From 2727 B.C. to the present, Weeds presents a brief history of Cannabis, the sacred herb known to mankind for thousands of years and which has played an important role in the development of human consciousness through it's many uses... It's only after a little investigation can we know the truth, after which we can no longer turn a blind eye to the fact that the 'Hemp Plant' is helpful to us in more ways than one !

A Brief History Of Weed Part 1

Music by Emeen Z !

Going all the way back to 8000 B.C, Weeds presents another look at the history of cannabis.

A Brief History Of Weed Part 2

Music is "Go Meet the Seed" by "Thee Oh Sees."

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"Titans of Yoga" is a recently released 70 min documentary film which shares with us timeless yogic wisdom as best known to the 25 Masters of Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness who are featured in this fantastic documentary on the union of the mind and body ; spirit and matter.

The Yoga Health Foundation presents this ONEderful Documentary Film by Johannes R. Fisslinger featuring Dr. Dean Ornish, Lilias Folan, Kim Eng, Bryan Kest, Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Gurmukh Khalsa, Shiva Rea, David Life, Sharon Gannon, Gary Kraftsow, David Swenson, Vinnie Marino, Sara Ivanhoe, Lisa Walford, Larry Payne, John Friend, Beth Shaw, Rajashree Choudhary, Dharma Mittra, Swami Kriyananda, Deva Premal & Miten Saul, David Raye & Krishna Kaur.

Music by The Shaman's Dream Music Collective at Yogi Tunes !

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The Money Masters is a 1995 documentary which explains the history behind the current world depression and the bankers’ goal of world economic control by a very small coterie of private bankers, above all governments.

It discusses the concepts of money, debt, and taxes, and describes their development from biblical times onward. It covers the history of fractional-reserve banking, central banking, monetary policy, the bond market, and the Federal Reserve System in the United States.

“The purpose of this financial crisis is to take down the U.S. dollar as the stable datum of planetary finance and, in the midst of the resulting confusion, put in its place a Global Monetary Authority [GMA - run directly by international bankers freed of any government control] -a planetary financial control organization”

- Bruce Wiseman

Reference : The Money Masters

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In this video, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. Bruce Lipton have a discussion about "The Biology Of Belief" on the Hay House Radio Stage at the I Can Do It! Las Vegas. Another good one from Dr. Bruce Lipton & Dr. Wayne Dyer sharing with us how we can choose to reprogram our belief systems and empower our self ...

Reference : Hay House

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The Kindness Offensive is a project where the aim is to have fun, be kind and inspire as many people as possible to do the same. Performing both small and large scale "Random Acts of Kindness" is what these guys do, working together with so many kind of volunteers, companies and charities to make so many people happy.

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"Secrets of the Maya Underworld" delves deep into the history of this ancient civilisation that settled in the Mexican Yucatan, a peninsula the size of England that separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea.

In 1841, the intrepid explorer John Lloyd Stephens - who some consider to be the original, real version of Indiana Jones - amazed the world with his discovery of an entire ancient civilisation hidden for centuries in the tangled scrub jungles of Central America. He also noticed something uniquely curious about the Maya: unlike other great civilisations such as the Romans and the ancient Egyptians, the Mayan empire did not arise from the banks of a mighty river. Much of the Mayan world is in fact devoid of even the smallest river or lake. Then why did they populate the Yucatan?

The Maya believed that the freshwater pools, or cenotes, dotted across the area were sacred portals to the underworld. They are indeed portals, but rather to an incredible underground labyrinthine system of rivers. They are only now being properly explored and understood, bringing more information to light about how this secret world was created by nature in a unique chain of dramatic events.

Modern technology has allowed deeper exploration of these cenotes, revealing a world of contorted caverns, underground rivers and dark recesses alive with stalactites, stalagmites, bats and some very ancient species. But how were these underground watercourses formed? It's a mystery that is only now being pieced together, with Scientists conjecturing that it involved the birth and death of a coral reef and the impact of massive asteroid that is thought to have extinguished the dinosaurs.

In this program, two divers - one British and one American - explore the pools of the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico to discover new elements of the Mayan culture and civilisation.

