
Carl Gustav Jung (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the founder of analytical psychology. Jung's approach to psychology has been influential in the field of depth psychology and in countercultural movements across the globe. He emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the worlds of dreams, art, mythology, world religion and philosophy. Although he was a theoretical psychologist and practicing clinician, much of his life's work was spent exploring other areas, including Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology, sociology, as well as literature and the arts. His most notable ideas include the concept of psychological archetypes, the collective unconscious and synchronicity.

Jung emphasized the importance of balance and harmony. He cautioned that modern people rely too heavily on science and logic and would benefit from integrating spirituality and appreciation of unconscious realms.

As a quiet, introverted child, Carl Jung would come to be one of the most influential psychiatrists in the world. And, his association, collaboration, and eventual fall out with Sigmund Freud would make his biography even more astounding. Through an expansive education and by authoring many books, Carl Jung donated so much to the study of the human psyche that he is considered by many to stand next to, and not in the shadow of, the world’s leading psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

Born the son of a preacher, Jung went on to graduate with a degree in medicine from the University of Basel. He worked until 1909 in Burghöltzi, an asylum and clinic for those suffering the maladies of schizophrenia in Zürich. This experience undoubtedly affected Jung’s work in his later years.

Always interested in spirituality and parapsychology, Carl Jung dabbled in the arts of the spiritual world, ever exploring the realms of unconscious human experience that was often being ignored in modern-day medicine. Jung released his book entitled, The Psychology of Dementia Praecox. This caught the attention of Sigmund Freud and the two would later work and lecture together in the United States.

What bitterly separated Freud and Jung was their different beliefs on just how much sexuality controlled motivation. Freud believed it absolute. Jung admitted it was a part of man’s make up, but wouldn’t go as far as Freud did in his theories. This break-up caused a six-year mental breakdown for the young Jung. Some say that Jung was having prophetic images of World War I, which was looming in the distance.

Carl Jung overcame his breakdown and found the modern system of Analytical Psychology. Feeling limited and enclosed by the academia of the day, Jung decided to travel the world to explore and be an anthropologist of the mind of the people. He later dubbed this the “Collective Consciousness” of mankind. He went on to classify personalities as extrovert or introvert. He regarded mental breakdowns and fervent behavior to be rooted in the fact that one had not yet discovered their own personal meaning in the world. Jung hypothesized that through the exploration of the unconscious, in dreams, in art, and in other cultures, the ‘self’ could fully be realized.

Jung had interests in the study of literature and alchemy, and came to theorize that men and women each had a certain anima or animus – the inner need to feel and not reject our own male or female tendencies. Many of his theories are cited in his biography entitled Memories, Dreams, Reflections where he also explores the psychological conflicts of his own life.

Carl Jung was made the president of the General Medical Society for Psychotherapy in 1933. While this organization did have certain Nazi connections, Jung accepted the position in hopes of preserving the field of psychoanalysis and therapy. With some criticized publications, Jung never claimed any personal anti-Semitic feelings, but only theorized about differences of how each interpreted the role of psychology.

Carl Gustav Jung Movie Wisdom Of The Dream

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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What is it like to live in the moment ? This shift in consciousness for most people is not a single event, but a process, a gradual disidentification from thoughts and emotions through the arising of awareness.

Eckhart Tolle was born in Germany, where he spent the first thirteen years of his life. After graduating from the University of London, he was a research scholar and supervisor at Cambridge University. When he was twenty-nine, a profound spiritual transformation virtually dissolved his old identity and radically changed the course of his life. The next few years were devoted to understanding, integrating and deepening that transformation, which marked the beginning of an intense inward journey.

Eckhart Tolle is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition. In his teaching, he conveys a simple yet profound message with the timeless and uncomplicated clarity of the ancient spiritual masters: there is a way out of suffering and into peace. It is to live in the eternal NOW ... in the tranquil silence of the moment ! Underneath the words, between them, in the energy of presence conveyed by them, we find the power of Stillness. This vibrantly alive state found only in the Here and Now, is one with our Being and the field out of which all "arises".

Eckhart feels a strong connection to J Krishnamurti and Ramana Maharshi and says that his teaching is a coming together of the teachings of both those teachers, and it is a continuation of that. In addition, he states that by listening to and speaking with the spiritual teacher Barry Long, he understood things more deeply.

