TED Talks has been in the spotlight lately for censoring some of their videos. Recently TED Talks decided to pull down Graham Hancock's video titled "The War on Consciousness" wherein Graham is yet again asking the pertinent question, aren't we sovereign over our own consciousness and how we choose to explore it ...?

Here is Graham Hancock's article titled 'War on Consciousness' ...

We are told that the “War on Drugs” is being waged, on our behalf, by our governments and their armed bureaucracies and police forces, to save us from ourselves. “Potential for abuse and harm” are supposed to be the criteria by which the use of drugs is suppressed—the greater a drug’s potential for abuse and harm, the greater and more vigorous the degree of suppression, and the more draconian the penalties applied against its users.

In line with this scheme drugs are typically ranked into a hierarchy: Schedules I, II, and III in the US, Classes A, B, and C in the UK, and so on and so forth all around the world. Thus, to be arrested for possession of a Schedule I or Class A drug results in heavier penalties than possession of a Schedule III or Class C drug. Generally if a drug is deemed to have some currently accepted medical use it is likely to be placed in a lower schedule than if it has none, notwithstanding the fact that it may have potential for abuse or harm. In the absence of any recognized therapeutic effects, drugs that are highly addictive, such as heroin or crack cocaine, or drugs that are profoundly psychotropic, including hallucinogens such as LSD, psilocybin, or DMT, are almost universally placed in the highest schedules and their use attracts the heaviest penalties.

The notable exceptions to this system of ranking according to perceived “harms” are, of course, alcohol and tobacco, both highly addictive and harmful drugs—far more so than cannabis or psilocybin, for example—but yet socially accepted on the grounds of long customary use and thus not placed in any schedule at all.

The Failed War

When we look at the history of the “War on Drugs” over approximately the last 40 years, it must be asked whether the criminalization of the use of any of the prohibited substances has in any way been effective in terms of the stated goals that this “war” was supposedly mounted to achieve. Specifically, has there been a marked reduction in the use of illegal drugs over the past 40 years—as one would expect with billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money having been spent over such a long period on their suppression—and has there been a reduction in the harms that these drugs supposedly cause to the individual and to society?

It is unnecessary here to set down screeds of statistics, facts, and figures readily available from published sources to assert that in terms of its own stated objectives the “War on Drugs” has been an abject failure and a shameful and scandalous waste of public money. Indeed, it is well known, and not disputed, that the very societies that attempt most vigorously to suppress various drugs, and in which users are subject to the most stringent penalties, have seen a vast and continuous increase in the per capita consumption of these drugs. This is tacitly admitted by the vast armed bureaucracies set up to persecute drug users in our societies, which every year demand more and more public money to fund their suppressive activities; if the suppression were working, one would expect their budgets to go down, not up.

Meanwhile the social harms caused by the “War on Drugs” itself are manifest and everywhere evident. In the United States, for example, there have been more than 20 million arrests for the possession of the Schedule I drug marijuana since 1965 and 11 million since 1990. The pace of arrests is increasing year on year, bringing us to the astonishing situation where, today, a marijuana smoker is arrested every 38 seconds.1 The result, as Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project, recently observed, is that marijuana arrests outnumber arrests for “all violent crimes combined,” meaning police are spending inordinate amounts of time chasing nonviolent criminals.2 And it goes without saying that those who are arrested for the use of marijuana and other illegal drugs do suffer immense harm as a result of the punishments inflicted on them—including, but not limited to, personal trauma, loss of freedom, loss of reputation, loss of employment prospects, and serious, long-lasting financial damage.

Inventory of Harm

Such matters are only the beginning of the long inventory of harm caused by the “War on Drugs.”

Western industrial societies, and all those cultures around the globe that increasingly seek to emulate them, teach us to venerate above all else the alert, problem-solving state of consciousness that is particularly appropriate to the conduct of science, business, war, and logical inquiry, and to such activities as driving cars, operating machinery, performing surgery, doing accounts, drawing up plans, accumulating wealth, etc., etc., etc. But there are many other states of consciousness that the amazing and mysterious human brain is capable of embracing, and it appears to be a natural human urge, as deep-rooted as our urges for food, sex, and nurturing relationships, to seek out and explore such “altered states of consciousness.” A surprisingly wide range of methods and techniques (from breathing exercises, to meditation, to fasting, to hypnosis, to rhythmic music, to extended periods of vigorous dancing, etc.) is available to help us to achieve this goal, but there is no doubt that the consumption of those plants and substances called “drugs” in our societies is amongst the most effective and efficient means available to mankind to explore these profoundly altered states of consciousness.

