
Zeitgeist (pronounced zIt-gIst) is originally a German expression that means "the spirit of the age", literally translated as time (Zeit), spirit (Geist)". In some countries it has a different meaning; e.g. in the Netherlands Zeitgeist literally refers to the mind of the time (tijdsgeest), and mind is understood as the mental spirit (state of mind). The word zeitgeist describes the intellectual and cultural climate of an era. In German, the word has more layers of meaning than the English translation, including the fact that Zeitgeist can only be observed for past events.

Zeitgeist, the Movie is a 2007 documentary film, produced by Peter Joseph about the Jesus myth hypothesis, the attacks of 9/11, and the Federal Reserve Bank as well as a number of conspiracy theories related to those three main topics. It was released free online via Google Video in June of 2007. A remastered version was presented as a global premiere on November 10, 2007 at the 4th Annual Artivist Film Festival & Artivist Awards. The film has attracted significant public interest.

In Zeitgeist we witness unveiling of the truth and it's larger implications on humanity ...

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Waking Life is a digitally enhanced live action rotoscoped film, directed by Richard Linklater and made in 2001. The entire film was shot using digital video and then a team of artists using computers drew stylized lines and colors over each frame. This technique is similar in some respects to the rotoscope style of 1970s filmmaker Ralph Bakshi, which was invented in the 1920s. The title is a reference to George Santayana's maxim that "Sanity is a madness put to good use; waking life is a dream controlled."

Waking Life by tvxorissinora

In a broad scope, Waking Life is about a young man in a persistent lucid dream-like state. The film follows its protagonist as he initially observes and later participates in philosophical discussions that weave together issues like appearance and reality, free will, our relationships with others, and the meaning of life. Along the way the film touches on other topics including existentialism, situationist politics, posthumanity, and the film theory of André Bazin. The young man eventually comes to realize the possibility that the reason he is unable to wake up is because he is dead. The film ends on an ambiguous note, and in the commentary track, director Richard Linklater states that he never intended for people to think the protagonist was dead. Unsurprisingly, given the above themes and content, Waking Life is much more focused on dialogue (often even monologue) than on plot action. In this emphasis, it echoes the 1981 film My Dinner with Andre and the 1990 film Mindwalk. Long scenes in Waking Life consist of nothing but head shots of characters expounding on philosophical questions. The characters and their speech are very reminiscent of Linklater's earlier cult classic, Slacker. (Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy even appear as their characters from Linklater's Before Sunrise and Before Sunset)

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A Scanner Darkly

Being a self-indulgent self-proclaimed visionary with a little understanding of the outside world, i see the beauty in the world we're living in and try to appreciate all existence in it's stark, evident duality। Stuff like 'Free will' and 'pre-ordained destiny', 'evolution' and 'intelligent design', 'desire' and 'liberation', are two of the many identified facets of the illusionary 3-D irony we're living. The fact is that possibilities of such occurrences can be refuted till eternity and new theories could be born. All discussion ceasing at the word, "Belief", there begins another argument...

The clever mind delivers the ego all that it wants, however all this spiritual babble doesn't seem to move most of us chasing white collar jobs and the MONEY that runs this machine called Planet Earth. Creating an industry out of anything existential is our true virtue, hence rendering the much needed job for the average Indian who knows, MONEY = You're SET ! Once you've got the taste, it's never really enough, so you do whatever you can, to get more or avoid the lavish outing in fear of running out of the pittance you're labeled with against your contribution to the MACHINE (Almost Perfect) .

This game, like this life of ours will go on till whenever it has to, and then like all that originates in a physical environment, shall end. All existence on a spiritual level goes forth in light of the divine consciousness and merges with the Infinite, the never ending unknown. Now while this game is on, we are unknowingly attracting a lot of pleasure and pain onto the carnal and spiritual self. We attract all that we think of , The Law of the Universe ; The Law of attraction ! Live in abundance and follow your bliss, there is enough for all !

The Secret

The unknown is best left mystified, but the known lack of awareness we are so unaware of, is just plain detrimental to progress and growth. I wish us all the vision of a greater design, the existence of a higher self to propagate the message of Peace, Love, Unity and Respect while we grind with the machine !

It's all good... it don't matter what you looking at, it's what you see !

Jimi Hendrix's Space Brother Saga !

