Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts

This is probably one of the most interesting findings I've come across in recent times, dispelling all false notions and belief systems surrounding 666 ~ The Number of the Beast ... The Devil and so on ... The Truth is that 666 represents the material reality ... the physical universe made up of Carbon atoms ... which has 6 Protons, 6 Neutrons & 6 Electrons ! Here's an interesting video below, an analysis of recent events and a staggering Revelation !

See how the Sun's effect on Radioactive decay on Earth is related to the coming shift in Consciousness.

An article by Vicky Anderson shedding some more light on the truth behind 666 and our evolution from The Beast to Light Body ... :)

Chapter 13 of the biblical Book of Revelation is a very revealing text. It refers to the number 666 as being the mark of ‘the beast’.

But, in the Periodic Table of the Elements, the atomic number for the Carbon element is six. Carbon is necessary to form all DNA and RNA, the chemical code of life as it currently exists. And the Carbon atom has six electrons, six neutrons and six protons.

" If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the Beast, for it is the number of a Man. Revelation 13:18 "

Dr. Max G. Lagally, BS, MS, Ph.D, is a Professor of Surface Science. In 2006, he began developing Silicon membranes in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In his research, he has discovered that the surface of a Silicon membrane can be functionalized to become pH, or biologically, sensitive. He theorizes that it could bind DNA.[i] In other words, Silicon can support life.

At this time in history, we are evolving very rapidly as a human species. The evolution of our species, the Homo sapien, is a quantum leap to an immortal species with 48 chromosomes that have 12 physical strands of DNA and 10 etheric strands of DNA. Our three-dimensional biology is being alchemically shifted from Carbon-based matter into that of multi-dimensional Silicon Crystal.

Body of Light

Internally, all our cells are being changed from an organic structure to a Crystalline structure, the perfect prism through which Light can pass for illumination.

When a log of wood is placed in a fire, it burns down until all that remains is the Carbon element. But if a diamond is placed in a fire, its structure is retained. So all of our cells must be transformed from Carbon to Silicon Crystal so that we can withstand the tremendous amount of Light that will be streaming into the planet from the Central Suns in 2012.

Our Crystalline Light bodies will then convert that sunlight directly into electricity. This is what will power us. We will require sunlight – not food. Our Light bodies will be powered by Liquid Light. Mono-Crystalline Silicon will be the receiver and it will work in conjunction with the elements Gold, Palladium and Titanium.

" Listen, I tell you a mystery: we will not all Sleep, but we will all be Changed — in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. I Corinthians 15:51 "

Not everyone will experience this transformation, however. Many people will choose, at the soul level, to pass on before Earth reaches that time. Still others will leave because their body will lack the Light that will enable them to survive in the higher dimensional level. But those souls whose decision it is to change their Carbon-based cellular structure to the Crystalline form will accompany the new Terra Nova Earth into the Golden Age. They will be able to ascend without leaving their bodies.

In the New International version of the Bible, the first line of Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation reads, ‘And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea.’ In the King James version, it reads, ‘And I stood upon the sand of the sea.’

It is we who are ‘the beast’…

Source : Hidden Light House

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We are living in a time of extraordinary changes and transformations that are taking place around us and with the culmination of a 26,625 year cycle in 2012 a new age of peace and love shall dawn on Planet Earth ! As our Sun moves through the Galactic Centre we would be in close proximity of a black hole, which the Mayans referred to as the womb of creation. The Sacred Tree. Earth will experience an extremely powerful magnetic re-alignment of the poles and other geographical changes as the crust moves around it's molten core to dawn a new beginning. A global shift in consciousness and the power of awareness among the masses shall bring forth the massive positive change we all collectively want to see in our world. We are about to realize the potential of the human mind and the power of our very thoughts that is responsible for all that is and all that will ever be. The door to infinite possibilities shall be thrown wide open for all who seek to walk through the darkness and into the light with an unshakable belief in the emergence of the divine human consciousness. Holy men, Preachers, Shamans, Mediums, Saints, Sages and all the wise souls who believe in the power of love shall light the way for others to awaken from the illusion of a finite existence. The immortal ethereal entities in the Himalayas are testimony to the fact that anything is possible and this thing called aging might just be a mental illness affecting the physical embodiment.

The mind holds the power to shape our reality and the powers of psychokinesis (also known as telekinesis) are as real as the sun and the moon. To be able to affect matter in the physical universe with your thoughts has been a long kept secret from the masses which threatens to shake the foundations of this socio-political empire most of us reading this are a part of. The few who may not be so much a part of the GPS (green paper system) are the ones who remain connected with the elements of nature and who nourish their mind, body, spirit with the riches of mother nature and positive thinking which is always followed by positive living, almost magically. Now the door you'd walked through in the earlier part of this random ramble has mysteriously transformed into a far open galaxy with a billion stars and planetary systems with pulsating life reverberating through space. Now it's upto you where you choose to go and what you choose to do.

Just keep one thing in mind a ny thin g i s po ss ib le !

Recommended : "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne ( Book and Documentary )

Related Link : Mind over Matter

The Genie is always listening .. . ... .... . . . .. :D

Start with yourself, be your own messiah !

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The Secret
What the Bleep do we know


In a world of madness and miracles ... There comes along a friend who shows hope of togetherness and continues to until the day he turns his back on you and leaves for god knows where, and who knows how long... Don't misunderstand my words for misery and pain and no matter what i say it will do little or nothing to make you change your mind (or mine too for that matter :)). It's this design which i figure out to be, beyond human comprehension. I am one among the mystic beyond time and space and there is no need out there.

I am the ghost that lurks in the shadows of night and i am the light that transcends all life exposing all that was dark. I'm the force that runs the rAnDoM ShIfT in your Winamp playlist bringing forth meaning in muse. I'm the bump on the road when you look away while driving. I exist and i am humanly measured in ergs. I'm also given a name that is, all that IS. ... Energy ! E Pluribus Unum... I exist in all illusionary mulitplicity and existential singularity. I'm nothing and everything within the consciousness endowed to me in the form of life.
I seek the unknown, the unfamiliar and echo words from the deep caves within. Inspired and delusional, my mind never fails to expose the possibilities that behold the future or which shaped my present, somewhere, sometime in the past. Contradictions speed up the process and the search continues ...

tHe uNkNoWn... tHe nO mInD sTaTe ...... nO nEeD ....... nO NoThiNg :) !!!

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