"Super Size Me" is a 2004 American documentary film about the Fast Food Industry, directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker. Spurlock's film follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March 2, 2003 during which he eats only McDonald's food. The film documents this lifestyle's drastic effects on Spurlock's physical and psychological well-being, and explores the fast food industry's corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit.

Spurlock dined at McDonald's restaurants three times per day, eating every item on the chain's menu. He would always choose to "super-size" his meal if he was offered by a McDonald's employee. Spurlock consumed an average of 20.92 megajoules or 5,000 kcal (the equivalent of 9.26 Big Macs) per day during the experiment. As a result, the then-32-year-old Spurlock gained 24½ lbs. (11.1 kg), a 13% body mass increase, a cholesterol level of 230, and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation to his liver. It took Spurlock fourteen months to lose the weight gained from his experiment.

The reason for Spurlock's investigation was the increasing spread of obesity throughout U.S. society, which the Surgeon General has declared "epidemic," and the corresponding lawsuit brought against McDonald's on behalf of two overweight girls, who, it was alleged, became obese as a result of eating McDonald's food [Pelman v. McDonald's Corp., 237 F. Supp. 2d 512]. Spurlock points out that although the lawsuit against McDonald's failed (and subsequently many state legislatures have legislated against product liability actions against producers and distributors of "fast food"), much of the same criticism leveled against the tobacco companies applies to fast food franchises whose product is both physiologically addictive and physically harmful.

The documentary was nominated for an Academy Award for Documentary Feature.

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"Through The Wormhole" is an American Television Documentary Series hosted by Morgan Freeman which explores the deepest mysteries of existence — the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity.

What are we made of? What was there before the beginning? Are we really alone? These questions have been pondered by the most brilliant minds in history. Now, modern science may be able to provide us with answers.

Through The Wormhole – Is There A Creator?

It’s perhaps the biggest, most controversial mystery in the cosmos. Did our Universe just come into being by random chance, or was it created by a God who nurtures and sustains all life?

The latest science is showing that the four forces governing our universe are phenomenally finely tuned. So finely that it had led many to the conclusion that someone, or something, must have calibrated them; a belief further backed up by evidence that everything in our universe may emanate from one extraordinarily elegant and beautiful design known as the E8 Lie Group.

Through The Wormhole – The Riddle of Black Holes

They are the most powerful objects in the universe. Nothing, not even light, can escape the gravitational pull of a black hole. Astronomers now believe there are billions of them out in the cosmos, swallowing up planets, even entire stars in violent feeding frenzies. New theoretical research into the twisted reality of black holes suggests that three-dimensional space could be an illusion. That reality actually takes place on a two-dimensional hologram at the edge of the universe.

Through The Wormhole – Is Time Travel Possible?

Einstein's Theory of Relativity says that time travel is perfectly possible — if you're going forward. Finding a way to travel backwards requires breaking the speed of light, which so far seems impossible. But now, strange-but-true phenomena such as quantum nonlocality, where particles instantly teleport across vast distances, may give us a way to make the dream of traveling back and forth through time a reality.

Through The Wormhole: What Happened Before the Beginning?

Every cosmologist and astronomer agrees: our Universe is 13.7 billion years old. Using cutting-edge technology, scientists are now able to take a snapshot of the Universe a mere heartbeat after its birth.

Armed with hypersensitive satellites, astronomers look back in time to the very moment of creation, when all the matter in the Universe exploded into existence. It is here that we uncover an unsolved mystery as old as time itself – if the Universe was born, where did it come from? Meet the leading scientists who have now discovered what they believe to be the origin of our Universe, and a window into the time before time.

The big bang theory holds that the entire universe was once packed tightly into an unimaginably dense and tiny space, known as a “singularity.” That is, until roughly 13.7 billion years ago, when a colossal burst of energy and pressure started to give rise to entire worlds, galaxies and interstellar particles, forming the universe as we know it today.

But what brought about that big bang? Physicists are left scratching their heads at that question. Since the universe began on such a tiny level, the laws of relativity don’t fully apply. Instead, quantum theory, which deals with the lawless and bizarre world of the very small, must also be summoned.

Successfully answering the question of what existed before the big bang would require bridging the gap between the so-far mutually incompatible worlds of relativism and quantum mechanics. But even though that bridge has yet to be constructed, theories abound.

“Our universe could have either popped into existence or collided with another universe,” theoretical physicist Michio Kaku told scienceline.org. “Big Bangs happen all the time.”

Through The Wormhole: How Did We Get Here?

Option 2 (Watch on Novamov)

Everywhere we look, life exists in both the most hospitable of environments and in the most extreme. Yet we have only ever found life on our planet. How did the stuff of stars come together to create life as we know it? What do we really mean by ‘life’? And will unlocking this mystery help us find life elsewhere?

About 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system resembled a giant cloud of swirling cosmic dust, hydrogen and other gases. As with the thousands of other such clouds in our galaxy, some of these molecules began condensing, gathering and creating their own gravity.

