of 2012 an approximate 25,000 year old cycle shall end and what comes after that is the 5th dimensional existence. Evolution of the human DNA to a 12 strand structure. Possibility and imagination will merge as one ! Makes perfect sense and I'm sure what comes after this is a world of love and peace where all live as ONE ! Where all come together as one massive in celebration of who we call God ! The individualistic separation from the source shall dissolve into one collective aura and all shall realize the power of being ONE !!! Together, all atoms in space and our constantly expanding space constitute to what we call GOD. Everything is truly infinite and nothing quite ends. It's just transfered to a different realm of ethereal invisible existence ! We need to fearlessly dance away in the face of change and turmoil with a pure consciousness of love and peace for all ! Anything is possible and it's upto us to shape the fabric of our reality. We need to forgive all including ourselves and turn a new leaf. Be positive and spread good vibrations around us. The Dream of Utopia, the journey may seem a bit slow... it's all good, for the best, that's one thing i need to know !

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