

The Great Tantra of the conversion of the physical body into the body of light occurs from the identification of the mind with the explosive force of the openness to the light. This practice creates a new awareness that we are also a body of light. In the sexual act if our focus is on the energy moving throughout the body, in particular the spine and deep brain rapture. Both partners can practice this conductivity during the sexual act. It intensifies the sensual experience and allows the male to have control of giving the woman prolonged pleasure. The male may climax several times in the pleasure center in the head. Then the release as desired through the genitals. The woman feels greater sensation internally and is moved to the light.

We may see light especially when we release into a conscious climax. This is why sex and death are so closely related.

A Kriya technique is sitting crossed legged on each other during a psychedelic session and breathe rhythmically each other’s breath consciously. This produces the experience of the conductivity through both beings.

As we let go of our last breath riding the energy to the apex in the top of the head, called the crown chakra, we merge into the great light above the head. Bringing the energy to the head during the sexual act a inner climax occurs. Tantric yogis can do this again and again. Then a release can occur at will. Through this process multiple climaxes will occur. ‘The practice of Kriya yoga has an auto erotic quality, as the energy moves up from the gentalia region to the mid brain.

This process can be cultivated through Kriya Yoga while we are in this body. Whereby in our meditation we conduct the energy up and down the spine. Feeling and experiencing its resonance in our mid brain is a profound ecstasy.


Eventually you will know yourself in a new form that of a light body. In the Tibetan tradition it is called rainbow body. The energy body or a body of light is within the capacity of the human experience. It can be crystallized by being aware of another dimension, which is beyond the mind.

The Yogi experiences a feeling of bliss, which is unifying by nature. It can be seen as light and often felt as Joy. And doing the practice of Kriya yoga, during the pause between breaths. There is a cessation of thought abiding in the presence of pure Being.

We become aware of worlds beyond mind and form as we know it. This becomes crystallized or held without any obstructions and is radiant light in all directions. From our present point of view. It is immortality. This is not a concept. It cannot be held by mind or memory. There is nothing to identify with. It simply is. A halo sometimes can be seen around the body being or at the least a sense of experience of a sphere of light. This is the Light body in the Tibetan tradition, the rainbow body. There may be psychedelic states in which this light body is momentarily revealed to us on experiential level. However, it is not held on to, or crystallized in this field of awareness. The Yogi knows this through the vehicle of the conductivity of the breath., and is able with practice to crystallize the rainbow body . You are this body of light. This world of the duality, is but a shadow world of thought, sound and form emanating from the body of light.


Each of the nerve plexus or Chakras in the body mind being can open to your higher emotional mind which allows us to perceive experientially a whole different dimension of reality beyond thought. This experience can become crystallized within the being and allow us to move into a body of light. The Kriya Yogi learns to master the movement of energy using the body as a vehicle to conduct the light through the centers. Each center has a distinct feeling and a higher emotional octave. In the lower center sex center one can feel the heat, and pleasure in the vital center just below the navel one can feel a sense of energetic vitality and strength. Then as one moves into the heart center we can feel a feeling of goodness of warmth of love that moves out beyond the confines of the physical body... The throat center often called the center of action has a vibrant quality of a different kind energy and felt as if to project out. Then we moved into the medulla oblongata at the base of the cranium this is where the pleasure center is located and the old brain a very important center to Kriya yogis since this is where you lift the muscles in the back of the neck. This activates the pleasure centers in the reptilian brain and contributes to whole brain rapture As this lifting process occurs we feel pressure on the pineal gland or third eye which feels like an opening to new sense of awareness the energy apex in the center of the head. This center is often depicted in Southeast Asian Buddha’s as a flame above the head. As these centers open we feel full body rapture. In yoga this is know as the bliss sheath.

A simple exercise to master the feeling of each center would be to take even breaths in and out feeling each of the centers independent of one another.

As you breathe in and out feel sense of pleasure in the coccyx. Then move the attention into the solar plexus, the stomach often drops as it relaxes and a sense of vitality and strength can be felt as you breathe in and out. Martial artist often practice this form of breathing. Now move the attention to the heart center you can feel it as deep emotional love. Then move to the throat center one feels almost a sense of vitality as you do from the vital center but different. Then breathe and feel the seat of consciousness the medulla oblongata. It can be felt as pleasure. this activation of the pleasure center can often bring the entire body energies unite and the whole brain feels that it is if it is lit up. Now breathing in and out through the penal body I you will feel distinct feeling and pressure their also a very peaceful enjoyable sense of self. Finally the crown center opens automatically but it feels is if something is rising up in and about the body like a flame this can be felt very subtle extremely subtle. Enjoy the breath and joy of your being.

The feeling of the centers is particularly acute under the influence of various phycedelic substances. As you become aware of these centers, it will contribute to the Kriya conductivity of the breath.


The art work below shows the energy moving upward from the heart to the head. The Ka or soul as the Egyptians called it.


The use of psychoactive plants in the early history of mankind for spiritual and metaphysical purposes has been well documented in many of the ancient cultures. As I mentioned before the 18 Siddhas of southern India, the early Taoists use of various of chemical potions for immortality, and the unrecorded prehistory of literature seen in signs and symbols in the Mayan Aztec and Toltec cultures as well as your eastern Indian and Taoist cultures.

In using primarily psychedelic drugs today we are able to go within and be very sensitive to the movement of energies and feelings in the body and even have the experience all of the light body as well. But to use these chemicals whether they are natural or man-made without yoga is like a ship in a storm without a Rudder. It's not that you can control the experience but you can participate with it in a particular way. As I mentioned earlier in feeling the various centers in the body when this practice is engaged in with the use of psychedelics, deep feelings and ecstasy is aroused from the various centers. This indeed is a fast-forward way of learning yogic practices. Unfortunately due to the social misinformation and fear of psychedelic drugs this use of learning and knowledge of an inner being has been dismissed and labeled hallucinatory. The idea of the modern Shaman or Yogi would be to be able to enter these non-ordinary states almost at will under
the right circumstances and enjoy the bliss and ecstasy at will without the use of drugs... This takes some practice while using psychoactive substances but is well worth while. To be able to enter the states of oneness and be opened to divine love is one of the greatest tasks a man can take with use of this body being.
Interestingly enough in my own case I had by chance or effort come to the end of the great search to find myself, to understand and to experience a direct relationship with God when the search ended my inner life really began without the limitation intention of trying to achieve a particular goal or state.


The elixir of immortality is felt as the life force rising up the spine. Plant medicine and supplements assist in the alchemical transformation.
In the ancient recorded traditions of Taoism and yoga often herbal and mineral mixtures were used along with elixirs, for good health, wellbeing and immortality. Many of these potions have been lost or hidden in symbolic rhetoric. Soma in India is a good example of this. Today we have smart drugs and supplements which affect master glands, the Pituitary, Pineal and hypothalamus which orchestrate our hormone secretions.
The brain is our greatest sensual pleasure organ when we learn how to activate through Kriya Yoga we can experience states of bliss and rapture at will.

This was my desire when I first started taking psychedelics since I would feel pressure in the pituitary region of the brain third eye and feel pleasure and intensity in the mid brain. There are a few herbal products that affect the mid brain directly much in the same way psychedelics do without the depletion that can follow a trip.

Dopa Bean Mucuna Pruiens, has a high degree of dopamine. High levels of dopamine improve sex drive and memory. It stimulates the Pituitary gland to produce growth hormone. Although dopamine is associated with movement the inner movement of Kriya Yoga is also amplified. Mushrooms and LSD cause a dramatic release of dopamine in the brain often when you are high you want to dance and you have a sense of vitality.
The yogi, through Kriya yoga is able to stimulate the pineal and pituitary gland using the breath and inner pumps to saturate the brain with nutrient laden blood.

By ingesting Dopa Mucuna and doing Kriya yoga the pituitary gland releases DMT. This would explain when doing the Kriya practice there is a flight into the light. There are a large range of anti-oxidants when delivered to the mid brain create an enhancement of the sensation of whole brain rapture. I use a large range of noontopics and supplements for longevity, health and a feeling of wellbeing. I suggest reading “Brain Longevity” by Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa MD. This book describes in detail the health benefits and variety of brain mind products. Supplements react differently with each of us. You need to experiment and see what results you achieve. High doses of anti oxidants driven to the mid brain create a rapture. Some that I use regularly are DMG, Alpha Lipoic Acid. C Q 10, DMAE and Phosphatidyserine to name a few. I am always interested in new supplements for life enhancement.

Remember you are taking the supplements to the mid brain, with Kriya practice, where they do the most good.