American explorer and diver Sam Meacham came to the Yucatan in 1994 to spend 6 months exploring...and after over 10 years, he is still there. British-born Steve Bogaerts shares Sam's passion for both diving and exploring and together they mount explorations deep into the Yucatan's interior. They are attempting to track the thousands of cenotes and see how this underground system links up, underneath the flourishing jungle of the Yucatan. At the bottom of many cenotes, Sam and Steve have found offerings to Mayan gods, including pots and even human remains - that could be from human sacrifices. A whole food chain has been found in the deepest recesses of these cenotes - over 20 species that have never seen the light of day. Some of the underground caverns are not totally full of water, instead, incredibly, they are home to thousands of bats.

"Cenotes really present us with the truest form of exploration found today. When we come up to the side of a cenote, we literally have no idea what we'll find at the bottom of it until we investigate and for me, that is one of the greatest thrills about what we do.", Sam explains.

It is only now that the true story of the Yucatan and the way the Maya civilisation flourished there, is becoming clear.

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Religulous is a new comedy documentary movie from director Larry Charles ('Borat', 'Seinfeld') & Comedian/TV host Bill Maher ("Real Time with Bill Maher," "Politically Incorrect") who take a pilgrimage across the globe on a mind-opening journey into the ultimate taboo: questioning religion. Meeting the high and low from different religions, Maher simply asks questions, like "Why is faith good?" "Why doesn't an all-powerful God speak to us directly?" and "How can otherwise rational people believe in a talking snake?" For anyone who's even a little spiritually curious, this divine entertainment will deepen your faith... in comedy !

There are some instances in the film where Bill Maher sounds outright rude and maybe rather too harsh with his statements ... Nevertheless, there is truth being shared here as best known to Bill Maher, expressed in his own funny way ... Nothing to be offended of anyway :)

Bill Maher interviews some of religion's oddest adherents. Muslims, Jews and Christians of many kinds pass before his jaundiced eye. Maher goes to a Creationist Museum in Kentucky, which shows that dinosaurs and people lived at the same time 5000 years ago. He talks to truckers at a Truckers' Chapel. ( Sign outside: "Jesus Loves You" ) He goes to a theme park called Holy Land in Florida. He speaks to a Rabbi in league with Holocaust deniers. He talks to a Muslim musician who preaches hatred towards Jews. Maher finds the unlikeliest of believers and, in a certain Vatican priest, he even finds an unlikely skeptic.

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In the following videos Lilou Mace who hosts Lilou Mace Web TV interviews prominent crop circle photographer & researcher Lucy Pringle who shares with us her views & experiences with Crop Circles ...

Mystery of Crop Circles & Vibrational Geometry discussed with Lucy Pringle ...

An exclusive interview with Lucy Pringle on her 20-year research on crop circles. She reveals the nature of her work and the experience of crop circles, sacred geometry and vibrations.

Lucy Pringle was educated in England, France and Switzerland and has travelled widely, spending twelve years in Jamaica where her elder son was born. She is a Founder member of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies. She is widely known and is an international authority on the subject and the pioneer researcher into the effects of electromagnetic fields on living systems. This includes the physiological and psychological effects reported by people after visiting or being in the vicinity of a crop formation. Also animal behaviour, remote effects, luminosities, mechanical failures and audio effects. Her research shows measured changes in the human hormones following short exposure to the circles, also changes in brain activity.

Recent research in NIR (Near Infra Red) revealed a marked increase in the protein content in grain taken from inside a crop formation.

She works with scientists from all over the world.

She also writes, appears on TV and broadcasts extensively on the crop circle phenomenon. She has been a guest on BBC and Meridian Television and The Big Breakfast Show. The BBC has recently produced a programme on her research which was shown on Inside Out. She has also appeared on many US programmes including William Gazecki's 'Quest for Truth', The Discovery, Learning and History Channels, and TV programmes in Germany, Japan, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Mexico and Canada. She was a guest on Libby Purvis's Mid-Week programme on Radio 4 and the BBC World Service.

She is also an aerial photographer and had an exhibition of her work in 2002 at The Independent Photographer's Gallery in Battle, Sussex, which was nominated the Sunday Telegraph's Art Critics Choice.

Denbighshire County Council is also hosting a travelling exhibition of her work.

She has the UK's most comprehensive photographic crop circle library.

She is a Founder Member and Chairman of UNEX (Unexplained Phenomena Research Society).

She lectures at home and internationally, including the Darwin Society at Christ's College, Cambridge, the Scientific Exploration Society, The College of Psychic Studies and Alternatives, London.

