
For those of you who have never heard of the 'Archons' ... The first references to the Archons can be seen in ancient Nag Hammadi Text ... The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945. The Nag Hammadi material contains reports of visionary experiences of the initiates, including first-hand encounters with inorganic beings called Archons. Gnostic teaching explains that these entities arose in the early stage of formation of the solar system, before the Earth was formed.

This is exactly what Gnostics said about the Archons: they can affect our minds by subliminal conditioning techniques. Their main tactics are mental error (intellectual virus, or false ideology, especially religious doctrines) and simulation. Archons are predatory, unlike a wide range of non-human and other-dimensional beings also known to the Gnostics, beings who are benevolent or neutral toward humanity.

James Gilliland speaking about Archons, Annunaki, 2014 & Beyond ...

"The Archons influence the way you perceive the world, not the world itself. The primary power in the world we inhabit is the indwelling divinity of the planet, the Gaian intelligence, called Sophia by the Gnostics. If you are aligned to the Gaian intelligence, you do not see the world as a place of fear and predation, but of beauty, bounty, and magic."

Archons : Gnostic Theory of Alien Control

Physical descriptions of Archons have been found in several Gnostic codices. Two types are clearly identified: a neonate or embryonic type, and a draconic or reptilian type. Obviously, these descriptions fit the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary reports.

Jay Weidner on Archons ...

John Lash on Archons ...

The unique emphasis on the Goddess Sophia is the high inspirational message of Gnosis. The ancient seers taught that, through a special link to the Goddess, our species can overcome the Archons and secure a better future for Earth.

References :

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The stiff resistance towards sharing the truth about Cannabis and all its potential benefits in the media is proof that someone doesn't want the world to find out that its being lied to systematically by our so called governments and law makers for so many years. They still continue to suppress all natural cures while making the population sick with toxic food and an unhealthy lifestyle while providing temporary relief through pharmaceutical drugs which do more damage in the long run than most are inclined to believe. Ted Talks and TEDx have been censoring and banning certain videos because 'someone' thought this information isn't for the masses. Thankfully in today's world of the internet it is hard to keep the truth hidden for too long.

In this article, Mike Zappy transcribes the contents of a talk on cannabis and how it's going to change 'life as we know it' that he had intended to deliver at a Tedx event in Boca Raton. The text was approved by the organizers and Zappy was scheduled into the event but a few days later he received an email from the same organizers cancelling his talk. They said that 'Boca Raton was not ready for a talk about cannabis'.

Zappy wants to take a stand against what he believes is the hypocrisy of Tedx, an event that is supposed to break barriers, and is publishing his talk in full here.

Mike “Zappy” Zapolin
I’m here today to explain to you “How Cannabis is Going to Change Life as We Know It,” and why you don’t need to be afraid.

What I’m speaking to you about is somewhat controversial, but also inevitable … so what I’d like to do is help get everyone over their fear of what cannabis is and what it isn’t.

For the last 25 years I have wanted to be in the cannabis business, but never really wanted to go to jail so I just waited. I always knew there was something positive about it beyond its psychoactive effect; something intuitively told me that there was a healing component to it. Unfortunately there was nothing concrete for me to point to; the plant was made illegal back in the 1930s so there have been no major scientific studies done to back this up.

I’ve seen the amazing healing power of this plant in my own life … a friend of mine had a daughter who was severely brain damaged during child birth, the family spent every moment of their life tending to her trying to give her joy, but it was unclear how much their efforts were really doing. The family was desperate and decided to break the law and try giving her cannabis oil, the results were shocking, within seconds of taking the cannabis oil her seizures stopped and she was able to enjoy life at a whole new level. The question is how can something that sounds that amazing be unavailable and even illegal?

I knew that to understand the answers to these questions I needed to start by studying the cannabis plant itself, and here’s what I found.

Cannabis Sativa comes in two varieties, one is the traditional marijuana plant that is smoked, vaporized, and eaten for its psychoactive effect. The other is called industrial hemp, which is used worldwide as a food ingredient and to make products like rope and clothing.

What is virtually unknown is that there are over 70 different elements in the plant including a group referred to as Cannabinoids. What makes this really interesting is that each one of us has an endocannabanoid system in our bodies that allows us to interact with these different elements. The question is … why would we have this system inside our bodies unless we were supposed to be interacting with this plant?

This chart shows just a few of these elements found in the cannabis plant … there’s THC that produces the feeling of being high, but that has also been known to alleviate nausea and stimulates appetite, which is why it has been recommended to patients going through chemotherapy. Then there are the also the Cannabinoids with their different names and abbreviations. Most widely known today is Cannabidiol or “CBD”, this is the one that has caught peoples attention with its ability to potentially heal seizures in children like my friend’s daughter. It turns out that the natural ability of CBD to reduce inflammation is why it has shown to be effective at eliminating lesions on the brain that cause the seizures. This natural inflammatory can also be effective against the pain associated with diseases like diabetes, which is painful specifically because of the inflammation in the body.

What wasn’t realized until recently is that the Industrial Hemp variety that is non-psychoactive, has naturally high levels of CBD, higher than are found in the typical marijuana plant. Industrial hemp characteristically has less than 1% THC and high levels of CBD. The evidence is showing that these Cannabinoids are not specifically a cure for epilepsy, colitis, diabetes, or cancer, but what they’re doing is helping boost your own immune system so you can naturally fight off whatever it is that’s ailing you.

A friend of mine who was the chief science officer for a major vitamins company, began studying CBDs a year and a half ago. After studying it for about a year he felt he knew enough about CBDs to test it on himself to help combat the intestinal colitis which had been ruining his life. He began taking the CBDs and within a couple of weeks all of his symptoms disappeared and it has now been 6 months and he has not had a single episode.

