Showing posts with label Psychedelic Experience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychedelic Experience. Show all posts

Liquid Crystal Vision is a movie about our psychedelic world and the magical alchemy of consciousness with the sacred ritualistic use of plant based psychedelics to invoke mystical vibrations of the trance dance experience. Liquid Crystal Vision fuses the ancient and the future. It blends scenes of exotic places such as Angkor Wat, Goa, Laos, Japan, and others with superb graphics, sounds, performances, and channeled interviews.

Liquid Crystal Vision presents dancing as one of the means to initiate a far-reaching personal evolution. It contrasts control versus freedom. The impact of the mystical arts movement on planetary consciousness is highlighted during the 60 minutes play time. Liquid Crystal Vision makes an artistic and political statement that leaves a strong imprint on the audience.

Liquid Crystal Vision was inspired by the controversy of the incredible magic experienced during the psychedelic experience and the conditioned fear programming among the general public about psychedelic drugs.

Shamans, Pagans and Mystics used sacred medicines in ritual all over the world for centuries to communicate with higher forces. Psychedelics have the ability to wake people up to the fundamental truth of life. They can induce a deep mystical understanding and inspire a spiritual evolution in human beings when used in the right environment with proper guidance!

The filmmakers believe that through the use of entheogenic substances one can find liberation from the "known"! Anthropological studies suggest that most of our religions originated from a mystical experience that was most likely induced by the ingestion of psychedelic plants, such as mushrooms, cacti, fungi etc. Psychedelics can create blissful feelings when used and not abused! In the Vedic text (Sanskrit writings) it is suggested that union with GOD can be achieved through psychedelic drugs as well.

Unfortunately even today the world is still ruled by power, money, ignorance, and greed, instead common sense, love, and wisdom! Governments control the media that spreads bogus propaganda to support unreasonable laws - just to brainwash the taxpayer and consumer population. This creates global turmoil, destruction and religious wars that need to end NOW! It is overtime for a mystical evolution that brings global unity! Time to be honest and truthful! Time to transcend differences, time to celebrate beauty! Eat a mushroom and dance. To prohibit self-discovery is madness! This is why Liquid Crystal Vision was created!

A Sadhu gives an initiatory explanation about a mystical dance ritual that has its roots in India, but spread all over the world today. Followed by Raja Ram from Shpongle, the Infinity Project, and the Yeti, who gives an explanation about healing and higher consciousness, magnificent images of carved Apsaras and Monks in Angkor Wat (Cambodia) flash by. A beautiful dancer is moving to the rhythm of the music while a holy man from India gives a great description of the mystical state. Famous musicians and key figures of the scene explain scientifically what it all means to them. Gregory Sams articulates how people have their own spiritual experiences when going into trance.

Famous Youth from Killing Joke explains how it all started years ago in Goa. Through a 3-D visual gate the film changes drastically into a part that is called: "Globalization". Pagans sing magical songs at the historical opening on summer solstice in Stonehenge, before the imagery blows the audience away with a mind-expanding interview of Alex Grey! A visual interlude of 3-D graphics leads to Dr. Spook, who says exactly what the filmmakers are trying to get across to the public! Images of people wildly dancing to undomesticated drumming rhythms with sculptures of burning skulls and a Shaman talking to the audience brings us to the legendary musicians of System 7, who explain in incredible detail how sound is used in the music to manipulate brainwaves and to entrain people.

Liquid Crystal Vision goes backwards as it comes towards the ending, because it's created as a geometrical fractal, so sounds begin to repeat and characters come back to finish their story. Various individuals explain what effect partying has on them. This gives the viewer a feeling of how great the unity experience really is! Liquid Crystal Vision tells us that the visions experienced during the mystical experience have to be integrated into daily life to really have a lasting effect! The final rap is to a live set of Banco de Gaia, where a fire spinner is projected onto the oldest Buddhist temple in Laos. Suddenly, the film turns backwards at light speed until it reaches the first image of the film, where the final question is asked !