She is a contributor to The Crop Circle Enigma, Crop Circles; Harbingers of World Change and Und Wieder Kornkreise. She has contributed articles to a number of magazines including, Kindred Spirit, The Cerealogist, Caduceus, The Circular, The P.S.I. Researcher, A Quest for Knowledge, the Journal of The British Society of Dowsers and many others.

Her first two books Crop Circles, the Greatest Mystery of Modern Times, a highly illustrated and penetrating investigation into the subject, was published by Thorsons, Harper Collins in September 1999 and Crop Circles, published in 2002 by Pitkin Press are both best sellers on the subject.

Her third book, Crop Circles, Art in the Landscape, a widely acclaimed and stunningly beautiful anthology of the subject, published by Frances Lincoln is due in the shops in May 2007.

She has published a book of cartoons Paranormal Pranks drawn by Peter Eade. This book is A4 format and is perfect as a gift to fit into your pocket.

She is a member of The British Society of Dowsers.

She lives in Hampshire and in 1995 and 2005 completed lectures in the States and Canada which was enthusiastically received. She appeared on Warner Television and in New York and Canadian Television in Toronto.

Crop Circles: Where Divinity has touched the Earth ?

References :

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The Awakening Trilogy includes 3 videos titled The Call, The Plan & The Prophecy which are in fact One; one film, with one message, coming from One Heart, One Mind & One Spirit, Awakening us to our Oneness with ourselves, the Earth, each other… and All.

The Call – "The Awakening Trilogy" Pt.1

“The Call” is a call from the heart, and for the heart, to inspire people to unite in genuine selfless service of the Earth and all living things.

The Plan – "The Awakening Trilogy" Pt. 2

“The Plan” appeals to the mind and shows how Unity, Truth, Compassion and Selflessness may bring balance and healing to the Earth.

The Prophecy – "The Awakening Trilogy" Pt. 3

“The Prophecy” brings the message of “The Awakening Trilogy” to its peak of inspiration and empowerment by shining a light, through the fear and confusion surrounding the Mayan December 21st, 2012 date. Created with great care and attention to the Wisdom of our Spiritual Elders and that of certain new scientists “The Prophecy” tells the story of 2012 with light and clarity.

Awakening As One exists for the sole purpose of inspiring and encouraging humanity to make the intelligent choice to unite and live for the peace and harmony of all, rather than for the material gain of the self.

Awakening As One commits the total sum of its available resources and creativity into the furtherance of the immediate divine objective for humanity and planet earth; which include 1) uniting those who hold a vision for a more harmonious existence, and 2) combining our diverse, yet complimentary skills, so that we may free ourselves from our dependency on our current self-destructive system, and thereby 3) begin the co-creation of a new harmonious Way of BEing, with each other… and the Earth.

With grateful hearts
We are…

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Zen is a school of Mahāyāna Buddhism. The Japanese word Zen is derived from the Chinese word Chán, which in turn is derived from the Sanskrit word dhyāna, which means "meditation" or "meditative state."

Zen has been surrounded by myth, taboo and misconception. The Zen Mind is a journey across Japan to explore the practice of zen and expel some of these myths. "The Zen Mind - A Zen Journey Across Japan" is a documentary full of contrasts as we travel across the width and breadth of Japan to explore Zen today.

In Japan, the cloistered lifestyle of the zen monk is declining, but zen is finding a renewal among the baby boomers in the cities. Our journey starts here with a visit to the Dogen Sangha or zen center, tucked among the office buildings of a Tokyo suburb, where commuters and office-workers stop by for meditation.

We join the formal ceremonies of Kyoto’s largest zen temple and witness the rituals that have managed to survive a thousand years. In the depths of the surrounding countryside we visit a zen center that is carrying on the very spar tan and simple zen lifestyle that many temples have abandoned. This contrast heightens as we enter Japan’s largest soto zen monastery and live with the zen monks and disciples. Our cameras film unrestricted as we join the monks.

Throughout this journey is the underlying practice of zazen or meditation, the act of sitting and concentrating the mind to an emptiness—to reach a self-realization and enlightenment. Intimate interviews with the spiritual heads or Roshi reveal their methods and precepts for zazen and keeping their students on the path to enlightenment. One of Japan’s leading flute players, Christopher Yohmei Blasdel provides the unique soundtrack of shakuhachi flute fused with digital melodic tones. The combination of beautiful photography, compelling narrative and striking music create a memorable Zen experience.