The result is that people naturally seek out drugs and the temporary alterations in consciousness that they produce. Not all people in every society will do this, perhaps not even a majority, but certainly a very substantial minority—for example the 2 million Britons who are known to take illegal drugs each month or those 20 million people in the US who have been arrested for marijuana possession since 1965. And these of course are only the tip of the iceberg of the much larger population of American marijuana users, running into many more tens of millions, who have, by luck or care, not yet fallen foul of the law and are thus not reflected in the arrest statistics.

Needless to say, it is of course exactly the same urge to alter consciousness that also impels even larger numbers of people to use legal (and often extremely harmful) drugs such as alcohol and tobacco—which, though they may not alter consciousness as dramatically as, say, LSD, are nevertheless undoubtedly used and sought out for the limited alterations of consciousness that they do produce.

For the hundreds of millions of people around the world whose need to experience altered states is not and cannot be satisfied by drunken oblivion or the stimulant effects of tobacco, it is therefore completely natural to turn to “drugs”—and, since the “War on Drugs” means that there is no legal source of supply of these substances, the inevitable result is that those who wish to use them must resort to illegal sources of supply.

Herein lies great and enduring harm. For it is obvious, and we may all see the effects everywhere, that the criminalization of drug use has empowered and enriched a vast and truly horrible global criminal underworld by guaranteeing that it is the only source of supply of these drugs. We have, in effect, delivered our youth—the sector within our societies that most strongly feels the need to experience altered states of consciousness— into the hands of the very worst mobsters and sleazeballs on the planet. To buy drugs our sons and daughters have no choice but to approach and associate with violent and greedy criminals. And because the proceeds from illegal drug sales are so enormous, we are all caught up in the inevitable consequences of turf wars and murders amongst the gangs and cartels competing in this blackest of black markets.

It should be completely obvious to our governments, after more than 40 years of dismal failure to suppress illegal drug use, that their policies in this area do not work and will never work. It should be completely obvious, a simple logical step, to realize that by decriminalizing drug use, and making the supply of all drugs available to those adults who wish to use them through legal and properly regulated channels, we could, at a stroke, put out of business the vast criminal enterprise that presently flourishes on the supply of illegal drugs.

It ought to be obvious, but somehow it is not.

Get The Full article in PDF or find it here ...

Here is the recording a of radio show interview where Graham discusses his banned TED Talk ...

Evolver Intensives is also starting with an online webinar with Graham Hancock titled "The War on Consciousness".

In this exclusive Evolver webinar, Graham Hancock will expand upon the themes he introduced in his provocative TEDx talk, and explore the ramifications they have for your life:
  • Should sovereignty over your own consciousness be as fundamental a right as free speech?
  • How might visionary plants have effected human evolution, and what potential do they have for us today?
  • Why does our society approve of some states of consciousness, but actively suppress others that might offer solutions to the ecological and spiritual crises of our time?
  • How can you explore the potential offered through visionary plants like Ayahuasca safely and responsibly?
Graham Hancock is one of the sharpest minds of the new consciousness movement. The author of numerous books, including the bestselling Fingerprints of the Gods, Supernatural, and the visionary novel Entangled, he never fails to ask the right question and investigate assumptions too often taken for granted.

We are at the threshold of a major societal shift. Why is the expansion of consciousness so critical to the future of humanity -- and why are so many people threatened by this possibility? How can you overcome this fear in your own life, and among those you know?

In this live, interactive video session, Graham will discuss the censorship controversy and why he feels these issues are so important and worth defending. And he will explore how you can take part in the consciousness transformation that is already in motion.