There are some very advanced techniques in Kriya yoga. A couple I like to discuss here. They are only advanced in as much as it is essential to feel the centers and feel the movement of the conductivity in the body that's the primary basic practice of Kriya Yoga.

Inner breathing is a very deep internal movement in the body in the Taoist tradition is called bone breathing this is because your core essential nature is pulsating. This is prior than the function of the lungs but a deep inner movement.

One way of accessing this would be to do the bellows, followed by doing a Kriya on the last inhaled breathe.
Open the chest as you breathe in with a short than long double breath. Use a double breath so it fills the lower and upper cavity of the lungs and then exhale much in the same way is pushed out rapidly like a bellows. You can do several of these as many as you can handle. But be careful I've seen people come right off the ground and levitate while doing this. I myself when I first did it was thrown completely across the room. So go with care as in all yoga.

So one would do the bellows until you feel a fullness, where there's no need to breath, usually on the inhaled breath. It is then held. As in the conductivity you turn the tongue to the upper palate. Then roll the tongue back and tightens the anal sphincter muscles or the yoni and comfortably holds the breath. This is then held and your lower center is felt.. Then let the energy rise up using the three pumps. The lower abdomen then through the heart and then pushed up using the jade pillow or muscles in the back of the neck by the Medulla into the midbrain. This is a very powerful exercise. The more you practice Kriya yoga you will learn how to draw this energy up and down in the body with or without the breath this deep or inner breathing. This practice takes you to unimaginable openings.

As I mentioned earlier I have practiced Kriya yoga for over 45 years it is a never ending process of continuous opening. If there is any form of evolution it certainly is not the being but the nervous system does involve. We become more sensitive and aware of our surroundings as I had mentioned. The various Sidhis or powers that sometimes arise as a result of these practices ultimately are simply a joyful expression of self realization.

"I am John Krajewski, a visionary artist from back in the 60's having done posters and Album covers. The rolling stone called my cover for "Iron Butterfly Live" mystical and visionary art. My art was a way to convey the ecstasy and experiences with psychedelic Kriya Yoga. My initial discovery of Kriya Yoga occurred under LSD. I have had initiations in this Sovereign Science by Masters through out the east. In India, Indonesia, and Burma. Forms of Kriya Yoga are known in all ancient cultures. I am forever grateful and deeply respectful to all the teachers I have met. In a forthcoming blog I will share some of these encounters. I have practiced steadfastly for over 45 years with and without plant medicine. The real initiation happens as you do the practice. Kriya Yoga is the real inner teacher. It is a love affair with the Divine."

You can reach John at [email protected] or find him on Facebook ...

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The one story which has the potential of making tremendous change in our reality is undoubtedly the story of the UFO phenomena and the major cover up surrounding information on Extraterrestrials and the truth about our origins. Most of you reading this are probably well aware of the presence of other intelligences amongst us both in the seen and unseen realms around Earth.

There might still be some of us who look at all of this phenomenal information about UFOs and ETs from a skeptical viewpoint. This is not to convince anyone to change their ideas or views about anything, but to simply open one's mind to the possibility of the information shared, being true ! It does change everything we think we know about our world and perhaps this is the reason why most of us are afraid to let go off our illusions and our attachment to them.

Former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer shares his views on ETs and the ongoing UFO Cover Up ...

We can always discount others experiences for not being evidence enough to believe there is something of importance going on, worth paying attention to. However, we all have something called 'Intuition', an inner knowing which is our guiding system, which when awakened, can help separate wheat from the chaff. The very fact that this information is coming from highly respectable, credible witnesses, it becomes something of importance, worthy of our attention ... This is most definitely a big step forward in the process of full UFO Disclosure and change to sustainable free energy technologies, which have been kept secret by the big money making cartels of our world.

There is a documentary film titled "Somewhere Out There" which features some of these successful experiments in Free Energy and shows how this technology has been suppressed by someone who obviously does not want this information out in the mainstream so they can make some more money. Free energy like the same suggests is available to everyone for Free, hence cannot be metered ... which totally shifts the money making paradigm to something more sustainable and meaningful. Maybe there is another way to live our lives, just waiting round the corner to emerge as we strive forth in our quest to find meaning to life ...

The best we can do is, be the light and walk the way we choose to ... with love !

Reference : Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure

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In Modern India there are Naga Baba sects devoted to the use of psychedelics, Ganja and Bhang. Along with yoga practices. One of the most renowned Babas was Ganesh Baba Swami Ganeshananda Gir.

In the early part of his life he was a successful and wealthy businessman. Some time after 1945 he retired from worldly life and took sanyas vows, becoming a monk in the tradition of the Naga Babas, more exactly, in the Anandakara branch of the movement founded by Shankaracharya. He received spiritual teachings from several sources, but his main spiritual practice was Kriya Yoga.

Ganesh Baba stated that he received the four Kriya Yoga initiations from Lahiri Mahasaya (at the age of four, when he was brought to Lahiri Mahasay on the verge of death from cholera), He became well-known to young Westerners visiting India in the 1960s. In the late 1970s he lived at Swayambunath (near Kathmandu) where he received many visitors and gave courses in Kriya Yoga practice.

Everyone who met him were impressed and he was held in high esteem by both Indians and Westerners. He was talkative and would spend hours regaling his listeners with what some might call 'tall tales'.

In the 70’s Ganesh Baba met Timothy Leary in Nepal and shortly after came to NYC. was true to form psychedelic Kriya yogi. He used all forms of psychedelics of the time, and was particularly fond of LSD. He was known to take outrageous amounts of mushrooms, ganja and Acid and remain present and joyful. His statement “once a psychedelic always a psychedelic” says it all. Once you have tasted the bliss and ecstasy of the psychedelic experience you are never the same. He advocated being perfectly present and a straight spine to conduct the pranic life force. He looked like Mr. Natural, a comic strip character of the 60’s. A joyful and cherubic Santa Clause.

Inspite of his ganja smoking demeanor he was a strict disciplinarian. And demanded full and perfect attention no matter how stoned your where. He also advocated the use of psychedelics only for spiritual work. And he was an ecstatic trance dancer.

Teachings of Ganesh Baba including the conscious control of prana and breath, and how to expand the consciousness and connect with universal energy.

“This is a holy plant for the Sadhus, it can give you a glimpse of the divine at work. The Kriya-technique utilizes the eye piece provided at the pineal plexus within the human cerebrum, along the cerebral-spinal channel. The individual ego-consciousness expands the Cosmic Action (Kriya) to embrace the total context of consciousness in the entire cosmos around us-the highest attainable level of consciousness which the most perfected human being can ever attain. The realization of Universal Unity results in a harmonious rapport being established between the individual and the Universal. A sense of belonging, a sense of affinity among All in the Universe wells up in the self-realized soul making for peace, happiness, bliss and beatitude.”

Ganesh Baba's teachings incorporated Western scientific concepts. He taught that there is a cyclic cosmic process of involution and evolution, and he developed a system of correspondences - a "Cycle of Synthesis" - between levels of Kriya Yoga practice, the five koshas, the planets, the kayas, the Yugas, the Chakras, the stages of organic evolution and the Jungian psychological types. He left three manuscripts and many volumes of short essays and papers. The longer manuscripts, "Search of Self," an unfinished autobiography, "Sadhana," a kriya yoga manual, and a detailed essay on his Cycle of Synthesis, are synthesized and updated as The Crazy Wisdom of Ganesh Baba, by Eve Neuhaus (2010).

In 1979 he had developed eye cataracts and was going blind. His Western followers arranged for him to visit the U.S.A. for an operation, as a result of which he recovered his sight. Since many of the young Westerners who had met him in India and Nepal were glad to have him in the U.S. he remained there for seven years, teaching Kriya Yoga to small groups on the East Coast and West Coast. He returned to India in 1986. He visited a Kriya Yoga center in France (which was established by his French followers), then went back to India. He died at Nainital on 19 November 1987, and is buried at the Alakha Nath Temple in Bareilly.


To lump all drugs together is unfortunate. There are good drugs or plant medicines or bad drugs which deplete and destroy the body. There are empathogens like MDMA that are useful in the psychiatric communities. New research on mushrooms shows a beneficial prolonged change in consciousness. Much more research is needed.

Bur it is easy to abuse drugs, and therefore it makes it a dangerous path that can lead to self-abuse. When you get high your boundaries collapse and your sense of judgment. I consider psychedelic drugs in a separate category they are sacraments and they should be treated as such in ancient cultures they were used for spiritual purposes only. Today they're very prevalent on the party scene and indiscriminate use. Overuse tends to stretch the body’s’ ability to heal. To larger dose can cause imbalance in the dopamine or serotonin pathways and recovery time is necessary.

