
There have been many prophesies for us to think about over the ages. Some have materialized while others have not.

All prophecy is fluid and changeable. The future is not set in stone. The reason is simple. We create our own reality through our collective thinking otherwise known as the mass consciousness. What a prophet "sees" is one of the probable outcomes of our future. If we don't like what the prophet has to say, we have the power to change it. The key word here is "WE" !

Cosmic cycles are nothing new to our ancestors. They are a part of the lore and history of many ancient civilizations. The Mayans studied them with a passion, and they served as the foundation of their sky religion. Even Plato was aware of the most important cycle for our planet occurring every 25,920 years, which he and others called the Great Year.

Today we find ourselves at the end of the 2160-year Age of Pisces, the beginning of Aquarius, the close of the Mesoamerican fifth world, the ending of the Kali Yuga (Iron Age) of the Hindus, and the extreme end of the Great Year.

The sacred scriptures of the Indian Vedas describe cycles of creation spanning millions of years in the past including civilizations that flourished, and those that decayed and perished. Ours is just one of many.

The momentous crossroads in cosmic time we are fast approaching around 2012 has been prophesized by the Hopis, the Mayans, the Aztecs, and many others. Some of that information is briefly summarized below.

On this page, you will also find excerpts of fifteen different sources of channeled transmissions that I take seriously. All are saying the same basic thing. And I find it hard to ignore.

Here is the information that has influenced my thinking...

The Maya

The Mayan civilization appeared approximately 3,500 years ago in the jungles of Mexico. It seems to have arisen over night because their culture was already elaborately developed from the start. Although many Maya are still alive today, the demise of their relatively advanced civilization occurred 900 years ago.

Mayan artifacts tell us in no uncertain terms that they were master astronomers with an intimate knowledge of the heavens. And they were obsessed with recording cycles of cosmic time.

The Classic Maya described five different ages that existed in the distant past, each lasting some 5,125 years. They have also told us that each of those ages ended in cataclysmic cleansing of the negative karma that was created by mankind. Then, with the start of each new era, the evolution of mankind would begin again from the seeds of the survivors left behind.

According to the Maya, the fifth and final age began approximately 5,125 years ago. One has to wonder why their calendar, constructed more than two thousand years ago, mysteriously ended with the fifth age at "zero point," on the winter solstice of 2012? Is there no next age?

The Hopis

The Hopi, whose name means "people of peace," have sacred traditions that go back thousands of years. Their time-honored teachings point to certain prophecies that would manifest just before a great purification takes place on planet Earth. It would be a time when the world would shudder and tremble causing much destruction, in order to cleanse the planet of the karmic negativity we have created while serving as its caretakers.

Not too long ago, the Hopis have said that those prophecies have now completed. It appears that the time for purification is upon us, as we approach 2012.

Here are some of the signs heralding the coming purification telling us that it is near...

Trees everywhere will be dying (it's going on right now).

People will build a house a throw it in the sky (Skylab, Mir, the current space station)

Cold places will become hot and hot places cold (that is happening with global warming, global weather patterns are changing)

Land will sink beneath the sea and rise above it (such changes have already begun)

The appearance of a blue star (in 1987 a blue star made its presence known when a hot blue super-giant exploded and made world history as a spectacular supernova)

There will be paths in the sky (airplane contrails and chemtrails)

There will be cobwebs in the air (power lines all over the United States)

A "gourd of ashes" will be dropped from the sky to burn the land and boil the oceans (atomic bomb)

These signs are pretty obvious, and all have come to pass.

The Hopis are also briefly mentioned in Shirley MacLaine's latest book, "The Camino." She says that:

"I had friends in the States who were involved with the Hopi Indian tribe. The Hopis said that the last decade of the twentieth century and after the turn of the millennium, it would be necessary for man to 'tie himself to a tree.' In other words, 'big wind.'

The Hopis also said the weather would become unpredictable and would 'cleanse away many things with wind and rain.' They said we must each be self-sustained and go back to growing our food from Mother Earth. Above all, they said, man needed to go within himself in order to gain spiritual understanding of what would be happening. Their prophecies matched the Mayan prophecies."

Fingerprints of the Gods
By Graham Hancock

In his best selling book, Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock conducted an exhaustive investigation into mankind's remote past. This effort took him all over the world from the Great Sphinx, to the Hopis, to the Andean ruins, and to the monuments of many ancient civilizations, including the Maya. Hancock believes that within the records and monuments of these ancient civilizations there is an important message for us.

Graham concludes that in our distant past there were others who were very advanced technologically, but not spiritually, such as the Atlanteans. This imbalance led to their demise. The "fingerprints" of information that our ancestors left for us to discover and contemplate warn of terrible Earth changes that periodically afflict our planetary home. And the end of another cycle appears to be upon us.

The Transmissions

As mentioned above, there are 13 different sources of channeled information I've seriously considered that say we are about to experience a profound and radical change (shift) on this planet.

It appears we have been at this point before without successfully balancing the material and the spiritual aspects of our lives. As a result, Earth went through drastic physical changes to cleanse the negative karma we've created, and we had to start all over again.

However, there appears to be an additional twist to what is coming. Not only is a cleansing expected, but along with the upheaval, a fork might well occur in the road of human destiny around the year 2012.

One fork represents the continuation of the 3rd dimension, the dimension of physicality in which we now find ourselves. The other will be a newly opened path to a higher dimension, which will lead to the Golden Years the ancients spoke of long ago. The choices we make, and the quality of life we lead, will determine which path opens for us.

Here are some channeled transmissions for the coming changes that have influenced my thinking. Many of them reference the year 2012.

David Spangler (1970s)

"Great changes have occurred in kingdoms beyond yours and they are also moving into a new heaven and new earth."

"My power has been liberated and all now move swiftly toward their appointed destinies as their consciousnesses have chosen. Your world shall become - and swiftly it shall become - two worlds. You will call one light and one dark, but I am in both of them"

"Increasingly, the worlds will move apart in consciousness until they are absolutely separate and perceive each other no more. For it is written that two will be at work in the vineyards; one shall be taken and the other remain. I shall snatch you up to me."

"Seek me and you have found peace... Let no man who would be of me have fear."

"The old will disappear. Human level consciousness by itself can no longer resolve the complexities it has created."

"I have come to shepherd the old into a place of its further outworking. I have stated that no sheep that is lost shall go unsought."

"The old must pass away. It has served its purpose in the cycles of evolution and must now make way for a new, more expanded and more fruitful manifestation."

"Always be prepared for change. I have stated that all may change in the twinkling of an eye and you may find yourselves in another world of consciousness, opportunity, and behavior entirely."

"In terms of physical personality relationships, I can be a sword that divides and separates. Release them to me, no matter where their destiny leads them."

Flight Into Freedom
God Spoke To Me
Eileen Caddy
Cofounder of The Findhorn Community

"Wake up to the turbulent state of the world. Humankind is drawing further away from the source of all good into the darkness. You can feel the unrest, the disquiet, everywhere. Humans have brought this upon themselves by their free will. The have made the choice of power, greed, hatred, jealousy and envy and must take the consequences. There is no hope of averting the landslide, but exactly how it is to be brought about can be sped up or slowed down by the behaviour of the human race."

"This is the turning point for every soul. The die has been cast, and each soul has to make a choice: a turning towards the light or the dark. The day many have been waiting for is over. The cosmic power released at that appointed moment, felt by you and many others, has begun to reverberate around the universe. Nothing will stop it."

