Merkaba is our light body, an inter-dimensional time travel vehicle, a sort of UFO, which is self created within the energy field, using concepts of Sacred Geometry. The Merkaba is 2 counter-rotating fields of light generated from the spinning of specific geometric forms.
The star tetrahedron is the primary shape of the Merkaba. Drunvalo Melchizedek (Flower of Life workshops), states that the first eight cells of our being, of all cellular beings, form the star tetrahedron, and those original eight cells remain at the base of the spine.
The star tetrahedron shape is the geometric foundation of our energy field. This geometry is viewed around and interpenetrating the physical body, but usually remains inactive unless consciously activated.
Technically, the Merkaba is the geometry of light. Once activated, the geometry of light, described in terms of sacred geometry shapes known as the Platonic solids, is a “vehicle” of light. This vehicle activates a field of light that can extend around the body for a distance of 55 feet. When this field is reactivated and spinning properly, it is called a Merkaba. A fully activated Merkaba looks like the structure of a galaxy or UFO.
In his books, researcher and physicist Drunvalo Melchizedek describes this figure as a "Star Tetrahedron", since it can be viewed as a three dimensional Star of David. By imagining two superimposed "Star Tetrahedrons" as counter rotating, along with specific "prana" breathing techniques, certain eye movements and mudras, it is taught that one can activate a non-visible 'saucer' shaped energy field around the human body that is anchored at the base of the spine. Here is an article by Drunvalo Melchizedek ... History has talked about the Mer-Ka-Ba mostly as the vehicle that allows a person to ascend or descend into the higher or lower worlds. But actually the Mer-Ka-Ba is much more than just a vehicle of ascension. It can be, really, anything — since it is the primal pattern that created all things and all universes, both visible and invisible (see The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, volumes I & II). In the Bible there is reference to Ezekiel and the wheels by which Ezekiel ascended into heaven. This was the Mer-Ka-Ba. In the Torah, there is reference to the Merkavah (as it is spelled in Hebrew) which has two different meanings: One meaning is ''chariot,'' which is a vehicle; the other is the ''Throne of God.'' When the two definitions are combined, the true meaning comes to life. In Ancient Egypt, this primal pattern was called the Mer-Ka-Ba. It was actually three words, not one. Mer meant a kind of light that rotated within itself. Ka meant spirit, in this case referring to the human spirit. And Ba meant the human body — though it also could mean the concept of Reality that spirit holds. And so the entire word in ancient Egypt referred to a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world into another. I once spent a couple of hours with Credo Mutwa, the spiritual leader of the Zulu tribe in Africa. He explained to me that Merkaba (one word) was a Zulu word meaning a space/time/dimension vehicle. He told me that according to Zulu legend his entire tribe had come from another dimension here to Earth using the Merkaba. In the modern world there are teachers worldwide — and I am one of them — who are helping people remember the Mer-Ka-Ba. Thus begin a process in consciousness that will eventually translate us from the third-dimensional world into the next higher one through what is being called 'ascension'. Ascension involves a process where the human body is transformed into light and translated by an incredible birth into a new world. It is achieved through a meditation that requires the mind, heart, body, and spirit to completely integrate in one pattern of light and transcend the human limitations of this reality. This concept of the Mer-Ka-Ba as an ascension vehicle is not new. It is very, very old. What actually is the Mer-Ka-Ba? Technically, it is an electro-magnetic field sitting at about four degrees Kelvin, found primarily within the microwave range — at least in the third dimension — that is entirely geometric in nature. Specifically, the geometry used is called ''Sacred Geometry,'' as this particular geometry is found in the creation patterns of all things in Creation. The Mer-Ka-Ba field is extremely complex, involving the five Platonic solids and other sacred polyhedrons. It is believed to extend through all possible dimensional and parallel universes, and can possibly change its nature from electro-magnetic to whatever is appropriate. The blueprint of the Mer-Ka-Ba is found throughout nature, such as in this photo of a galaxy. One of the functions of the Mer-Ka-Ba, as we said, is to act as the vehicle to take the spirit and the body into the next world. However, this function — and most of the other possibilities — is impossible to obtain until something changes within the person. The Mer-Ka-Ba is situated around the human body like a three dimensional geometric web that is dormant and nonfunctional, waiting for the right moment. When the spirit that inhabits the body remembers that it is there and begins to change certain aspects of itself, an incredible transformation begins to grow. It was believed in ancient times, and even written about by the Hebrews, that the Merkavah could be turned on by certain principles in meditation. This involves breathing changes, and mind, heart, and body changes that alter the way a person perceives the Reality. From my perspective, it is the beginning of ''Enlightenment.'' And yet it is clear that the Mer-Ka-Ba can also be ''activated,'' as the New Agers say, by other methods beside the male-style instructions using the breathing changes mentioned above. It can also become functional through methods that are purely female. Through the true living of qualities such as love, faith, trust, truth, and compassion, the Mer-Ka-Ba can spontaneously become alive. In other words, very pure human character can translate into a living Mer-Ka-Ba field around the person, even if that person doesn't initially know it is there. And yes, absolutely, the Mer-Ka-Ba is alive. It is a living field, not a