This single-session webinar takes place on Saturday, April 14. The format is a 60 minute presentation followed by 30 minutes of Q&A. You will be part of the discussion, able to ask your questions on camera, just like a Skype call.

Join us for this exciting exploration into the nature of consciousness and spirituality.

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Namaste Dear Ones ... We recently extended an open invitation to all our blog readers and followers of our Facebook page to contribute towards our blog Psychedelic Adventure with content they would like to share with the world ...

We received many messages from folks who are interested in Guest Blogging here, and have short listed some of these to be featured in our forthcoming posts ...

Here is our first Guest Blog post by Johnny Krajewski on the history of the Sovereign Science of Kriya Yoga ... Since its quite a lengthy article, we intend to post it in parts ...



The use of psychedelic drugs has been demonized in this culture whereby a scientific exploration of the medicinal and psychological benefits derive from using psychedelics in a controlled situation has alluded the scientific community. Lately there've been a few case studies of LSD, Psilocybin and MDMA hopefully will come to a time where the true benefits of these substances will be made available without criminal consequences.

I discovered powerful Kriya yoga practices while under the influence of LSD in the early 60s. This encouraged me to seek other ways and means to acquire or these states of openness and ecstasy. I spent years studying yoga with kundalini masters. I found that the very same states that would occur with powerful psychoactive substances could also be experienced through the breath. I revisited entheogens in the 90s when ecstasy became popular. I found that taking ecstasy; I could relax and be aware in a particular way of my central nervous system. It was extremely beneficial to learn how to conduct the breath with the pranic energy. I find the use moderate use of plant medicine intensifies the Kriya practice. Our body mind remembers these states. After all they are what are within us. Plant Medicine only can act as a catalyst to what is already there. We have DMT, Dopamine and serotonin that are produced in our bodies. The Kriya practice is one that enables us to activate these neuron transmitters.

Now I don’t use the powerful elixirs but have found I can attain the same states with out the use of drugs. Sometimes a very homeopathic dose is useful.

I love the opening of the heart, which Kriya yoga has exemplified in my life. The search for enlightenment or special states of consciousness is a distraction from the practice itself. You miss being in the moment and are fixated on some future event. or attainment.

In seeing the futility of the search for enlightenment and coming to know myself and accept myself in all ways, I still maintain this practice out of love of the Divine. Kriya Yoga is an ancient science that activates higher qualities of mind and being.

To do a practice without seeking any attainment from it. Is a challenge. But it is very simple. It is just for the love of doing the practice itself.

As a yogi I learned to play this body instrument diving deeply into the depths of the human condition to heights of the God light.

If this book can be of assistance to others who are on the path of yoga and psychedelics I would be over joyed. It is my love for the sovereign science and art of Kriya Yoga that has prompted me to write this book.

1. The History Theory and Science of Kriya Yoga

The history of Kriya yoga is as old as the history of man. When I was an oriental art dealer. I found in ancient shamanic art of the far eastern cultures statuary that depicted deep psychedelic states or Kriya yoga. Practice. More then likely using both plant medicine and Kriya Yoga. You can recognize the facial expressions a grimace or ecstasy maybe a mixture of both. On the tantric Buddhist deities you see the tong curled up and pressed on the upper palate, which is part of the practice. The wild eyes of the wisdom beholding ditties are very similar to the opening of the pupil in deep psychedelic trance.

Recently while at an art exhibit of Toltec an Olmec cultures I saw the same expressions. I have found references to the body of light in all of the religions. The exact process or practice in its earliest forms has been recorded in India in Tamil Nadu. They have a history of enlightened beings called Siddhas. Their history borders on myth and imagination. They are said to have come from the gods and are from different stellar systems. They are known in all ancient cultures as Gods. Whether the culture is Egyptian, Greek, Zoroastrians or native cultures. They appear in the very psyche of man.

The Tamil Nadu Siddhas have a historical legacy that was recorded on palm leaves. These ancient scripts are in a library in Tamil Nadu India and are still being translated. They brought science, medicine, yoga and alchemy to teach the transformation of body being into a being of light.

