Namaste is a common greeting or salutation in the Indian subcontinent now also known to millions all over the world, which means ' I respect the divinity within you which is also within me '.
In India we hear billions of people using the word Namaste' incessantly, however many do not really know what it means when they say Namaste' . I found this video while i was googling " Indigo Warriors " ... The video resonates with the innermost knowledge of my being and I'm sure it will resonate with yours and others ... Namaste !
if we are the same, why dont they feel the way i do about other living beeings......?
In Lak Ech
:) ... In Lak Ech ... Our world is transforming like our consciousness is ... a collectively envisioned golden age is to come .... It's time to be the change and create the world of our dreams !
((( Shine On )))
Because the y suffer from the mass delusion most on this planet suffer from.
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