"Synopsis of the Movie"

Goa Gil

For me when I come to the party and I set up the altar and I sprinkle the Ganga water and say the mantra and make the offering to the cosmic spirit, the whole party becomes the offering, the music becomes the offering, the dance becomes the offering. The cosmic spirit should come to the place and bless all of us! The longer it goes on the more the trance comes and it comes to a point where every song is so perfect in the moment - it's timelessness. So perfect you start to get chills up your spinal column and up your skin and everybody's getting it all at once - it’s like a cosmic orgasm! Then at some point it comes like a bolt of lightning, like a shock of lightening through everybody all at once —cccchhhhh… and that’s when the seed is being planted in everyone’s subconscious that will hopefully grow and flower and make people more aware of themselves, there surroundings, the crossroads of humanity, and the needs of the planet. This is what our Goa party, our holy ritual is all about. And this is what we are trying to achieve with it!

This piece is about ten years old. It's called Theologue - the union of human and divine consciousness weaving the fabric of space and time in which the self and its surroundings are embedded. That’s the subtitle... Rather long...

What I try to do in the work is to show the interpenetration between the physical dimension and the more metaphysical dimensions. In the body it shows up as the acupuncture meridians points and chakras auras and halos and things like that. This particular painting is one of my favorites because it came from an experience I had some time ago, it was a high dose LSD experience and I was wearing a blindfold seated in a lotus posture. I was staring into this… it was a device I invented called a mind fold. It's just a light type blindfold with space to open your eyes, so you look into total darkness, but somehow I was seeing an electric grid that was all along the horizon - just this incredible kind of perspective grid.

And it seemed that I was projecting this at the same time as I was seeing it outside, but I was in my head, so it was very confusing, but I felt like this is the loom of space and time. This is like when you dream! You are dreaming in space and so you are always creating space. Somehow our mind is creating the space that we are surrounded by, so how to visualize that? It was solved by putting this kind of seated Buddha there and having the horizon line - the vanishing point of the horizon line of the perspective be synonymous with the cone of perception that’s spreading out. It’s appearing to project the space that he is seated in.

Raja Ram

This is a search to find ways of changing our own minds and triggering our inner feelings that are going to come out one way or another... If you want to be a yogi — be a yogi! If you are going to take drugs, that’s what you are going to do, if you want to be straight that’s what you are going to be!

The main thing is, the whole game is to alter our consciousness to get higher and to go to those other dimensions, to fulfill our potential. And one of the ways we can do this is through music, because it’s healing and elevating, and it will take people to a higher realm of consciousness, if they let it!

Source : Liquid Crystal Vision

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Psychonauts are explorers of the mind or psyche who use psychedelics to attain altered states of consciousness. The word Psychonaut comes from Greek Words 'Psyche' (Mind or Soul) and 'Naut' (Sailor) which means "Sailor of the Mind". Most civilizations on Earth have used psychedelics and plant based hallucinogens for spiritual and shamanic pursuits much before recorded history. Psychonauts believe that these spiritual experiences lead to long-term positive benefits in their everyday lives. By tuning into higher realms of inner awareness Psychonauts can master great powers much like the Ascended Masters or the Sadhus of the Himalayas.

Psychonaut is a modern term used to describe one who uses trance technologies and, more specifically mind-altering substances, more for their ability to act as entheogens than for their inebriating (or social) effect. In effect, they are used as a means to achieve states of mind in which different perceptions, unhindered by everyday mental filters and processes, can arise. Psychonauts believe that when a mind-altering substance is used with this intent, its effects can be life altering and are not mere hallucinations. An alternate description is that while some aspects of the experience may be hallucinatory, the realizations caused by those hallucinations and the mental, emotional and long term impact of the experience are real, usually positive, and enduring.