The history of the Siddha tradition begins millions of years ago with the story of Lord Shiva's initiation of his consort or Shakti, Parvati Devi, into Kriya Kundalini Pranayama (the scientific art of mastering the breath) in a huge cave at Amarnath in the Kashmir Himalayas (Ramaiah, 1968, p. 108). Later Yogi Shiva initiated others, including the Siddha Agastyar and the Siddhas Nandi Devar and Thirumoolar on Mount Kailas in Tibet. Agastyar subsequently initiated Babaji. Who taught Kriya yoga to lay men through Lahiri Mahsai in the 19th century.

The attainment of the 18 Siddhas and Babaji has been the result of the grace of God and the Kriyas or techniques used by them to prepare their lower bodies for the descent of the Divinity. Collectively, the techniques are known as "Kriya Yoga Siddhantham", which means, the practical yoga techniques bringing about final perfection in the realization of God or Truth. The use of “Medicine” for spiritual and emotional unfolding is stated in poems and the plant medicines used are unknown at this time. Alchemical transformation was kept secret in ancient cultures. Two types of medicine which refer to very powerful psychedelics are Soma and Kriya Kalpa treatment.

We have drunk the Soma; we have become immortal; we have gone to the light; we have found the gods. What can hatred and the malice of a mortal do to us now, O immortal one?

- Rig Veda (c.1000 BC)

The soma plant, the process of manufacturing its juice and the drinking of it, are the recurring themes of the 9th Mandala of the Rig Veda. Because of its association with higher consciousness and the inability of spiritual seekers and health researchers to locate its habitat, scholars have speculated that soma is actually everything from a hallucinogen found in a genus of mushroom to a form of water reed or even a type of honey. That is likely because the verses in the 9th Mandala poetically describe it in such as way as to make it appear in many forms. But perhaps this is simply because the Tamil Siddhas often couched their formulas in obscure and poetic language, opening a wide door to interpretation by subsequent translators.

Medicine is that which treats the disorders of the physical body;
Medicine is that which treats the disorders of the mind,
Medicine is that which prevents illness;
Medicine is that which enables immortality.

How advanced was the Siddhas' conception of medicine when compared to that of "modern" medicine, which only in this century has included mental illness within its scope of treatment, and has not yet begun to conceive of physical immortality.

In developing and experimenting with the yogic Kriyas (tech­niques) the Siddhas acquired much knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, as well as in the fields of medicine and the processes of rejuvenation.

The Siddha System of Medicine, or "Siddha Vaidya"

In the Siddha system, Chemistry was developed as a science auxiliary to Medicine and Alchemy. It was found useful in the preparation of medicines for curing all sorts of sufferings, spiritual as well as corporeal and also in transmutation of baser metals into gold. The transformation into gold symbolically relates to the energy body in man.

The knowledge of plants and minerals was of a very high order. The processes like calcification of mercury, minerals and metals and the preparation of a super salt known as "muppu", the description of mupu sounds like it had a high mineral amino-acid base, and more than likely stimulated the growth hormone. They utilized animated Mercury pills with high potency possessing marvelous properties of trans­muting metals and capable of rejuvenating the entire human system were unknown to other medical systems of India or other countries. Using such special salts as well as herbal formulae the Siddhas developed the unique science of rejuvenation, known as "kaya kalpa", which allowed them to prolong their lives until the long term effects of Kriya Kundalini Pranayama and similar yogic practices could complete the process of transformation, bringing about physi­cal immortality. The emphasis was to crystallize in our consciousness our body ... being as pure energy. The very cells of the body would glow.

"Oh God! The Eternal Love, just to bestow upon me the golden body, you, the Universal Love have merged with my heart. Allowing Yourself to be infused in me, Oh Supreme Love. You with the Light of Grace have alchemized my body." - Canto 6, chapter 1, verse 480.

Most tribal societies living in nature used psychoactive substances as part of their spiritual practice or to contact the Gods... The use of psychoactive drugs has been with men since the dawn of creation. How can we apply the ancient practices and the modern drugs and supplements to enhance our vitality and open ourselves to the Body of Light?