The author, Beckley, says, "I can't say in all honesty that I really knew Jimi Hendrix, but I did see him give a number of really good performances. It was at one of those post- Woodstock concerts where I managed to wind my way backstage. Jimi Hendrix was leaning up against a wall of amps and speakers. As I walked past him, we both just kind of nodded as if we recognized each other, and to this day I can swear I heard him ask me, 'and what planet are you from pal? Jimi expressed a great interest in matters of an extraterrestrial nature, had admitted seeing UFOs, and once told a reporter from The New York Times that he was really from Mars. And he wasn't kidding either.

David Henderson, in his book The Life of Jimi Hendrix (Bantam), quotes Jimi's feelings about life on other planets: "There are other people in the solar system, you know, and they have the same feelings too, not necessarily bad feelings, but see, it upsets their way of living for instance - and they are a whole lot heavier than we are. And it's no war games, because they all keep the same place. But like the solar system is going through a change soon and it's going to affect the Earth in about 30 years. On several occasions during his career, UFOs just happened to show up while Jimi was giving a concert. During the last days of his life, he performed on the rim of an extinct volcano in Maui. Jimi played three 45-minute sets, says Henderson in his best-seller.

After each set, he retired to a special sacred Hopi Indian tent. Later, witnesses in Maui testified that they heard musical tones emanating from rocks and stones. UFOs were also sighted over the volcano by people who called in to a local radio show. A cameraman on the set said that he fell from his perch after seeing a UFO through his lens. In the film Rainbow Bridge, Hendrix rattles on for several minutes about astral projection and the philosophy of the Space Brothers. He also tried to master the art of psychic healing, through color and sound. Fellow musician and songwriter, Curtis Knight, knew all about the episode involving the UFO in Maui. It was an odd-looking craft that glittered in the bright sunlight. Jimi felt certain the UFO had come down to put its spiritual stamp of approval on the show. He told me that he'd been emotionally and physically recharged by the experience.

 During the course of our conversation, Curtis also revealed the fascinating details of the time a UFO landed in front of them and actually saved their lives. The event took place on a cold winter's night near Woodstock, NY in 1965. According to Curtis, if it hadn't been for the occupants of this metallic stranger, Jimi and his fellow musicians might have frozen to death. It was four o'clock in the morning, and we were trying to make it back to Manhattan - a drive of more than 100 miles - through the worst blizzard I can recall. The wind was whipping the snow around our van so fiercely that we missed the turn-off leading to the state highway that would put us in the direction of home. The next thing I remember is getting stuck in a drift that reached the hood of our vehicle. Soon it got so cold. The windows were rolled up tight, and we had the heater on full blast to protect us from the rawness of the elements. I had my doubts about seeing the light of day. We could have turned to human icicles very easily. That's how bitter it was! Curtis says the road in front of them suddenly lit up, as a bright phosphorescent object cone-shaped, like a space capsule landed in the snow about 100 feet up ahead.

It stood on tripod landing gear, and for all purposes gave the appearance of being something right out of science fiction' At first we thought it was an apparition caused by the cold and our confused state of mind. I mean, we just couldn't believe our eyes. Prodding Jimi with his elbow, Curtis asked if his imagination was playing tricks on him or whether the rock star saw it too. Jimi didn't answer, but sort of smiled. He seemed to be staring out into the night, his eyes riveted on this thing resting within a stone's throw. Curtis was overcome with fright. Before he could make a move of any kind, a door opened on the side of the craft and an entity came forth. He stood eight foot tall, his skin was yellowish, and instead of eyes, the creature had slits. His forehead came to a point, and his head ran straight into his chest, leaving the impression that he had no neck.

The being proceeded to float to the ground and glided toward the trapped occupants of the van' It was then that Curtis noticed the snow was melting in the wake of the creature. His body generated tremendous heat, so much so that as it came across a small rise, the snow disappeared around in all directions. In a matter of what seemed like seconds, the being came over to the right- hand side of the van where Jimi was seated and looked right through the window. Jimi seemed to be communicating telepathically with it. Curtis relates that immediately the interior of their vehicle began to heat up. Suddenly, I was roasting! One moment it had been bitter cold, and the next moment we might as well have been in Haiti. The heat coming from the being evaporated the snow enough to free their imprisoned van' As it glided behind our van, I saw the drift had completely vanished. Turning on the ignition key, I gunned the motor and got out of there. As I looked back through the rear view window, I could see the road filling in with snow again' The object - the strange craft - was at the same instant lifting off like a rocket from a launching pad. Jimi never did talk much about what happened.

