Our world is in the middle of one of the greatest shifts in consciousness its ever seen. Our society, our destructive ways of life on Earth are all changing as they've done their time and now is the time for something new to arise, which is consciously being co-created by each one of us ... Our reliance on the so called non-renewable sources of energy which continue to pollute the planet is only because of a few people who aren't willing to give away their illusions of control so easily ... Even that is now changing quickly with new discoveries and inventions which can no longer be suppressed by TPTB as the news of free energy goes mainstream ! Paramahansa Tewari, a graduate in Electrical Engineering from Banaras Engineering College, India, is the first Indian to get a Free Energy device patented. An increased efficiency homopolar generator.

This device is described by the theoretical papers as a Space Power Generator (SPG) with proven technology that produces 200-300 percent over-unity energy.

Bruce Eldridge De Palma, a well known figure in the Free Energy suppression community for his invention, the N-machine Homopolar generator, a device based on the Faraday disc which is reported to produce up to five times the energy required to run it. After Bruce's death his research was discontinued. A close friend of Bruce, Paramahamsa Tewari had been under some instruction and was in partnership with Bruce to produce the N machines.

Tewari, a senior engineer with India's Department of Atomic Energy-Nuclear Power Corporation, also directs the Kaiga Project, India's largest atomic power facility, in Karnataka. He freely acknowledges his dept to DePalma, who has shared his experimental results with Tewari for many years. According to Tewari, "The electrical power generated by the Space Power Generator is indeed commercially viable and should be brought to the notice of the general public." He has urged India's Atomic Energy Commission to create an independent research group to advance free energy technology. Tewari also credits John Wheeler, the prominent American physicist and discoverer of the black hole, for his steady encouragement. Wheeler, who had been searching for a mathematical theory that would predict free energy, applauded Tewari for his effort to develop such a theory.

Here is an article by Paramahansa Tewari which will help explain this better ...

Generation of Electrical Power from Absolute Vacuum by P. Tewari 

The universe can be broadly divided into space and dynamic matter with its motion governed by an intelligent scheme that permits an organized movement of all cosmic material bodies like moons, planets, stars and galaxies In addition to space and matter, another basic entity, energy, was shown to be the constituent of all universal matter as per Einstein's Theory of Relativity, propounded at the start of this century. The interconvertibility of matter and energy extended the domain of universal reality from visible matter to invisible energy. Some recent experiments performed in USA and India and possibly in other countries too, have produced certain astonishing results as per which electrical power can be generated from absolute vacuum or space which is a phenomenon hitherto unknown. This new finding shall force a positive conclusion on substantial reality of space and will further enlarge the domain of basic reality from matter and energy, as known today, to the whole of the universal space.

Electric power is a phenomenon of current flow in an electrical conductor at some voltage or electric pressure. On the nature of electric current, it was discovered by the close of 19th century, that it is constituted of electrons, the subatomic particles that carry basic unit of electric charge. In electric power generators, electrons are produced from atoms of a conductor as it cuts through a magnetic field, and external power is therefore required to produce electrons and make them flow in load circuit. The external sources of power in modern technology of power generation, are mainly thermal, hydroelectric and nuclear. Electric power production, today is a process of conversion of energy from one form to another rather than 'generation' in a true sense. Whereas the newly discovered process of generation of electric power from 'absolute vacuum' does not need any raw material like coal, nuclear fuel or a hydrogen source.