Companies are beginning to create specific formulations to replace the current slate of pharmaceutical drugs, like Prozac, Oxycodon, and Ambien. As an example, many cannabis smokers have realized that after leaving their cannabis unused for a long period of time, once consumed, get the psychoactive effect but they will become very tired, this is because the THC has turned into CBN, which acts as a natural sleep aid. This is how an Ambien replacement will be derived – it will be all natural and have no side effects

So how can something this amazing not be available? As usual, with any conspiracy, it’s important to follow the money. At one time in United States history, hemp was the number one crop because it is so incredibly strong and cheap to grow. Some of the many uses of hemp were rope, clothing, building materials, sails in ships, and as a bio-fuel. Not to mention the Constitution of the United States is written on hemp paper. There were also some very powerful industries and individuals that played a huge role in the prohibition surrounding hemp. The Dupont family controlled the cotton industry, which saw hemp as an obvious threat. William Randolf Hearst’s newspapers were printed on paper and he owned significant timber reserves. These powerful families wrote the very legislation that outlawed hemp and funded the propaganda campaign known as “Reefer Madness” where they predicted that marijuana would make people go insane and destabilize society. Many industries since then have also been threatened by cannabis and have fought hard to keep it illegal. The pharmaceutical industry fears it because they can’t patent and own it, and the alcohol industry sees it as a natural enemy. Our own government, it is said, has kept it illegal for the reason that they don’t need everyone walking around freethinking, asking questions like “Why am I paying taxes? Why are we in so many wars?”

Einstein is famous for saying, “You can’t solve any problem with the same consciousness that got you into the situation.” This means to me that if we want to solve the big issues in society like violence, anxiety and addiction, we need to change people’s consciousness. Nature knows that people are highly stressed and is trying to bring this plant out to change people’s collective consciousness and bring about healing to our most menacing diseases.

Prohibition is being lifted after more than 70 years and every application will play a critical role in your life. Hemp is going to once again become the number one crop in the United States and will again be used in a wide spectrum of applications that add value to our everyday lives. Because of the natural strength of its fibers, it has the potential to be the base material in most 3d printers. Scientist recently became excited about a material called graphene, which has incredible conductivity and is touted as the material that will allow us to have a computer that folds up like a newspaper. The graphene mining stocks are all of 10x or more. Interestingly enough, it turns out that hemp is actually a better conductor than graphene and it doesn’t need to be mined. It grows quickly and is very cost effective.

Recently the government allowed the growing of industrial hemp, leaving it up to the states to regulate the growing. Unfortunately, the law currently says that the plant needs to stay in the state that it is grown in, which is why most of the hemp being sold today in the US is produced in Europe and Canada.

Everyone here today owes it to this plant to make sure that it becomes available as soon as possible by petitioning their government officials and getting out to vote for cannabis related issues. Even today Marijuana is designated as a “Schedule 1” drug in the United States. The definition of a Schedule 1 drug is that it is highly addictive and has no medical benefit. How can it still be claimed to have no medical benefit? Because we have allowed a handful of special interest groups control our access to the future we deserve!

When future civilizations look back, they will see that the suppression of this plant was one of the biggest human atrocities to ever take place, so let’s make sure that they see our generation as the one that took a stand and righted this wrong.

Much thanks to Graham Hancock for sharing this on his website.

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'The Shaman's Last Apprentice' is a narrative documentary focusing on the story of Rebekah Shaman, who in 1997 followed a vision she received from a Shaman calling her to the Amazon, where she found and studied intensively with a powerful Ayahuasquero Shaman in a little village nestled in a remote corner of the Amazon rainforest. Now she tells of her unique story working with the Shaman and Ayahuasca to connect with Mother Earth.

What follows is a warning from the Shaman to the West that we urgently need to change our relationship with each other, and with mother Earth.
Only when we understand how vital each one of us is to the future unfolding of this planetary story, can we find the courage to let go of the fear, evolve consciously, and step into our own power so we can be the change.

Alexander Ward | Director's Bio :

Alexander Ward is an artist and film-maker coming from a highly trained background in traditional animation. Working as an Art Director in China for an animated feature, then moving into the Video Game industry as a Conceptual Artist.
Beginning to work in environmental documentaries after developing a profound connection to nature, he was led to work with the sacred medicine Ayahuasca in many journeys to the Amazon rainforest, tutored by native shamanic healers who practice in the tribal traditions, where he now proceeds to use his creative background in ways to promote the virtues of Ayahuasca, reconnecting to nature and the cultural shift that is evolving out of this.

Sharing his own journey with Ayahuasca in various documentary and media projects and bringing light to the stories of others touched by this powerful entheogen.

Rebekah Shaman's Bio :

Rebekah Shaman has travelled extensively and lived and worked with various indigenous groups. She has a BA Hons in the Study of Religions and MSc in Development Studies, both from SOAS, UCL in London. She has also self-published a book 'The Shaman's Last Apprentice,' based on her experiences as an initiate of a Peruvian 'Ayahuasquero' Shaman in the Amazon Rainforest in 1998. Returning to the West she worked with the World Travel and Tourism Council focusing on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility before leaving to set up Hemp Global Solutions Ltd, a hemp food company. Rebekah now facilitiates cacao ceremonies and coaches using shamanic techniques to release blockages and realise their potential.