 He sort of let me know that the cool thing to do was not to bring up the subject. It was to be our little secret. However, from what he did say, I sort of suspect that the object arrived to save our necks chiefly because Jimi had been practicing trying to communicate by ESP with the beings on board. I know this may be hard to believe, but I'm putting it straight, just like it happened, you hear! The boys from the group who were with us remember nothing. They were out cold in the back. As we got into the main road, they revived. It's as if they had been placed under a spell - you know - hypnotized. A capsule review of Jimi's songs shows that he incorporated some of his interplanetary ties in with his music. The lyrics of many of his songs contain veiled references to UFOs. His album, Axis-Bold as Love, opens with an announcer talking about flying saucers, with a cut following being a catchy tune called, 'Up From the Stars'.

Source : Jimi Hendrix ~ Starchild

 "Look! A golden-winged ship is passing my way..." - Jimi Hendrix

Frank Zappa discusses Hendrix, UFOs and much more ...

Rock and Roll Stars and UFOs

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UFOs have the ability to split into two, merge as one, materialize and dematerialize in an instant with a bright emission of light but no sound. This has been reported in many eye witness accounts all across the world and also captured on film many a time. India too has been witness to a spate of UFO sightings often not reported or covered by the mainstream media. In 2007 there were multiple UFO sightings in Delhi NCR / Haryana Region and in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

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Foreward to 'LSD My Problem Child' by Dr. Albert Hofmann !

There are experiences that most of us are hesitant to speak about, because they do not conform to everyday reality and defy rational explanation. These are not particular external occurrences, but rather events of our inner lives, which are generally dismissed as figments of the imagination and barred from our memory. Suddenly, the familiar view of our surroundings is transformed in a strange, delightful, or alarming way: it appears to us in a new light, takes on a special meaning. Such an experience can be as light and fleeting as a breath of air, or it can imprint itself deeply upon our minds.

One enchantment of that kind, which I experienced in childhood, has remained remarkably vivid in my memory ever since. It happened on a May morning—I have forgotten the year—but I can still point to the exact spot where it occurred, on a forest path on Martinsberg above Baden, Switzerland. As I strolled through the freshly greened woods filled with bird song and lit up by the morning sun, all at once everything appeared in an uncommonly clear light. Was this something I had simply failed to notice before? Was I suddenly discovering the spring forest as it actually looked? It shone with the most beautiful radiance, speaking to the heart, as though it wanted to encompass me in its majesty. I was filled with an indescribable sensation of joy, oneness, and blissful security.

I have no idea how long I stood there spellbound. But I recall the anxious concern I felt as the radiance slowly dissolved and I hiked on: how could a vision that was so real and convincing, so directly and deeply felt—how could it end so soon? And how could I tell anyone about it, as my overflowing joy compelled me to do, since I knew there were no words to describe what I had seen? It seemed strange that I, as a child, had seen something so marvelous, something that adults obviously did not perceive - for I had never heard them mention it.

While still a child, I experienced several more of these deeply euphoric moments on my rambles through forest and meadow. It was these experiences that shaped the main outlines of my world view and convinced me of the existence of a miraculous, powerful, unfathomable reality that was hidden from everyday sight.

I was often troubled in those days, wondering if I would ever, as an adult, be able to communicate these experiences; whether I would have the chance to depict my visions in poetry or paintings. But knowing that I was not cut out to be a poet or artist, I assumed I would have to keep these experiences to myself, important as they were to me.

Unexpectedly—though scarcely by chance—much later, in middle age, a link was established between my profession and these visionary experiences from childhood.

Because I wanted to gain insight into the structure and essence of matter, I became a research chemist. Intrigued by the plant world since early childhood, I chose to specialize in research on the constituents of medicinal plants. In the course of this career I was led to the psychoactive, hallucination-causing substances, which under certain conditions can evoke visionary states similar to the spontaneous experiences just described. The most important of these hallucinogenic substances has come to be known as LSD. Hallucinogens, as active compounds of considerable scientific interest, have gained entry into medicinal research, biology, and psychiatry, and later—especially LSD also obtained wide diffusion in the drug culture.

In studying the literature connected with my work, I became aware of the great universal significance of visionary experience. It plays a dominant role, not only in mysticism and the history of religion, but also in the creative process in art, literature, and science. More recent investigations have shown that many persons also have visionary experiences in daily life, though most of us fail to recognize their meaning and value. Mystical experiences, like those that marked my childhood, are apparently far from rare.