This video is filmed entirely on location in Japan at the following Zen monasteries and center: Soji-ji Monastery, Tenryuji Temple, Ryoanji Temple, Nanzenji Temple, Ginkakuji Temple, Kyoto Kokusai Zendo, Dogen Sangha-Tokyo, Komazawa University and Eishen-ryu Iaido dojo.

~Peace to all beings~

“Absolutely amazing and wonderfully shot. After watching it I was truthfully extremely relaxed and ready to take on more stress from my every day life. I cannot recommend this film enough. It showcases the most beautiful temples in Kyoto and brought back many fond memories. Braeley did a first class job and I take my hat of to him.” Don Warrener, Hollywood, California. 09/27/2007

We have always been fascinated by zen. What does it do (nothing)? What is it (not much)? How do you practice (do nothing)?. So how do you make a documentary of something that you cannot see or touch? Well, I think we succeeded, by the great reviews we keep receiving. This story could not be told without the great music of Japan’s top Shakuhachi flute player – Christopher Yohmei and the melodies of Synthezer player, Uehara. The soundtrack is also available.

First, we decided to film on location in Japan and at the widest range of zen centers and monasteries – from the zen centers in downtown bustling Tokyo to the mountains above Kyoto, it is an incredible film of contrasts. Secondly, we talked to every teacher and roshi that we could find – and then narrowed this down to some of the best interviews on zen life and zen daily practice. Travelling from the top to the bottom of Japan and across its breadth. Deep into the countryside of Kyoto, to a Rinzai zen center for foreigners to the largest Soto zen monastery in Japan. In this unique film, we are allowed to witness the daily life of the zen monk, preparing food, at work, and learning and seeking answers. You will watch the rituals inside the zendo or meditation hall and of zazen (meditation) and use of Koan’s (questions) to go deeper and deeper into the subconscious. It is a fascinating journey that could change your own life forever.

Zen mind is the "Natural" state of our being: No self, no identity, no memes, no beliefs.

Any idea of "what is" takes us away from what is - to be in the moment, all ideas need to be gone. There's not even an "I" to have the ideas.

The natural being acts as an outcome of the movement of the universe, in the same way that an artist's brush is moved by its "universe".

All "teachings", "spiritual" paths or "sacred" practices actually take us away from the moment, because it needs an "I" to do them, with an agenda of some kind, something to gain. All of which removes our beingness from the identity-free moment.

The only way that "what is" can be experienced is to lose all traces of self, in which case the "what is" can't be experienced because there is no one there to experience it.

Any description of the state of the natural mind is false, including this one. "It" cannot be described. "It" is always "bigger" than the limiting description.

There is not even an "ultimate" state to gain, because the very idea that there is, takes us away from it.

All there is, is the operation of the universe in its all-ness. There's no such thing as "enlightened" or "unenlightened". These are just ideas of what is.

Even "bliss" or "transcendence" is a state of mind that needs an "I" to experience those feelings.

Thoughts are the glue of our belief structures. "I" is the creation of thoughts and beliefs.

What's happening, when we think we are functioning human beings, is the operating system of the brain, running sophisticated meme/belief structures that create the content of our identities and sense of self.

The only act awareness can "do" is to let go of "self" awareness. Awareness, to be fully there, needs to have no "I" attached to it.

Where there was self, there is now "active" emptiness.

Action, from this place, is an instantaneous, pure response to the call of the moment. It is the moment, the universe acting, not the person.

True peace is an absence of agitation, an absence of self-generated internal activity. So peace cannot be "done", or created - it's an absence of doing. This allows unadulterated "what-is" to be.

All action out of this state is completely harmonious and non-conflicting. There is nothing there to conflict with anything else.

A transcended being feels the world cleanly, whereas an "I", full of beliefs and ideas of self, overlays those unadulterated feelings with external content, imbuing them with emotional "charge". This charge is reactive to the world around it, continually creating conflict as it attempts to dissipate.

Whatever is actual or real can only be there when all ideas, all thoughts, all belief, all traces of identity are gone - when there is no "I" left to take us out of the moment. If the eternal now moment is all there is, this may be the only way to be in it.

Thought is only necessary, only of any use, when it is called for by the moment, for a particular task. To keep thinking beyond the particular call of the moment is the same as keeping your arm above your head all the time, or hopping on one leg all the time.

What comes out of the moment relates only to that moment. It's already past and nonexistent as it is experienced. To hold to anything experienced or said in that moment, is to live in the dead past.

If you can't touch it, show it, taste it, does it have any reality?

References :

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