"Great changes are about to take place in the whole universe. It will not be a comfortable time. It is important that each one has no fear, no concern, knowing that this great upheaval is necessary before the next step can be taken."

The Ra Material - Book 1
Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert
& James Allen McCarty

"There is going to be a Harvest, as you might call it, a harvest of souls that will shortly occur on your planet. We are attempting to extract the greatest possible harvest from this planet. This is our mission, for we are the Harvesters."

"In order to be most efficient, we are attempting to create first a state of seeking among the people of this planet who desire to seek... We offer them no concrete proof, as they have a way of expressing it. We offer them Truth. This is an important function of our mission - to offer Truth without proof. In this way, the motivation will, in each and every case, come from within the individual."

"I am Ra. One major cycle is approximately 25,000 of your years. There are three cycles of this nature during which those who have progressed may be harvested at the end of the three major cycles. That is, approximately between 75 and 76,000 of your years. All are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension, and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density."

"I am Ra. This inconvenience (Earth changes) or disharmonious vibratory complex, has begun several of your years in your past. It shall continue unabated for a period of approximately thirty of your years."

(This transmission was given in 1981. Thirty years later would be 2011).

The Starseed Transmissions
Starseed - The Third Millennium
Return of the Bird Tribes
Ken Carey (1970s-1980s)

"Our mission is to bring a pre-Fall state of awareness to all human beings who are able to respond, however different they may be, whatever background they may have come from..."

"You are being given an opportunity to enter a new reality. It is already here for those with eyes to see. Soon it will be the only reality to be seen. Those who tune into the new frequencies (of love) will find life growing more wondrous every day. Those who tune into fear will find things falling apart. The worlds of consciousness will begin to form ever more distinctly; the world of Love and Life, and the world of fear and death."

"... you will think of all the years of your history up until The Coming shortly after Second Millennium A.D., as being years of darkness, years in spent the womb. You will remember nothing about them."

"As the twentieth century draws to a close, a new generation - your own - finds itself settled along the very banks of the river. Already pioneers have set out from among you to explore the other shore. Soon there will be a massive crossing of human beings from one side of this river to the other, from the subconscious realms, where fear is the primary source of motivation, to the conscious realms, which know only the motives of love."

"Those few who may choose to remain behind will not be uncared for. They will experience an age of further history, much like the history that humans have experienced in the past."

"Five Centuries before the dawn of the present era, in the jungles of the Yucatan, we brought to the Awakened Ones of that age a timetable, which they carefully recorded in stone. The Mayan Calendar is recovered now from moss, fern, lizard and leaf. In it are chiseled the dates of the Great Purification, dates that correspond to your years, 1987 to 2011. The winter solstice of the last year of this intensified twenty-five year cycle will see the purification complete, the era of human history brought forever to a close."

An Introduction to the Keys of Enoch
J. J. Hurtak (1973)

"While I was in the act of prayer calling upon the name of the Father, asking to know the meaning of life and for what reason I was called into the world, my room suddenly became full of a different type of light. And in the presence of this 'Light' a great Being stood before me who announced that he was Master Ophanim Enoch."

"The being asked if I were ready to go with him to the Father's midst, and I said I was."

So begins J. J. Hurtak's surreal experience, during which he was given the 64 Keys of Enoch that explain how the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation will be broken (decoded).

The 64 Keys will help to "bring a new cosmology of consciousness in explaining how the Brotherhoods of Light will work with members of the human race who can accept the promise of a new life."

Below are some excerpts from this book, which point to the coming changes that will affect every one on this planet.

"There is presently occurring a space-time overlap with the 'Higher Evolution' as the Earth's solar system enters an electromagnetic null zone, a vacuum area in space which will change the magnetic forces of creation."

"The change of the electromagnetic density in the Earth's atmosphere will activate some species to become more violent and other species to more Christ-like as man is pulled either into an upward spiral of Light or negated by the breakdown of the old electromagnetic frequency.

This will bring about a complete reorganization of the Earth's life system..."

"Before the new story of creation happens, the Earth will go through gross geo-magnetic and catastrophic changes as the magnetic regions of the North and South Pole release 'their torque,' spinning the shell (crustal surface) of the Earth into the new program of existence."

"For behold, the field is white and ready for harvest... the Creator of this local 'galactic universe' will gather the remaining righteous on this Earth who will be 'graduated' to go on to Light-Life worlds."

"And it will occur after the wars between the Sons of Light versus the Sons of Darkness that a 'New Age' will occur for all of mankind surviving the great changes..."

"There is a forming of the new worlds at this time for there is to be soon existent new planets... The Nine shall place upon the new realms those 'physical souls' who have perfected themselves upon the Earth plane. Those souls who have evolved to the highest point of advancement on Earth shall be of the New Creation."

"The younger souls of the faithful who survive the old program will become the physical seed of the Christ people upon the planet. The faithful who are already initiated into the many gifts will be taken to other planets. This will come to pass only after the unrighteous are removed from the face of the earth. At that time the earth will be in a new electromagnetic orbit and there will be new heavens and new earth."

We The Arcturians
Norma Milanovich, Ph.D.(1980s)

"This transitional period through which the Earth is now passing is unlike any that has ever been experienced in the records of beloved Terra. It will be another 26,000 years before the planet again, has the opportunity to assume the strength and position that it will soon experience in the New Age."

"Humankind is just beginning to feel a shift of consciousness resulting in a happier condition... Individuals of higher states of consciousness are beginning to separate themselves from those individuals of lower, more angry states. The vibrational frequencies of the two sets of individuals are beginning to clash... this clash will become more obvious."

"Planet Earth is beginning to prepare for the cleansing of negative energy that surrounds her. You have already seen the signs with the violent weather changes, volcanoes that have erupted and will continue to erupt, earthquakes, and the changing ozone layer... The energy of humankind has polluted beloved Terra long enough. The cleansing will be complete."

"You see, each planet and star system goes through similar periods of trials and errors as the Earth is doing right now. We are here to help one of the most difficult birthing processes that has ever been the challenge to any of the Beings in the universe."

"The people of Earth are on a path that is irreversible. On this journey, they must realize that Light and love are the only two qualities that can be adhered to for advancement into the New Age."

"But souls must choose which one they will master. There are only two choices: there is love and Light, or there is fear. Choose, our dearest brothers and sisters of the universe. And make this choice before the portal of time into this new dimensional frequency closes and makes the choice for you."

"There is no punishment for those who choose not to enter this Kingdom (Golden Age), and it is clear that many souls on Earth today are not ready to make this journey with their magnificent master (Christ). The only 'punishment' is time, as you have defined it on Earth. Those who do not wish to take part in Jesus' hospitality, are those who must wait for the next appropriate time when the portal will again be opened. This portal in time will occur again approximately 26,000 years from the present moment."

E. T. 101
Zoev Jho (late 1980s)

"The old world's systems are in collapse. Those who wish to continue in those systems will be graciously asked to leave, because their motivator, fear, is being relocated to another planet where its subdivisions are still welcome."

"In fulfillment of Native American prophecies, intergalactic and interdimensional forces have gathered on this planet at this time to liberate her in the name of Spirit."

"The Earth has elected to evolve beyond limitation; however, anyone who opts to explore that process further is free to do so - just not on this planet. Such people will be allowed to continue their experiments with limitation on some other piece of planetary property that is at a less advanced stage in its evolution."

"This is the most critical moment of change in this planet's history, and your assistance in that change is vital."