Eventually these small clumps formed what became our sun — a star surrounded by a quickly moving, flat disc made up of the cloud’s leftovers. These leftovers also developed into our solar system’s planets, asteroid belt and other interstellar bodies.

Through The Wormhole: Are We Alone?

Aliens almost certainly do exist. So why haven’t we yet met E.T.? It turns out we’re only just developing instruments powerful enough to scan for them, and science sophisticated enough to know where to look. As a result, race is on to find the first intelligent aliens.

But what would they look like, and how would they interact with us if we met? The answers may come to us sooner than we imagine, for one leading astronomer believes she may already have heard a hint of their first efforts to communicate.

Through The Wormhole: What Are We Made Of?

Our understanding of the universe and the nature of reality itself has drastically changed over the last 100 years, and it’s on the verge of another seismic shift. In a 17-mile-long tunnel buried 570 feet beneath the Franco-Swiss border, the world’s largest and most powerful atom smasher, the Large Hadron Collider, is powering up.

Its goal is nothing less than recreating the first instants of creation, when the universe was unimaginably hot and long-extinct forms of matter sizzled and cooled into stars, planets, and ultimately, us. These incredibly small and exotic particles hold the keys to the greatest mysteries of the universe. What we find could validate our long-held theories about how the world works and what we are made of. Or, all of our notions about the essence of what is real will fall apart.

What are we made of? The question has rankled scientists and philosophers for millennia, and even with the amazing progress made in fields like particle physics and astronomy, we are left with only a partial answer. We know, of course, that the visible world is composed of protons, neutrons and electrons that combine to form atoms of different elements, and we know those elements are the building blocks of the planets and stars that give rise to solar systems and galaxies.

What we didn’t know until very recently, however, is that those protons, neutrons and electrons appear to form less than 5 percent of the universe, and questions remain about how these building blocks arose. If regular matter represents only a small slice of the universe, what is the rest of the universe made of?

Such questions prompted the construction of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) beneath the border between France and Switzerland. As the world’s largest particle accelerator, experts designed the LHC to recreate conditions that occurred shortly after the very foundation of universe itself. Here are a few of the mysteries scientists hope the LHC and other particle accelerators can shed light on.

Through The Wormhole: Beyond The Darkness

What is the universe made of? If you answered stars, planets, gas and dust, you’d be dead wrong. Thirty years ago, scientists first realized that some unknown dark substance was affecting the way galaxies moved.

Today, they think there must be five times as much dark matter as regular matter out there. But they have no idea what it is — only that it’s not made of atoms, or any other matter we are familiar with. And Dark Matter is not the only strange substance in the Universe — a newly discovered force, called Dark Energy, seems to be pushing the very fabric of the cosmos apart.

The composition of the universe may seem straightforward, something you mastered back in your junior high science class — galaxies made up of planets and stars, stars made up of burning gases and dust. But this idea of the universe only includes the parts that we can see, either with the naked eye or even with powerful telescopes.

According to scientists, the visible portions of the universe account for less than 95 percent of what is actually out there in the great expanse of space. Much of the universe is made up of something we can’t see. We call this something “dark matter,” and we only discovered its existence because something else was missing.

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"Imagine: John Lennon" is a 1988 documentary film about the English musician John Lennon.

With its wealth of stock Lennon footage and self-narration, "Imagine: John Lennon" has proved to be a well-received film. Bridging his two musical phases together as a member of The Beatles and as a solo artist, Imagine: John Lennon is a career-spanning collection of Lennon's many musical highlights. In addition, there are a couple of heretofore unreleased recordings: an acoustic demo of "Real Love" taped in 1979 (an alternate recording of which would be finished by The Beatles for 1996' s Anthology 2) and a rehearsal take of "Imagine" in mid-1971 before the final take was captured.

A documentary about former Beatle John Lennon, narrated by Lennon himself, with extensive material from Yoko Ono's personal collection.

The rest of the video can be watched on youtube or you could check in the related videos section in the embedded player once the video is done.
This feature film biography of the legendary rock musician includes previously unseen footage from Lennon's private archives, as well as interviews with his first wife Cynthia, second wife Yoko Ono and sons Julian and Sean. Narrated in Lennon's own voice, IMAGINE was taken from the 240 hours of personal film and video from the star's private collection.

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"Strawberry Fields - Keeping The Spirit Of John Lennon Alive" is a documentary about the legendary 'Beatle' and his mission to bring back Peace n Harmony on Planet Earth ! In his first in-depth interview in over thirty years Phil Spector tells stories about "his brother" John Lennon, their love for each other and the wonderful music they produced.

Almost one million fans from every corner of Earth visit Strawberry Fields and the Imagine mosaic every year. Our film documents their outpouring of love for John Lennon with dozens of fan interviews filmed over the last seven years.

A photographic narration documenting the many milestones in the life of John Lennon from birth through assassination.

Let us honor our greatest singer-songwriter and the most influential political artist of the 20th century with an International holiday every October 9th, http://JohnLennonDay.com !