Ekhart Tolle's message is simple: living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. And while this message may not seem stunningly original or fresh, Tolle's clear writing, supportive voice, and enthusiasm make this an excellent manual for anyone who's ever wondered what exactly "living in the now" means. Foremost, Tolle is a world-class teacher, able to explain complicated concepts in concrete language. More importantly, within a chapter of reading this book, readers are already holding the world in a different container--more conscious of how thoughts and emotions get in the way of their ability to live in genuine peace and happiness.

Eckhart's words may at times be difficult to fully understand for they do not fit into the framework of a linear time i-am-in-a-hurry construct. Once we consciously choose to chill out and allow we begin to grasp the essence of being in the moment, in the now.

Ekhart's Words :

"There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness: One With Life. Being one with life is being one with Now. You then realise that you don't live your life, but life lives you. Life is the dancer, and you are the dance"

"You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you, and allowing that goodness to emerge. But it can only emerge if something fundamental changes in your state of consciousness"

"In the normal, mind-identified or unenlightened state of consciousness, the power and creative potential that lie concealed in the Now are completely obscured by psychological time. You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You can find yourself by coming into the present. Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be" !


Sacred Geometry is the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. It is an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. On every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric shapes.

As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you begin to see as never before the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation. The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Viewing and contemplating these codes allow us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the inner workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself.

It is interesting that today we find ourselves at the final crossroads in our evolution. Since that day when we decided to abandon our faith in the universal way and follow the mechanical codes of science our consciousness has shifted from one of reverence for all things sacred to the worship of abstract materialism. Consequently, our change of attitude has endangered our living, breathing celestial sphere and it's perhaps why crop circles, with their foundations based squarely upon sacred geometry, have chosen to appear at this particular point in time, reminding us that if only we observe the fundamental laws of the universe we may still be in time to discover the secrets of universal harmony and salvage our very own symbol of eternal life, the Earth.

Frequently visible orbs or balls of light are seen just before or right after a crop circle appears. There are places in the UK that were named after these balls of light that people saw. One of them is called "Golden Ball Hill." Named after a golden ball of light that was witnessed there 100's of years ago. Some believe that stone circles mark locations where visible orbs were witnessed by people 100's of years ago. In the movie Crop Circles : Quest for Truth there is a segment about these visible orbs. One of them flew right up to a man. Another flew up to a man and he passed out and woke up on the ground a few minutes later. The orbs of light are about the size of a volleyball or basket ball. People wonder what they are, just watch them and how they move. They slow down, they go down into the crop, they seem to be looking things over. They take off again and fly very quickly across the fields.

One videographer video taped a crop circle being formed and the first thing he saw was two orbs flying over the field. As they did circles appeared in about one second flat. A third orb crossed the field from another direction and connecting lines appeared between the circles. The entire thing took about 3 seconds to appear. Three orbs of light were video taped over the field as it happened. The bright balls of light with a microbe like internal pattern with a central nucleus are more than dust, moisture or some odd reflection from a dirty lens like our skeptic friends believe ! Where our rational logic ceases divine imagination takes over ...

An interesting film on Orbs & Crop Circles is "Contact" by Bert Janssen where eye witnesses agree to the fact that these balls of light are definitely intelligent or intelligently guided as seen in and around the fields where these crop circles form in just about a few seconds and they are gone ....

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The new age spiritual Guru Deepak Chopra's book Buddha, A Story Of Enlightenment shows how the iconic journey of the prince who became the Buddha has changed the world forever, and how the lessons he taught continue to influence every corner of the world.

“The Buddha was as mortal as you and I, yet he attained enlightenment and was raised to the rank of an immortal. The miracle is that he got there following a heart as human as yours and mine, and just as vulnerable.” - from the Introduction Bestselling author Deepak Chopra brings the Buddha back to life in this gripping account of the young prince who abandoned his inheritance to discover his true calling. This iconic journey changed the world forever, and the truths revealed continue to influence every corner of the globe today.