Kryon - The End Times
Kryon - Alchemy of the Human Spirit
Partnering with God
Lee Carroll (1990s)

"... regardless of how peaceful you have become, and regardless of your level of enlightenment, you absolutely will react to the stress of the earth. As for the question of mass termination: Will it be necessary for large numbers of humankind to be terminated in order to achieve balance? The answer is yes. The numbers, however, only approach one percent of the life force here. This will not be global termination."

"Who will it be? It is thus: those with absolutely no hope whatsoever of achieving any greater enlightenment than they already have will move on."

"The oldest tribes on the planet are very aware of what is happening, for their calendars predicted it. The change, however, will be different than expected. It will be the age of graduation instead of an ending of life. It is the graduation of the Earth and the entering of it into new areas of the galaxy (formerly hidden). It will be the graduation of the human being into a new consciousness, and new ways of life (formerly hidden)."

"The year 2012 will then be what you call a marker that will meld slowly into a new time... so look at your Mayan calendar to find out what it says about 2012. Look into the past to see what spiritual historians have said about 2012..."

"For the year 2012, if you believe your ancient history and also the ones that foretold about time itself, is when your time apparently ends! What could that mean? Some have said it means the end of the planet - termination. However, it really means change, dear ones."

"The ascension timeline is a 24-year window. From the end of 1997 on, or about the beginning of 2001, is the window."

"We have told you that some may go partway and that it's appropriate to stop - and that there is no judgment over this. We have also told you that some will go all the way. What's going to happen in 2012? Another measurement. And if, dear ones, that measurement is found to be a certain vibration, you are all going to see an entirely different planet - and that is what is going to trigger the mass landing."

The P'taah Tapes
Transformation of the Species
An Act of Faith
Jani King (early 1990s)

"... your planet has gone through cyclic changes as has humanity... And now, dear ones, the whole Earth is quickening. The heart of humanity is quickening in anticipation of the culmination of this epoch... this year 1992 is important because it truly does mark the beginning of what has been historically called in your ancient writings 'the last days.'"

"Now it is very important for all to understand that this timing, the world as you know it, will fall into greater and greater chaos... The failure of your institutions and the Earth changes, have already begun, but will accelerate in 1992."

"It (the changes) will affect the galaxies, dear one. These changes are not merely confined to this planet. It is a different alignment of star systems; it is not only this planet. It is coming into a different alignment of universes... it is beneficial to many worlds that your transition be one of great beauty, that it is one of joy, that it be one of love, that there be absence of fear."

"There is room for millions and millions and millions of creations within the same space. There is not merely one Earth."

"So in this time to come, which is very soon in your historical times, the Earth will shift and change; the consciousness of humanity will expand and expand and it will rise to what is called a higher density..."

"There are many of you who are terrified that you will die before the 'big bang' and cannot experience the reality of the fourth dimension. Well, you will not miss out. I promise you."

"... what will be occurring in the next twenty of your years is that the portal will grow until it encircles the Earth, thus signifying the change... and as we have said before, your planet, that you believe is a concrete solid mass, is in fact many Earths occupying the same space, but in a different time continua."

"The transition, the coming into ONENESS of all things, may be as quickly as the blink of the eye... For those who do not desire it, they will not experience it. Always, always it is your choice."

St. Germain - Earth Birth Changes
Azena (early 1990s)

"It is nigh unto the ripeness of time - indeed - a culmination of eons of time unto the harvest. The time is now... The rapture will allow you to perceive fourth density... therefore third density will no longer be able to perceive you, for you will be simultaneously existing, coexisting in the same space/time, but merely not perceived, because it is of a different frequency."

"The year 2012 of your time is the apex of it. It is a convergence point into unlimitedness..."

"Alright. Cycles - there are cycles within cycles within cycles. There are many, many, many different cycles that are culminating in this now. The reason for the focus on planet Earth, and for all the galactic confederations coming forth unto this area of your solar system, is because the universe is in the shifting of densities.... it is also occurring to the astral body of Earth, the etheric body Earth, and the soul body of Earth."

"There are other third density Earths..."

"These particular dates (2012) are all shifting, because consciousness is shifting all the time. It is a flux. It appears that it is somewhere between 2010 and 2013 of your now."

"and when fourth density or super-consciousness comes upon the plane, it will not be perceiving third density and third density will not be perceiving fourth density, for they will be different dimensions then. Now they are co-existent dimensions, and when super-consciousness prevails, the shift will occur and that is called a rapture."

"In many references your harvest is your fourth density transformation, your ascension. Some would call it rapture."

Songs of the Arcturians
Songs of Melantor
Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light
Patricia Pereira

"Your planet is calibrating its celestial resonating periods. That is to say, its vibrational third-dimensional density state is being transplanted by fourth- and fifth-density restructuring in accordance with harmonics that are sung by the universe.

"Earth is in the midst of a quantum event. The radical quickening, or speeding up, of time is but one aspect of the ethereal adjustments being made in preparation for a massive spatial transfer of the planet and its inhabitants."

"Firm notice is hereby given to those who have no sense of moral or ethical integrity in accordance with Universal Law, those who dissipate their energies in destructive acts, will not find themselves inhabiting this world in the future."

"We have come to Earth to harvest our crops - the precious starseeds. The day nears for us to bundle them up and transport them Home."

"Mother Earth has begun a process to remove the scabs of industrial pollution that cover her careworn face. She is readying herself to slough off the disease and decay that torment her delicate skin... Those who survive the upcoming deluge are destined to take a grandstand seat at her greatest performance."

"Although a series of catastrophic-appearing occurrences are scheduled prior to the cessation of this phase of human history, humanity's greatest fear - that of total annihilation - is not a planned event."

"Many will not ascend when the starships come to Earth. Vast numbers of humans have very young Souls and are not yet evolved to the point when they can grasp concepts of Universal Law or think of Planet Earth as a living being... Many young souls by necessity will travel in the ways of darkness, for the pathway though the lower realms is one that must be taken by developing Souls."

"End time events are carefully orchestrated and are unfolding according to Divine Plan. In spite of dire predictions of a dying civilization, a new-dawn world will be erected on the labors of brave humans like you who have challenged yourself to awaken. Like a phoenix you are rising from the ashes of an outdated time to germinate the structures of an entirely new whole-Earth society. The inhabitants of this newly structured world, aware of their familial connection to the inhabitants of the galactic core, will live in peace, harmony and unconditional love."

Conversations with God
Book 3
Neale Donald Walsch (late 1990s)

"Walsch: You mean I can avoid the Earth shifting on its axis, or being smashed by a meteor, or being crumpled by earthquakes, or be caught in the confusing and hysterical aftermath of Y2K?

God: You can definitely avoid being affected negatively by any of that.

Walsch: That wasn't what I asked You.

God: But it is what I answered. Face the future fearlessly, understanding The Process and seeing the perfection of it all.

That peace, that serenity that calmness will lead you away from most of the experiences and outcomes others would have called "negative."

God continued:... I am saying that once before on your planet you had reached the heights - beyond the heights, really, - to which you now are slowly climbing. You had a civilization on Earth more advanced than the one now existing. And it destroyed itself.

Not only did it destroy itself, it nearly destroyed everything else as well. It did this because it did not know how to deal with the very technologies it had developed. Its technological evolution was so far ahead of its spiritual evolution that it wound up making technology its God.

Walsch: This all happened here, on this Earth?

God: Yes

Walsch: Are you talking about the Lost City of Atlantis?

God: Some of you have called it that.

Walsch: And Lemuria? The land of Mu?

God: That is also part of your mythology.

Walsch: So then it is true? We did get to that place before?

God: Oh beyond it, my Friend. Way beyond it.

Walsch: And we did destroy ourselves?