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For a land of traditional knowledge and wisdom of the ancients, India has today become a place where its people have forgotten what it is to be human while chasing material wealth and sensory pleasures like the rest of the human population on Earth. In India we find all kinds of folks ... some awake and aware .... some who seem deeply archaic and medieval in their world view to the techno savvy robots tuned into the Matrix with obviously no idea of the extent of mind control and manipulation that goes on in our reality.

Before western medicine and pharmaceutical drugs came into the scene mankind always relied on natural remedies to cure any diseases and ailments. Cannabis for instance has always been used as medicine throughout various cultures around the world and is now making a resurgence on the world stage as a potential remedy for all kinds of ailments and disorders that affect the human body. I came across one such shining example of someone being cured of Cancer using Cannabis Oil in India. The story was shared on Facebook on a highly popular page called 'Being Indian' sometime in November last year and has managed to fetch close to 25,000 likes with about 10,000 shares and thousands of comments which shows some signs of the truth finally reaching out to the masses. Its up to us now what we choose to do with this information.

Viki Vaurora used 500 gms of Ganja buds and extracted all its medicinal properties to its oil base, concentrated with THC and CBD compounds. 14 gms of oil was extracted from this process and was ingested in small doses for a period of 2 months. Leela who was suffering from cancer for a long time wasn’t able to eat, talk, walk or sleep peacefully because of the the damage done through chemotherapy but after 2-3 days into the treatment by Viki, she was able to eat and rest without any pain.

Here is the full story ...

What an amazing day with some great news.

A couple of months ago, i was talking to my cousin regarding the amazing benefits of CANNABIS and the reasons for it being illegal. She being an Ayurvedic doctor was quite surprised to learn about the medicinal values of the plant and later informed me that one of her neighbour and a family friend, LEELA, was suffering from cancer. The chemotherapy had damaged her to an extent where she wasn't able to eat, talk, walk or even sleep peacefully. She was throwing up like 20 times in a day and she had to pop like half a dozen of prescribed pills at a time to null the side-effects of the toxic chemo injections. None of the prescriptions was helping her in anyway.

Next thing we know, we asked the patient if she wanted to switch to the "REAL" medicine. A sacred plant, filled with medicinal compounds to cure any disease known to man, CANNABIS / MARIJUANA or commonly referred to as GANJA, in India.

I got my hands on half a kilo of plant buds and extracted all its medicinal properties to its oil base, concentrated with THC and CBD compounds.

14 grams of extracted oil, ingested in small doses over a period of 2 months.

Our patient is now cancer FREE.
And her doctors are curious to know HOW?

Just 2 or 3 days into the treatment, she stopped throwing up completely and was able to eat a little and also rest without any pains.

And in the course of next two months, she healed herself completely.

Thank you Leela for being a brave patient, handling the powerful medicine on a daily basis and finishing your treatment.
Thank you Sowjanya for your brave support in letting me do this. Our world needs more open-minded doctors like you.
Thank you Sushmitha and Harshith for accompanying me in the very long extraction process. (still owe u guys the pizza that we never ordered that night)
Thank you Abhiram for you greatest support. This couldn't have happened without you.
Thank you Sowju and Sowmya for taking the test dose.
And thanks mom, for helping me clean seeds from half a kilo of plant
You are all awesome - Viki Vaurora

Many of us who have blindly accepted Ganja or Cannabis as a dangerous drug still continue to live in our bubble reality, oblivious of the truth. Its only after having done some research into the subject can we truly understand how this really works and the ulterior motives of the big pharma and the-powers-that-be to suppress natural cures and herbal remedies while pumping toxicity into the vast majority which continues to sleep in a perpetual state of ignorance. It is time we speak the truth as we know it and help ourselves and the planet of all negativity and lower, pesky vibrational frequencies which seek to keep us in their control. There are many folks who are beginning to use Cannabis as medicine and there are scores of articles in the mainstream media on the potential benefits of Cannabis which should enlighten and awaken the masses, hopefully !

The only way we can free ourselves from this invisible prison is by gradually taking our power back, one step at a time. Once we stop feeding this system, we become more self sustained and connected to our roots, which is the need of the hour. Let's grow our own food, our own medicine ... let's change our world, one step at a time. The truth cannot be suppressed for too long ... we must be the change now. Its time !

Let's gear up for a Cannabis Reprise in India !

Join the Community for Legalization !

Some articles from The Times of India on Ganja :

Cannabis and its Medicinal Benefits.

Cannabis Reduces Tumor Growth in Cancer Patients

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Our true origins and the story of creation on Planet Earth has many versions to it ... and the more we dig deeper we find ourselves surrounded by too much information to sift through so one can reach the truth, as it is. So how did life begin on Earth ? That's the Big Question here, which perhaps answers a whole lot of other questions while setting stage for the biggest revelation of our lifetime concerning our extraterrestrial heritage and rich history.

The Pleiadians speak about the Bird People and Reptilians being one of the first few advanced civilizations capable of genetic engineering, to visit Earth from another Galaxy. They have been in conflict with each other for sometime now ... for dominion issues over certain Planets and Solar Systems. The Sirians have also played a key role in shaping human history and their is enough to support this claim evident in monuments and artifacts discovered in Egypt and other places all across the planet.

As per Robert Temple's 'The Sirius Mystery', the Dogon describe their Sirian Gods as Amphibious / Humanoid Beings who brought them knowledge and wisdom about other stars and celestial bodies and that are in some way deeply connected with our own growth and evolution here on Earth. They called them 'The Nommos'.

The Nommos are usually described as amphibious, hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures. Folk art depictions of the Nommos show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. The Nommos are also referred to as “Masters of the Water”, “the Monitors”, and "the Teachers”.