Ganesh Baba had his students only use plant medicines and marijuana for spiritual purpose and practice. I agree with this. Ideally one could be able to use less and less of the medicine and have a greater and greater response as you master the conductivity of the breath and the ability to bring sacred substances to the mid brain where it has its most advantageous use. Your body mind remembers these open ecstatic states. When doing practice, you reactivate the experience and open. Eventually homeopathic doses or none at all to achieve the same result.

A brief description of yoga and the sheaths or bodies of our Being.

According to yoga, the human being is composed of several concentric bodies, or sheaths of energy consciousness, from gross to subtle levels.

1. The physical body: the material, visible part of the human being, including the body consciousness at the cellular level which acts without any mental will of our own or even against that will; it has emerged from the Inconscient, the inverse reproduction of the Supreme Superconscient.

2. The vital body: the life nature made up of desires, sensations, feelings, passions, energies of action, will of desire, possessive and other related instincts, anger, fear, greed, lust, sorrow, joy, hatred, repulsion, pride, small likings and disliking’s, etc.

3. The mental body (manas): sense mind; that part which has to do with cognition, perception through the senses, the reactions of thoughts to things, the putting out of mental forces for realization of an idea; the expression of ideas as through speech.

4. The intellectual body (buddhi): reasoning mind; that which analyzes, synthesizes and constructs ideas from signs, indications and gathered data; mind is a subordinate power of Supermind which takes its stand in the standpoint of division, actually forgetful here of the oneness behind, though able to return to it by reillumination from the Supramental (Truth Consciousness).

5. The spiritual body: the eternal true being or Self of the individual; the spiritual consciousness is that in which we enter into the awareness of self, the Spirit, the Divine

In ordinary life, the current of life moves down and through the body. The body decays and falls into the ground and becomes dust. In Kriya yoga, we reverse that process by literally raising the body into the light energizing the cells and acquiring awareness of the energy body. This process is only for a few that are moved to meditate and practice in this way.


The practice becomes a way of life, once the search for enlightenment collapses.

A visual example of the inner movement. The centers open and Self awareness occurs spontaneously.


I would like to at this time draw attention to the three pumps in the body and how they can facilitate the energy moving into higher centers in the brain. A side note, the brain controls many of the processes in the body such as growth, and of emotions. It is capable of the experience of Bliss... Therefore it makes sense that when blood and spinal fluid with nutrients are pumped into the brain for assimilation. Great benefits can be derived. In the practice, pressure is put on some of the ductless glands. The pineal and pituitary which control growth and subtle experience. The third eye. That being said, let's look a little closer at the three pumps.

First of all in the practice air enters the body through the mouth. But literally by the focus of our attention we feel the energy entering through the pineal gland or third eye. The energy moving down into the lower navel area. Holding the breath filling the lower abdominal region thus putting pressure on the sexual organs. This is where the first pump comes into play. The Anal sphincter muscles tighten and hold lifting up gently. For women a slight pressure on the clitoris with the folded palms. The tongue is turned back upon itself and raised at the soft palate. This locks the energy into the body and should be completely comfortable as you become an adept in the practice. The pressure is slightly felt to push down upon the sexual center or for men the prostate gland. This can induce a feeling of pleasure and heat. This feeling is felt to draw up as the air is exhaled gently. It is felt to rise up the back of the spine.

The inhalation sound is a slight houwlllll as the air is inhaled. Then houwww as exhaled. The first pump comes into play in lifting up of the anal sphincter muscles. This feels as if energy is been being lifted into the navel area. The solar plexus moves the energy in a lifting fashion. It is felt to move up into the heart central area of the body where it can be felt as a feeling of warmth, emotion and well-being an expanded sense of self. That's the second pump in the heart center (you can feel this subtle lift when you naturally breathe in your chest rises.) in the exhale you feel a slight tension in the back as the energy is consciously drawn upward. It is important as not to stress yourself in this movement. It's as natural as breathing in and breathing out. Then comes the third pump, right behind the neck muscles which hold the cranium and the medulla in place. In Taoism this is called the jade pillow.

These muscles are lifted, while the tongue is simultaneously pressed on the hard ridge inside of the mouth. This is said to be a pressure point that activates the pineal gland the third eye. This push pushes blood and spinal fluid up into the brain. During climax, ecstasy or joy these muscles move upward automatically. The first area felt is the medulla oblongata. This is the old brain and contains the pleasure centers and activates full brain rapture. Known as the Bliss sheath in yogic lore. A slight pressure is then felt in the pituitary center. This literally milks the gland so that it secretes various hormones that are beneficial to the body. Hence Kriya yoga has been use since early time for physical regeneration.

Yogis would use his practice to prolong life, so they could do austerities and tapas (spiritual disciplines,). The body is a vehicle that can be used to perceive all dimensions. We are multi dimensional. Many of these dimensions are perceived in yogic ways and in silence. Kriya yoga facilitates that process.

The best practice to be free and silence your mind forever whether it is moving or not is simple. DON’T BELIEVE YOUR THOUGHTS. They will come and go and I might ad as you move on this incredible journey don’t believe any experience as well.

You are an Amazing Being !

"I am John Krajewski, a visionary artist from back in the 60's having done posters and Album covers. The rolling stone called my cover for "Iron Butterfly Live" mystical and visionary art. My art was a way to convey the ecstasy and experiences with psychedelic Kriya Yoga. My initial discovery of Kriya Yoga occurred under LSD. I have had initiations in this Sovereign Science by Masters through out the east. In India, Indonesia, and Burma. Forms of Kriya Yoga are known in all ancient cultures. I am forever grateful and deeply respectful to all the teachers I have met. In a forthcoming blog I will share some of these encounters. I have practiced steadfastly for over 45 years with and without plant medicine. The real initiation happens as you do the practice. Kriya Yoga is the real inner teacher. It is a love affair with the Divine."

You can reach John at [email protected] or find him on Facebook ...

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Couple of years ago while googling for child birthing options available, I came across natural birthing techniques such as Water Births assisted by midwives at home. In our world today very rarely do we see these options explored by women due to a lack of awareness and the fear of experiencing unimaginable pain during child birthing.

I was simply amazed after I came across a video of an Orgasmic Birth which is nowhere close to the painful screaming and yelling shown in movies.

Here are some short videos highlighting some these Orgasmic Child Birth experiences ...

Watch Amy's Hypnobirthing Video on Youtube (Google made us remove the video for Adult Sexual Content)

Organic Birth : Movie Trailer (YouTube)

Orgasmic Birth

Nassim Haramein, a well known physicist is also shown assisting his wife Amber during her child birth. Nassim says, "Birthing doesn't necessarily have to be a traumatic experience. It can be an experience of ecstatic joy."

'Orgasmic Birth' is a documentary film that examines the intimate nature of birth, an everyday miracle, and the powerful role it plays in women’s lives when they are permitted to experience it fully. This documentary asks viewers to reexamine everything they thought they knew about giving birth and the potential it holds.

Undisturbed birth is revealed as an integral part of women’s sexuality and a widely neglected human right. Couples share their birth experiences, discussing their fears and how they found the support, nurturing, and ultimately the power and strength within themselves to labor and birth their babies in a beautiful, loving, and ecstatic way.

In the film, world-renowned midwife Ina May Gaskin helps us to understand the normal rhythms of labor and women’s ability to have ecstatic birthing experiences.

It is possible to have an ecstatic birth—in fact, that is the best natural high that I know of. And these states of consciousness are best reached when a woman is fully aware and fully awake. Women don’t have a way to know how their body works until they really try it out in birth. I think that women can be just completely surprised by the change in them from giving birth—you have something powerful in you—that fierce thing comes up—and I think babies need moms to have that fierceness—you feel like you can do anything and that’s the feeling we want moms to have.

Women can experience birth as sensual and pleasurable, and can enter a natural state of ecstasy. New research shows that the intimate experience of birth affects a woman’s life profoundly. Babies are also affected emotionally and physically, and over the long term, by their birth experience.

Orgasmic Birth examines ways in which our current system of care during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period disrupts the normal rhythms of birth and causes a myriad of other problems. Richard Jennings, Director of Midwifery at Bellevue Hospital Birth Center, New York City, says:

The question is, ‘Why not go to a high-risk hospital? No matter what goes wrong, they can deal with it.’ The problem is, as you get higher in the hierarchy, the more they treat every woman as if she is high risk.

According to Maureen Corry, Executive Director of Childbirth Connection, New York City:

Results of the U.S. Listening to Mothers Survey demonstrate that technology-intensive birth is the norm, with a majority of women reporting each of the following interventions while giving birth: electronic fetal monitoring, intravenous drip, artificially ruptured membranes, artificial oxytocin to strengthen contractions, and epidural analgesia.