There is today a widespread striving for mystical experience, for visionary breakthroughs to a deeper, more comprehensive reality than that perceived by our rational, everyday consciousness. Efforts to transcend our materialistic world view are being made in various ways, not only by the adherents to Eastern religious movements, but also by professional psychiatrists, who are adopting such profound spiritual experiences as a basic therapeutic principle.

I share the belief of many of my contemporaries that the spiritual crisis pervading all spheres of Western industrial society can be remedied only by a change in our world view. We shall have to shift from the materialistic, dualistic belief that people and their environment are separate, toward a new consciousness of an all-encompassing reality, which embraces the experiencing ego, a reality in which people feel their oneness with animate nature and all of creation.

Everything that can contribute to such a fundamental alteration in our perception of reality must therefore command earnest attention. Foremost among such approaches are the various methods of meditation, either in a religious or a secular context, which aim to deepen the consciousness of reality by way of a total mystical experience. Another important, but still controversial, path to the same goal is the use of the consciousness-altering properties of hallucinogenic psychopharmaceuticals. LSD finds such an application in medicine, by helping patients in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy to perceive their problems in their true significance.

Deliberate provocation of mystical experience, particularly by LSD and related hallucinogens, in contrast to spontaneous visionary experiences, entails dangers that must not be underestimated. Practitioners must take into account the peculiar effects of these substances, namely their ability to influence our consciousness, the innermost essence of our being. The history of LSD to date amply demonstrates the catastrophic consequences that can ensue when its profound effect is misjudged and the substance is mistaken for a pleasure drug. Special internal and external advance preparations are required; with them, an LSD experiment can become a meaningful experience. Wrong and inappropriate use has caused LSD to become my problem child.

It is my desire in this book to give a comprehensive picture of LSD, its origin, its effects, and its dangers, in order to guard against increasing abuse of this extraordinary drug. I hope thereby to emphasize possible uses of LSD that are compatible with its characteristic action. I believe that if people would learn to use LSD's vision-inducing capability more wisely, under suitable conditions, in medical practice and in conjunction with meditation, then in the future this problem child could become a wonder child.

This is the deepest investigation and dialog ever made about some breakthrough footage that was filmed by NASA. This footage records high numbers of disc shaped objects, ambiguously classified, and until now, unidentifiable as any known phenomenon.

UFOlogist David Sereda spent the past six years conducting scientific investigations with NASA (in written dialogs between several of the Agency’s top scientists) and through other sources about alleged UFO sightings. He is convinced that NASA has evidence of alien contact captured on video now in Sereda’s possession and available to the public on these programs.

David Sereda appeared in an unprecedented face to face showdown with NASA press correspondent and former Houston Control Operator, James Oberg, on the Late Night “Art Bell” radio show, broadcast to some 5 million listeners all over the world. Never before had NASA participated in such a large public debate on UFOs. It was an intensely furious debate over some of NASA’s very own Space Shuttle mission video footage, for it clearly depicted 2-3 mile long disc shaped objects (easily measured behind a 12 mile long tether), moving behind the tether, and thus, disproving any theories about dust particles coming from the camera equipment.

Suddenly, in the middle of this broadcast, the satellite used to broadcast the show and the live internet broadcast were obscured by a powerful ultra-high energy signal and shut down. 18 minutes of the show was nipped from the airwaves, and mysteriously the satellite turned back on just as the show was finishing. Art Bell’s technicians went live to reveal that they could not find mechanical reason for the failure. Two days later, Art Bell received a letter with circumstantial evidence of his broadcast being sabotaged.

Now, with this cornerstone evidence, Sereda presents this NASA footage and his remarkable discoveries in this book. He shows proof of intelligent craft through the process of elimination of other plausible phenomena; fundamental principles of faster than light technology and corroborating evidence found on the disc shaped objects; links to the supposed spacecraft and an identifiable star system. Over 2 hours of coverage.

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There is you, there is me and there is the vast unknown beyond our knowledge and understanding. There have been multiple UFO sightings over Mexico and other parts of Southern U.S.A. There is ample evidence to prove that there is alien life out there trying to reach out and communicate with us. However, you might not see any of it in our reflecting world for reasons best known to the ones sitting on the power switch in fear of the worst. I wonder if this comes from the guilt of mass murder in the name of peace !

These sightings were made by none other than the highly sophisticated planes along the border of Mexico which recce the area to control the trafficking of Narcotics into the U.S.A. Wonder if there is a connection !!! :)

There have been various theories on Alien Existence and what could be there possible purpose to hover around in the skies. Humanities oldest known civilizations have the mention of gods who descended from the heavens in ancient scriptures and records.