Scores of scientists and researchers have also discovered a mysterious audio signature recorded on their devices which doesn't match any known mammal. They called this sound, 'The Bloop' and most folks believe this to be the sound of the Merpeople.

The US Navy has been conducting experiments in the oceans using sonic weapons which have resulted in the beaching of hundreds of whales, dolphins and also some Merpeople. The following documentaries aired on Animal Planet showcase all the findings surrounding this hidden aquatic human civilization.

Mermaids : The New Evidence

Mermaids : The Body Found

It does seem like the Merpeople are descendants of an ancient Sirian race which came to Earth as described by the Dogon. The latest video evidence found of Mermaids leaves little doubt that regarding the existence of an elusive aquatic human race of intelligent beings inhabiting Earth's watery depths.

Hopefully the Navy and other agencies in search of Oil and Natural gas stop using Sonar devices for their work as its proven to kill marine life and is responsible for most of the whales being beached as they become disoriented with the trauma caused due to the sonar devices and the frequencies make their internal organs explode causing sudden death.

*^* If there is any other information about 'Merpeople' you'd like to share with us please share in the comments section below or contact us at our official email address. ([email protected])

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As most of the world is slowly awakening from its deep slumber of ignorance surrounding Cannabis, now being recognized for its therapeutic and anti-cancer properties, things are looking brighter for the Herb. On the 70th Birthday of Bob Marley, the Jamaican government decided to relax its Marijuana possession laws.

The Jamaican cabinet has approved a bill that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of cannabis and pave the way for a legal medical marijuana industry.

The bill would establish a cannabis licensing authority to deal with the regulations needed to cultivate, sell and distribute the herb for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes. “We need to position ourselves to take advantage of the significant economic opportunities offered by this emerging industry,” he said.

It would make possession of 2 ounces (56g) or less an offence that would not result in a criminal record. Cultivation of five or fewer plants on any premises would be permitted. Rastafarians, who use marijuana as a sacrament, could also legally use it for religious purposes for the first time in Jamaica, where the spiritual movement was founded in the 1930s.

In India, although it is illegal the law isn't enforced for most part and is manipulated by crooked cops and government officials who profit from the fear surrounding its illegality by extorting money from users. The law enforcement officials in India like most of the world are a very small minority of us who are simply brainwashed in doing their job with little or no insight into the situation at hand while millions of Sadhus, Naga Babas, Priests and Religious people from various religious sects such as the Nihangs of Punjab, the Pandas from Orissa and countless other regular folks doing odd jobs, driving cabs, musicians, artists, sculptors, actors, writers (the list is endless) .... continue to use the herb on a regular basis without any fear or inhibition.

As users of the herb and other plant based psychedelics, we Psychonauts must endeavor to set a good example by treating all substances with respect and use them to bring about some positive change in our lives and others around us.

We must live our truth ... We must be the change !

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Here is yet another classic documentary about Jim Morrison and the Doors, titled "Doorstown". A short glimpse into the making of a genius called Jim Morrison and how he went on to form the legendary, Doors. Jim was less of a Showman and more of a Shaman ... who always seemed to be in a state of deep trance while performing on stage.

Jim was one of the few people from his time, who were able to elucidate their pain and angst in life through their music. In this documentary film Jim's family and friends speak about Jim Morrison's formative years when he started to get interested in Language and Philosophy ... in particular Nietzsche's work.

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The Cannabis Legalization movement is reaching new heights as more people awaken to its true potential. Drug laws around the world which treat Cannabis as a drug need to be abolished as they make criminals out of regular folks who mean no harm. Came across this interesting article on Cannabis Legalization in the United States ... worth sharing !

To those who are not aware, Twenty States in the US have legalized Medical Marijuana and Two Currently have Legalized it recreationally in addition. For most of us, our states are currently discussing or legislating about legalizing the sweet cheeba but plenty of people still don’t either understand why it’s not only a big deal, but why marijuana itself isn’t as big of a deal as the controversy, money and information being produced in result of the growing legalizing and decriminalizing of it.

You have Five “people” in the equation:

1. The Pro-Cannabis Recreationals: They are the ones who want to smoke weed and don’t see why it’s a big fucking deal. These people don’t really have a ‘type’ as smokers these days can be your neighbor, your mailman, or your parents. Just about anyone could be a recreational smoker and you not be aware because they have gotten good at hiding it because of their job, their reputation, or because they don’t want the “stoner” stigma tied to their persona. They may smoke to alleviate pain but they can live without it.

2. The Ill Medicated: These can range from AIDs patients to Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Cancer to children who suffer from severe seizures. These are the people who indirectly are responsible for the medical marijuana in the first place. Many of them use it for an analgesic, to create an appetite, or to just make their general state of life better especially if their disease is terminal. These people are the main reason it should be legal, a lot of these people are suffering from terminal or permanent conditions who deserve relief that doesn’t have to give them the side effects that pharmaceuticals and chemical therapy create.

3. The State: They are more of less just looking at it from a profit point of view. They need money for schools right? Money for Roads? Public Programs? Yeah, well they need money and they are always trying to find ways to make it, the only issue is when the people are torn between if they are for or against cannabis and it rips communities apart within the state. That’s a whole other thing entirely.

4. The Federal Government: If The State is Mommy, then The Federal Government is it’s Daddy. It reaches into it’s wallet and peels off a few dollars for Mommy State to buy herself some shoes. Overall, if Mommy State says you can go out and Daddy says you can’t, Mommy will let you sneak out if you get back on time and Daddy grounds you when he finds out. Daddy also has creepy friends from work like Uncle Executive Branch, Judicial and Legislative come over and drink beers while also taking turns disciplining you, why, because they are creepy.