Although a small percentage of births benefit from the use of technology and surgery, the overuse of technology in hospital births today often causes more harm than good. The U.S. cesarean section rate for 2006 was 30.1%, well above what researchers consider safe and appropriate use. Women today, trusting that all offered techniques and procedures are safe, eagerly accept epidural analgesia for pain relief and artificial oxytocin to induce or augment labor. However, these drugs and procedures have many negative short-term and long-term effects on mother and baby that should be considered and questioned. With almost one in three American women having a surgical birth, our experts look at the current data and discuss the risks that overuse of cesarean section is causing to mothers and babies.

Christiane Northrup, MD, a visionary in the field of women’s health and wellness and a board-certified obstetrician–gynecologist, shares her expertise and insight throughout the film. Regarding postpartum depression, she says:

I want women to know that if you’ve had a cesarean birth, an induction, or an epidural, that doesn’t mean you’re not going to bond with your baby or you can’t love this baby, or any of that. Humans are incredibly adaptable. But why adapt if you don’t have to—if you can let your body do what it was designed to do? I believe that the connection between overuse of intervention and postpartum depression is enormous. If women experienced the ecstasy of birth, they would have the high that would get them through the hormonal changes of the next week. Your body and your inner wisdom give you that high.

Brazilian obstetrician Ricardo Jones, MD, discusses the process of giving birth and the role of a physician in that process:

There is a space within our culture for medical interventions. That is why doctors are important in reducing maternal and prenatal mortality. At the same time, we have to honor the traditions of millions of women throughout the world and throughout history. Women have the inner power and the inner knowledge of giving birth. There is a parallel of sexuality and giving birth. Women who are giving birth, trust yourselves. Trust your inner power. Trust your ability to give life. This is something absolutely sacred that is inside all women in the world. A doctor, nurse, and all midwives in the world are people who are not in the position to teach a woman how to give birth, but to make it easier for her to do what she already knows how to do.

Orgasmic Birth captures intimate home births as well as normal births with midwives in US hospitals. With the decrease in hospital-based midwifery practices in the United States, the option for normal hospital birth is gradually disappearing in many communities. We look at other models of midwifery care, such as in New Zealand and the Netherlands—models that have achieved some of the lowest rates of maternal and infant mortality in the world.

Dr. Wagner discusses how a midwifery model of care is cost effective while contributing to a safe and positive birth for mothers, babies, and families:

More and more countries are losing fewer women and losing fewer babies than the US, including Cuba and Slovenia. Countries that we would normally expect not to have such a great record are losing fewer women and fewer babies than we are. And it’s not because we have bad doctors. We have highly trained, very good doctors, as good as anywhere in the world. We have good nurses—as good as any. We don’t have enough midwives! We have 40,000 obstetricians and 5,000 midwives. Great Britain has 1,000 obstetricians and 35,000 midwives, and they lose fewer women and babies than we do.

Ina May Gaskin believes the reason lies in our past:

The United States has a peculiar history about childbirth. There is a higher level of fear of birth in this country than we see in so many cultures around the world. I think it has to do with our own peculiar history of absolutely destroying the profession of midwifery in the early twentieth century. When you destroy midwives, you also destroy a body of knowledge that is shared by women, that can’t be put together by a bunch of surgeons or a bunch of male obstetricians, because physiologically, birth doesn’t happen the same way around surgeons, medically trained doctors, as it does around sympathetic women.

Pain, endorphins, comfort techniques, water, doulas, epidurals: Orgasmic Birth views women’s options for labor and birth and examines the risks and benefits.

Dr. Northrup describes the power felt by a woman who has experienced a natural birth:

When women understand what’s available to us at birth, then we won’t ever give that over to an expert, the birth power, the orgasmic power that’s in our bodies. When you meet a woman who has had an ecstatic birth, you can’t talk her into taking drugs that aren’t good for her body. You can’t talk her into a hysterectomy that she doesn’t need. You can’t talk her into a crummy diet. She’s come home to her body. She knows what this body is capable of. She loves this body. This body loves her. And there’s nothing like the transformation available at birth to nail that in there in such a way that she becomes illuminated, because she’s a channel for life. And then she becomes a channel for life in all its forms.

Join us as we watch the families in the film welcome their babies into the world and see what happens when mothers, babies, fathers, and families are left undisturbed to welcome their newborns into their arms. Worldwide research supports the fact that the best, safest care for healthy full-term newborns is in their mothers’ arms, skin to skin, breastfeeding, feeling safe and nurtured.

Carrie Contey, PhD, a leader in the field of prenatal and perinatal psychology, says:

What we’re finding is that it does matter—it absolutely does matter—how somebody comes into the world. And it doesn’t mean all babies should be born this way or that way. It just means that we have to pay attention and recognize that those babies are having experiences. And the way that birth happens when it’s left to happen naturally, without drugs and without forceps, is really what the baby’s body is expecting. There’s a biological readying that’s happening. So it’s incredibly important that we start thinking about this time period in a new way, and we start caring for moms and babies and families around the birth experience in much more thoughtful and mindful ways than we are doing right now.

Orgasmic Birth encourages viewers examine their perceptions about childbirth and to consider issues that are crucial to the health and well-being of future generations.

The way a woman gives birth has the potential to change how she feels about herself forever.

The way she feels has consequences for how she mothers and cares for her baby. It has consequences for her other relationships and for society.

All babies deserve to be welcomed into their mothers’ arms with love and respect.

Reference : Orgasmic Birth

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While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.

Full Movie

Please share this documentary with all your friends ... it will help create awareness among the masses about our true history and where we are possibly headed ...

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'Ethos' is a brilliant eye opening documentary presented by twice Oscar nominated actor Woody Harrelson which exposes the corrupt political system and the military industrial complex which controls the government in the U.S.

Ethos looks at the systemic issues that work against democracy, the environment, justice and our own personal liberty. However, it is not all bad news. Ethos offers a solution.

A simple but powerful way that you can have your voices heard as they have never been heard before. Watch the film, spread the word, change the world.

Taking Action

FROM PETE MCGRAIN, writer/director of Ethos.

Most of us have got into the habit of voting once every few years and expecting our elected officials to take care of us. In this way we have ‘opted out’ of the process and while we are opted out abuse creeps in. It is clear that just voting once every few years is not working.

In a very real sense you and I are responsible for everything that is wrong with our system and our planet: When we consume our resources recklessly it is you and I that cause the pollution, waste and destruction of our planet; Our consumer demand drives corporations to abuse other nations, stealing their resources to sell them to us, making them ‘dollar’ dependent, sending our waste to their countries for disposal, encouraging child labor, even causing war.

The profits abusive companies make from the money we give them ‘empowers’ them. With the profits from ‘our’ money they have weakened our democracy. They have the power to put ‘their men’ in a position to regulate ‘themselves’.

Our governments, in a very real sense, are now run by multinational businessmen. The business men now own all of the mainstream media so our information is tainted. This has all happened while we were all opted out.
Yes, each and every one of us shares the blame. However, because it is our behavior that has caused this mess, our behavior can fix it.

The most important message of this film is about you and I taking responsibility, learning the facts about what is happening in our world and then acting accordingly. Your consumer choices are the most easily available and powerful way for you to get active. Do not underestimate the power you have right in your hands. No company can continue a practice or a product that you will not buy! This is vitally important information and if you can understand this we are on our way to an incredible new future. But keep in mind, spending less is the primary objective. Having more money does not give you more power if the objective is to spend less.

We have to find alternative sources for news and information that can give us a clearer picture of our world. You will soon find many links on these pages. The terms ‘left and right’ are used to divide us, we have to stop using divisive terms and thinking and find ways to unify around goals that can sustain us.

Listen to all of the information you can before you make a decision. Importantly, examine the things ‘you’ think to see if they can really move us all forward together. And then, take full responsibility for the outcome of your actions.

Our bad consumer choices are killing everything that is good. Our wise consumer choices can re shape our corporatocracy. Buying from socially responsible companies will empower good business.

The minute you change your behavior everything else changes. Our consumer behavior is monitored very closely. As soon as you change the way you consume it will be noticed immediately. And, once you have started taking responsibility, getting more than one side of a story instead of just listening to the mainstream media, it becomes very difficult to fool you. Everything will change.