"I am John Krajewski, a visionary artist from back in the 60's having done posters and Album covers. The rolling stone called my cover for "Iron Butterfly Live" mystical and visionary art. My art was a way to convey the ecstasy and experiences with psychedelic Kriya Yoga. My initial discovery of Kriya Yoga occurred under LSD. I have had initiations is this Sovereign Science by Masters through out the east. In India, Indonesia, and Burma. Forms of Kriya Yoga are know in all ancient cultures. I am forever grateful and deeply respectful to all the teachers I have met. In a forthcoming blog I will share some of these encounters. I have practiced steadfastly for over 45 years with and without plant medicine. The real initiation happens as you do the practice. Kriya Yoga is the real inner teacher. It is a love affair with the Divine."

You can reach John at [email protected] or find him on Facebook ...

... to be continued in the next blog post, Psychedelic Kriya Yoga - Part 2

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Here is a fascinating documentary titled "The Afterlife Investigations" about the after life and our interaction with the unseen spirit world.

Narrated by Britain’s leading investigative journalist Donal MacIntyre, this award-winning film presents the most compelling scientific evidence for life after death ever presented in any documentary. Full of never-before-seen material we explore four astonishing afterlife investigations.

The Scole Experiment

For five years a group of researchers and mediums came together in the tiny English village of Scole. During five hundred investigations they produced more evidence for the possibility of life after death than any other experiment in the history of the paranormal. The events at Scole were so spectacular and so regular it was possible for a team of internationally renowned scientists to investigate the phenomena under strictly controlled conditions. They described the Scole Experiment as ‘the greatest afterlife experiment ever conducted in the Western world.’

Some of the amazing events witnessed by the scientists included: two-way communication with a group of deceased personalities via the mediums; video recordings of spirit faces; hand written messages which appeared on factory-sealed, unopened photographic film; the materialization of solid spirit forms and many more ‘miraculous’ events that broke all known laws of science. Publicity for the Scole Experiment will soon explode. A US production company is currently dramatizing the story into a two-hour special for a major US broadcaster.

Marcelo Bacci

In Italy we explore the work of internationally famous medium, Marcelo Bacci. For years, thousands of grieving parents from around the world have visited his centre. Many say they can hear the voices of their deceased children speak through his radio. Our cameras were able to capture this extraordinary process as it happened. Mothers weep with joy as they recognize the voices of their departed children.

Scientific investigations into Bacci include voice print analysis using FBI software. Recordings of people’s voices before they died have been compared to those emerging from Bacci’s radio have produced a 97% match. This is the first time Bacci’s work has appeared in a UK/US production.

Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP)

Recently popularized in the Hollywood blockbuster - White Noise - practitioners of the Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) claim to be able to pick up the voices of the dead using simple tape recorders. In the US we visit a mother who claims to have ongoing communication with her deceased son via EVP. Since his death twenty years ago, she has produced hundreds of clear EVP samples. She is convinced they originate from her son because she is able to recognize his voice and the audio contains specific phrases that only he used.

Critics say EVP is just the pick up of stray broadcast signals. But we follow a former NASA scientist, and the world’s leading EVP researcher, into a laboratory that is totally shielded from all sound and electromagnetic signals. Despite it being a scientific impossibility he is able to produce an EVP sample in front of our cameras.

Allison DuBois

Allison DuBois is the most famous medium in the world. Her real life abilities are dramatized in NBC’s hit TV series Medium staring Patricia Arquette. During the production of this film the chief investigator into the Scole Experiment died during a lecture presentation. Our cameras captured this tragic event. We then challenged Dubois to take part in a controlled experiment. Could she contact the dead scientist? As we filmed she was able to accurately describe how and where he died. Her description is intercut with footage of his death to show just how well Dubois succeeded.

Have these Afterlife Investigations finally provided definitive scientific evidence for life after death? You decide.

Reference : The Afterlife Investigations

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Renato Longato was born in Lima, Peru in 1961. He studied Sociology, Law, and Political Science at the Inca Garcilazo de la Vega University, and is an author, researcher, and lecturer. Renato's life changed after three consecutive UFO sightings in 1979. His experiences and ET contacts increased over the years.

In 1991 and 1992, he traveled extensively through Peru, working for FOPTUR, the Peruvian Found for Promotional Tourism, as a field investigator and promoter of alternative tourism, known as Mystical Tourism. During his several trips, he visited many UFO hot spots and power places.

