This one was reported on September 26th 2010 at the Baltic Farm near Bishops Canning Wiltshire, UK ! At first glance, this one gives the impression of Chakras ... the rising Kundalini Shakti well represented by the serpentine/wavy part of the formation with small satellite circles on the sides ... moving up through the Heart Chakra !

Images Courtesy : Olivier Morel

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The Bermuda Triangle is a 1979 Sunn Classics' documentary based on a book by Charles Berlitz by the same name. The documentary film is narrated by Brad Crandall and features many of the documented disappearances over the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, which many researchers now believe is a natural Stargate, possibly leading to the inner Earth ... It's also believed the ancient continent of Atlantis sank in the same area we know as the Bermuda Triangle !

The documentary begins with perhaps one of the earliest documented UFO sightings, that of Christopher Columbus as he was making his way to America when multiple Bright Lights / UFOs were seen hovering over their ship and shining bright even inside the water, clearly visible to an astonished Columbus and crew !

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For over 50 years the American Government has been doing it's best to keep the truth about UFOs and Extraterrestrials from the general public through deception and fear based propaganda in the mainstream media. However, not all buy the sensationalized stories presented as the truth and base their beliefs on personal experience and some self propelled research and study. With so many Ex-Government Officials, Military Personnel coming out in the open and sharing their UFO/ET experiences with the public, Disclosure has indeed begun ! The people of our world are slowly being made aware of the truth and the world governments have no option but to give up their illusion of control and make way for the new Earth to emerge where all live in harmony with each other, as equals, as one !

Robert Hastings, a UFO researcher presents this major UFO Press Conference in Washington DC on September 27th, 2010 revealing the truth as to how U.S. Nuclear Missiles have been compromised by UFOs continually and the government is trying to hide this from the public ...

Robert Hastings, the author of 'UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites' moderates a distinguished panel of former U.S. Air Force officers involved in UFO incidents at nuclear missile sites near Malmstrom, F.E. Warren, and Walker AFBs, as well as the nuclear weapons depot at RAF Bentwaters.

The eye witnesses featured in this video are ...

Dwynne Arneson, USAF Lt.Col. Ret., communications center officer-in-charge

Bruce Fenstermacher, former USAF nuclear missile launch officer

Charles Halt, USAF Col. Ret., former deputy base commander

Robert Hastings, researcher and author

Robert Jamison, former USAF nuclear missile targeting officer

Patrick McDonough, former USAF nuclear missile site geodetic surveyor

Jerome Nelson, former USAF nuclear missile launch officer

Robert Salas, former USAF nuclear missile launch officer

Witness testimony from more than 120 former or retired military personnel points to an ongoing and alarming intervention by unidentified aerial objects at nuclear weapons sites, as recently as 2003. In some cases, several nuclear missiles simultaneously and inexplicably malfunctioned while a disc-shaped object silently hovered nearby. Six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will break their silence about these events at the National Press Club and urge the government to publicly confirm their reality. One of them, ICBM launch officer Captain Robert Salas, was on duty during one missile disruption incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base and was ordered to never discuss it. Another participant, retired Col. Charles Halt, observed a disc-shaped object directing beams of light down into the RAF Bentwaters airbase in England and heard on the radio that they landed in the nuclear weapons storage area. Both men will provide stunning details about these events, and reveal how the U.S. military responded.

Robert Hastings on CNN discussing the Conference ...

Captain Salas notes, "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it." Col. Halt adds, "I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted—both then and now—to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation." The group of witnesses and a leading researcher, who has brought them together for the first time, will discuss the national security implications of these and other alarmingly similar incidents and will urge the government to reveal all information about them. This is a public-awareness issue.

Declassified U.S. government documents, to be distributed at the event, now substantiate the reality of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites extending back to 1948. The press conference will also address present-day concerns about the abuse of government secrecy as well as the ongoing threat of nuclear weapons.

It's pretty clear the UFOs / ET are here to ensure we don't annihilate all life here on Planet Earth in this insane war with ourselves ! The truth changes everything in our world built on illusions of separation ... and change is here now :)

References : Project Avalon

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American explorer and diver Sam Meacham came to the Yucatan in 1994 to spend 6 months exploring...and after over 10 years, he is still there. British-born Steve Bogaerts shares Sam's passion for both diving and exploring and together they mount explorations deep into the Yucatan's interior. They are attempting to track the thousands of cenotes and see how this underground system links up, underneath the flourishing jungle of the Yucatan. At the bottom of many cenotes, Sam and Steve have found offerings to Mayan gods, including pots and even human remains - that could be from human sacrifices. A whole food chain has been found in the deepest recesses of these cenotes - over 20 species that have never seen the light of day. Some of the underground caverns are not totally full of water, instead, incredibly, they are home to thousands of bats.

"Cenotes really present us with the truest form of exploration found today. When we come up to the side of a cenote, we literally have no idea what we'll find at the bottom of it until we investigate and for me, that is one of the greatest thrills about what we do.", Sam explains.

It is only now that the true story of the Yucatan and the way the Maya civilisation flourished there, is becoming clear.

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