5. ABOVE THE INFLUENCE: Those are the people who are really really really against it. Like, they have way too much time worrying about what other people are doing and hide under the guise of : ITS KILLING DEM CHILDRENS! or ITS OF THE DEVIL! or YOURE GOING TO FORNICATE AND HAVE A DEMON BABY!

6. Everybody else: If you don’t smoke weed, that is probably you. Maybe you have an opinion on it, maybe you don’t, but you don’t care enough about it to say what your opinion is.

You still with me? Good. I will give a quick lesson in marijuana and it’s history with the government. It was legal, then it stopped being legal mostly due to a few factors:

It’s reputation with black jazz musicians. God Fearing White Folks were scared that their daughters would come home with a mixed child that was spawned from her philandering with Jazz musicans after being high on the marijuana.

Yes, People were that simple. It also had a reputation with migrant workers, Mexicans and basically every person who was darker than a glass of buttermilk was a suspected user and you were not to be like those guys obviously.

They wanted to rescind the prohibition of alcohol so what better way then make something else illegal? Instead of continuing to be afraid of alcohol (aka the government getting tired of people destroying shyt, bootlegging and many unsavory ways of creating, transporting and selling it on the low low), they decided marijuana needed to be the new scapegoat to everyone’s problems. Previously this had been attempted to cocaine and heroin as the answer to the flourishing alcoholism of the 30s, which as we know now, those are bad answers to anything. Even then, they still used it to create hemp and products derivative from cannabis. Though regulation on it had already been going on since the 1600s, by the 1900s it was starting to be labeled the same as harsher drugs, and by the 70s, it was made a controlled substance despite the other drugs in that specific box are either made to be psychoactive or addictive through changing it’s state as where there are maybe one other drug in that list that is useable in it’s natural state (and I don’t even think you can get it in the US as a normal person).

I myself was never against it in the first place. I took D.A.R.E. and similar programs in school but I never really had an opinion about it because it wasn’t big and scary like it was created to seem like and after becoming educated, I didn’t see why anyone would see it as being specifically more harmful than pollution, alcohol, cigarettes, microwaves, driving, and other things that we do and take into our bodies on a daily basis.

At Some point in my life, I transitioned from casual smoker to regular smoker and as I got older, I have formulated, changed and broadened my education as well as my person opinion and level of responsibility for choosing to medicate using cannabis. Many times, I have found myself brainstorming about why would anyone want it to be illegal when it does so much for people, so I came up with a list.

It is a literal medicine. It has compounds in it that treat a variety of illnesses and diseases. It is almost unreal the abilities that it has to help children who have daily seizures live an enriching life instead of gradually falling behind their peers. It is an anti-inflammatory, it is an analgesic, it creates an appetite, it shrinks cancerous tumors, it causes cancer cells itself to commit suicide in recorded studies abroad. It has so many abilities without the terrible side effects of treatment that uses pharmaceuticals and chemicals and replaces some of their very uses. You don’t see enough US studies done because the FDA has only backed Marinol as far as a drug that has cannabis and is legal to use because of personal interest, but the Federal Government constantly blocks newer research on the basis that it is still illegal on a Federal level even if it’s legal on a state level, that way scientists who want to see what else it can do stateside cannot get grants and funding to be able to even do the research which to me is counter productive. Also, it slows Alzheimer’s and may possible heal it, just for those who think it makes your memory so terrible. Did I mention the goverment has the reciepts for marijuana? “The United States government also owns a patent on marijuana as a medical application.”

It has varies functions and uses. It can’t only be smoked, but you can use it to cook with, you can make it into oil, it can be used as a moisturizer, it can be made into clothing and textiles. All parts of the plant can be used to make different things as well. How can something with so many NONTOXIC uses be bad?

It is one of the most least destructive vices you can have. How Many cases of domestic violence have been directly linked to marijuana? I mean just marijuana, not marijuana + alcohol or whatever else. Gambling, Drinking, Smoking Cigarettes, and so many other vices take a much worse psychological toll and physical toll on your body. Did you know marijuana has cannabanoids that heal your lung tissue? Did you know that it helps lower your blood pressure? Did you know that drinking can cause heart disease? of course you know that driving drunk could harm you or another person/people! But in reality, how many cases have been directly linked to someone just being high on marijuana? Now how many cases have been linked to someone being on Zoloft, or Paxil, or other anxiety medications or anti-depressants? There are plenty of law suits that have been paid or in motion against many of those companies for children committing suicide, or people murder suiciding because that stuff doesn’t work the same in everyone and can make your brain work in a way it doesn’t normally. Those drugs have the ability to make a normally depressive person, so depressive they kill someone, but yet, marijuana is illegal and this stuff is just a prescription or street corner away.

Because it’s reasonings for being illegal is crap and has always been crap. ““We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States.”” - Sanjay Gupta. People were made to fear it because if you fear something, you do anything to keep it away. There are adults walking around thinking that marijuana gives men breasts. There are adults walking around thinking that if you smoke a joint that you will put a baby into an oven. It’s Propaganda like those things that have completely non-stupid adults saying parroting what they know about weed from people that know nothing about weed and so they vote against in it in ballots not realizing that it is tied to gay marriage or something like that so they are making two things illegal at once or voting that it not only be illegal but people get beheaded.

It doesn’t give you a “hangover” or “withdrawl symptoms” the same way other drugs do. Yeah, you can get pissy and short tempered without some ganja if you are a regular smoker, but you don’t start vomiting or sweating. Have you ever seen intervention? If you have or have been on hard drugs to know that it’s a pretty shitty thing to have to go through, even the withdrawl from alcohol can kill you. (Rest in peace Amy Winehouse) You can smoke a bunch of weed and still be fairly functional, not like if you drank a bunch of alcohol, or did a bunch of coke or shot a bunch of heroin. Also, the fact that you cannot overdose on it should tell you something.

