"Are We Alone ?" ...
Sir Martin explores the possibility that life exists on planets beyond our own. He unveils an unsettling scientific debate that has startling consequences for us Earthlings.

"Why Are We Here ?" ...
Everything you thought you knew about the universe is wrong. It's made of atoms, right? Wrong. Atoms only account for a measly 15% of everything that exists. The mass of the universe consists of something so mysterious and elusive that it has been dubbed 'dark matter'.
"Are We Real ?" ...
There is a fundamental chasm in our understanding of ourselves, the universe, and everything. To solve this, Sir Martin takes us on a mind-boggling journey through multiple universes to post-biological life. On the way we learn of the disturbing possibility that we could be the product of someone else's experiment.
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- The Known Universe : Visions of the Cosmos
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- Thunderbolts of the Gods : Our Electric Universe
- Carl Sagan's Cosmos : 13 Episode TV Series
- Our "Home" Planet Earth Movie
- Entheogen : Awakening The Divine Within
- Dr. Michio Kaku : Visions Of The Future : BBC TV Series
Wow! In having touched on the edges of my own Universe, I KNOW that there is so much more to existence than what our human consciousness can possibly know. Science is a human construct - the Divine is Infinity and Eternal. I know there is more than one universe - multi-universes. The Void exists, though it is more than our finite human intelligence can conceive. These scientisits and theorists may call it "dark matter," but it's more than this, and yet perhaps nothing at all. For me, it is non-existence, no consciousness, no matter, zero anything at all, the ultimate rest. And yet from there, the First Moment came, call it what you will. The Big Bang, the First Orgasm, whatever. And from that, all came into existence and continues to arise, and expand, and eventually contract. I find it amusing to listen to these scientists talk and expound upon their ideas and philosophies and theories knowing that they are all just part of the illusion we are here to expound upon, to experience for the sake of the Divine. We, in our finite thinking, cannot begin to get our minds around what we are and our purpose amongst the cosmos, unless and until we let go of all we think we know and experience and let ourselves just BE, in Love. Simplistic? Perhaps, yet why should it be any more than that? If Love is the creating force behind All That Is, do we need to question further? We can find all our answers there. I AM - LOVE. LOVE is THE creative force in every instance. I AM LOVE. Repeat this idea, this thought in every moment - I AM LOVE! Every answer is in this!
'Conversations with God' Triology, 'Friendship...' and 'Communion....' by Neale Donald Walsche explains this through a very uncommon dialogue.
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