God: Why are you surprised? You're doing the same thing now."

Messages From Heaven
Patricia Kirmond (late 1990s)

These messages come from a man who past away when he was 80 years of age. He sent the transmissions to his twin flame, the author of this book.

"The nation (USA) is experiencing a time similar to when the Roman Empire crumbled and when the continent of Atlantis sank. People's senses grow dull. They do not feel the deterioration of the basic moral fiber of the nation, or they feel it and do not know what to do about it."

"I do not feel that you will avoid all cataclysm, but you still have time to change the worst portents."

"... for people who do not understand the law of cycles. New cycles cannot begin until the karma of the previous cycle is cleared."

"You must prepare for some very hard years on a planetary scale. No one will be totally free from cataclysm and earth changes."

"What people find hard to understand is that in this period of time major karma has come due."

"I can tell you that the energies are intensifying. When energies intensify, people are often tested in unprecedented ways."

"At times like this, people are facing increased returning karma so they can balance the maximum amount before the turning of cycles. This can be a test that pushes you toward the limits of what you feel you can handle. Remember to stay anchored in God when all seems to be in chaos."

"Before a Golden Age can occur, every jot and tittle of karma comes up for balancing... The cosmic justice system is one of the most incredible things I have come to understand. We are given free will to create and select as we wish, but we are also given accountability."

"It is important to remember our ancient history. During former golden ages, life was peaceful and justice reigned."

"The ascended masters have been warning lightbearers for years concerning the necessity for worldwide change and the possible earth changes that will need to occur as a result of mankind's misuse of energy."

"What the masters are saying is that no one will be completely spared. No matter what, a certain level of cataclysm will occur."

The Calling
Amitabh through Rasha (late 1990s)

The wisdom in The Calling is from a collective, loving consciousness called "Amitabh." The Amitabh energy is The Father Consciousness whose information is Divine Guidance from an aspect of God.

"What has come to be termed Christ Consciousness is the condition that all souls who survive into the Great Spiritual Age will attain. For in the coming times, none will remain who are defined by the limitation of physical expression."

"Freedom from fear of this momentary crossing-over (death) is a rudimentary prerequisite for functioning even at the most basic level in the times to come. For the transition will be massive, sudden and monumental."

"The fact of death will become a routine fact of life, as the majority of souls currently incarnate will chose either to pre-empt the coming times, or make their transition en masse with the bulk of humanity."

"Those whose destiny it is to remain physically incarnate on this planet will need to have a deep-seated understanding that this turn of events is not an ending, but rather a beginning. A fresh start of historic significance."

"One should expect to see many instances of political upheaval, wars, uprisings and other instances of mass chaos in the coming times as unenlightened souls find themselves, unknowingly, at the effect of the shifting vibrational energy forces."

"For a massive purging has been called for upon this planet for these times... and this will be accomplished in a multitude of ways... not merely with ecological occurrences, as has been commonly believed. Mankind will, in essence, annihilate itself in many areas of the globe in the coming times. And the behaviors causing the widescale societal breakdown to come will be a primary way in which that purging is achieved."

"There will be massive exits in the times to come. Illness will be epidemic. 'Accidents' will be rampant. Seismic disturbance and unusual weather conditions will claim a toll in human life. There will be much suffering and much fear. And in the confusion you may choose to shift your energies to a mode of calm, determined action aimed at maintaining your spiritual equilibrium under those conditions."

"Those who permit themselves to be swept into a state of panic and despair over the upheavals of these times are less likely to be able to withstand, psychologically and emotionally, the times to come."

A Master Speaks
through Benjamin Creme (late 1970s-1990s)

In another part of this web site, I describe the possibility that Christ may be on planet Earth at this very moment. I do not do so blindly, or without thoroughly researching such claims.

I recently read a book called A Master Speaks. After reading a few pages I immediately knew it had a very profound message. As a matter of fact, it had a message that went way beyond the profound. Interestingly, the book makes no claim for an author on the front cover. It was simply an inspired series of teachings and insights given to a Benjamin Creme during the 1970's.

Who wrote the book? The author was a Master whose inspired insights and teachings were then transcribed into words by Mr. Creme. Now, that in itself is not unusual for this New Age. There are many spiritually inspired books available today but here's what really got my attention.

The Master told Benjamin Creme, among other things, that the World Teacher --Christ-- the Master of all the Masters -- would return in about 20 years and that he (Creme) would have a role to play in the event if he chose to accept it.

Furthermore, Christ would be known as Maitreya, a name purposely chosen for its neutrality among nations so that no one single religion could selfishly claim Christ as their own "messiah."

Also, Maitreya was not here to form a religion but to play the same role He came to planet Earth for 2000 years ago... as a Teacher of Righteousness, to show us how to end injustice in this world through sharing and unconditional love for all.

According to the Master and Benjamin Creme, Maitreya (Christ) has been in London, England as an ordinary man since 1973 living in an Asian community. He now works behind the scenes with others to prepare the way for His public emergence, which can occur at any time. His presence will be confirmed on the "Day of Declaration" when He will appear on worldwide television. When that happens His energy will unmistakably enter all of us, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will occur and there will be no doubt that He is the World Teacher for humanity.

These are no small claims to say the least. If true, it would be the most profound event in the history of mankind.

Furthermore, the messages say that humanity is at a crossroads, the future of which is dependent upon mankind's choices now. Should we make the highest choices, a new spiritual man and spiritual woman will be born into the Age of Aquarius, reflecting more and more their divine heritage.

Here are two statements that sum up the message of Maitreya and Benjamin Creme...

"Many times have you heard Me say that My coming means change. Specifically, the greatest change will be in the hearts and minds of men, for My return among you is a sign that men are ready to receive new life." -- Maitreya

"If I am correct, we are about to witness a total transformation of every aspect of our lives: we will create a new civilization more brilliant than has yet existed on this planet." -- Benjamin Creme

There is a lot of sobering information presented on this page. Creating it did not come easy for me. I received a lot of spiritual wisdom and insight from the above transmissions, and I benefited a great deal from them.

However, much of the information about the coming Earth changes was hard for me to ignore. Believe me, my intent is not to create fear here. Rather, I wish to inspire thought a sense of wonder about these messages, and let the reader decide for himself or herself.

What continues to intrigue me is...

There are 6 plus billion souls on planet Earth now. Where did we all come from? Apparently, all of us somehow participated in the creation of the current condition on planet Earth, and it is our karmic responsibility to be here at this moment in time.

We are now at the end of the Great 25,920-year cycle that the Mayans and many other ancient civilizations were so focused on. And they always wanted to know where they were in that cycle, because their lives depended upon it.

Half way through the Great Cycle, or about 13,000 years ago, Edgar Cayce said that the last of Atlantis went into the sea because of a major cataclysm. And the reason for the destruction of Atlantis was that its inhabitants were too focused on greed, self-pleasure and materialism. Sound familiar?

Over the past 40 years there has been a great wave of UFOs and crop circles witnessed on this planet, as if to raise attention to our cosmic heritage.

Over that same period of time a massive amount of spiritual/New Age information has been disseminated throughout the world via books, mass media and the Internet raising our awareness as spiritual beings.

The Hopi Indian prophecies have now been revealed and have come to pass.

This is also a time of rapid global warming and associated Earth changes are occurring at a rate that is much faster than expected. Why now?

Why has all of the above happened at a time when materialism, self-gratification and deception are reaching unprecedented levels in human history?

A long time ago, the Mayan calendar described 2012 as the end of the 5th age, or the end of the Great Cycle, which will be followed by a great cleansing. How did they know that so much would be going on at this moment in time?