A young man in line for the throne is trapped in his father’s kingdom and yearns for the outside world. Betrayed by those closest to him, Siddhartha abandons his palace and princely title. Finally alone and face-to-face with his demons, he becomes a wandering monk and embarks on a spiritual fast that carries him to the brink of death. Ultimately recognizing his inability to conquer his body and mind by sheer force, Siddhartha transcends his physical pain and achieves enlightenment. Although we recognize Buddha today as an icon of peace and serenity, his life story was a tumultuous and spellbinding affair filled with love and sex, murder and loss, struggle and surrender. From the rocky terrain of the material world to the summit of the spiritual one, Buddha entertains and inspires - ultimately leading us closer to understanding the true nature of life and ourselves.

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Wake Up Call - Documentary about the New World Order - Compiled/Edited by John Nada (NEW REMASTERED EDITION - 2008)

Some of the topics covered in the film: Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, New World Order, North American Union, One World Government, Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, 9-11 Truth, Problem-Reaction-Solution, the 'War on Terrorism', microchipping, mind control, mass media manipulation, education system indoctrination and more...

Featuring: Alex Jones, David Icke, Aaron Russo, Jordan Maxwell, G. Edward Griffin, Jim Marrs, Bill Hicks, George Carlin, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dave vonKleist, Stan Monteith and others...

Download the for Wake Up Call Movie Torrent !

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Cheyenne Symbol of the Universe Shield

The Cheyenne are a Native American nation of the Great Plains. The name Cheyenne, meaning “people of an alien speech,” was applied to them by the Sioux. But the Cheyenne call themselves Tsetschestahase or Tsistsistas, which translates as “beautiful people” or “our people.”

The Cheyenne Nation is comprised of ten bands, spread all over the Great Plains, from southern Colorado to the Black Hills in South Dakota. In the mid-1800s, the bands began to split, with bands choosing to remain near the Black Hills, while other bands chose to remain near the Platte Rivers of central Colorado. Currently the Northern Cheyenne live in southeast Montana on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation. The Southern Cheyenne, along with the Southern Arapaho, live in central Oklahoma. Their combined population is approximately 20,000.

For the Cheyenne, the circle was an important symbol in spiritual, social, and political life. They perceived the universe as a circle with four directions, with time and life moving in circular cycles. The insides of their tepees, where family units lived, were circular, and the tepees themselves were arranged in a circle in the village.

A Cheyenne creation myth involves the four medicine arrows, given by the creator, Maheo, to Sweet Medicine, who became the prophet of his people. The Sacred Arrows, or Mahuts (Maahotse), were four arrows, two for hunting and two for war, kept by the tribe through the generations. It was believed that without the Mahuts there would be no Cheyenne tribe, so these four arrows were guarded in a special tepee by a society of Cheyenne men known as Arrow Keepers.

One of the most important Cheyenne ceremonies was the Arrow Renewal. In the Arrow Renewal, various bands of extended families came together for a four-day ceremony. Three ceremonial lodges were placed in the center of a circle of tepees: the Sacred Arrow Lodge, the Sacred Arrow Keeper’s Lodge, and the Offering Lodge.

Men performed various rituals in and among the lodges to renew the Sacred Arrows and the spirit of the tribe. The four sacred arrows were often carried into battle by a chosen warrior, bound to the stem of his lance.

The Sri Yantra

Yantra literally means loom, instrument or machine. In actual practice, a yantra is a symbolic representation of aspects of divinity, usually the Mother Goddess or Durga. It is an interlocking matrix of geometric figures, circles, triangles and floral patterns that form fractal patterns of elegance and beauty. Though drawn in two dimensions, a yantra is supposed to represent a three dimensional sacred object.

Although the yantra is primarily a meditation tool both for serious spiritual seekers as well as sculptors in the classical tradition, its shakti is also available to new seekers with sincere devotion and good intention. It is believed that mystical yantras reveal the inner basis of forms and shapes abounding in the universe. Yantras function as revelatory symbols of cosmic truths.

The Sri Yantra of Tripura Sundari is a yantra or mandala formed by nine interlocking triangles surrounding the bindu. Four of these triangles are orientated upright representing Shiva or the Masculine. Five of these triangles are inverted triangles represent Shakti or the Feminine. Because it is composed of nine triangles, it is also known as the navayoni chakra.