Your Brain has a Specific System that USES endocannabinoids. Your body was made to ingest marijuana. You know why it stays in your body so long and isn’t pushed out like other ‘drugs’? Because it isn’t a toxin. It isn’t TOXIC to your body. Your pancreas and liver work together to break down toxins and take away the good parts of it and marijuana to your brain has no bad parts so it stays in your urine and blood stream longer than cocaine or heroin.

Because it’s enjoyable. Not to everyone, but I actually love how it looks, smells, makes me feel and also how it makes me feel around other people. Especially with anxiety, I can feel ‘normal’ around others. It destresses me. It helps my arthritis. I enjoy smoking it alone or with others. I don’t smoke and then go do terrible things to society, usually it’s just watching tv.

The Culture of it is so cool. The history of it’s uses, the historical figures who have smoked, movie references or about pot, the books, the music you can listen to or is about pot. It’s one of the most coolest cultures that isn’t centered around RACE. You can meet all sorts of cool people you normally wouldn’t all because of pot and you having that as a shared experience. There are so many different types of people who smoke or make marijuana products and don’t smoke themselves!

So, chill out. It’s just weed.

Source : Ganja Bella Donna

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There have been many theories, why the Pyramids were built and who built them and how ... and after some research and investigation we have come to understand that the Pyramids were built with the help of knowledge acquired directly or indirectly from an advanced race of beings possibly from the Sirius star system. The Pyramids not only harness Universal Energy but also serve as Healing Temples used to rejuvenate the human body and heighten ones spiritual awareness when one meditates inside a Pyramidal structure. There is proof for all of this available on the Internet for all our skeptic buddies who might be reading this ... :)

Believe Nothing ... Trust your Intuition !

An extraordinary finding of Russian scientist Vitaly Gokh about the structure of the earth's core and a key role of the pyramids in connecting the earth to stars. A cosmic origin of the mineral Shungit - it could be a piece of nucleus of the mysterious planet Phaeton (Fatta), which exploded (or was destroyed) a long time ago...

Dr. Vitaly Gokh, a member of the Russian Academy of Science, had worked for the Soviet military for more than thirty years. He now lives in Sevastopol (Crimea).

One of Gokh's most famous discovery is a Crimean pyramids, buried deep underneath the earth, as well as under some of the coastal waters of the Black Sea -- an area known to contain some submerged cites of previous civilization.

His other invention is a unique device called a bio-laser which can turn the laser (or any high-frequency radiation) into a torsion field and has a penetrating ability much higher than any powerful X-ray machines. Gokh used this devise to find underground water in dry areas of Sevastopol and also in Mauritania, Western Sahara, where under the layer of solid eruptive rock, at a depth of 240 meters, an underwater stream was discovered. The value of these resources was enough to provide all the water needs of the region.

Vitaliy Gokh also used the methods of geo-hydro-diagnostics and geo-holography to examine the earth's nucleus.

The result he got contradicted with the existing knowledge of the earth's core size and structure. Gokh came to an extraordinary conclusion: under several layers of molten metals, crystals, graphite and lead there is a real nuclear fusion reactor right at the centre of the earth's core. Could it mean we are self-sufficient in warmth?

Could it mean that the Earth has her own flaming heart that beats in unison with the stars?

An extract from a film documentary "Crimea. The Russian Sea" (2013) by Ukrainian film maker Sergey Strizhak. Part 2.

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'Soma', is an ancient Elixir believed to be used during the Vedic era to heal, attain wisdom and possibly become immortal drinking this Ambrosia of the Himalayas. Not to be taken literally, being immortal might be indicative of the drinks entheogenic qualities. There have been many ideas and suggestions as to what plants/herbs might have been used to make this powerful elixir, of which Cannabis, Ephedra, Amanita Muscaria, Syrian Rue and in some cases the poppy plant, are the most likely candidates to be ingredients for making this magical drink 'Soma', sometimes termed, Nectar of the Gods.

Recent archeological evidence has emerged from Russian excavations in the Kara Kum desert of Turkmenistan that gives further confirmation to the claim that Soma was originally cannabis, bringing it out of the realm of theory and into accepted historical fact. According to Russian archeologist Victor Sariandidi, "for the first time in the world archeological practice, monumental temples were found in which intoxicating beverages of the Soma-Haoma type were prepared for cult ceremonies? The excavations proved that poppy, cannabis and ephedra were used for making the Soma-Haoma drinks, and thickets of these plants were found in excess in the vicinity of the excavated temples of Margiana."

Common in the religious lore of both ancient India and Persia, the sacred Soma plant was considered a God. When Soma was pressed and made into a drink, the ancient worshipper who imbibed it gained the powerful attributes of this deity. The origins of Soma can be traced back to the common Aryan ancestors of both the Vedic civilization of India and the Persian people who followed Mazdaism. This common ancestry accounts for the many similarities in the Hindu and Mazdean religions and language, as can be seen in surviving religious texts such as the Hindu Rig Veda and the Persian Avesta. A major connection is their use of a sacred plant, known in India as Soma, and in Persia as Haoma.

Here is a short excerpt from an article by Ganga White titled, "Soma : Nectar of the Gods" ...

" No exploration into yoga and meditation would be complete without a look at the ancient lineage of sacred plants and herbs that many assert are
at the origins of religious experience and spirituality.