Reference : Strawberry Fields

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Everything is essentially spinning from the sub-atomic particles of the microcosm to the swirling galaxies of the macrocosm ... Let's find out more in this video below featuring Nassim Haramein & Friends...

"The vacuum is Super-conductive, Super-fluid Media in which the structure of it permits the information move across infinite amount of scale instantaneously."

~ Nassim Haramein

"The Origin of Spin: A Consideration of Torque and Coriolis Forces in Einstein's Field Equations and Grand Unification Theory" by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This paper constitutes a foundational description of the source of angular momentum/spin at all scales (from macro systems to micro subatomic particle structures) rendering a unified view of gravitation to the other forces such as electromagnetism, strong and weak force.

The theory then relates the dual torus spacetime manifold to the subatomic group theoretical geometry of the cubeoctahedron (i.e. vector equilibrium), completing the picture at the quantum level. Both of these geometric structures and concepts are long-standing and fundamental components of Haramein’s research.

"Collective Coherent Oscillation Plasma Modes In Surrounding Media of Black Holes and Vacuum Structure" by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

This paper details the dynamics of coherent bodies such as stars, black holes, and galaxies and provides in depth information about the nature of plasma and the vacuum at the quantum level.

"The Schwarzschild Proton", by Nassim Haramein.

This significant paper marks a new paradigm in the world of quantum theory, as it describes the nuclei of an atoms as a mini black hole, where protons are attracted to each other by gravitation rather than some mysterious undefined "strong force." This radical new view of the quantum world produces a unification of the forces and appropriately predicts measured values for the nucleon of an atom.

The Resonance Project Foundation’s accomplished team of scientists study the principles of Unified Field Theory and its applications in a sustainable research environment.

Nassim’s Non-Profit the Resonance Project Website: http://www.theresonanceproject.org/

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On a Red Ice Creations' Show, researcher Nassim Haramein from The Resonance Project discusses his theory on the Holofractographic Universe, the Grand Unified Field Theory, the power of spin, and his DVD, "Crossing the Event Horizon."

Since the age of 9 Nassim was already developing the basis for a unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually called the "Holofractographic Universe." He has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and ancient civilizations. Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature, he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged.

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"Tibet: A Buddhist Trilogy" takes you on an intimate journey deep into the heart of an ancient Buddhist world. Four years in the making and hailed as a cinematic masterpiece in 1979, writer/director Graham Coleman's three-part feature has been unseen for over 20 years. Now, the film has been reworked into a single presentation, complete with digital restoration of the original material and new commentary.

The Dalai Lama, The Monasteries & The People ... Part 1, is an intimate portrait of the Dalai Lama as a spiritual and temporal leader.

Filmed in the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamsala, North India, and in the re-built Sera Monastery, the second largest monastery of the old Tibet, this opening part of the Trilogy observes the Dalai Lama in his dual role as political leader and spiritual teacher. In an elegant cinematic style, at one with its subject, the film interweaves this personal portrait with an intimately observed exploration of the ways in which the inner knowledge of Tibetan Buddhist culture is developed in the monasteries, through vigorous debate and solitary meditation, and communicated in to the lay community.

Radiating The Fruit Of Truth ... Part 2, journeys deep into the mystical inner world of monastic life and presents an authentic revelation of tantric Buddhism, with commentaries by the great 20th century master Dudjom Rinpoche.

With extraordinary authenticity Part II of the Trilogy journeys deep into the mystical inner world of monastic life. Set in the ancient village of Boudha, Nepal and the isolated mountain caves of the yogis, the film follows the lamas of the Phulwary Sakya Monastery through their contemplative retreats, the building of an intricate cosmogram, and the performance of an ancient protective ritual known as ‘A Beautiful Ornament’. Through the ritual invocation of the female deity Tara, the malevolent forces that might bring harm to the society are invited and magically transformed. With a subtitled commentary based on the teachings of master Dudjom Rinpoche, the essence of tantric Buddhism is powerfully revealed.

The Fields Of The Senses ... Part 3, photographed in the awesome landscapes of Ladakh, is a meditation on impermanence and the depiction of the monastery's moving ritual response to a death in the community.

Set in the majestic mountain landscape of Ladakh, Part III is a meditation on impermanence and the relationship between the mind, body and environment. It follows the monks and farmers through a day, ending with an unflinching depiction of the monastery's moving ritual response to a death in the community. As in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the departed is guided through the dream-like intermediate state between death and birth.

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Ancient underwater cities can be found around the globe, but could these aquatic worlds be the ruins of unknown civilizations, or even proof of extraterrestrial visitations? The infamous tale of the long lost city of Atlantis may be a preserved memory of an ancient alien metropolis.

Beneath Lake Titicaca in Peru, the ruins of recently discovered temples support local legends of an underwater UFO base. Ancient Indian texts, known as Sangams, describe sunken cities where aliens and humans intermingled thousands of years ago. Who could have built the 600-foot stepped stone structure off the coast of Japan--a site that may predate the Egyptian pyramids by thousands of years? Could evidence of ancient alien contact lie buried in Earth's deepest oceans? 

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