NOTE: People have written and asked me to provide a list of bad companies here on the website. I can understand how much easier that would make it for some people but, what would happen if this site was taken down? This is all about ‘we the people’ getting involved, finding out the facts and taking responsibility. We are adults and we have to recognize it is up to us individually to get good information. I cannot be the arbiter, I am not wise enough for that position. But, millions of engaged individuals cannot be stopped. It is not difficult to Google green products or alternative news sources and a whole lot easier than our future could be unless we get involved. We will place links here but get active now. Start looking for alternative news sources and tell us about them.

THE REVOLUTION! (or Evolution) So many people write into the website asking what they can do now, today, to make a difference. They want a solution, something they can get active with this instant. I understand the frustration that drives that passion and it is wonderful how many people are waking up to the idea that there really is something wrong.

But, I also sense that they, like me when I was a little younger, want a revolution in the old sense of the term: riots in the streets, heroic deeds that their children would sing songs about in years to come, etc. While it sounds like everyone could work out their frustrations, the problem is, that approach doesn’t work, in fact it has never worked, ever.

Generally what happens is the powers that be send in the troops, round up and shoot the leaders and then slacken the chain a little to pacify the crowd and then everything goes on pretty much the way it was. Look at the history books. Change happens very slowly and painfully via this route.

We need the rich and powerful too, to wake up to the startling catastrophe that is happening to our planet and our societies. We are all in this together and the sooner we all realize that then the easier it will be to make change.

So, do you want a bloody revolution or do you want something that works? Something that brings long lasting sustainable change, something that can bring peace and justice to us all, permanently?

Sustainable change can only happen when ‘each individual’ changes their behavior. In this silent revolution there are no leaders that can be shot or sell out the movement and no system can wage war on the private law abiding behavior of every citizen.

If you decide to purchase from a sustainable manufacturer you cannot be arrested. If you decide to ride a bicycle instead of driving the car to work you are free to do so. If you expand your knowledge by seeking out alternative news sources no one notices. But what does happen is that you become ‘an engaged responsible individual’, and when our society is made up of engaged responsible individuals everything changes.

Engaged responsible individuals do not just believe what they are told ‘by anyone’. They seek out information from every source and base their opinions and decisions on that. They do not follow the crowd like sheep and they take full responsibility for their actions. No ‘system’ can abuse a nation of such people.

Below are some very simple guide lines placed here as examples, but you must think these things through for your self and find your own ways. Though they may seem quite simplistic the cumulative effects of just these simple actions will have a massive and far reaching effect.

If you start acting on them today the world will have changed by tomorrow. If we all start making these changes then we are headed toward an incredible future, but each of us must start individually, that is what it takes.

We will add to and update these pages regularly and we always welcome your questions or suggestions. There are links (coming) to some great resources at the bottom of this page but keep in mind as long as you can read and you have Google you can always find out anything.

STOP BUYING STUFF! You already have enough stuff. The advertising man will try and tempt you to buy more. Stop it, do not listen. The manufacturing involved in making ‘stuff’ causes ‘all’ of the pollution on our planet. If you buy stuff you don’t need then you are the cause of ‘all’ of the pollution.

Only buy things you really need and plan on making the things you buy last a long time. When you do make purchases only buy from companies that do business in a socially and environmentally responsible way. Patagonia, for example do their very best to make their clothes without doing damage to the planet. It is easy to find good companies and when you buy from them you are supporting good practices. Bad companies will have to change to meet the new demand, they will have no choice.

STOP USING CHEMICALS There are so many products that are safe for the environment. Some cleaning jobs will require a little scrubbing. Do it. They have found trace elements of bleach at the top of Mount Everest. Fish from the sea are contaminated with it, everything you flush away comes back to haunt you. You can change our world today just by not flushing poison down the toilet. How simple is that. We are going to place links here to help you find green products but get Googling, it is easy.

THE MEDIA (getting information) Question: Do you have an opinion about a woman's right to choose? Do you have an opinion about gay rights to marry? The chances are that you do have an opinion about these issues, because the media, left and right wing media, have brought these issues to your attention. Now, one more question: Do you have an opinion about multinational arms companies laundering money through Columbia? No? Not many people have an opinion about this issue because the media, left and right wing media, have not brought it up. This is how the media frames the debate.

They tell us what to think about ‘the issues they bring up. If you are honest you will agree that you get most of your information from the media. You use this information to form your opinions. Too often ‘our’ opinions are really ‘someone else’s opinions.’ So, you must find alternative sources for your information. There are some very important things going on in the world and so much of what we think of as left and right wing media isn’t bringing everything you need to know to your attention. One last point. The media is almost all owned by massive international corporations. There is no such thing as a liberal media corporation. That said, you must stop thinking in terms of left and right wing politics. These terms are used to divide us. What we need is original thinking that can unify us as we move forward.

POLITICS ‘Every’ Politician takes money from big companies to get elected. In fact, most politicians are big business. That means they have an inherent ‘conflict of interests’. They will not legislate against a bad company that pollutes, for example, if they have taken their money to get elected.

What ever your politics you cannot wait for the government to fix things for you. We will get politicians that serve the peoples interests when the people take responsibility and then act. Once you start taking responsibility, finding out the facts, and then acting accordingly, once you are a properly engaged member of our society it will much more difficult for any politician to pull the wool over your eyes or make false promises.

Watch what they do-not what they say. The media treats the political debates in much the same way as they do sports highlights. It has become a meaningless game. Politicians have never changed anything, ever. Only the people create change.

FOOD Often this conversation begins with a discussion about Organic foods, but that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of this vitally important subject.

This is the stuff we put into our bodies, it is where we spend most of our money, and it drives the chemical and agricultural industries that have a massive effect not only on our environment, but our economies and our politics.

Colorings and preservatives have long been cause for discussion but so too have become Genetically Modified products. GMO’S are not only a subject of serious environmental concern, we do not know the effects of these products in our environment, but also of great political concern as patent holders force local and third world farmers as a condition of IMF loans, to accept their products and bring massive law suits for patent infringements.

Food is a serious issue. First concern should be for health. The food we have has less and less actual ‘food’, sustenance, vitamins, protein etc, and more and more chemicals used both in the food and it’s manufacture. This is more than alarming in heath and environmental terms. The prices of common foods are kept artificially low because of these practices and Organic foods, naturally seem more expensive by comparison.However, it is important to note, one organic banana, for example, has more actual ‘food’ in it than a Big Mac Meal and costs a fraction of the price.

We have to start paying close attention to what we eat, reading labels and making healthier choices, but this is a very important point: manufactures monitor your purchases meticulously, they spend billions of dollars studying consumer behaviour. When we change our buying habits they will notice that trend in the market instantly and they will follow your demand. If you stop buying products that have chemicals in them they will have no choice but to take them out. This is where we spend most of our money, if we change the way we spend that money the effect will be massive. There are two great food documentaries, FOOD INC and FORKS OVER KNIVES you have to see them. I will provide the link asap.

ENDING THE WARS I am going to give you a quick example. General Electric is an arms manufacturer, they make weapons for war. They make light bulbs too! They have their hands in so many things. They also own NBC news channel. But lets stay with weapons for a minute.

If you are a weapons manufacturer you make billions, BILLIONS, of dollars when ever there is a war. In fact if there is no war you make no money. So, what we have here is a company that is in a position to support a war, Iraq or Afghanistan for example, on it’s news channel, and then make BILLIONS of dollars if the war happens.

Lets not get in to a discussion about the morality of this for a moment, or even question whether any war can be justified, lets just keep our eye on the ball. Should any company who makes weapons be in a position to sway public opinion in a way that benefits their bottom line? There is an obvious conflict of interests here, and a dangerous one and this conflict exists through out most of our industries and media.

If you take a look at history you will find that ALL WARS are fought because one country wants the resources that another country has. Of course the reasons given are always about spreading democracy or defeating a terrible cruel regime, but you will notice that kind of war seldom happens in places that have no valuable assets!

Regardless, it is very important that YOU UNDERSTAND THE PART YOU PLAY IN CAUSING WARS. When you buy stuff, oil for example, you are buying the stuff that was taken from another country so it could be sold to YOU.

YOUR CONSUMER DEMAND DRIVES WAR! AND CAUSES POLLUTION! CAN YOU SEE THE RESPONSIBILITY YOU HAVE. Yes, there are many systemic issues and mechanisms that work against us, and we can if we wish point the finger at arms dealers but unless we all start to recognize the part WE play then nothing will change.

On a brighter note, you probably won’t find any companies that do business in a socially responsible way that are connected to the arms industry. If you decide to buy your light bulbs form a company that is socially responsible, instead of General Electric, for example, you are turning the tide.