At the face of it, it sounds unbelievable, that vacuum which is considered by current scientific theories as a void or a state of nothingness can ever generate energy out of its own substratum. As per modern physics while 'absolute vacuum' or 'space' can no doubt transmit electromagnetic energy, in the absence of universal matter and its associated energy fields, there can be no energy-content that is ‘reality’ in space. The concept of ether filling all space and atoms as 'vortices of ether' introduced by Rene Descartes(1596-1650) and developed to a great extent by the close of 19th century found no favour in the early 20th century. Though the domain of reality was extended from matter to energy by Einstein's Relativity Theory, yet space devoid of universal matter ceased to have any substantiality. In the new phenomenon of space power generation (SPG) electrical power is produced by rotating at high speed conducting disc magnets or electromagnets, named as N-Generator by Bruce De Palma, a U.S. inventor. In 1978 he discovered that electrical power produced by such a device did not require an equivalent energy input to the drive motor that rotated the N-Generator. The experimental results are in violation of the 'law of conservation of energy' unless it is supposed that the additional energy is generated within the interatomic vacuum or space in the rotating body of the N-Generator. A new theory on space, energy and matter, Space Vortex Theory (SVT) which posits the concept of dynamic space as the most fundamental substratum of reality, and electrons as 'vortices of space' explains the principles behind SPG phenomenon. As per SVT, all universal matter is created from substantial space, just as bubbles, vortices and waves are produced in an ocean of water. It is space that has manifested as planets, stars and galaxies is the conclusion of SVT. Space is more fundamental than matter. There is no point in space that is devoid of reality. Thus the domain of reality already extended from matter to energy by Relativity Theory encompasses the whole of the universal space as per SVT.

A space power generator consists of a soft-iron core on which electromagnet coils are wound. Both the coils and the iron core are rotated together, there being no relative motion between the magnetic field and the soft iron conductor of the core. A vortex of space is formed in the rotating iron, due to which electrical charge is produced, which interacts with orbital electrons of the iron atoms and sets them free. The free electrons are interacted with the magnetic field creating positive and negative polarities between which output power at high current and few volts is drawn.

In the future when the newly discovered principles of SPG are made technically viable, electrical generators of capacity in tens of kilowatts and of sizes comparable with conventional electrical generators will be providing electrical power to remote regions, presently with no power distribution network and for such installations where power requirement of each unit is limited to say about 10~ kW.

The space power generators will require initial drive before becoming self-sustaining, for which conventional diesel engines or battery power will be needed. A number of units of N-generators installed at one location can meet larger load requirements for rural electrification and may be smaller towns as well. Modern technology is well advanced to undertake construction of these new machines that do not require any such specialized items of materials that need long time development. High speed rotation of machines and collection of power at few volts but very large currents will require special attention in the development of space power generators.

On space being filled with energy that created matter, Michelson in 1899 had remarked, "Suppose that an ether strain corresponds to an electric charge, an ether displacement to the electric current, ether vortices to the atoms; if we continue these suppositions, we arrive at what may be one of the grandest generalization of modern science, namely, that all the phenomena of the physical universe are only different manifestations of the various modes of motion of one all pervading substance, the ether". At the close of 19th century, the concept of ether filling all space as introduced by Descartes was about to be recognized as the basic reality. Earlier to Descartes, Thales (624-546 B.C) a Greek philosopher considered water as the primary substance in the universe. The Upanishadic Rishis of Bharat, however, thousands of years ago, proclaimed that 'Akasha’ or space is the first element that gave birth to air. From air was born fire or heat and their various combinations produced water and earth. Very rightly indeed, did the Upanishads discriminate among the five elements pinpointing the akasha as the most fundamental entity potent with energy. This experiment on generation of power from space will reestablish Vedantic philosophy of eternal existence of Akasha as a substratum, the ‘one reality' out of which the cosmic worlds arose. The new science of space power generation will scientifically vindicate the vedantic science on the evolution of the universe.

The N-Generator has been further developed in the USA by De Palma, Trombly and Kahn, who could generate about 45 Kw of power with an input of only 9 Kw, thus getting an incremental power ratio of output further to input, about 5. Bruce De Palma is also further developing his N- generator, trying to achieve perpetual motion. He is quite close to success. The model of space power generator built at Tarapur Atomic Power Station for demonstration of the new principle gave an incremental power ratio of output to input about 2.5. This machine is proposed to be taken to West Germany for demonstration at Hannover in an International Conference for Gravity Field Energy, that will be held there in mid-March 1987. From letters received from USA, West Germany and many other countries, it is evident that the 'over-unity' system which is the name given to space power generation, is catching attention of world scientists and engineers. Being an entirely new technology, it has presently some controversy too associated with its development, especially in USA. The proposed conference at Hannover being organised by Dr Hans Nieper, President, German Association of Gravity Field Energy, West Germany, Hannover, to which I have been invited to deliver a talk on 'Space Vortex Theory' will hopefully be an interesting forum to discuss with scientists and engineers, the new and novel phenomenon of Space Power generation.