The term is often associated with neoshamanic practices, however, many distinguish between the mental exploration of the psychonaut and healing-oriented shamanic practice. Psychonauts often use entheogens coupled with other mind altering techniques to get into a state of trance or deep states of meditation. These techniques include Sleep Deprivation, Fasting, Isolation Tank, Sensory Deprivation, Hypnosis, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, Sex, Music and Dance. Ritual is often employed for purposes of grounding and centering one's self, to set one's focus and intentions, and to instill a conception of the significance and depth of psychonautical practice. Repeated use of ritual may also train the brain to associate certain activities and states of consciousness with specific situations, creating deeper experiences and allowing one to more easily enter altered states of consciousness.

Psychonauts Documentary

Psychonauts is also a game based on the exploits of Raz, a young boy gifted with psychic abilities who runs away from the circus to try to sneak into a summer camp for those with similar powers in order to become a "Psychonaut", a "Mental Marine", a "Psychic Soldier" as Coach Oleander describes them ...

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Alien Dreamtime is a rare live multimedia event recording of Terence McKenna at the Transmission Theater in San Francisco, California on the 26th/27th of February 1993 ... In Terence McKenna's words on the 'Archaic Revival' ... Alright, tonight, for your edification and amusement... three raves, two interregnums. Visions by Rose X.. Didgeredoo, Stephen Kent... and sound by Space Time. Words and ideas by Terence McKenna. Rap One: The Archaic Revival !

History is ending, because the dominator culture has led the human species into a blind alley. And as the inevitable chaostrophe approaches, people look for metaphors and answers. Every time a culture gets into trouble, it casts itself back into the past looking for the last sane moment it ever knew. And the last sane moment we ever knew was on the plains of Africa, 15,000 years ago, rocked in cradle of the great horned mushroom goddess before history. Before standing armies, before slavery and property, before warfare and phonetic alphabets and monotheism. Before, before, before. And this is where the future is taking us. Because the secret faith of the 20th century is not modernism. The secret faith of the 20th century is nostalgia for the archaic, nostalgia for the Paleolithic, and that gives us body piercing, abstract expressionism, surrealism, jazz, rock and roll, and Catastrophe Theory. The 20th century mind is nostalgic for the paradise that once existed on the mushroom-dotted plains of Africa, where the plant-human symbiosis occurred that pulled us out of the animal body and into the tool-using, culture-making, imagination-exploring creature that we are.

And why does this matter? It matters because it chose that the way out is back, and that the future is a forward escape into the past. This is what the psychedelic experience means. Its a doorway out of history and into the wiring under the board in eternity. And I tell you this because if the community understands what it is that holds it together, the community will be better able to streamline itself for flight into hyperspace. Because what we need is a new myth. What we need is a new true story that tells us where were going in the universe. And that true story is that the ego is a product of pathology and that when psilocybin is regularly part of the human experience, the ego is suppressed. And the suppression of the ego means the defeat of the dominators, the materialists, the product peddlers. Psychedelics return us to the inner worth of the self, to the importance of feeling immediate experience. And nobody can sell that to you and nobody can buy it from you, so the dominator culture is not interested in the felt presence of immediate experience. But that's what holds the community together. And as we break out of the silly myths of science and the infantile obsessions of the marketplace, what we discover through the psychedelic experience is that in the body-- in the body-- there are Niagaras of beauty, alien beauty, alien dimensions that are part of the self, the richest part of life.

I think of going to the grave without having a psychedelic experience, like going to the grave without having sex. It means that you never figured out what it was all about. The mystery is in the body, and the way the body works itself into nature. What the archaic revival means is shamanism, ecstasy, orgiastic sexuality, and the defeat of the three enemies of the people, and the three enemies of the people are monotheism, monogamy, and monotony. And if you get them on the run, you have the dominators sweating, folks. Because that means that you're getting it all reconnected, and get it all reconnected means putting aside the idea of separateness and self-definition through thing fetish. Getting it all connected means tapping into the Gaian mind. And the Gaian mind is what were calling the psychedelic experience. Its an experience of the living fact of the entelechy of the planet, and without that experience we wander in a desert of bogus ideologies, but with that experience, the compass of the self can be set. And that's the idea, that were figuring out how to reset the compass of the self, through community, through ecstatic dance, through psychedelics, intelligence-- intelligence... this is what we have to have to make the forward escape into hyperspace.