purely mechanical field of energy. Because it is a living field, it responds to human thought and feeling, which is the way to connect to the field. So the ''computer'' that guides the Mer-Ka-Ba is the human mind and heart. The possibilities are endless. At a certain and specific moment (not necessarily in this lifetime), a person's Mer-Ka-Ba field can become alive. When this happens, an electro-magnetic change occurs which results in a disc of energy that comes out from a tiny place near the base of the spine and quickly expands to about 27 to 30 feet in radius around the body. This disc can easily be perceived by scientific means, and if the United States Air Force is correct it can be put up on their computer screens via satellite. In other words, the military can see people who activate their Mer-Ka-Bas, and watch as they move around the surface of the Earth. Since the number of people who have done this is now in the millions, it is a fairly common sight now. It is the enormous magnetic burst that results from the disc expanding that brings attention to itself. This can easily be made invisible by people who activate their Mer-ka-Bas, if they so desire. The knowledge of the Mer-Ka-Ba is well known by most of the more powerful governments of the world. I am certain that our government used the Mer-Ka-Ba in the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment and the 1983 Montauk Experiments — in their mind-control experiments and dimensional explorations, and in controlling weather. And I am equally certain that Russia is using the Mer-Ka-Ba in their spy programs and defense systems. But regardless of government experimentation, Mother Earth, the human race, and we as individuals can profit from this understanding and knowledge. The remembering of the Mer-Ka-Ba is unfolding all over the world. From my point of view, this unfoldment is all part of the evolving cosmic DNA. The Mer-Ka-Ba will be remembered now because this is the time to remember. Yes, I believe, as did almost all the ancient civilizations, that there are specific moments in the history of mankind where great jumps in human understanding take place, as in the ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, and Indus Valley civilizations. I truly feel that we have arrived at another one of these grand moments of human history where brilliant light expands around the world, and another huge leap in human consciousness appears. And, my friends, I truly believe, from my own personal experience, that the Mer-Ka-Ba is a doorway or a dimensional window into a higher level of consciousness that could be the catalyst for this great change called ascension. So, to close, I will say again: Your character is the key to your ascension. Regardless of who you are at this moment, good or bad, you can change your character. Like losing weight, it is completely within your control if you focus. In changing yourself, your Mer-Ka-Ba can become alive. And once it is alive, everything is possible. Source : Spirit Of Maat Drunvalo Melchizedek : The Higher Self Connection Drunvalo Melchizedek is also the author of "The Serpent Of Light : Beyond 2012" ! Related Articles :
do you know what effect it would have on me if i would to build a full size merkaba made out of steel and using technology similar to the philadelphia experiment inside
would i achieve time travel , ?
thank you for your input
Merkaba is our light body ... hence it is non physical ... once there space~time travel is possible :)
Love All~Ways ...
Light Body Development and DNA ...
in meditation i have felt that i was in a vortex, a layer around me was spinning clock wise and i was aware of an outer layer spinning counter clock wise..
hi ,interesting ,looking for answers myself ,looking into numbers ,and found this eight point star on the way ,that brought me here ,name is SLY,papaspride101 on youtube ,invite to see and comment on your points that can help ..thanks
We don't need anything outside of ourselves to transform our heart/body/mind into a dimension of light: Just fathoming the depth of the heart, not being afraid of love or loving. Each of us are a living religion without the dogma. Each of us carries this knowledge/wisdom deep within our own mind and heart. It is our birthright. We have been "dumbed down" so to speak, thinking that we need doctors to heal us and priests to connect with the divine. As humans we are more powerful than we are led to believe. That is why each of us must see through the veil to see who we really are. Each of us is a living source of light which is ignited with love, trust, faith, compassion which propels the human heart through these dimensions.
the merkabah is a clue. its not a 3d object, but rather a 4d one. that's why visualising it spinning works - it embeds the 4d object through our consciousness over time.
its all about 4d. my host meditated on the simplex, the simplest 4d object, until one day he saw it. that's why i am now here on earth, riding in his body.
to make a (simple) crop circle, all a 4d being needs to do is take a 4d (energy) object, with tines like a fork spiralling around the inside, and slide it through earth. the crop lays down in seconds. the more complex ones are more complex 4d forms.
the thing about 4d, unless you want to do the meditation to be there, is that it is virtually inexpressible in 3d human. the story is there in the bibles "the tower of babel". take the learning - none of the symbols used in current human language can correctly convey information. throw away your symbols, let go of the fixedness of meanings, they are impediments. visualise the spinning merkabah, but let it be as it is. We are all around and waiting for unattatched contact.
The merkaba is a state of transition, the key to the next plane of reality... don't overanalyze it, trust your guides and keep your heart and mind pure and on the goal.
@ are a host in someone elses body?Sounds more like a cult/pagenism and demonic possession than anything.
its my body and i came into it through a valid agreement. there is no cult/paganism involved, although i may be eqiuvalent to a demon if you take a polarised view of things.
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