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In the following videos Renato Longato discusses his UFO sightings and his first hand account of benevolent contacts with Nordic looking Extraterrestrials.

In the following video, Renato Longato films a UFO at the ECETI Ranch where he was a guest speaker at the 2010 Science, Spirit & World Transformation Conference on the 7th of April 2010 at 9:52 pm.

Reference : Renato Longato

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It's these unseen frequencies which alter our state of consciousness and carry us into an ocean of ecstasy and joy.

In the following video Eckhart shares his views on music ...

“Music creates a bridge for people to move out of thinking and into presence,”
- Eckhart Tolle

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In this documentary film, director Velcrow Ripper takes us on a journey deep inside the global revolution of the heart that is erupting around the planet.

Humanity is waking up to the fact that the dominant system of power is failing to provide us with health, happiness or meaning.

The resulting crisis has become the catalyst for a profound transformation: millions of people are deciding that enough is enough ... the time has come to create a new world, a world that works for all life.

From the Arab Spring to the European Summer, from the Occupy Movement to the global climate justice movement, a profound shift is taking place: humanity is waking up to the fact that the dominant system of power is failing to provide us with health, happiness or meaning. The old paradigm that concentrates wealth, founded on the greed of the few, is collapsing. Endless growth on a finite planet cannot be sustained. The resulting crisis has become the catalyst for a profound transformation: millions of people are deciding that enough is enough – the time has come to create a new world, a world that works for all life.

Woven throughout the moving, action oriented backbone of the story, is a deep exploration of the heart of the movement, the meaning of love, and concrete examples of just what “another world” could look like, featuring some of the world’s key visionaries on alternative systems of economics, sustainability, and empathy.

Occupy Love is a moving, transformative, heartfelt film, featuring Ripper’s signature stunning visuals and rich soundscapes. A powerful cinematic experience that will leave audiences inspired.

Reference : Occupy Love

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Visitors From Space is a Finnish UFO documentary dubbed in English featuring incidences of Alien Contact and UFO sightings by credible eyewitnesses.

Even though UFO sightings under the influence of psychedelics might not be taken seriously by some people, I personally feel they are as credible and legitimate as the other ones.

Psychedelics can open up a window into the unseen realms that surround us ... also by awakening the Mind's Eye one can get a peek into these invisible realms of existence !

One of the good UFO documentaries bringing a whole lot of relevant information to light ....

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Along with throngs of other western baby boomers’ offspring, Australian filmmaker Darius Devas travelled to Anjuna Beach in 2010. The boomers themselves had been there in the late sixties, when the infamous Goa hippie movement was founded in the Indian beach paradise. A milestone in their self-development, with a lot of rock ‘n’ roll, alcohol, drugs and free love.

Forty years later – and half a life older – they meet again, thanks to the Goa community on Facebook. How do they look back on their hippie parties? What has become of their dreams? Why did they want to be reunited with the Goa family one last time? Georgette (57) and Raymond (65) seem to have hung on to their hedonistic ways, but Monica (56) left Goa a drug addict and Steve (60) claims that the rise of techno music killed the true hippie feeling.

Initially, Devas posted his video portraits on Facebook, but encouraged by the large demand he decided to create a stand-alone web documentary, supplemented with all sorts of goodies, like fact sheets, photo galleries and background videos on such typical Goa subjects as drugs and spirituality. And while most of the former hippies claim to want little to do with Facebook, the physical reunion would never have happened without the virtual one.

Reference : Goa Hippy Tribe

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This February ... Evolver explores conscious love, sexuality and intimacy in its many forms...

Are you loving, and being loved, as deeply as you want?

Have you wondered how you can offer and receive love, through your body and your whole being, more and more unconditionally?

Would you like to tap into practices that blend the most profound and blissful tantric and mystical traditions with expanded consciousness?

Would you like to live as love rather than just visit it from time to time?