No one can say for sure what's coming and when it might come. However, many others and I can sense the vibrational changes taking place on planet Earth these days. There is no question that things have gotten more intense for humankind over the past 15 years.

I have no doubt that there is an extraordinary shift in consciousness taking place on this planet that will bring about the next stage of humanity's development, whenever or however may occur. In my opinion, that is what the New Age is about.

It also appears that this shift is resulting in the polarization of people into two different groups: those calling for a higher level of consciousness based upon a love-centered approach to life, and those who cannot let go of their fear-based, self-serving ways of living.

There are good reasons to believe that this vibrational energy will continue to escalate as we head towards 2012. One cannot deny that there is an enormous amount of change taking place at a very rapid rate.

Clearly, one can begin to see that institutions and organizations, whose philosophies are based upon fear, deception, separation, and self-serving interests are beginning to lose credibility, and will now crumble and die. Good examples are today's greedy corporations and equally greedy business leaders, the White House, the military, FBI, CIA, the Vatican/Catholic Church, Israel, and many others to numerous to mention. Their karma is due. Their moment of truth has come.

On the contrary, new groups and organizations that desire a peaceful and sacred approach to life based upon love, honor, respect, self-responsibility and sharing are beginning to strengthen and flourish. They know that the outcome of goodness during the dawning Age of Aquarius is inevitable. They also realize that Aquarius will be a time when we will learn to live kindly, speak works of gentleness and wisdom, release our self-centered ways, and reconnect with our soul.

As for me, I am trying my best to stay God-centered, loving, fearless, in the moment and totally dependent upon Source for all that comes into my life. And I will not move from that sacred place regardless of what the future might bring.

References :

Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
The Mayan Prophesies by Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell
Beyond Prophesies and Predictions by Moira Timms

Source: From The Stars

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Full Moon Nights have been a special occasion to humanity for eons and in modern times when our material realities within concrete confines of modernism keep us occupied for most time of our lives, the raving community takes cue from the indigenous rituals of shamanic trance dance and step outside the idea of the separate self to dance in communion with the cosmic spirit ... to dance with God !

Full Moon dates 2009

Year Month Day Time Day of week
2009 Jan 11 03:28 Sun
2009 Feb 9 14:51 Mon
2009 Mar 11 02:40 Wed
2009 Apr 9 14:58 Thu
2009 May 9 04:03 Sat
2009 Jun 7 18:13 Sun
2009 Jul 7 09:23 Tue
2009 Aug 6 00:57 Thu
2009 Sep 4 16:05 Fri
2009 Oct 4 06:11 Sun
2009 Nov 2 19:15 Mon
2009 Dec 2 07:33 Wed
2009 Dec 31 19:15 Thu

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In the 21st century, the world is experiencing difficult times. No matter how one chooses to look at things, how much of a positive attitude one tries to adopt, there is still a great deal of uncertainty among most people in regards to the future and many of those who have taken the time to investigate and who are aware of such things, see the situation as hopeless and many feel powerless in the face of the New World Order Leviathan that is ever more quickly engulfing our civilization. Yet the reality is that the people are not powerless at all, in fact quite the opposite is true, for there is a simple and effective way to stop the new world order in its tracks.

Let’s be honest about it. The system we live under is corrupt. It’s rotten to the core. It about self service and its run by psychopaths and criminals and everyone knows it. And they get away with it, and the world continues along in this dysfunctional manner simply because we let it continue. So stop going along with it. Understand that the way to bring about real change in the world is through non compliance to the system. And many ask what is non compliance? Does this mean I should quit my job and burn all my money and the answer to any questions such as these is no, of course not. Non compliance is about doing the right thing, its about disconnecting yourself from the system, being responsible for your thoughts, for your actions and your intentions and it lies very much in realizing your own potential.

Do what is right in all that you do. Realize your connection to others and think humanitarianly rather than economically. Don’t base your life on the collection of useless trinkets or on social status. Do what is right in your heart, and doing what is right, understanding whether what you are doing is the right thing or not, is not something you have to decide. It’s something you already know in your heart if you would just look, and be honest with yourself. If you are doing something that you need to justify to yourself with inner dialog, then chances are that you are doing the wrong thing and are simply trying to talk yourself into allowing it... You know this, the knowledge of it is within your heart, you just have to look and you will find it. Understand how the energy works, be aware of the energy you are drawing into yourself, of what you are manifesting with that energy, and what type of energy you are contributing back into the energy supply for others for others to draw upon. This is truly how it works.

Realize your true potential as a human being. Forget the imaginary restraints that have been placed before you by the academic system and the limitations you are told exist by science and religious teachings and look at the whole spectrum because the fact is that each of these institutions functions to only to compartmentalize knowledge. Each exists for the very purpose of limiting the scope of your understanding by locking you into a contained and restrictive paradigm and until people begin to look beyond such imposed limitations, open their minds and make the connections between religion and science, they are never going to make the connections to themselves, to this reality and to the Creator that men have called God.

But to do this and to gain a real understanding requires both acceptance, and self responsibility, it requires that people act in a proactive manner. There are many who find such things difficult, those who would prefer someone else to come and save them, yet such people desire the impossible for they desire to be delivered into salvation and utopia without ever understanding the true nature of their world or even of themselves and this is very often due to the limitations of an imposed belief system.

Now you can talk to those who embrace religion, you can sit them down and you can talk to them about God and about Satan and they will converse with you eagerly and they all very much believe in such things, but as soon as you put things like science, Galactic Laws, numerology or astro-theology into the equation, many just shut off. They say its Gods will and they sit back and they wait for Armageddon - and some will even go so far as to say the pursuit of such higher understandings is demonic! And though on a different level, it’s much the same with many scientists, they understand the mechanics of it all but many refuse to add spirituality to the picture, and only adhere to laws that can be applied on a mechanical level. Both approaches are inherently flawed because neither will consider the arguments of the other and both refuse to take into account, allow for, and even embrace, the true nature of feelings and emotions.

Yet feeling and emotion is the key to it all. Feeling and emotion is the language that is used to create and to mold reality. Feeling and emotion is the true nature of prayer and it is also the language by which man may communicate with the creator.

What is the true nature of that divine entity that man has named God? The intelligence that underlies all, the fabric that permeates all realities.

The creator exists as one, a single consciousness that is in essence a duality, both male and female. The Alpha and the Omega. This is why in Religious texts in which the creator speaks, it is in the plural. This is the nature of the divine matrix that connects all things, the consciousness of which we are all expressions.

As self awareness grows and realization of ones connection to this consciousness awakens within each person, Institutionalized Religions seek to externalize this force and suggest that God is something external from man, a benefactor that is looking down on us. Many so called new age religions attempt to internalize it and suggest that God is yourself, that God lies within, but both of these understandings are erroneous. Every Being in Creation, both you and I and every other person in this reality, is an eternal living Soul expression of God, of the consciousness of the Alpha and Omega just as every Soul is Male/Female in nature. Yet despite this, our world, our species and our consciousness is today, rampant with division and distrust that is wholly illusionary and has been deliberately engineered into being - the manufactured creation of an Institutionalized society.

This has been going on for a very long time and has reached extreme proportions over the last century. During this time man, as a species, has been shifted so far from his centre and so far away from true reality that we have almost completely lost our humanity. We have been trained to be totally dependent upon the system. We have been robbed of our will, of our self esteem, and our independence. We have been trained to believe what ever the TV tells us and to think that image, social status and the collection of meaningless trinkets is the meaning of life. But most importantly, through television, the mass media and through the ingestion of brain inhibiting toxins such as fluoride, we have been robbed of our power to think critically and objectively and most dangerously of all, through these same machinations, we have been robbed of our life skills.

