The War on Drugs has made criminals out of users while the illegal drug industry continues to flourish putting all users at potential risk as long as it remains in the hands of unscrupulous criminals and the international drug mafia. The drug problem is being addressed by the Global Commission on Drug Policy who believe its time to legally regulate the use of all substances if we have to win this forever ongoing war on drugs which has done more harm than solve the problem at hand.
Most people have little or no authentic information about drugs and their effects and there seems to be some sort of a taboo when it comes to discussing the topic. The masses need to be educated not misinformed and lied to about Drugs ... Entheogens used by mankind for who knows how long ...
Kofi Annan, Richard Branson and eight other ex-presidents who are part of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, strongly urge that drugs should be a matter for health professionals, not the police, in a new report released recently.
“Overwhelming evidence points to not just the failure of the drug control regime to attain its stated goals but also the horrific unintended consequences of punitive and prohibitionist laws and policies,” states the study, published by the Global Commission on Drug Policy (GCDP) last week.
“A new and improved global drug control regime is needed that better protects the health and safety of individuals and communities around the world,” the report says. “Harsh measures grounded in repressive ideologies must be replaced by more humane and effective policies shaped by scientific evidence, public health principles and human rights standards.”
For the first I really feel there is something sensible being done about the drug problem our world faces at large, thanks to the illegality. Can we finally see real change manifesting in our lives ... I think we have good reason to be hopeful :)
Here are some interesting points discussed in the report submitted by the Global Commission on Drug Policy ..
" A new and improved global drug control regime is needed that better protects the health and safety of individuals and communities around the world. Harsh measures grounded in repressive ideologies must be replaced by more humane and effective policies shaped by scientific evidence, public health principles and human rights standards. This is the only way to simultaneously reduce drug-related death, disease and suffering and the violence, crime, corruption and illicit markets associated with ineffective prohibitionist policies. The fiscal implications of the policies we advocate, it must be stressed, pale in comparison to the direct costs and indirect consequences generated by the current regime. "
" The Global Commission proposes five pathways to improve the global drug policy regime. After putting people ́s health and safety at the center of the picture, governments are urged to ensure access to essential medicines and pain control. The Commissioners call for an end to the criminalization and incarceration of users together with targeted prevention, harm reduction and treatment strategies for dependent users. "
" In order to reduce drug related harms and undermine the power and profits of organized crime, the Commission recommends that governments regulate drug markets and adapt their enforcement strategies to target the most violent and disruptive criminal groups rather than punish low level players. The Global Commission’s proposals are complimentary and comprehensive. They call on governments to rethink the problem, do what can and should be done immediately, and not to shy away from the transformative potential of regulation. "

One of the recommendations made by the commission states as follows ...
" Allow and encourage diverse experiments in legally regulating markets in currently illicit drugs, beginning with but not limited to cannabis, coca leaf and certain novel psychoactive substances.
Much can be learned from successes and failures in regulating alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceutical drugs and other products and activities that pose health and other risks to individuals and societies.
New experiments are needed in allowing legal but restricted access to drugs that are now only available illegally. This should include the expansion of heroin-assisted treatment for some long-term dependent users, which has proven so effective in Europe and Canada. Ultimately the most effective way to reduce the extensive harms of the global drug prohibition regime and advance the goals of public health and safety is to get drugs under control through responsible legal regulation. "
Marijuana in Colorado
The legalization of Marijuana in Colorado for recreational use has created over 10,000 jobs in the state and has helped boost the overall economy there apart from lowering the crime rate.
The State of Washington recently opened their first few pot shops, almost 2 years after the state legalized Cannabis. Here is a video about it ... People seem extremely over joyed with the way things have turned out in their state.
Can we all learn from this and educate people around us about drugs rather than teaching the world to hate what they don't fully understand ?
With Uruguay leading the way by legalizing the regulated use of Cannabis which has effectively set an example for others to take cue from, there seems to be hope for real change manifesting in our life time. Here are some interesting videos about the Legalization of Cannabis in Uruguay ...
There are places around the world where people still use Cannabis freely for religious and spiritual practices. These are people who have come to understand the potential of these plant based substances in helping us attain mystical states of consciousness which help us heal and rejuvenate our spirit.
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