Today's need for power is met by man at the cost of ecological balance that nature inherently devises through its forests, rivers, mountains end oceans, and atmospheric belt of air. The pollution of planet through excessive combustion of coal, oil and gases, deforestation and other hazards to the maintenance of clear environment in populated areas, will be prevented to a good extent with the development of power generation from Vacuum.

Maybe it is the final jump of progress in power generation technology that energy is produced from space, which is not only the cleanest resource for power, but will also outlive all forms of cosmic matter both inanimate and animate.

References :

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The film details the need to outgrow the dated and inefficient methods of politics, law, business, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, and use the methods of science, combined with high technology, to provide for the needs of all the world's people. It is not based on the opinions of the political and financial elite or on illusionary so called democracies, but on maintaining a dynamic equilibrium with the planet that could ultimately provide abundance for all people.

Paradise or Oblivion, by The Venus Project, introduces the viewer to a more appropriate value system that would be required to enable this caring and holistic approach to benefit human civilization. This alternative surpasses the need for a monetary-based, controlled, and scarcity-oriented environment, which we find ourselves in today.

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The Polar Clock Crop Circle was reported at Manton Drove, Marlborough Wiltshire on the 2nd of June 2012. Here is what couple of Czech crop circle researchers have to say about the formation ...

We believe the formation reported on 2nd June 2012 resembles a polar clock. It is a kind of clock showing not only the time, but also the date. In order to analyze the message depicted in the formation, we first had to rotate the image. After that, we executed the application PolarClock3 (by PixelBreaker). Then we set the date and time so that, what the polar clock displayed on our monitor screen was the same as the one in the formation.

As the aerial shot was not taken perpendicularly to the formation, we are not sure about the time displayed, but we think that at least the date can be considered correct. The formation tells the following time and date: 19:43:53 on Saturday, 4th August 2012. We have no idea what this particular time might mean. Hope someone will find out why this date should be significant.

Jitka & Roman Hamar, The Czech Republic, 02/06/2012

This one seemed like it was indeed pointing towards August 4th for some reason ... some of us believed this would be date for first open contact with ETs and that it would take place at the London Olympics, which came to pass ... Although, that day is not for away ! Most people are aware of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, there are some of us who are still waiting to be told what to believe in ... we've gotten so used to it !

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Taking us from Crop Circles to UFOs to theories of other worldly contact in human pre-history and the contemporary exploration of our psyches ... the latest Evolver Intensives online course will present an alternative paradigm that has tremendous significance for our lives today. You are invited to explore mysteries that point to a revelation for our immediate future and a new way of living on the earth.

Scientific evidence suggests that many of the enormous patterns we call crop circles that appear each summer in farmers’ fields, are the products of an unknown intelligence with the capacity to think, decide, design, and precisely place these elegant glyphs in the landscape. And, in another realm where current contact with extraterrestrials is in question, Apollo 14 astronaut and psychic researcher Edgar Mitchell states, “We have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real.” The revelation of other intelligences interacting with us portends a paradigm shift of massive proportions.

If humanity were to accept that we are not the only intelligence in the universe, we would be forced to reassess our belief system and give up our arrogance. It could be knowledge that saves our world. How can we stretch our minds to accept that there are other intelligences that speak to us through puzzles and paradoxes, sacred geometries and stone formations? How can we deal with what apparently is communicating with us? At the same time, the possibility that humanity could make use of dormant psychic powers is a revolutionary one.