Together the nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles in a web symbolic of the entire cosmos or a womb symbolic of creation. Together they express Advaita-ism or non-duality. This is surrounded by lotuses of sixteen petals, and an earth-square resembling a temple with four doors.

White Lotus Buddha

Tibetan Buddhists make use of a particular set of eight auspicious symbols, called Ashtamangala, or Eight Auspicious Symbols, in household and public art. (In Sanskrit "ashta" is 'eight' and "mangala" is 'auspicious')

The lotus flower is one of the "Ashtamangala." The lotus represents purity of body, speech, and mind, floating above the muddy waters of attachment and desire...the White Lotus especially so.

Buddhism is a dharmic, non-theistic religion, which is also a philosophy and a system of psychology. Buddhism is also known, in Sanskrit or Pali (the main ancient languages of Buddhists), as Buddha Dharma, which means the "teachings of the Awakened One."

Siddhārtha Gautama is the key figure in Buddhism. He was a spiritual teacher from ancient India and the historical founder of Buddhism. He is universally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha of our age. The time of his birth and death are uncertain; most modern historians date his lifetime from 563 BC to 483 BC.

In Buddhism, 'a Buddha' is any being who has become fully awakened (enlightened), has permanently overcome desire or craving, aversion, and delusion, or ignorance, and has achieved complete liberation from suffering.

A special thanks to Romik Kimor for sharing these spectacular images on Facebook !

" Gaia "



Some Psychedelic Art from all across the world collected thanks to the internet ! Thank You for sharing ! Have a "Psychedelic Life" :)


Ram Bahadur Bomjon (born on 9 April 1990, sometimes Bomjan, Banjan, or Bamjan), also known as Palden Dorje (his official Buddhist name), is from Ratanapuri village, Bara district, Nepal and is believed to be the reincarnation of Buddha by his supporters. An 18-year old Nepalese ascetic whom many have hailed as a new Buddha. According to his brother Gangajit, a "very clear and white" light "different from sunlight" emanated from his head. On November 8, 2005 Dorje arose and said to the public, "Tell the people not to call me a Buddha. I don't have the Buddha's energy. I am at the level of rinpoche."

On 2 August 2007 Bomjon addressed a large crowd in Hallori jungle in Bara district of southern Nepal. The Namo Buddha Tapoban Committee, which is devoted to looking after Bomjon, assembled the meeting. A notice about the boy's first-ever preaching was broadcast by a local FM radio station, and the committee also invited people by telephone. Around three thousand people gathered to listen to Bomjon's address. A video of the event has also surfaced. According to Upendra Lamichhane, a blogger who wrote an article and took pictures of the meeting, Bomjon's message was "The only way we can save this nation is through spirituality".

His speech was as follows:

Murder, violence, greed, anger and temptation have made the human world a desperate place. A terrible storm has descended upon the human world, and this is carrying the world towards destruction. There is only one way to save the world and that is through dharma. When one doesn't walk the righteous path of spiritual practice, this desperate world will surely be destroyed. Therefore, follow the path of spirituality and spread this message to your fellows. Never put obstacles, anger and disbelief in the way of my meditation's mission. I am only showing you the way; you must seek it on your own. What I will be, what I will do, the coming days will reveal. Human salvation, the salvation of all living beings, and peace in the world are my goal and my path. "Namo Buddha sangaya, Namo Buddha sangaya, namo sangaya." I am contemplating on the release of this chaotic world from the ocean of emotion, on our detachment from anger and temptation, without straying from the path for even a moment, I am renouncing my own attachment to my life and my home forever, I am working to save all living beings. But in this undisciplined world, my life's practice is reduced to mere entertainment.

The practice and devotion of many Buddhas is directed at the world's betterment and happiness. It is essential but very difficult to understand that practice and devotion. But though it is easy to lead this ignorant existence, human beings don't understand that one day we must leave this uncertain world and go with the Lord of Death. Our long attachments with friends and family will dissolve into nothingness. We have to leave behind the wealth and property we have accumulated. What's the use of my happiness, when those who have loved me from the beginning, my mother, father, brothers, relatives are all unhappy. Therefore, to rescue all sentient beings, I have to be Buddha-mind, and emerge from my underground cave to do vajra meditation. To do this I have to realize the right path and knowledge, so do not disturb my practice. My practice detaches me from my body, my soul and this existence. In this situation there will be 72 goddess Kalis. Different gods will be present, along with the sounds of thunder and of "tangur", and all the celestial gods and goddesses will be doing puja (worship). So until I have sent a message, do not come here, and please explain this to others. Spread spiritual knowledge and spiritual messages throughout the world. Spread the message of world peace to all. Seek a righteous path and wisdom will be yours.