This last fact alone has placed mankind in the most vulnerable position of our entire recorded history for at this point in time we are almost each and every one of us, completely dependent on a corrupt corporate apparatus for our survival, an apparatus that places profits before people. It has nothing at all to do with the true nature of man and our place upon, and relationship to, this earth or to each other, yet we depend upon it for our food, for our housing, for our information and even for our entertainment. It tells us what to do, where to go, what to look like, what to eat, how to dress, how to act and what to think about the world and about each other and we obey it while the world around us is raped. And if this corporate apparatus were to suddenly fail or shut down, every supermarket shelf in the world would be almost completely empty, and every resource we take for granted as being on hand for our daily lives, would be depleted in a matter of just three days - and what then? Because if a person from almost any level of modern society were suddenly to be left alone to fend for themselves, there are very few who would be able to survive.

It is of the utmost importance that mankind wake up to the reality of this and to the true situation the world is facing because the future we are allowing to be created and to which we are also allowing ourselves to literally become completely enslaved to and totally dependent upon, is not going to be a future worth living in.

What is required to fix it is for people to re establish themselves as human beings and get back in touch with their humanity. Take control of your own life, start growing your own food and take responsibility for yourself and realize and accept your connection to others.

One hundred and 20 years ago, a situation such as the one we are now in would have been unthinkable, so why then is it so prevalent today?

The reason it is so prevalent and we are now in this situation is because it has been done by design. The reason, is because we are being set up, and I don’t tell people this in order to scare them, I tell people simply because its important they become aware of it as it is a situation that can still be rectified, once people become aware of the truth.

Now there are many who choose to blame different groups for this. They claim Zionism is to blame or it’s the Bilderberg group or its the international banksters and the money system that’s the root of the problem, yet the truth is that all these things are merely differing mechanisms of control that are all interconnected. Certainly, the money system is the head of the snake that is used to control it all - including the people. But ultimately it’s all the one system and all of these mechanisms are merely different layers of the same onion, they are differing levels in the hierarchy and different arms of the same octopus. Both Zionism and the money system and any other visibly secret organizations are merely playing their own specific part. This conspiracy runs very deep. It goes back to ancient Egypt and even beyond. Step back and look at the bigger picture

As I have said repeatedly in other films, there is a ruling bloodline that exists on this earth. It is very old and has always ruled the earth. It is to this bloodline that the Bavarian Illuminati appears to have allied itself with some 230 years ago. This ruling class is known by many as a sun cult and there is good reason for this as it still carries out its ritualistic worship of Amon Ra in the world today. It does this in full view and has even hijacked other faiths to do it. Unbeknownst to the members of these religions, one of the purposes in doing this is to use these people to help channel the energy required to control this reality. There are a great many people involved with this bloodline, both genetically and ideologically and it is the upper echelons of this ancient sun cult who ultimately sit at the top and steer the ship of state. If the truth be known, there is already a one world government in control of this planet. Its just that it is hidden in the shadows and governs the world through covert methods, the three most prominent of which are by controlling the flow of the worlds resources, its manipulation of the global money supply and most importantly, through the control over the flow of information.

Now, archeological evidence clearly shows us that there have indeed been civilizations as advanced as our own, and perhaps even in possession of technology that we are still yet to realize, that once existed on this planet in times long passed. Archeological evidence also clearly shows us, that many thousands of years ago the earth suffered some kind of catastrophe – in fact most likely there have been several. The last one that was recorded in any discernable way was the deluge described in the bible as the flood of Noah. The deluge did take place, it’s recounted in many, many cultures some going back even further that the bible. It exists in Babylonian texts in the Epic of Gilgamesh. It even exists in legends of native American, Australian aboriginal and south American cultures, and in many other places besides. And this is not by coincidence. The deluge did in fact occur. What my research has led me to believe is that at the time of the deluge, or possibly even in a catastrophe preceding the last one, there was indeed an advanced civilization that existed on this earth, and during one such catastrophe, technology was lost. Not just civilization but actual hardware and important scientific records.

It has been a painstaking process for those in control to regain this technology and we have been allowed to breed in order that it may be recovered and that control over Earths resources is again secured by those who control this world. They have used us as the power and resource to achieve these ends. Those who belong to this ancient cult are the keepers of the hidden knowledge and these people understand that if you can control the emotions and beliefs of enough of the populations, you can control the entire species and quite literally create whatever reality you desire and they have used our energy to create the world we now inhabit.

The key to addressing this situation is to understand your own potential and understand the true nature of energy, vibration and of frequency.

Everything that exists in this reality consists wholly of differing frequencies of energy. The expression of every frequency that exists, exists as every Son/Daughter and every son/daughter that exists in Creation is consciousness. The Creator is consciousness and every Soul in projection in this reality is an expression of that consciousness. Consciousness through Creation is Universally the same and is pure Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness is the key. Once you get the picture that Christ Consciousness, rather than the doctrines of institutionalized religions, is what it's all about, you understand everything about what's going on. Creation exists solely through the loving responsibility and intent of every Soul in projection, every expression of the consciousness of the creator - and this has nothing to do with institutionalized religion. Institutionalized Religion has been devised by man to hide you from the truth and from the Christ consciousness that lies within you.

Your inner thoughts and emotions literally affect the outer physical world around you.

It is extremely important for people to understand that your feelings and the effect they have on the world around you are not something you can switch on and off at will. Its an ongoing thing that is happening all the time.

Every conscious moment of your life you are communicating with the energy field around you and every moment you are quite literally shaping this physical reality with your thoughts and your emotions and the energy you are releasing through them. Many people find such information to be somewhat discomforting because with the understanding that your inner thoughts and emotions literally affect the outer physical world around you comes a great responsibility. How will you accept this responsibility? How will you now choose to live your life in the realization and true understanding of what energies you are putting back into the matrix for others to draw upon and of how these energies created by the choices you make, are literally shaping the physical world around you?

Jesus was a Christ Conscious Triune Being in a projection. You are a Christ conscious Triune Being in a projection, a thought in the mind of God, a manifestation of the expression of Alpha and Omega. The difference is that Jesus knew it while most other people haven't figured it out yet.

Every person living within this three dimensional reality, lives a completely illusionary existence. What Man considers the ordinary events of everyday life on Earth have no counterparts in the higher realms of awareness. Every person dwelling on Earth today is a living Christ Triune Being subject to the third dimensional mentalized illusion of this material plane. On Earth each of you has five lower outer senses and one hundred and five higher or inner senses you cannot normally access. Because of this you are only able to perceive a very narrow bandwidth of this reality and the way to unlock these higher senses is to understand the one law that governs this reality.

There is only the One Law and that is the law of absolute and unconditional love and service to the Creation for the Creator. Evil is doing in practice the opposite of what you should be doing in principle. The reason is simple, disharmony is the result. What is thought of as evil is, quite simply, the presence of disharmony through acting in opposition to the One Law. Evil, is a choice and the so called battle of Armageddon that those of a religious persuasion are waiting for is, in actual fact, already being waged. It is a battle of energy that is being fought in a higher realm. It is a battle that is being fought on all levels, both spiritually and physically and even electromagnetically. The weapons that are being used to wage this war are all around you. They are food toxins, electromagnetic radiation and television. It is a battle of consciousness. It is being waged by occult means and it is going on right now. The outcome of this war will be that man will either awaken his DNA, realize his true potential, and change this reality into one that embraces his connection to everyone and everything, and to the creator, or he will succumb and in doing so he will lose the final vestige of his humanity. We are, right now, on the precipice. We are teetering on the brink of one of these two realities. On one side lies salvation, and on the other, oblivion, while in our hands, lies the choice.