Once you find independent sources of information you will know better what to think and how to act. Your active engagement, learning the facts and then acting accordingly will end the wars. Once you understand that the information the news media gives you has to be vetted thoroughly, once you understand that there are conflicts of interest that you have to be aware of then you will be wiser. Once you understand why wars happen you will not, nor will you allow any one you know, to join the armed forces or work for an arms dealer.

If you support the troupes-bring them home.

A NOTE ON BOYCOTTS AND THE ECONOMY To boycott a company is to decide not to buy there stuff because you don’t like their practices. This is not something that should be taken lightly and you should always be fully aware of all of the facts before you engage this tactic.

So many companies deserve it but even bad companies provide much needed jobs. We should concentrate as much as we can on buying from companies who do business in a socially and environmentally responsible way. In this way we will grow those good companies, promoting the positive instead of protesting the negative and creating a transition period while demand creates change.

If there are any products you can’t get from a good company the chances are you don’t really need that product. And for those products you have to buy, like gasoline, you have to drastically reduce your use of them. Again you can get plenty of advice and opinions if you click around. The point is to get engaged and start seriously changing our habits.

The overall object is to consume far less. Yes, this will affect our consumer/capitalist economy. We have to find ways to change our monetary system and this is something we all have to explore together. I think we will look back in years to come and wonder how we ever set up such a brutal system. There are many new paths we can take, however, the path we are currently on defeats the public good in so many ways and is killing our environment. We need to change what we can, now.

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Alternative healing methodologies using plants and herbs in the Amazonian rainforest have been known to cure all illnesses including Aids and Cancer.

' The Sacred Science' is an interesting documentary by Nick Polizzi which highlights the importance of being in natural surroundings while taking the jungle medicine to heal under the guidance of a Shaman.

Here is a quick synopsis of the documentary film ...

How far would you go to heal?

Parkinsons’s Disease, Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Depression… Despite remarkable advances in modern medicine, our society still struggles to effectively treat these and other common illnesses.

Witness the story of eight brave souls as they leave the developed world behind in search of deeper answers. Living in seclusion for one month in the heart of the Amazon jungle, these men and women take part in the powerful healing practices of Peru’s indigenous medicine men, working with centuries-old plant remedies and spiritual disciplines.

In their most desperate hour, these patients are forced to confront not only their physical ailments, but their own spiritual and psychological barriers in the process. Five will return with real results, two will return disappointed, and one won’t come back at all.

Hope lies in the Amazon.

It is a known fact that over 25% of all our prescribed medical treatments come from plants in the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon is home to over 44,000 species of plants and most doctors agree that this region is the most obvious place to look for the cure for cancer, M.S., Alzheimer’s, you name it. The main problem that scientists face is that there are too many plants and too little time to study them. Believe it or not, less than 5% of these plants have been tested for their healing potential!

An ancient culture holds the healing knowledge we’ve been looking for.

After hitting their heads against the wall for decades, scientists have begun to realize that the indigenous Amazonian tribes have spent thousands of years studying these 44,000 + plants and already know which ones hold the cure. In fact, they’re already using them to heal their own people!

Here’s the kicker:

Even though there is documented proof that these treatments are extremely effective, the research and patenting process takes so long that most of us will not live to see them used here in the modern world. That’s where my team and I drew the line. We decided to take action. The medicines wouldn’t come to us, so we brought eight patients to them in our new documentary film, The Sacred Science.

In October 2010, we brought eight people with eight different illnesses deep into the Amazon Rainforest to work with native medicine men for 30 days. We had over 400 applications from people around the world, each desperate to find an answer to their illness. The selection process was grueling, but we eventually made our decisions and embarked on what would become the adventure of a lifetime. Best of all, we had a world class documentary film crew capture the entire journey !

- Nick Polizzi

To use psychedelics without using yoga limits the vast potential and strays from the ancient use of psychoactive substances. Shamanic cultures treat plant medicine with great respect. It is their doorway to the realm of the Gods.

Today Himalayan Yogis and Naga Babas use mainly Ganja as a sacrament to achieve cosmic consciousness. They drink a powerful psychedelic bhang which is made from various herbs and Ganja. Some esoteric sects are known to smoke cobra venom and use datura.

In modern times Kriya Yoga was brought to the west by Yogananda back in the 1930’s. The Kriya practice was made palatable to prudish western society and the use of plant medicine was never mentioned in his teaching.

His lineage goes back to Babaji the deathless yogi, who brought the Kriya practice into modern times. He appeared to Lahiri Mahasaya giving him instructions of his past lives while during a psychedelic trance that lasted 3 days. Lahiri then taught this esoteric breathing meditation practice to lay men and women in the 1930’s.

Babaji is a great master of yoga living today in the Himalayas who is sometimes called Kriya Babaji Nagaraj, Mahavatar Babaji or Shiva Baba. During the past forty years, several books, beginning with the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, written in 1946, have referred to the great spiritual master, Babaji, who for centuries has lived in the Himalayan mountains, appearing occasionally to a fortunate few. " He is attributed to having attained mastery over life and death. He comes and goes in and out of this earth plane from time to time. Often appearing in a ball of light, then taking the form of a youth.

Leonard Orr (1980 and 1983) identified him with a youth who appeared near Ranikhet in about 1970. He appeared to Leonard in a dream and told him to come to him in Harikhan. He was visited by many Westerners up until his sudden death in 1984. I was one of them who visited him in the 80’s about a year before his passing.

I had the good fortune staying with Haridan Baba in the 80’s for several days. Here is an excerpt from “The Master in the Mirror” describing that time.


Although the realization I'd had with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj had been the straw that broke the camel's back; the question still remained, "Why? Why am I here? What is the purpose for being here?" These questions gnawed at me and I was led to seek out my roots.

Since early childhood I'd had a recurring dream. Somewhere in a valley near a bend in a river sits a magnificent temple high on a sacred mountaintop. After a long and arduous journey to reach the summit, I stand before the temple doors which are made of precious jewels. The doors open mysteriously to reveal the presence of an enlightened master who imparts to me the secrets of divine wisdom and eternal life. Thus I attain spiritual liberation in this lifetime.

So it was that I started on a pilgrimage to Hariakhan in India where I'd been told I might meet such a master Hariakhan Baba. I'd been advised that it would be a strenuous but rewarding journey. Still, no one could have prepared me for what was to take place. The seven-hour bus ride from New Delhi had seemed endless. The roads were treacherous and there was danger at every bend. Indian bus drivers are notoriously reckless, and this one was one of the worst. He had driven so close to the side of a precipice, balancing the bus on two tires, that it was an absolute miracle we hadn't capsized! I was scared out of my mind during the whole chaotic ride, sitting in the far end of the bus. My seat wasn't attached to the floor and I was holding onto it for dear life. Every time we went over a bump, I went flying in the air, hitting my head. I was sure we weren't going to make it! To boot, as we flew along the unpaved road through a thick cloud of dust, I noticed a crashed bus on the edge of the path, flipped over on its side! That Was definitely not reassuring! I kept praying the whole way, please, dear God, please protect me! Prove to me that you are true! The heat was unbearable inside the bus jammed with passengers. At every stop, I kept hoping someone would get off. Instead, more people crammed in! And it seemed like the bus kept stopping all the time. Bathroom stops. Food stops. Gasoline stops. Bus stops. There was constant commotion, with the driver and the passengers screaming at each other (About what? I had no ideal Then the bus would suddenly come to a screeching halt, and people would scurry out into the fields nearby to relieve themselves. A while later there'd be more commotion and more yelling and screaming.

We'd cram back into the bus, and we were off again on the hell ride. I tried to remain vigilant to know where to get off. But it was impossible to keep track. There were no signs on the roads, nor any identifying marks I could understand. At one stop I took a chance and rushed off to get something to eat. But one look at the food stall made me change my mind: between the burning rancid oil, the decayed fish and the urine, I don't think I've ever smelled anything as horrid in my whole life. It actually turned my stomach. I did manage to find some food that was safe enough (a hard boiled egg and a piece of white bread). With that and bottled soda water, I was set. And I jammed myself back into the bus.

God only knows how I managed to get off at the right stop, but I did. As the bus drove off in a mist, I stood there holding my bag, wondering where to go. I looked around and saw a few Indians walking up and down the road, women carrying water pots on their head. I knew I was supposed to go to the Almora dam from here. But how? Exhausted from the heat and the long bus ride, I spread out my jacket by the roadside and lay down to rest. Soon a young boy, maybe nine or ten years old, approached me and in his own brand of sign language, asked what I was looking for. I said, "Hotel!" He gave me an indication that he knew of a place, so I got up and followed him. A quick glance at the Indian-style room, however, and I got the picture. Bugs crawling along the floor, dirty blankets, a rope mattress, soiled walls; it was a nightmare! I nearly ran out screaming. I walked around for a while, hoping to find someone who spoke English.