Suzanne Taylor is known for two feature documentaries about the crop circles, but in this course her focus extends far beyond that arena. Explorations of outer and inner space have revealed vast realms of new information for us to consider and explore. At the same time, our society remains trapped in the inertia of the past, clinging to old thought processes and a dying paradigm that posits separation over interconnection. Most of us realize that a fundamental change is underway. 'Doorways to Another World' probes the deep changes that are happening now and looks at how we can be participating in them.

Guests include the respected crop circle authority, Andy Thomas; Klaus Dona, who will look at the staggering examples of highly advance technologies in our prehistory; psychic researcher remote viewing pioneer Stephen Schwartz, will explore space, time and consciousness; and astronaut Edgar Mitchell will share his insights into UFOs and paranormal phenomena. Each of them holds knowledge that could radically transform the world and lead us to embracing the new paradigm that awaits us.

This series will give us a great opportunity to learn about areas that have been concealed or hidden from us by the powers that be, from now declassified CIA-funded research of "psi" phenomena and remote viewing, to whatever cover-up is ongoing about UFOs and extraterrestrial beings.

Suzanne and her guests will discuss:

  • The possibilities and the reasons why crop circles are with us: seeing more deeply into why might they be occurring and what value to us could they be.
  • What the relation is between UFOs and human consciousness. Could it be an internal or inter-dimensional phenomenon that we perceive externally?
  • The possibility of our distant ancestors being in touch with otherworldly beings. If they were, was it physically or remotely? Could we explain our evolution without such engagements?
  • How our perception of space and time is changing. As science continues to solve the paradoxes of the quantum world, can new discoveries be a key to visiting distant planets? Other dimensions? Distant times both present and future?

Our ordinary experience can open us up to an irrefutable knowing of interconnectivity and unity that tunes us to a new frequency. In this course, we will be induced to cross over and peer into the "other side" by people who were fundamentally changed by their research and experiences, and discovered the parameters of an entirely new paradigm. When we link the evidence of visitation with new knowledge of the quantum world and the wisdom of ancestors who left behind mind-boggling monuments like the Pyramids at Giza and celestial observatories around the world, a new history will be written and a new future will unfold.

Register for the course here !

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'The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience' is a documentary focused on showing each of the dimensions to the experience we call life. The documentary does this by addressing exactly who we all are, and why we are here. It further delves into each of the key pieces that make up the human puzzle, namely the planet, the body, and the ego.

The documentary concludes by addressing the shift in consciousness that has already begun and continues to intensify on the planet. It’s intention is to further provide the viewer with the tools and understanding it needs to step out of current limitations and instead experience the infinite potentiality we are all capable of.

Does seem like a documentary worth watching ... :-)

The documentary makes us question our archaic and backward concepts of reality ... having reached the peak of human evolution its time for us to let go of the things that constrain humanity ! Ignorance among the masses still seems like the norm, however each awakened soul who lives the truth, lights up the way for others to walk if they do choose to ... Shine On :)

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Mother Nature’s Child explores nature’s powerful role in children’s health and development through the experience of toddlers, children in middle childhood and adolescents.

The film marks a moment in time when a living generation can still recall childhoods of free play outdoors; this will not be true for most children growing up today. The effects of “nature deficit disorder” are now being noted across the country in epidemics of child obesity, attention disorders, and depression.

Mother Nature’s Child asks the questions: Why do children need unstructured time outside? What is the place of risk-taking in healthy child development? How is play a form of learning? Why are teachers resistant to taking students outside? How can city kids connect with nature? What does it mean to educate the ‘whole’ child?