Look around you, this Battle has been raging for many, many years. People are just kept distracted by design and so for the most part, they haven’t yet noticed. Free yourself of the distraction though, and it becomes very obvious and quite plain to see. We are not in the end days or even in the end hours, we are in the final minutes and the choice of what the final outcome will be - the very key to winning, lies within each of you.

All I can ask is that you each look within yourself because when you look deep enough you will find that the words I have spoken are true. Realize your inner power and embrace your true potential because the truth will set you free.

My friends, Stop complying with this system.

It’s time to wake up.

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The Balls of Light or Orbs are associated with Crop Circles are also related to healing frequencies crossing over from other dimensions caught on digital and infrared cameras, also seen by eyewitnesses just seconds before an intricate work of sacred art within the pattern of crop circle was formed in the field they were watching that night. It could be the first and most compelling evidence of a mysterious creator of Wiltshire's famous crop circles – a flash of white light and a crop circle appears in front of startled researchers.

And all this captured in the dead of night on an array of hi-tech cameras without a sniff of any hoaxers with ropes and boards. Yesterday the crop circle community in Wiltshire was buzzing with probably the most significant single piece of evidence since the entire phenomenon began more than 30 years ago – a crop circle created in front of three eye-witnesses, a bank of light-sensitive video cameras and a mysterious flash minutes before the circle appeared.

The incident occurred two weeks ago, in the early hours of July 7. Regular sweeps with infra-red camera Two croppies, Gary King and his friend Paula Presdee-Jones were sitting atop Knapp Hill with a UFO spotter Winston Keech, who was more interested in filming strange lights than crop circles. Their testimony, released for the first time yesterday, is as mysterious as it is compelling. Mr Keech had a series of cameras focussed on the Pewsey Vale below – the heart of crop circle country – and would make regular sweeps of the fields with another infra-red camera.

The trio were last able to see the famous East Field at Alton Barnes at 1.35am, before it got too dark to make out the wheat. With the rest of his cameras running, and capturing no light, movement or sound in the field, the trio watched the darkness until a blinding flash of light in the sky hit them at 3.13am. At 3.20am the cameras picked out a huge crop formation. The circles themselves cover an area of more than two acres, and are more than 1,000ft long by 500ft wide. There are 150 individual large circles, with about 60 other smaller 'satellite' circles.

It is the biggest formation of the year so far, and kick-started a frenzy of crop circle activity in the Wiltshire countryside – at least 10 other huge formations have been created in the week and a half since. Gary King said: “I have no idea how this formation was created. I just know that it wasn't there at 1.35am, and it was there at 3.20am. Win had lots of cameras filming that field and they picked nothing up, so if there was a huge gang of people there, they used no lights, no lasers, no equipment and made no sound. And they created this huge circle in complete darkness in less than an hour and three-quarters. For me the flash of light is important.

It was like sheet lightning, but it was a dull white light for a split second. I knew something had happened right then, and within 10 minutes we were filming the formation. When I was the first to go into the formation at 4am I felt blessed, a great deal of euphoria. “Personally, I feel this should be a catalyst to serious study of what is going on here. This is vindication, it feels like confirmation of all the time and energy everyone has put into this phenomenon over the years.” Cameraman Winston Keech added: “I was careful to do things like make notes of any vehicles passing and stopping, and use handheld cameras to focus on them.

If there was any hoax activity, there was an overlapping mesh of surveillance which would have seen that.” Crop circle experts filled the Memorial Hall at Alton Barnes yesterday for the first showing of the footage. Norwegian crop circle expert Terje Toftenes said: “There has been much scientific analysis of things like what happens to the crops in formations and there is a floodgate that needs to be open now and all those scientists who have researched this should come forward.”

Balls Of Light Forming Crop Circles

Source : This Is Bristol Crop Circles : Quest For Truth Related Posts :
According to eyewitness : "Driving home near interstate 287 northbound. pulled over to watch the lights. lights lasted about 15-20 minutes then shot off into distance. short video taken with camera. Both myself and the passenger experienced awe as we watch.

Neither of us have seen anything remotely close to this before. The lights must have been visible for miles. Lights changed in pattern and shape throughout the 20 minutes or so."

Eyewitness account: "As an amateur astronomer of nearly 20 years experience, this is the second time I have seen something in the sky that is difficult to explain. I was on my apartment stoop smoking a cigarette when my neighbor, who was just coming home after parking his car in our complexs lot, called my attention to something around the corner of the building. I moved to share his line of sight and immediately saw an equilateral triangle composed of six red lights. The lights shone at approximately -2.5 magnitude and covered an area of roughly 9 square degrees in the sky. Three lights marked each of the triangles corners, and three others were arranged outside around them, forming a larger triangle, equal in proportion and orientation to the inner one. As I watched, the individual points were in motion with respect to each other, but the group appeared to hang motionless in the southwest sky. At this point, the approximate alt-az of the lights was 160°(SSE) by 35° elevation.

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On December 9th 2008 hundreds of people living in Santiago, Chile saw multiple brilliant golden balls of light, UFOs or OVNIs as they are referred to by the locals, moving in formation and disappearing through what seems like a 'portal' and then reappearing elsewhere moving along slowly pulsing a golden aura. A similar OVNI sighting over Santiago, Chile was captured on film earlier ...

The Chilean Air Force released the following statement on December 12th 2008: The strange "formation of lights" that was seen a couple of days ago in the skies of Santiago, was finally Pillan 14 aircraft from the School of Aviation Fach practicing the graduation ceremony of officers, attended last night by President Michelle Bachelet. According to the Air Force said Terra.cl, over the weekend the group of aircraft flying over a route from the El Bosque air base to San Bernardo. And though the flight is quite noisy, distance is not possible to capture it, which joined the lamps used in the opportunity for fixed and non-intermittent could have caused the confusion of the people. In fact at the base say that every time you perform this kind of night flights, receiving more than a phone call warning of the presence of foreign objects in the sky or UFOs. The alignment observed by dozens of people and caught on video, was due to the maneuvers performed for the Pillan landing. There are hundreds and thousands of reports of anomalous lights seen in the skies all over the world and with more people opening to celestial energies and the truth that many Extraterrestrial Civilizations and other higher dimensional light beings are here on Earth, Full UFO Disclosure & open contact is just round the corner.
... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...
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The Great Intention

Starting on Saturday April 11 2009, many people around the world began to conduct a peaceful intention for mankind and for the planet.

The results have been felt by all who have participated and the awakening I have seen occurring around the globe is noticeable.

We are making a difference.

We at TheCrowHouse.com would like to continue to organize as many people around the world as possible to simultaneously spend one hour each week in a state of peace and love and to continue and to expand this intention. What people need to do in order to participate is to spend that time feeling the peace in the world. This is very different to doing something like praying "for" peace or praying externally. What is needed is to place yourself in the emotional state where the prayer has already been answered and the peace we are striving for has already been achieved.

The aim is to feel the peace, love and prosperity in the world; the love and unity between all of mankind, the joy and abundance for all and the health and vitality of ourselves, of each other and of this wonderful planet. The intention commenced on Saturday April 11 at 10 pm Greenwich Mean Time and still continues at the same time each week. Check the relevant time for your local area to be sure you are participating at the correct time.