I'm gonna take five here, and uh, well be back and chat some more.

Alien Love

Hello... so, that was like an introduction, ha ha! Now for some preaching to the choir on the subject of: How come it is that the further in you go, the bigger it gets? I remember the very, very first time I smoked DMT. It was sort of a benchmark, you might say. And I remember that this friend of mine that always got there first, visited me with this little glass pipe, and this stuff which looked like orange mothballs. And since I was a graduate of Dr. Hofmann's, I figured there were no surprises. So the only question I asked was how long does it last? And he said, About five minutes. So, I did it. And...

There was uh, something like a flower. Like a chrysanthemum in orange and yellow that sort of spinning. Spinning. And then, it was like I was pushed from behind and I fell through the chrysanthemum into another place that didn't seem like a state of mind. It seemed like another place. And what was going on in this place (aside from the tastefully soffited indirect lighting and the crawling hallucinations along the domed wall), what was happening was that there were a lot of beings in there, a lot of what I call self-transforming machine elves. Sort of like jeweled basketballs all dribbling their way toward me. And if they had faces they would've been grinning at me, but they didn't have faces. And they assured me that they loved me, and they told me not to be amazed, not to give way to astonishment. And so I watched them, even though I wondered if maybe I hadn't really done it this time! And what they were doing, was they were making objects come into existence by singing them into existence. Objects which looked like Faberge eggs from Mars, morphing themselves with Mandaean alphabetical structures. They looked like the concrescence of linguistic intentionality put through a kind of hyperdimensional transform into three-dimensional space. And these little machines offered themselves to me. And I realized when I looked at them, that if I could bring just one of these little trinkets back, nothing would ever be quite the same again.

And I wondered where am I? And what is going on? And it occurred to me that these must be holographic viral projections from an autonomous continuum that was somehow intersecting my own. And then I thought, a more elegant explanation would be to take it at face value, and realize that I had broken into an ecology of souls, and that somehow I was getting a peek over the other side. Somehow, I was finding out that thing, that you cheerfully assume you can't find out... but it felt like I was finding out. And it felt... and then I can't remember what it felt like because the little self-transforming tikes interrupted me and said, Don't think about it. Don't think about who we are-- think about doing what were doing. Do it! Do it now. Do it!

Speaking in Tongues

And what they meant was: use your voice to make an object. And as I understood I felt a bubble kind of grow inside of me. And I watched these little elf tikes jumping in and out of my chest (they liked to do that to reassure you), and they said, Do it! And I felt language rise up in me that was unhooked from English and I began to speak like this:

Eeeoo ded hwauopsy mectoph, mectagin dupwoxin, moi phoi wops eppepepekin gitto phepsy demego doi aga din a doich demoi aga donc heedey obectdee doohueana.

(Or words to that effect). And I wondered then what it all meant, and why it felt so good (if it didn't mean anything). And I thought about it a few years, actually, and I decided, you know, that meaning and language are two different things. And that what the alien voice in the psychedelic experience wants to reveal is the syntactical nature of reality. That the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of, you make of it, whatever you wish!

Eh moi dea doi phegenheggo...

And one of the things that I learned about DMT, was that, if you ever had it, even just once, then you can have a dream. And in this dream somebody will pull out a little glass pipe, and then it will happen. It will happen just like the real thing. Because theres a button somewhere inside each and every one of us that gives you a look into the other side. And thats the button that resets the compass that tells you where you want to sail.

Good luck!

- Terence McKenna ( Excerpts From 'Alien Dreamtime' )

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