We filmed children from the wilds of Vermont to Washington, D.C. and sought the voices of many adult experts. Interviews include: Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods; Brother Yusuf Burgess who works with inner city teens in Albany, NY; David Sobel, author of Children’s Special Places and Childhood and Nature and leader in the field of place-based education; Yale professor Stephen Kellert, PhD.; Nancy Bell, director of The Conservation Fund in VT/NH; Misha Golfman, Director of Kroka Expeditions in Marlow, NH; Vermont teacher Rob Hanson, who regularly incorporates outdoor nature connection in his sixth grade public school curriculum; Jon Young, California tracker and author of Coyote’s Guide to Connecting with Nature, Pearline Tyson of the Parks & People Foundation and the founders of the Holistic Life Foundation in Baltimore, MD; and Amy Beam, founder of Beyond the Walls in Washington, DC.

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Mysterious Lights in the sky often termed 'UFO' in modern times, have been around on Earth for a while now. There is so much done to keep the truth cleverly concealed from the masses, however there are times when it gets almost impossible to ignore certain happenings which change peoples lives forever ! Some of these are shared in the following documentary titled 'Secret Access : UFOs on the Record'. Featuring interviews with military officers, air force personnel ... all credible eye witnesses giving first hand testimony of what they experienced !

Some believe the earliest documentation of alien visitation to Earth exists in prehistoric cave paintings and petroglyphs, where drawings of strange humanoid figures feature distinctively non-human attributes and anatomy, including helmets and other accoutrements too advanced to be from the ancient world.

Arguably, this is the first evidence in what would become a centuries-long worldwide enigma that has exploded into popular culture, but has yielded little tangible proof. From the prehistoric drawings through the Roswell UFO incident reports of strange and unexplainable sightings in the skies have become part of an unofficial historic record. With the proliferation of video and photo technology in the modern era, reports of these events along with visual evidence have only increased.

Based on the newly published book "UFO’s: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record," this two-hour special explores sightings that are supported by numerous creditable sources, from Air Force and commercial pilots, FAA officials, investigators military Generals and NASA officials as well as hard data: photos, film, radar and audio recordings. This evidence presents a startling look at the reality of alien visitation. Related Posts :

If there is one plant I would love to see grow all over the world, it would without doubt be the Cannabis plant. There are so many reasons why this often demonized plant is so incredibly useful to us ... Apart from being used as medicine, the use of cannabis seed or hemp seed as a source of Food can be traced back to the very beginnings of civilization.

In sixth-century Persia a preparation of cannabis seed was named Sahdanag, meaning Royal Grain. This demonstrates the high regard the ancient Persians held for the nutritious seeds, which came from the same plant which provided them with their spiritual drink, banga, which sounds a lot like the Indian drink 'Bhaang' ...

In India, according to the legends of Mahayana Buddhism, Buddha subsisted on a single cannabis seed a day during the six steps of asceticism which led him to enlightenment.

Here are some interesting facts about the Cannabis seed which will definitely make you save those seeds if you smoke some good bud ! Ganja seeds contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, nor has the essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet human nutritional needs.

In South Africa, Suto women burn cannabis flowers as an aid in childbirth. They also grind up the seeds with bread or mealie pap and give it to children when they are being weaned. In this last aspect, the Suto women may have instinctively tapped into the fact that hemp seed contains rare gamma linoleic acid, a substance found in human mother's milk and few other sources.With the hemp seed's long-standing relationship with humanity, it is interesting to learn that modern science has revealed that they contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary for human life, as well as a rare protein known as globule edestins, which are very similar to the globulin found in human blood plasma. Because of this, cannabis seed has been touted by some as "Nature's perfect food for humanity".

Chinese tradition puts the use of the plant back 4,800 years. Indian medical writing, compiled before 1000 B.C., reports therapeutic uses of cannabis.

That the early Hindus appreciated its intoxicating properties is attested by such names as "heavenly guide" and soother of grief. " The Chinese referred to cannabis as "liberator of sin" and "delight giver."

The Greek physician Galen wrote, about A.D. 160, that general use of hemp in cakes produced narcotic effects. In 13th century Asia Minor, organized murderers, rewarded with hasheesh, were known as hashishins from which may come the term assassin in European languages.

Hemp as a source of fiber was introduced by the Pilgrims to New England and by the Spanish and Portuguese to their colonies in the New World.