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"I feel no need for food and water," states Prahlad Jani, a seventy-six year old Indian ascetic who lives in a cave near the Ambaji temple in the state of Gujarat. Mr. Jani claims that he has not had food or fluids to drink for the last sixty-five years. At the age of seven years he left home in search of spiritual unfoldment. Jani states that at the age of eleven years he was blessed by a goddess. He claims that since that blessing he has gained his sustenance from nectar that filters down through a hole in his palate, and has not passed urine or stools since then. Mr. Jani explained, "I get the elixir of life from the hole in my palate, which enables me to go without food and water." Almost daily Mr. Jani enters a state of Samadhi characterized by extreme bliss and enormous light and strength. He says that he has never experienced medical problems. He says that he did not speak for a period of forty-five years.

In November 2003, after over a year of coaxing, Prahlad Jani was finally persuaded to participate in a scientific research study. A medical research team of twenty-one specialists, headed by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah, had Mr. Jani under twenty-four hours of observation for ten days at the Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad. The team's research expertise included cardiology, neurology, urology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, renal function, pulmonary function, ENT analysis, psychiatry, general medicine, and other specialities. A series of investigations were done on Mr. Jani in each of these areas according to a pre-determined protocol, and additional tests were carried out as per suggestions of the team. At the conclusion of their intensive investigations the team's doctors were left with an unexplained mystery, unable to disprove Mr. Jani's claims.

Mr. Jani was initially kept in ICU for the first twenty-four hours. For the next nine days he was kept in a specially prepared room with a sealed-off toilet and a glass door. The room was also equipped with video surveillance to continuously monitor Mr. Jani. Additionally, staff persons were assigned to stay in the same room with Jani round-the-clock to make sure that he did not eat, drink, or pass urine or stool.

To assure researchers of no possible intake of water, Mr. Jani agreed he would not bathe during the medical investigation. Mr. Jani was permitted a small measured quantity of water to use as a mouthwash. He then spat the water into a beaker to verify that none had been drunk. An ultrasound, which was made of Mr. Jani's bladder twice daily, indicated that there was urine accumulation, which subsequently decreased on its own without passing.

At the end of the ten days of observation, the team of doctors verified that Prahladbhai Jani had not taken food or drank fluids. (The average person cannot survive without water for more than four days.) The team concluded that Mr. Jani's health had not deteriorated during this study. Also, according to the hospital's deputy superintendent, Dr. Dinesh Desai, "A series of tests conducted on him show his body mechanism is that of a normal person." Mr. Jani's survival without food or fluids remains one of those unexplained mysteries.

The following are excerpts from the research team's concluding report:

1. The protocol was strictly adhered to.

2. Mr. Jani had not passed or dribbled urine during these 10 days.

3. He has not taken anything by mouth or by any other routes not even water for 10 days.

4. All his parameters remained within the range determined by the committee.

5. He has shown evidence of formation of urine, which seems to be reabsorbed from his bladder wall. However, at present the committee does not have any scientific explanation for the same but the help of senior scientists and medical personnel of the country is being taken for the same.

We are surprised as to how he has survived despite above particularly without passing urine for 10 days and remaining generally physically fit. However, it should be made very clear that we have confirmed the claim over 10 days only and we as scientists and responsible doctors cannot say anything regarding validity of the claim of his sustaining without food, drinks, urination and excretion of stools over several years.

Dr. Sudhir V. Shah (Consultant Neurophysician, Sterling Hospital/Associate professor of neurology at K. M. School of PGMR, Ahmedabad) headed the research panel of doctors who performed this study. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Sudhir V. Shah for providing the Case Summary of this study along with the photos of Mr. Jani. To view the Case Summary of Mr. Jani in its entirety please go to: P. Jani Medical Report.

Source : Amazing Abilities

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