Showing posts with label Dolphins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dolphins. Show all posts

Our true origins and the story of creation on Planet Earth has many versions to it ... and the more we dig deeper we find ourselves surrounded by too much information to sift through so one can reach the truth, as it is. So how did life begin on Earth ? That's the Big Question here, which perhaps answers a whole lot of other questions while setting stage for the biggest revelation of our lifetime concerning our extraterrestrial heritage and rich history.

The Pleiadians speak about the Bird People and Reptilians being one of the first few advanced civilizations capable of genetic engineering, to visit Earth from another Galaxy. They have been in conflict with each other for sometime now ... for dominion issues over certain Planets and Solar Systems. The Sirians have also played a key role in shaping human history and their is enough to support this claim evident in monuments and artifacts discovered in Egypt and other places all across the planet.

As per Robert Temple's 'The Sirius Mystery', the Dogon describe their Sirian Gods as Amphibious / Humanoid Beings who brought them knowledge and wisdom about other stars and celestial bodies and that are in some way deeply connected with our own growth and evolution here on Earth. They called them 'The Nommos'.

The Nommos are usually described as amphibious, hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures. Folk art depictions of the Nommos show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. The Nommos are also referred to as “Masters of the Water”, “the Monitors”, and "the Teachers”.

Scores of scientists and researchers have also discovered a mysterious audio signature recorded on their devices which doesn't match any known mammal. They called this sound, 'The Bloop' and most folks believe this to be the sound of the Merpeople.

The US Navy has been conducting experiments in the oceans using sonic weapons which have resulted in the beaching of hundreds of whales, dolphins and also some Merpeople. The following documentaries aired on Animal Planet showcase all the findings surrounding this hidden aquatic human civilization.

Mermaids : The New Evidence

Mermaids : The Body Found

It does seem like the Merpeople are descendants of an ancient Sirian race which came to Earth as described by the Dogon. The latest video evidence found of Mermaids leaves little doubt that regarding the existence of an elusive aquatic human race of intelligent beings inhabiting Earth's watery depths.

Hopefully the Navy and other agencies in search of Oil and Natural gas stop using Sonar devices for their work as its proven to kill marine life and is responsible for most of the whales being beached as they become disoriented with the trauma caused due to the sonar devices and the frequencies make their internal organs explode causing sudden death.

*^* If there is any other information about 'Merpeople' you'd like to share with us please share in the comments section below or contact us at our official email address. ([email protected])

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In this short video interview, Joan Ocean who is quite well known among the Cetacean community swimming around in Earth's Waters talks to Lilo Mace about her experiences with these amazing telepathic beings over the last 33 years or so ... ever since she first became aware of their highly intelligent, ever loving, multidimensional nature. She recounts experiences of people swimming with these dolphins and whales ... and how they are healed and energy blockages are removed from their bodies by the sonar frequencies emanating from them !

Joan Ocean also discusses her experiences encountering various ET races who're here with us living in underground and underwater bases all over the world. She names the Arcturians, the Andromedans and the Pleiadians among many other civilizations who are here. Some aren't exactly known by a name ...

Here is an article by Joan Ocean on Dolphins and Whales ...

The dolphins and whales are calling us into the ocean !

They want to meet us, to introduce us to their world, and to swim with us into the unknown. They are intelligent friends who exemplify qualities we value-- cooperation, harmony, peace, joyfulness, good health, beauty, wisdom, supple movement, grace and unconditional love. The dolphins and whales are approaching us around the globe, filling our minds with visions of freedom, and interacting with us to encourage us to attain many life-enhancing qualities.

I am a counseling psychologist by training and I have understood from the beginning of my human- dolphin connection that experiences with the dolphins and whales are teachings about human potentials and spiritual unfoldment. The calling that I have received from the cetaceans is a call to people about our unlimited essence and our capacity to experience love more fully.

This is what the dolphins have been showing me by their example as I swim with them almost every day. It has changed my life and it has affected the community of friends who live in my neighborhood and swim with me. On this web site, I will continue to share with you the teachings of the dolphins and whales.

Since 1989 I have lived with three pods, or families, of more than two hundred wild Hawaiian Spinner dolphins, Stenella longirostris. I have logged over 6,000 hours in the water — listening to the dolphins, watching them, mimicking them, filming, recording, documenting them, and enriching my own life because of them. I have learned that cetaceans communicate in a way that requires an entirely different mind set than the human cognitive-thinking model. Rather than in words and sentences, dolphins communicate through vibrations, through sonar and synchronized movement, through acoustic images, feelings, sounds, and group-energy fields. They work with the electromagnetic grids of the planet, using these underwater pathways to send messages for miles beneath the sea.