I was getting worried that if I had to walk all the way to the Almora dam, I would never make it by sundown. Then what? The thought of sleeping under the stars made me shudder. I thought, I have got to find a ride! I noticed a Sikh in traditional garb idly standing next to an English-made car. I went over and asked if he could drive me. He said he wasn't interested; he was waiting for his boss. I offered him some rupees and I saw a gleam in his eye. I handed him a few more, which he quickly grabbed. We jumped into the car and sped off down the road. Here was another one who drove like a maniac, slaloming around dogs and cows and people along the winding roads. I guess he was hoping he could get back in time before his boss found out he'd left. I just hoped he would get me there in one piece! We drove quite a long way towards the foothills of the Himalayas. As we approached the dam site and its dried out riverbed, the driver abruptly screeched to a halt, and announced, "This is as far as I go, sir! The rest, you must do by foot."

Uncertain, I stepped out of the car. No sooner was I out, than the man drove off ... I yelled out, "But... where is Hariakhan?!!" Pointing in the direction of the north, he yelled out his window from a distance, "That way! About 15 kilometers!!!" I suddenly felt let down, lonely and discouraged. Everything seemed so arduous! My bag weighing heavily on my arm, I resolved to start walking. Some people strolled by. I caught the eye of a young villager, who smiled and meekly asked, "Do you mind if I walk with you, sir?" I thought, "Are you kidding? I'd be glad if you walked with me!" He added, "Speaking with you will help me practice my English!" As we walked down the path, I described where I was headed and he graciously promised to show me the way.

Delighted to have a companion, I felt that things were looking up. I asked him how far it was. He said, "We can make it by sunset" We followed the riverbed, wading barefoot through streams that crossed our path. The water from the Himalayan glaciers was freezing cold and very pure. You could see to the bottom of the streams where stones were shining in the sunlight like brilliant stars. It was an amazing walk. I began to contemplate on the story made famous by Yogananda in his “Autobiography of a Yogi” where he describes a 2000-year-old yogi named Babaji of the spiritual lineage of Shiva. I wondered if Hariakhan Baba and Babaji were one and the same. I remembered from some distant past life memory that the hill yogis of India carried ganja in their pouch and offered it to fellow yogis as a traditional gift. I thought, "If he is Babaji, he will offer me some ganja." A vivid past-life recall flashed before my eyes... Pulling me out of my reverie, I heard a horse trotting along the road behind us. I glanced over my shoulder and caught the eye of the rider. It was a woman. She smiled, slowing down her pace to a walk and motioned for me to ride her horse. Surprised, I immediately protested, "I can't take your horse!" The young man intervened and said, "But sir, you are a man." He explained that in India it is not fitting for the man to walk while an Indian woman rides. I chuckled and thought, "Is this really happening in the 20th Century? or am I lost somewhere in time?" The young man said “you will do her a genuine disservice by refusing to ride her horse”.

Without hesitating, the woman slid off her horse and handed me the reins. She was smiling broadly. I thought, "How interesting! In my culture, it would be exactly the opposite!" Somewhat embarrassed but genuinely delighted, I humbly took the reins and mounted the animal. Leading the way, the woman walked and ran in front of the horse, with my traveling companion running alongside me. It took me a while to relax into this set-up, but I got used to it and allowed myself to enjoy the ride. Suddenly there was magic in the air. It was as if the valley we were entering was unfolding in my inner vision. The rocks appeared to glow ever so slightly with a subtle energy. Everything radiated life. I had the impression I'd been in this place before. It was like returning home. As we came around a bend in the river, I immediately realized this was the place I had dreamed of again and again during my youth. I started to describe the area to my companions. I knew exactly where everything was, including the brilliantly colored temple on the far side of the river bank. Suddenly, pointing to a small figure far away in the distance, I said with authority, "There's Harikhan Baba!" I just knew it was him.

I thanked my companions for their wonderful assistance and we parted company. Starting up the one hundred eight steps leading from the riverbed to the ashram, I felt at ease, not at all excited. Like a prodigal son coming home, there was no need to rush to get to the top. By now the sun was setting and it was starting to get chilly. Entering the temple grounds, I was just taking off my shoes when I was greeted by a nasty old Indian man who demanded I pay him in advance for my stay. He snatched the rupees I handed him, counting them closely as if I were trying to steal my way in. Irked by this treatment, I wondered how they could have picked such a weirdo as the welcoming committee.

A French woman came over and acquainted me with the ashram rules. (God, do I detest rules!) No smoking, no drugs, no alcohol, no bad moods. I went looking around for a place to stay. I felt moved to take a room occupied by a Dutchman, Timothy a scrawny shaven head fellow who looked like he had been in India too long. He had taken one side of the room, with his bags and clothes hanging neatly from a nail, the other half was clearly empty no mat, no blanket, nothing. I set my bag down and went off to Satsang.

Everyone was gathered in the meditation hall waiting for Baba's arrival. There were mostly Indians_ and a few Westerners, women on one side, the men on the other. By now it was getting cold, and I thought of the summer clothes I had brought. Why hadn't I remembered to bring a warm sweater? That was a dreadful mistake. There was a stir and Baba walked in. He exuded charisma from every pore of his Being. About 5'8", thick brown hair, big dark eyes, round and jovial, with a smile so attractive you couldn't help but be seduced. His beauty was ageless, and I sat there admiring him in silence. Then a chant seemed to well up as if from nowhere.

Hari Bol Babaji, Hari, Hari. Drums appeared and cymbals clashing. A devotional fervor filled the room. some devotees jumped up and began to dance spontaneously. I was rocking back and forth to the rhythmic chant. Hari Bol! Hari, Hari! I was swept away by the ecstasy. Devotees began coming up , before his chair during the chanting and prostrating themselves at his feet. Others approached him simply to offer their respects, hands folded bowing reverently. A dwarf was dancing around him . It was a vision from another time. Baba would offer devotees some sort of sweet candy, or give them a friendly slap, which seemed to induce an ecstatic trance, or press his finger between their eyes. They would then fall back to be caught by attendants and gently laid down. Some would shudder uncontrollably or cry out in an ancient language. The room was filled with light, and I felt waves of Bliss welled up in me. I cried out uncontrollably Hari! Hari!. My heart was filled with joy. Babaji was laughing and looking directly at me as if to encourage me to come forward.

At one point I felt moved to approach his chair with a gift I had brought for him. It was a beautiful cream color wool Kashmiri shawl. I bowed down lifting the shawl up to as if for his approval. He playfully put it over his head like a woman's shawl and we both laughed. His laughter made me melt inside; I felt like bliss was resonating throughout my entire body. Still glowing from the intensity of the moment, I somehow returned to my place in the temple, feeling utterly connected to every one in the room. It was as if they were my body. Then as a flash of light before my eyes, I saw him shape shift and he turned into Bubba, Free John he had the same eyes, the same flowing hair, I was in the room with Bubba it was uncanny. 1 had to rub my eyes to make sure it wasn't a hallucination. It didn't last long, and then he was back to himself but I was left wide-eyed, wondering how such a feat could have been possible.

I began to hear the wild ecstatic chanting again I began clapping my hands. Exalted, I was rocking back and forth to the rhythm of the beat, feeling one with the Intensity of the sound. In the midst of all this wildness, the translator came over to me at one point and said, "Baba wants you to go to the kitchen and have a cookie he had made for your arrival for Prasad."

Obediently stepping out of the meditation hall, I found my way to the kitchen and spotted the platter of cookies laying on the table. Not giving these cookies a second thought, I grabbed one and swallowed it quickly. I returned to the hall and took my seat. Baba's eyes were so intense, I found myself gazing into them as if I were mesmerized. But I felt much grounded absolutely present and aware... Minutes later, he insisted that I get another cookie, but this time, I thought, "I can’t seem to get up again," so I candidly said, "No, Baba, to be in your company is Prasad enough!"

Making fun of me, Baba mimicked my reply, probably testing my confidence. I felt a fleeting twinge of tension as I heard Leonard Orr, who was sitting next to me whisper, "You're supposed to do what the guru says!"

But I thought, "No, its okay to say no." At one point, Baba looked over at me and, through the translator, ordered me to stay in the third room on the left of the entrance. (That was the one I had chosen! Was that a coincidence or what?) Later when he saw I was cold, he sent someone to his room to get one of his blankets that he personally used. He was very specific as to which one they were to retrieve for me. Looking at me with incredible intensity, he declared, as if this were the most important thing he would ever have to say to me, "Make sure you return this blanket right here when you leave!" Pointing to a place in the Sat-Sang Hall. Surprised, I thought, "What's the big deal? Of course I'll bring it back here." He repeated himself again to make sure I had heard him. I felt a bit annoyed. But I had the feeling he had something up his sleeve. It seemed like some sort of a set up.