We live in a time of drug hysteria that calls for a more intelligent understanding that doesn’t lump every psychoactive substance, plant, or herb into the same category called dark and dangerous.

The Soma was an ancient brew or drink prepared by sages and yogis that was said to bestow health, strength, insight, spiritual visionary experience, and communion with divinity. This sacred drink, also called “Amrita” or “nectar of the gods,” opened the mind, heart, and inner landscape while purifying and healing the body. The word “Amrita” means nectar. It comes from the word “Mrita,” which means death and “A-mrita” means non-death or immortality. Soma use dates back to the ancient time of the Vedas and origins of yoga.

Researchers have suggested that the Soma was made from psychoactive mushrooms or possibly from a combination of plants, like the middle eastern Haoma or Syrian Rue, and various herbs. The formula and exact nature of this “nectar of immortality” has been lost, possibly forever, in the mists of antiquity. The Amazon region holds what is probably a similar sacred brew, called Ayahuasca, which means vine of the soul or vine of the dead. For centuries, and probably thousands of years, this plant admixture has played a primary role in indigenous people’s spirituality, healing, and discovery of a vast pharmacy of medicines and healing herbs. We owe much of our pharmacopeia to the legacy from indigenous peoples and the sacramental practices. "

Some more excerpts from a book called 'Soma : The Divine Hallucinogen' ...

Throughout history there have been legends of a certain plant, known as the "plant of immortality," that contained the "elixir of life." ... To the best of my knowledge, no one has rediscovered the secret of the ancient elixir of immortality until now. This book describes for the first time the plant of immortality, the preparation procedures for making the elixir of immortality, and the benefits one can attain through its use. (page 1)

Ethnobotanically, the implications of the discovery of the elixir of immortality for the development of new herbal drugs, as well as new therapies and methods of spiritual advancement, are enormous. Every indication points to the fact that the elixir of immortality contains compounds that work directly upon consciousness, rapidly eliciting profound experiences of insight and understanding that could otherwise be achieved only through years of meditation. The implicit fact that paranormal abilities are discussed in the ancient texts, in association with the explicit use of the elixir of immortality, must also be considered in a broader understanding of human consciousness and spiritual development. (page 2)

Chapter 1. Soma and Sacred Herbalism in the Ancient World

Whether or not soma induces visionary experiences must depend on how it is prepared in the ceremony. As a drink, it could not always have induced visionary experiences with strong hallucinations because the Rg Veda indicates that others in addition to the priests took soma on a daily basis for long periods of time. It would have been not only impractical, but probably impossible, for soma to have been prepared as a hallucinogenic in these cases. If soma were always hallucinogenic, it would have interfered with the completion of the soma ceremony itself, which was of paramount importance for maintaining the stability of the cosmos, order, fertility, and life on earth. The soma drink prepared in the ritual must have varied according to the different parts of the ceremony that were being conducted. This leads to the conclusion that the soma drink probably induced states of ecstasy and well-being at certain dosages and that it could also induce visionary states or hallucinations at other dosages or when other plants or plant parts were added to the preparation. (page 8)

Chapter 2. Light, Ecstatic States, and Other Effects of Soma

Soma and Luminous Phenomena

Entheogenic plants are often said to induce light phenomena in association with divine inner experiences. In the Rg Veda, soma is described as giving light to all luminous bodies, and the creation of radiant light phenomena plays and important part in the soma ceremony. The hymns associate soma with all light phenomena, whether in the physical universe as starlight, sunlight, moonlight, lightning, fire, and all glowing energies or within human beings as internal, luminous mystical experience. Indeed, soma is said to be the origin of all light phenomena in both the macrocosm and microcosm. It both creates glowing radiance and gives one the experience of light. (page 13)

Ecstatic Effects of Soma

In the Rig Veda the soma drink induces effects that are called madana, madyati, mada, or mada in Vedic Sanskrit, which can be translated in English as "ecstasy" or "rapturous joy," "inspiration," "heightened awareness," and "exhilaration," respectively. These ecstatic effects were known to bestow holiness and the experience of immortality, moving consciousness into direct contact with the luminous nature of being. This ecstatic effect of soma inebriation appears to have been the mechanism that mediated all other experiences and effects known to have been obtained from the consumption of soma.

Ecstatic experience also gives one the special knowledge and powers of the healer, prophet, poet, and wonderworker. The Rg Veda says that soma, when united with the heart, produces the ecstatic vision, an ecstasy that brings expansion beyond this world, a perception of vastness surpassing both heaven and earth. (page 17)

Soma and Paranormal Abilities

Entheogenic substances are known to increase certain types of psychic experiences and this is certainly true for the soma drink. The Rg Veda indicates that the structure of the soma ceremony was purposely designed for enhancing psychic abilities, which are mediated by special states of ecstasy. A large number of paranormal feats are described in association with soma in the hymns. Examples of these are the ability to create consciousness-born or psychogeneic creations of any object or type; the ability to levitate and walk on water; the ability to leave the physical body and return to it; the power of expansion of the subtle body or consciousness to include the entire universe; and the ability to exist consciously beyond a physical body. Soma is also credited with powers of rejuvenation and life extension as well as the regeneration of various parts of the physical body. Along with its power to renew and even create life, soma is said to be able to sustain that life perpetually as long as one continues to drink it. Thus the Vedic gods maintain their immortality by consuming soma. (pages 18-19)

Medicinal Effects of the Soma Drink

The Vedic plant world was seen as a sacred and mystical domain within which the soma plant was the king of all plants and the source from which all other plants were derived. This view is based upon the cosmology that is directly connected to the cosmic tree or pillar of light, through which access is gained to the inner workings of nature. The soma plant itself is the cosmic tree and pillar, providing the access by virtue of its psychoactive nature and through its mythologized cosmic characteristics.