They know how to access multiple dimensions. This means they are simultaneously experiencing life in the ocean and life in an ontological world of multi-level subtle realities. As they swim with me, I am often fascinated by their ability to be wonderful three-dimensional physical friends, while they also interact with vibrational holograms that take them to fourth and fifth-dimensional worlds. They serve as inspirational examples to us of the possibilities existing beyond our present belief systems.

What they are doing, and what they are teaching us, is exactly what we humans will be doing in the twenty-first century. This is why there is such a yearning in people to be with dolphins and to learn from them — we sense the importance and the timeliness of their wisdom.

When we immerse ourselves in the ocean for hours, we are transported into another dimensional world. Everything we see and feel is new and unknown, relative to our earthbound lives. As we swim along we see the blueness ahead of us. We see shapes and forms moving in the current before us. We look ahead and we cannot see our own bodies. It feels like free-floating in outer space!

In addition to living in another world, the Hawaiian Spinner dolphins are at One with nature. They live in a state of Love that suspends judgment, anger and retaliation, and their abilities to use more of their physical, sensory, and intelligence potentials reminds us that we can do that too. The dolphins operate out of a different paradigm than the human race. They have not been raised in a culture that requires primarily rational thinking. They know there is much more than that. We can learn their ways and enrich ourselves. As we broaden our attitudes, the physiology of our bodies will change also. There are many wonderful adventures awaiting our entrance into the dolphin world.

As humans we want happiness -- the dolphins have found this. We want peace of mind -- when we swim with wild dolphins, we find it with them. We want beauty and love - the dolphins create this vibrationally, shaping their own habitats. They feel vibrations, create holographic works of art all around themselves, and then play among them.

The dolphins have taken me through a very precise and methodical "course of study," compelling me to open to their wisdom and set aside my old limiting beliefs about who I am as a human being on Earth at this time in the history of the Universe. They have helped me expand into near and distant worlds.

These are the experiences I will share with you, in the hope that some of the behaviors and communications of the dolphins will inspire you to further develop them into healing modalities for people and our planet.

What the Dolphins Have Taught Me

1.) To swim and dive.
2.) To hear better and more in the ocean and in general
3.) To enjoy the ocean and swimming
4.) To value living in a group of people and living like dolphins

These are some of the basic principles they teach:

Supporting each other.
Cooperating, no competition.
Taking care of Nature and it takes care of us.
We are more than our physical bodies, we are able to communicate.
Use your telepathic abilities.
Sound (vibrations) can heal us. Use them, study them.
Live Simply.
Breathe deeply all the time and avoid going places where you can't.
Sleep on your own schedule.
Eat what's in your environment.
Always smile it makes you more beautiful.
Eye contact is a communication between souls.
You have control over your emotions – express the good ones, analyze the bad ones. Don't blame others.

Keep active.
Enjoy making love.
Be curious.
Teach the young people.
Play more than anything else, no matter where you are!
Respect your family.
Share your feelings of love with everyone. Don't be stingy.
Be fearless and face the things that worry you with Faith.
Use your 6th sense and beyond.
Have integrity.
Love yourself.
Keep your sense of humor.

Reference : Joan Ocean

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"The Cove" is a rather shocking, eye opening documentary on dolphins and their annual hunting in Taiji, Wakayama Japan.

Academy Award® Winner for Best Documentary of 2009, THE COVE follows an elite team of activists, filmmakers and freedivers as they embark on a covert mission to penetrate a remote and hidden cove in Taiji, Japan, shining a light on a dark and deadly secret.

Utilizing state-of-the-art techniques, including hidden microphones and cameras in fake rocks, the team uncovers how this small seaside village serves as a horrifying microcosm of massive ecological crimes happening worldwide. The result is a provocative mix of investigative journalism, eco-adventure and arresting imagery, adding up to an unforgettable story that has inspired audiences worldwide to action.

( Watch on YouTube... )

'THE COVE' is directed by Louie Psihoyos and produced by Paula DuPré Pesmen and Fisher Stevens. The film is written by Mark Monroe. The executive producer is Jim Clark and the co-producer is Olivia Ahnemann.

Reference : The Cove Movie

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