This experiment is still ongoing so it doesn't matter if you have seen this message late, you are still able to participate at any time. Please spread this information to all you can in order to gain as many more participants as possible for these continued events. To discuss this experiment please see the related forum thread HERE !
Source : The CrowHouse

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A time comes in your life when you finally get it… When in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere, the voice inside your head cries out - ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying, or struggling to hold on. And, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears and through a mantle of wet lashes, you begin to look at the world through new eyes.

This is your awakening…

You realize that it’s time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change, or for happiness, safety and security to come galloping over the next horizon. You come to terms with the fact that he is not Prince Charming and you are not Cinderella and that in the real world, there aren’t always fairy tale endings (or beginnings for that matter) and that any guarantee of “happily ever after” must begin with you and in the process, a sense of serenity is born of acceptance.

You awaken to the fact that you are not perfect and that not everyone will always love, appreciate or approve of who or what you are… and that’s OK. (They are entitled to their own views and opinions.) And you learn the importance of loving and championing yourself and in the process; a sense of new found confidence is born of self-approval.

You stop complaining and blaming other people for the things they did to you (or didn’t do for you) and you learn that the only thing you can really count on is the unexpected. You learn that people don’t always say what they mean or mean what they say, and that not everyone will always be there for you and that it’s not always about you. So, you learn to stand on your own and to take care of yourself and in the process, a sense of safety & security is born of self-reliance.

You stop judging and pointing fingers and you begin to accept people as they are and to overlook their shortcomings and human frailties and in the process, a sense of peace & contentment is born of forgiveness.

You realize that much of the way you view yourself and the world around you, is a result of all the messages and opinions that have been ingrained into your psyche. You begin to sift through all the junk you’ve been fed about how you should behave, how you should look and how much you should weigh, what you should wear and where you should shop and what you should drive, how and where you should live and what you should do for a living, who you should marry and what you should expect of a marriage, the importance of having and raising children or what you owe your parents. You learn to open up to new worlds and different points of view. You begin reassessing and redefining who you are and what you really stand for.

You learn the difference between wanting and needing and you begin to discard the doctrines and values you’ve outgrown, or should never have bought into to begin with and in th e process, you learn to go with your instincts.

You learn that it is truly in giving that we receive and that there is power and glory in creating and contributing and you stop maneuvering through life merely as a “consumer” looking for your next fix.

You learn that principles such as honesty and integrity are not the outdated ideals of a by gone era, but the mortar that holds together the foundation upon which you must build a life.

You learn that you don’t know everything; it’s not your job to save the world and that you can’t teach a pig to sing. You learn to distinguish between guilt, responsibility, and the importance of setting boundaries and learning to say NO. You learn that the only cross to bear is the one you choose to carry and that martyrs get burned at the stake.

Then you learn about love, romantic love and familial love, how to love, how much to give in love, when to stop giving and when to walk away. You learn not to project your need s or your feelings onto a relationship. You learn that you will not be more beautiful, more intelligent, more lovable or important because of the man on your arm or the child that bears your name.

You learn to look at relationships as they really are and not as you would have them be. You stop trying to control people, situations and outcomes.

You learn that just as people grow and change, so it is with love; and you learn that you don’t have the right to demand love on your terms, just to make you happy.

You learn that alone does not mean lonely. You look in the mirror and come to terms with the fact that you will never be a size 5 or a perfect 10 and you stop trying to compete with the image inside your head and agonizing over how you “stack up.”

You also stop working so hard at putting your feelings aside, smoothing things over and ignoring your needs. You learn that feelings of entitlement are perfectly OK and that it is your right, to want thing s and to ask for the things that you want and that sometimes it is necessary to make demands.

You come to the realization that you deserve to be treated with love, kindness, sensitivity, respect, and you won’t settle for less. You allow only the hands of a lover who cherishes you, to glorify you with his touch and in the process; you internalize the meaning of self-respect.

And you learn that your body really is your temple. And you begin to care for it and treat it with respect. You begin eating a balanced diet, drinking more water and taking more time to exercise. You learn that fatigue diminishes the spirit and can create doubt and fear. So you take more time to rest. Just as food fuels the body, laughter fuels our soul; so you take more time to laugh and to play.

You learn that for the most part in life, you get what you believe you deserve and that much of life truly is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You learn that anything worth achieving is worth working for and that wishing for something to happen is different from working toward making it happen.

More importantly, you learn that in order to achieve success you need direction, discipline and perseverance. You also learn that no one can do it all alone and that it’s OK to risk asking for help.

You learn that the only thing you must truly fear is the great robber baron of all time; FEAR itself. You learn to step right into and through your fears, because you know that whatever happens you can handle it and to give in to fear, is to give away the right to live life on your terms.

You learn to fight for your life and not to squander it living under a cloud of impending doom. You learn that life isn’t always fair, you don’t always get what you think you deserve and that sometimes bad things happen to unsuspecting, good people. On these occasions, you learn not to personalize things. You learn that God isn’t punishing you or failing to answer your prayers; it’s just life happening.

You learn to deal with evil in its most primal state; the ego. You learn that negative feelings such as anger, envy and resentment must be understood and redirected or they will suffocate the life out of you and poison the universe that surrounds you. You learn to admit when you are wrong and to build bridges instead of walls.

You learn to be thankful and to take comfort in many of the simple things we take for granted; things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream about; a full refrigerator, clean running water, a soft warm bed, a long hot shower. Slowly, you begin to take responsibility for yourself, by yourself and you make yourself a promise to never betray yourself and to never ever settle for less than your heart’s desire. You hang a wind chime outside your window so you can listen to the wind, and you make it a point to keep smiling, to keep trusting and to stay open to every wonderful possibility.

Finally, with courage in your heart and with God by your side you take a stand, you take a deep breath and you begin to design the life you want to live as best as you can.

~ Unknown Author

Source : Lightworkers.Org

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The balls of light in pictures taken on digital cameras are more than all just dust, moisture or some unexplained aberration from a dirty or faulty camera lens. Researchers of the paranormal have long known these Orbs to be spiritual energy that exists in unseen dimensions however visible by few people who have the gift of vision into the invisible universe. While most Orbs are white or brighter than most making them appear silver, there are other colored Orbs as well. At Lightworkers.Org i found this wonderful article on Orb Colors ... also on Coastghosts.Com !


Orbs are spherical “lights” or balls of energy, though not visible with the naked eye by most, appear on film or in photographs... Apparent in variable size, most often they appear in shades of white; however, on rare occasions they may take on different colors.... Above is a Collage of Colorful Orbs that appeared at an outdoor trance gathering in Hyderabad, India !

The above chart is from Moonspenders.com !


"Contrary to popular belief orbs, as a paranormal phenomenon, are a relatively new subject to the paranormal community even though their occurrence has drastically increased with the emergence digital technology" says Ken Summers of Ghostmag. com....Summers goes on to say ... "However if one can rule out all possible naturally occurring reasons for a photographic orb (i.e. dust, insects, and moisture), what is left is the common belief that orbs are some form of electrostatic energy, either being part of or an entire spirit entity. This would mean that these objects are in essence globules of energy and/or light particles (in the case of ‘visible’ orbs).....In Summers' article posted on www. ghostmag. com, he goes on to say ... "The only thing that can be safely state{d} is that some photo anomalies are unexplainable and could possibly be paranormal in nature. It can also be safely stated that the appearance of these anomalies having a definite color seems to indicate something unusual is going on......Mr. Summers ... we couldn't have said it better ourselves!

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