For this pathbreaking Evolver Intensives course, host Adam Gilad has assembled 7 leading experts on the ways that sensuality and intimacy provide an ecstatic path to profound spiritual experience: Annie Lalla, Alex Allman, Sera Beak, Michael Mirdad, Marc Gafni, Carol Queen and Reid Mihalko.

With humor, with infinite heart, and with compassion for the fear and pain we all experience, we are going to explore Eros, sexuality, consciousness and vision. Snuggling with the juiciest, sexiest core of our intertwining bodies, and with the most blissed-out dissolution of our small selves into the awakening of our fullest expression as conscious beings, we will discover what we can evolve into as individuals, as lovers and as a species…

Sex is play. Sex is surrender. Sex is profound and dangerous and an exhilarating discovery – of our truest selves and the selves of our lovers.

After all, the ancient Hebrew mystics didn’t say, “And Adam banged Eve.” They wrote, he “knew” her.

How can your sexual self be the crucible of knowing yourself anew? Of knowing your lover with both profundity and lightness, with both fierceness and the tenderness of a newborn’s touch?

Sex can be entertainment, distraction, obsession -- or it can be revelation of our truest selves, our most infinite consciousness. Through our bodies touching, we can touch the divine.

And we can feel – when we drop our anxieties, our bills, our status, our egos – what we can be as human in the act of “becoming.”

Few speak on this subject with Adam Gilad's remarkable insight and infectious enthusiasm. The 50,000 followers of Adam's dating and relationships newsletter already appreciate his unique mix of global wisdom traditions, spiritual cheekiness, advanced education and expansive practices. His legendary audio trainings and special programs cover topics like: learning the “language” of the other gender; cultivating a dance of the sexes rather than a battle; playing the spectrum of sexual polarity; and always, always, always, opening to fearlessness in self-awareness, self-evolution, compassion, forgiveness and really good wine.

Now you can join Adam and his guests for a 5-session live, interactive video course that will stoke your imagination and answer your questions. Each session will be a dialog between Adam and one or two featured guests. And you will be part of the discussion, able to ask your questions on camera, just like a Skype call.

Together with these extraordinary teachers, we will explore…

• How we can live our lives suffused by Eros – and what the impact can be for ourselves our lovers and the web of life into which we are woven
• How to embed our current experience of sexuality into a broader life of Eros
• How to transform shame into fuel for a profound erotic embrace of self and the other
• How to turn the passion of our intimate relationships into crucibles for awakening and co-evolution
• How to meld, through Eros, the dissolution of Eastern meditative wisdom with the Western tradition of dignified individualism
• How to transmute our unique stories of suffering and loneliness into a path of bliss, love, service and celebration
• How to embrace our own evolution and grow ever deeper into a life of love, intimacy, ecstasy and joy

This course takes place on 5 Sundays between February 10 and March 10, and you can participate from your laptop anywhere in the world with a broadband connection. If you can watch a YouTube video, you can take part in this course.

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Living from a place of conscious awareness can be extremely challenging in a world that primarily thrives on the illusions of a 5 sensory reality. The mental chaos is a direct result of us not being able to fully be in the present. As we drift into our own thoughts of the past or the future we start to alter our present vibrational state based on our emotions attached to those thoughts ... hence start manifesting a similar reality for ourselves and others around us ... each time, yet another repeatable drama emerges from this way of living unless one has mastered the art of transcending attachment to outcome and learned to flow in peace, in silence ...

On this journey we are all alone though there might be others who share some part of your journey while they too are on a journey of their own choice ... we can only create meaning for ourselves and live the life we wish to ... while allowing others to do the same ... there are many dark forests of realization to walk through before we can get to the other side ... and then there might still be some more forests to explore ... its through this exploration we find new ways to give meaning to this thing we call life ...

The meaning of life is in living and not searching for a meaning to life ... one could still search though ... it's still living, init :) We are all here for a while in this vehicle body, however long or short our stay may be, the best we can do is be nice to one another and live in harmony with all ... in balance with the natural way of life ! Feeling the heartbeat of mother Earth within our being always ... Breathe ... Love ... Be ~ _/\_ ~

No matter what we've been through in our lives, we always have the choice to let go off the past and start afresh ... let's make most of our time here and share the love and light all around us ...

Love You ! In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...

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