Later, returning to my room, I anticipated having a sleepless night because of the cold temperature and the hard adobe floor. Wrapping myself in Baba's blanket, I sprawled down and made myself as comfortable as possible. Reviewing the events of the evening, a gentle glow started to envelop me, as if I were wrapped in a heating blanket. It was an incredible experience. It makes absolutely no sense and no one would believe it, but that thin blanket kept me warm the whole time I was there, the floor felt like a bed. I slept like a baby.

The next morning as we were waking up, my roommate commented, "You must be the yogi Baba was expecting." "Oh?" He went on to explain, "Baba ordered a special Prasad to be prepared for an ancient yogi who was arriving .It must have been you. You were the only one who has arrived in days. He had the villagers bring in ganja. He never has done that, he does not condone the use of ganja for westerners and won’t allow its use or possession at the ashram”. He said this was a present for a Shiva Baba an old friend. And that hill yogis exchanged such gifts in ancient time.

My new friend Timothy, then helped me with the Ashram protocol. It was four in the morning and we made our way down to the river below the Ashram, to bath and have our toilet. It was freezing cold in the moutain water. We ducked our heads under the water. Three times, Chanting Hari Bol Babaji! It was accelerating. After our bath we climbed back up the 108 steps in pitch dark., waiting for arti the fire . It was part of an ancient ceremony. I thought that the ganja cookie was the premonition I had coming up the river bed on the way to Harikhan." I wasn't even affected by it. I didn't get high or feel a thing!" I said to Timothy who was standing next to me. He laughed. "That's the way it is around Baba. Everything dissolves around him."

I murmured admiringly, "Yes, Babaji!" He went on to tell me of stories about Baba: tales of miraculous healings attributed to him, his ability to appear to devotees in dreams, even rumors that he could produce rainstorms at will and be seen in two places at once.. When he first returned in this lifetime to Harikhan. The villagers said he appeared suddenly as a youth in a bright light, sitting on an adjoining mountain in meditation for forty days; In his previous life one day he walked down the 108 steps into the roaring current of the river during the rainy season, taking what is called gel Samadhi. A conscious death. He wasn’t seen for years.

Until this radiant light was seen on the mountain. The villagers became curious. And went over to investigate. They saw this youth a man in his early twenties sitting in deep meditation. He sat there for forty days. Then he then came down from the mountain and announced that he was Harikhan Baba. The deathless Guru. And that he had returned during this time to lead devotees back to God. Initiation.

Everyone squeezed together on a narrow platform, leaning towards the wall that led to the fire room. I thought it strange that everyone was pressing up so tightly against the wall. It didn't seem necessary. But it was dark, and I couldn't see anything. One by one we were ushered into the fire room, a tiny space with a blazing fire in the center. Baba was sitting in the lotus before the fire, exuding incredible intensity. He was absolutely beautiful to behold; a blue halo surrounded him and with those enormous eyes, I couldn't resist submitting to his all-pervading power. I knelt and bowed before him. He ran his three fingers across my forehead and marked me with the white ash the sign of Shiva then he put a dot on my third eye, chanting "Om Nama Shivaya". I felt the Shakti energy shoot through my body like lightning. A ball of light surrounded my whole being. I felt I was being bathed in the fire of purification.

Then an attendant motioned me to leave and I stumbled out of the room. I could still feel my forehead burning as if singed by his three fingers. I was starting to come out of the trance like state. Slightly disoriented. The sun was just coming up on the horizon. The sky was breathtaking. I felt God’s presence. I then looked around me, and realized why people were pressing up against the wall: the narrow passage to the arti room over looked a ravine that dropped some two hundred feet straight down! One slip of the foot, and it would be all over. With my deep fear of heights, I was grateful I hadn't been able to see the danger or I might have skipped the fire ceremony entirely. what a powerful experience it had been! I felt afterward that I would never be the same.

All that day I had the impression of walking through space just slightly above ground. It was a strange sensation. Everywhere I went, every leaf, every blade of grass seemed to glitter like a shining star. I had the distinct impression that the mountain was conscious.

That afternoon I went for a walk beyond the Ashram, and I was drawn to a little creek which I followed for a mile or so in the Himalayan foothills., until I came to a spring hidden around a bend in the path. The rays of the sun beaming through the leaves of the nearby tree sparkled through the water drops, flashing brilliant glimmers of light in all directions. I felt as though I were intoxicated with the beauty of these surroundings. Cupping my hands, I drank a few sips of the vibrantly crystal clear water. Suddenly I went into a heightened state. I was in a realm of light... I sat down next to the stream. Spontaneous kundalini Kriya moved through my Being.

The next thing I knew, a loud internal gushing sound was washing over me and I realized it was the sound of my breath. Then I became aware I'd been sitting there for hours, although it had only felt like seconds. This was indeed a magical place! As I slowly walked back to the ashram, I could hear a melodious call in the distance, "Hari! Bole! Babaji!" that sent warm shivers through my spine, filling me with delight. Then I had a divine vision. I saw Baba (or was it Shiva?) and his entourage walking down the mountain, an attendant carrying a tasseled processional umbrella to shade him from the sun. There was a man blowing a conch, and the ever-present dwarf skipping along beside him.

The scene was from another time. I no longer had any doubt that this was Babaji. The deathless Guru. Watching the procession from afar, I was in awe of the mystical significance of the moment. Later after dinner Timothy told me Babaji said one of his attendants should tell me to walk up the river bed and to follow the stream to its source. And that I should drink of it. But no one was able to find me. He asked me where I had been all day. I laughed to myself. Indeed Babaji was all knowing We where in complete communion. The four days I spent at Hariakhan went by to quickly. Most of the time we would spend simply sitting in Babaji”s company in silence. Food was served once a day at noon on banana leaves. It was tasty. and although modest by western standards strangely filling. Finally I had to make arrangements for my departure.

After the final darshan with Babaji, laughter and hugs. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. Dashing down the hundred and eight steps 108 steps to the dried out river bed to catch the horse pack, which came by randomly at no specific time. I didn’t want to miss the caravan or I would have to hike out by foot. Which would take a good days trek. I could see the horses waiting on the hill in the distance, and I thought, "They better wait for me, or else I'll have to stay another day or two until the next time they come by."

As I mounted the horse, I heaved a sigh of relief for making it just in time. Trotting away, I looked back to get one final glimpse of Harikhan. Then it suddenly dawned on me: I had left the magic blanket in the room! Baba was so adamant that I be sure to leave it in the meditation hall! I thought, "Oh, my God, he knew I would forget! Feeling terribly embarrassed, I realized this was yet another sign of Baba's all pervading power. He knew I would leave with the blanket.

The trip back to New Delhi was as smooth as the initial ride had been traumatic. I had time to reflect on everything that had happened and allow the shift to stabilize. Since then, my meditations have deepened. My Kriya practice took me to conscious samadhi. I found my roots in a conscious lineage. It was a deepening of my Kriya practice which occurred from the source. Babaji. On a very deep level, I am connected to these Himalayan yogis and to their great tradition of Kriya Yoga. I know now that I belong to their ancient future. That was the gift I received at Hariakhan's. My Kriya yoga practice had a quantum jump as a result of my being at Hariakhan. I attribute it to my meeting with Babaji.

"The entire universe is your Guru. You learn from everything, if you are alert and intelligent. Were your mind clear and your heart clean, you would learn from every passerby. It is because you are indolent or restless that your inner self manifests as the outer Guru and makes you trust him and obey."

- Sri Nisgardatta Maharaj

... to be continued in Psychedelic Kriya Yoga : Ancient Science of the Siddhas (Part3)

"I am John Krajewski, a visionary artist from back in the 60's having done posters and Album covers. The rolling stone called my cover for "Iron Butterfly Live" mystical and visionary art. My art was a way to convey the ecstasy and experiences with psychedelic Kriya Yoga. My initial discovery of Kriya Yoga occurred under LSD. I have had initiations is this Sovereign Science by Masters through out the east. In India, Indonesia, and Burma. Forms of Kriya Yoga are know in all ancient cultures. I am forever grateful and deeply respectful to all the teachers I have met. In a forthcoming blog I will share some of these encounters. I have practiced steadfastly for over 45 years with and without plant medicine. The real initiation happens as you do the practice. Kriya Yoga is the real inner teacher. It is a love affair with the Divine."

You can reach John at [email protected] or find him on Facebook ...

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