References :

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The discovery of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is definitely one of the key discoveries in recent times which question the history of humanity we've all been told taught at school and the theory of how humans came into being through billions of years of evolution ...

The Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill, is the first European pyramid to be discovered and is located in the heart of Bosnia, in the town of Visoko. The pyramid has all the elements: four perfectly shaped slopes pointing toward the cardinal points, a flat top and an entrance complex. On top of the pyramid are also the ruins of a Medieval walled town, once the base of a Bosnian king Tvrtko of Kotromanic (1338-1391). Because of its similarities to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, it has been named the "Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" ('Bosanska Piramida Sunca').

There are also four more ancient structures on the site, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon ('Bosanska Piramida Mjeseca'), Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon ( 'Bosanska Piramida Zmaja'), Bosnian Pyramid of Love ('Bosanska Piramida Ljubavi') and Temple of the Earth, ('Hram Zemlje').'We have already dug out stone blocks which I believe are covering the pyramid', said Semir (Sam) Osmanagic, a Bosnian American archaeologist who has spent the last 15 years studying the pyramids of Latin America. 'We found a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels'.

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun with its height of over 220 meters is much higher than the Great Pyramid of Egypt (147 meters). The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun has, according to the Bosnian Institute for Geodesy, the most precise orientation towards cosmic north with the error of 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 12 seconds. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is completely covered by rectangular concrete blocks. The properties of the concrete, including extreme hardness (up to 133 MPs) and low water absorption (around 1%), are, according to the scientific institutions in Bosnia, Italy and France, far superior to modern concrete materials.

The pyramids are covered by soil which is, according to the State Institute for Agro-pedology, approx. 12,000 years old. Radiocarbon dating from the paved terrace on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, performed by Institute of Physics of Silesian Institute of Technology from Gliwice (Poland) confirmed that terrace was built 10.350 years ago (+/- 50 years). These findings confirm that the Bosnian pyramids are also the oldest known pyramids on the planet. Beneath the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids there is an extensive underground tunnel and chamber network which runs for more than ten miles. Ceramic sculptures have been discovered in the underground labyrinth with a mass of up to 20,000 pounds which makes them the largest found so far from the ancient world.

The list of wonders in Bosnian archaeology does not end here. In the vicinity, we discovered the tallest tumulus in the World: 61 meter high. Its nearest competitor, Sillbury Hill in England is 60 meters high. The Bosnian tumulus consists of two-layer megalithic terraces, clay layers and artificial concrete layers.

A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology. This is the first proof of non-hertzian technology on the Planet. It seems that the pyramid-builders created a perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this “energy machine” is still working. In the underground labyrinth, in 2010, we discovered three chambers and a small blue lake. Energy screening shows that the ionization level is 43 times higher than the average concentration outside which makes the underground chambers into “healing rooms”.

Almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong: origin of men, civilizations and pyramids. Homo sapiens sapiens is not a result of the evolution and biologists will never find a “missing link”, because the intelligent man is product of genetic engineering. Sumerians are not the beginning of the civilized men, but rather beginning of another cycle of humanity. And finally, original pyramids, most superior and oldest, were made by advanced builders who knew energy, astronomy and construction better than we do.

Source :

Sam Semir Osmanagich
Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Professor of Anthropology at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina

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Just recently while chatting up with a friend, the Hindi word "Udantashtari" came up ... which literally translates "Flying Saucer". I remember hearing the word as a child ... recalling which made me realize the extent to which this phenomena has been observed by humanity all across the planet ! This made me google the word 'udantashtari' and voila ... i find a youtube link to a UFO / Udantashtari sighting in Madhya Pradesh, India !

Here is the video footage of a UFO filmed by Atul Pathak, a resident of Anuppur in Madhya Pradesh, India on the 7th of August 2010 ... Incredible indeed :)

On closer inspection, the UFO seems to have a face ... something like a smiley ... ~ this one does remind me of something similar filmed at the Sattva Sanctuary ECETI Ranch ...

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