Why you should learn more about vaporization?
Vaporization is becoming more and more popular in Europe and has been a smashing hit for a while now in USA, Canada, Holland and UK. Unfortunately, it's still hard to find reliable information about vaporization. We want to explain in this article why vaporization has become so popular and why it's worth getting to know it better.
If you're reading this text, you probably use marijuana. And if you do, you've probably heard of vaporization before. Vaporization is a process during which the temperature of herbs is raised up to 180-220 degrees Celsius and the active substances from marijuana – cannabinoids – get released in the form of vapor. What's most important – the herbs don't get burnt so while vaping, you don't inhale any tar substances, carbon monoxide or other toxins (including the carcinogenic ones), which is the case whenever you smoke.

What do you gain when you vaporize?
What if someone told you that you can reduce the absorption of harmful substances released during smoking by 99%? And that you can forget about smoker's cough, the morning phlegm accumulation or blocked lungs?
When you switch to vaporization, you notice a significant improvement in the condition of your lungs. Thanks to vaporization, the inhalation of cannabinoids from the herbs doesn't influence the state of your lungs or your circulatory system so you can enjoy the beneficial properties of the plants with no harm to your health.
Remember about the savings
Every person who smokes regularly knows that the expenses related to the herbs can badly affect the budget. And if I told you that you could reduce those expenses by half? You can achieve it thanks to the high efficiency of vaporization! First of all, when you smoke, a part of the cannabinoids goes to waste because they undergo the process called pyrolysis in the high temperature. As a result, you only absorb a quarter of the cannabinoids contained in marijuana. When you vape, there is no pyrolysis, which allows you to absorb as much as 80% of the substances. What's more, when you smoke, the herbs are lit up and are getting burnt even between the drags, which doesn't happen the in the case of vaporization. This means that vaporization is much more effective than smoking – you get much stronger results with the same amount of herbs. What follows, if you want to get the same result as when you smoke, you need to load your vaporizer with a much smaller amount of herbs. That's why you should remember that vaporization = savings. The amount of herbs you'll buy can drop almost by half!
Unforgettable experience
When you read about vaporization, you can see comments saying that you will only get to know the real flavor of marijuana once you vaporize it. And that's true. The majority of the terpenes – the chemical compounds that carry the flavor and aroma – gets damaged by the high temperature when you smoke herbs. In the case of vaporization, the temperature is much lower, which lets you enjoy the delicate flavor of your favorite type of marijuana.
Another very important advantage is the lack of smoke, which makes vaporization a very discreet process. What does it mean exactly? The aroma of the vapor disappears almost immediately when you vape outside and it stays in the room for not more than a few minutes. It doesn't get absorbed by your clothes or furniture and it doesn't bother your curious neighbours. It goes without saying that it's a huge benefit adds expert from online store VapeFully.
Switching from smoking to vaping equals a wide range of benefits, related not only to your health and your budget but also to the quality of the inhalation experience and the possibility to keep your habit inconspicuous. The best part is that all you need to enjoy these aspects is a vaporizer. As long as you choose a good quality device, you will be able to take advantage of the easy and comfortable vaporization of cannabinoids from your herbs.
Don't use low-quality vaporizers!
Even though vaporization is quite a recent fashion in Europe, the market is already full of devices that differ not only in terms of prices, but also the performance, the quality of finish and the materials they are made of. While choosing a vaporizer, you must remember that the cheaper models – as tempting as they might be due to the price – are not able to guarantee all the benefits we mentioned above. What's more, the low quality of the materials they are made of can pose danger to your health. And obviously, everybody wants to inhale the aromatic vapor from marijuana, rather than the fumes of melted plastic or – in some more extreme cases – lead and mercury. Unfortunately, this is what happens when you use some cheaper models that are so popular on the online auction platforms. The danger related to the usage of such devices results from the fact that the cheapest vaporizers are made of the cheapest subassemblies (it's logic) that have little resistance to high temperatures required for vaporization. Still, many stores fail to pay attention to the quality of the products they sell and they offer both great quality vaporizers and some cheap ones that may be simply dangerous to your health. A beginner has no clue how to tell the difference between a safe device and one that will not only underperform but also do harm to the health. That's why when you choose your first vaporizer, go to a store that sells only tested and safe models and that offers professional assistance.

No risk purchase
Whether you choose a portable or a desktop vaporizer or you decide to get a convection or conduction device, depends entirely on you. I can recommend store that sell only safe devices – www.VapeFully.com. Other stores, unfortunately, offer – among others – some models of a very low quality (e.g. Titan 2 Hebe or Snoop Dogg G-Pen), while with the above-mentioned store you don't run this risk. From my experience, I can tell you that the staff in VapeFully are helpful and they know what they are talking about. That's why I can recommend this one with a clear conscience. You don't have to worry about the warranty either – store is authorised seller so the products you buy are protected with the manufacturer's warranty.
Remember that you are only one step away from being able to enjoy all the above mentioned benefits. Health, discreteness, amazing vapor flavor, savings and – above all – pleasure! What more could you ask for?
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