The soma drink was considered the most effective of all medicinal preparations. The soma drink was an elixir that worked both psychoactively upon the brain and nervous system to induce an altered state of consciousness as well as medicinally upon the human body to cure it of various diseases. (page 21)

Chapter 3. The Identity of Plants Used As Soma

Although Western interest in soma began more than two hundred years ago, no detailed study of the facts has ever been presented. Even R. Gordon Wasson's research on soma, though very useful, is considered incomplete today. We are in a better position to solve the riddle of the soma plant and soma drinks now than ever before. Both Avestan and Rg Veda studies have progressed since Wasson's landmark book Soma was published in 1968. In addition, the study of psychoactive and medicinal plants has advanced significantly. Major botanical breakthroughs on both the Avestan haoma plant and the Rg Veda soma now make it possible to draw some conclusions about the identity of the soma plant. (page 25)

The Psychoactivity of Indian Nymphaea and Nelumbo Plants

Although a number of plants were used in the Rg Vedic soma ceremonies, there are two genera of indigenous Indian plants, the Nymphaea and Nelumbo, that stand out among the rest as being used to prepare soma drinks in the Rg Vedic soma ceremony. Nymphaea plants are known as water lilies, while Nelumbo plants are the true lotus plants. When the genera are used together in my discussions I sometimes refer to them as lotus plants.

... Some of these plants were certainly known as soma and are actually called soma in Sanskrit texts. Despite what has been stated in various articles and books about the nonentheogenic effects of Nelumbo and Nymphaea plants, some Indian varieties of lotus and many water lilies do contain a variety of alkaloids and other compounds that are entheogenic.

Here we can mention only a few studies of the psychoactive aspects of these plants as they pertain to our current subject of soma as a divine hallucinogen. Certain indigenous varieties of Indian Nymphaea plants, as well as Nelumbo plants are psychoactive and can be visionary and auditory entheogens when the sap or juice of the plant, and certain other parts, are prepared properly. These two genera can also be shown to have psychoactive properties that match those of soma on the Rg Veda.

The compounds found in certain Nymphaea species are known to cause excitation, ecstatic states, luminous visionary and auditory hallucinations, narcotic sedation, and other psychoactive effects. The experiences are dependent upon the dosage, preparation, and parts of the plant used. The compounds responsible are found in the flowers, sap, nectar, stems, rhizomes, and possibly the leaves. The flowers of certain Nymphaea species have been shown to induce ecstasy states similar to those of the drug, 3, 4-methylene-dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), popularly known as "ecstasy." (pages 27-28)

Chapter 6. Soma and the Origins of Western Magic

Although magical incantations are known from primitive, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Greek religions, it seems that the Indo-Iranian religions are the source of many ritualized and systematic magical practices in antiquity. It can be documented through textual evidence and artifacts such as seal impressions that Indo-Europeans, and specifically Indo-Iranian, sacrificial rituals are the antecedents of many Near Eastern, Egyptian, and Greek forms of magic.

The origins of systematized magic and magical techniques can be traced back to the Indo-Iranian haoma/soma ceremonies. The words magic, magician, magus, and magi are all related terms that refer directly to the priests and magical performances of the Indo-Iranian haoma/soma sacrificial rituals. ... A Babylonian synonym for Medes is Umman Manda. One leader of the Umman Manda mentioned in Hittite texts is Za-a-lu-ti, which is an Aryan name. William Albright has suggested that Za-a-lu-ti was the same man as "Salitis" who founded the Hykos Fifteenth Dynasty in Egypt (1800 B.C.E.). This would imply that it was the Indo-Aryans who influenced the Greeks rather than the Iranians. This influence would have been over a long period of time beginning at a very early date. ... (pages 86-87)

Franz Graf states that the connection between magical practices and the use of herbal plants, including entheogens, appears in Greek literature in the form of Greek terminologies such as pharmakon (herbal drugs) during the spread of Indo-Iranian beliefs within the Greek world. This indicates that the use of the soma drink in conjunction with the soma ritual was the probable origin of ancient Greek herbal ceremonies used to conduct specific entheogenically induced magical rites. The influence upon Greece was to have important later influences upon magical practices found in Greco-Egyptian, Greco-Roman, and European magic. (page 88)

Chapter 7. Soma and European Alchemy


There are many correspondences found between the Rg Veda cosmological rituals of the soma ceremony and Chinese, Greco-Egyptian, Islamic, and European alchemy. Not only is soma the probable origin of the elixir ideas in Chinese, Greco-Egyptian, Islamic, and European alchemy, but the cosmological framework of the Rg Veda, to which the soma sacrifice is integral, is full of references to what we might call alchemical ideas. The soma ceremony has a basic magical and alchemical cosmology running through it. This is the reason why both Greco-Egyptian and European Hermeticists trace the traditions of magic and alchemy directly back to Indo-European haoma/soma sacrificial rituals, which they associated with Zoroaster. Thus in Marsilio Ficino's Theologia Platonica, he gives the genealogy of wisdom starting first with Zoroaster, then Hermes Trismegistus, Orpheus, Appollonius, Pythagoras, and finally Plato. As far as the Renaissance Hermetic tradition was concerned, the creation of the "wisdom tradition" and the origins of the "ancient theology" originated in the Indo-Iranians and their haoma/soma sacrifices. It was from this tradition that the entheogenic elixir vitae was originally conceived. (pages 161-162)

References : Soma Revealed - Cannabis Culture

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