The possibility of the existence of multiple parallel universes where life forms have evolved and have somehow learnt to surpass the space and time continuum is not ruled out. The Blink On and the Blink Off theory states that there is a parallel existence however we are unable to see it because as soon our universe blinks on, theirs blinks off. They make way through a time warp to enter our universe and disappear in the blink of an eye. The movements of these objects are perfectly synchronized and they move along in geometric formations (Which looks like some alien script up in the sky) which we're yet to decipher.

Also, some almost reliable sources tell us that there have been numerous such paranormal sightings and related experiences at outdoor trance gatherings all around the world... {{{Wonder Why}}}

Ghosts, Spirits or Angels... they exist and are out there somewhere in another dimension watching and occasionally reaching out through subtle recognizable ways if you only you pay close attention ! Could there be some connection between Angels and Aliens ?

Everything and everyone is connected. Everything is energy !


Man has always been fascinated with the Moon and it's effects on the human consciousness. On Full Moon nights, something happens to us. With the initiation of the trance dance experience Full Moon nights turn out to be unforgettable experiences ranging across the spectrum of extreme polarities. There are some of us who take the opportunity to rejuvenate our connection with the Moon, dancing to the mystical vibe we collectively create when we come together on higher ground of collective consciousness. The beauty of our thoughts manifests as our collective experience as we individually transcend our acquired identities and commune as ONE, Cosmic Spirit ! Infinite ! We see everyone as reflections of the ONE divine source of all creation ! Everything is God ! God is Love ! Love is All !

One of the biggest Full Moon Festivals is the Full Moon Festival, Germany held each year at a picturesque location in Germany for a period of 4 days. They have a Psychedelic / Full On Stage, a Progressive-Electronic Stage, a Chill Out-Ambient Stage and this year they had a special Dark Psychedelic Stage with about 150 major Global Artists spinning foot stomping music non stop for 4 days ! Organizing a festival as big as this takes a whole lot of planning and ensuring all accounts are taken care of. You can see the details about the festival on their home page.

The Boom Festival Portugal has come really strong over the years bringing together music, art and creative innovation to all these wonderful people from all cultures of the world. The Healing Area was a novelty at Boom 2008. With therapies and holistic projects being held every day, a new concept of entertainment was being made at Boom. Going to Boom Festival should be on your things to do list !

Shanti Jatra Full Moon Festival held in Nepal each year is one of Asia's most sought out destinations for a fulfilling Psychedelic Himalayan Experience. This year would be the 2nd edition and it looks like it's going to be a gathering to remember. With a special non stop chill-out zone where they would also show movies and documentaries at night. The Organizers encourage people to come up and set up workshops on environmental awareness, spirituality (yoga/meditation)... Astral travel, Buddhism, Indian classical music, chakra massage, drugs awareness, healing ....

Nepal has an ancient heritage of Shamanic rituals on Full Moon Nights. One of Nepal's most famous religious places of pilgrimage is Gosainkunda lake situated at an altitude of about 4312 m. Surrounded by high mountains on the north and east, this lake is grand and picturesque. Every year during Janai Purnima in August, thousands of Hindu pilgrims come here for pilgrimage and it is quite a sight.

The large rock in the center of the lake is said to be the remains of a Shiva shrine and it is also claimed that channel carries water from the lake directly to the tank at the Kumbheshwar Temple in Patan, 60 km to the south. Shamans ("Dhami") come from all over Nepal arrive to the lake and on full moon night.

There is much dancing and singing. This day is considered holy by the shamans whereby apprentices or "Jhankris" graduate into full shamans. Trekking in August can be a bit wet as the monsoon is at its last stages, but the greenery is at its best and since it is not peak season, it is best for people who do not want to be part of the crowd.

There are many more Full Moon Festivals and we shall cover each of these individually, including the BoOm Festival which deserves an exclusive article to it's name !

((( We are One ............... BoOm )))


The virgin experiences that were made to grow
Build into a monster ready to explode
There is so much yet nothing around
I tread this road, homeward bound
Concepts and theories and all thats fact
Fade away as they were never built to last
I escape the pain and seek refuge
Somethings that use me and somethings i use
Stumbled and I found meaning around
Each little action every little sound
Foray into curious country
Experience the unknown, smell the flavor, set it all free
Sometimes it's easier to just BE
The love the hate the pain and the sorrow
All this and so much more tomorrow
The smiles the frowns the tears the gore
Yet each day i discover more
The wild the tame the wind the thunder
I wonder would i ever cease to wonder ?!


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