The Rendlesham Forest Incident is the name given to a series of reported sightings of unexplained lights and the alleged landing of an extraterrestrial spacecraft in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England in late December 1980. It is perhaps the most famous UFO event to have happened in Britain, ranking amongst the best known UFO events worldwide. It has been compared to the Roswell UFO incident in the United States and is commonly referred to as "Britain's Roswell" or the "English Roswell".

Following the event, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) denied that it posed any threat to national security and stated that it was therefore never investigated as a security matter. Later evidence indicated that there was a substantial MoD file on the subject and this led to claims of a cover-up. Some interpreted this as part of a larger pattern of information suppression concerning the true nature of unidentified flying objects, by both the United States and British governments (see the UFO conspiracy theory). However, when the file was released in 2001 it turned out to consist mostly of internal correspondence and responses to inquiries from the public. The lack of any in-depth investigation confirmed that the case was never taken seriously by the MoD.

The following short documentary is an episode from the 'Unsolved Mystery' TV series about the Bentwaters-Woodbridge UFO case known by most as the 'Rendlesham Forest Incident' ...

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Twelve hundred years ago the people of Tibet developed a comprehensive medical system. They understood how the mind affects the body. They knew subtle ways of changing the body's chemistry with medicines made from plants and minerals. They blessed their medicines in lengthy rituals. And they encoded this knowledge in a series of elaborate paintings called thangkas. Blue Buddha: Lost Secrets of Tibetan Medicine traces the odyssey of traditional Tibetan medicine from it's roots in ancient Tibet, to a worldwide interest in it's traditional medical wisdom.

We meet several leading physicians in India, as the program introduces us to the basic concepts of this ancient system of healing. We also trace the fate of the 77 thangkas that comprise the Atlas of Tibetan Medicine, the great mnemonic device that encodes the entire system of healing. From the snows of Siberia and the Himalayas to the vital culture of Tibet in exile, in Dharamsala, India, this is a stunning look at where Tibetan medicine has come from. Blue Buddha: Lost Secrets of Tibetan Medicine focuses on the life of a Buddhist monk and a doctor who practices traditional Tibetan medicine in Siberia. It hasn't always been easy.

At times he's been hounded by the KGB and forbidden to leave the country. Through it all he's kept his faith in the power of Buddhist medicine. This documentary follows Tuvan Lama, in his role as vital member of this remote community, as he treats his patients, conducts traditional rituals and passes on this vast medical heritage to the next generation. Just as Buddhism informs the rituals of this community, Tuvan Lama believes Buddhism and Tibetan Medicine go together, as they are inseparable. He believes one has to know the foundation of Buddhism in order to understand the foundations of the medicine. To his mind, it needs to be understood with the body, the mind, and the soul.

According to the Four Medical Tantras followed by Tibetan Buddhist healers, every disease of the body originates from the three principal delusional diseases of the mind that poison the body gradually. These diseases are the delusions of ignorance, hatred and attachment. For any patient to be effectively cured, the healers have to be able to correctly diagnose the “roots” of the disease which is in the mind. The healing process is immeasurably enhanced with the help of meditation upon the Medicine Buddha.

As it is not an easy task to grasp the connection between the physical disease and the mental or emotional health of the patient, the meditation traditions associated with the Medicine Buddha requires that an “initiate” should receive instructions from a highly qualified lama or guru. Patients who are recovering from an ailment are also encouraged to meditate upon the Medicine Buddha and recite his mantra several times a day, with the correct motivation.

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Diana Cooper is one of the most well known and widely read authors on many essentially interesting subjects of our time that speak of our imminent spiritual transformation such as Angels, Orbs, 2012 and the emerging collective consciousness here now ...

In this brilliant 26 minute video Diana shares how she reached rock bottom 25 years ago with no psychic or religion background when she surrendered to receive the information from the angels. This is when she left her body and the angels showed her the future. Angels appeared to Diana and they gave her information of what she was to teach. Since then she began to see the Orbs around her and they gave her a training course to distinguish between their energies.

Angels are appearing now to give us more information to prepare for 2012. New energies are coming and if we are ready, they will shift many people to the 5th dimension and into ascension. Diana's message in her book explains in detail about the transition as we root ourselves down into the earth.

Many people have been finding orbs in their photographs. So what are they and why are they appearing now ? The spiritual realms indicated some time ago that they would soon give us more tangible proof of their existence and that there will be mass sightings of angels as the year 2012 approached. So they are drawing attention to their presence by appearing in photographs as orbs. Many skeptics claim that the orbs are the result of a drop of moisture or speck of dust on the lens of the camera. However scientists are now saying that there is an energy source within each orb. They appear where there are children, in beauty spots, churches, at ceremonies or celebrations and at spiritual gatherings - in other words they are drawn to high frequency energy and where the veils are thin. They can also be called in by intent. As I understand it there are two kinds of orb. Solid ones are manifestation of spirit. They contain the light bodies of elementals, such as fairies, spirits of the deceased, angels, Ascended Masters and any being who is travelling out of their physical sheath. These appear as solid balls of light, big, small, faint or bright according to their frequency, so an angel appears as a bigger and brighter orb than the spirit of someone who has passed over. The other kind of orb often have patterns within them which are coded messages from the invisible realms. Some of them transmit healing, communication or love. Other patterns are symbols or keys for opening up the mind or heart, for example I saw a lovely one containing a rose, which was being sent from the angels of love to open up the hearts of those who saw it. A few are inter-dimensional gateways. They open doors for you to access other realms, different galaxies and even far off universes. Of course, if you accept the invitation you will travel in your spirit body during your sleep. You may even appear as an orb in someone’s picture as you are on your journey. Every time you send out a prayer or invocation you are calling in orbs. Angel workshops are always full of them. Prayers for help attract the assistance you need and this will often appear in the form of an orb. Or you can simply sit quietly and ask them to come to you. Blessings Diana www.dianacooper.com Diane Coopers Books : Related Articles :

The Opening of the Sacred Rose Stargate

The Energies for November 2009

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Meditation by Mary Magdalene

Yesterday,on the 1st of November we held the most wonderful gathering here in Buenos Aires, Argentina. From start to finish the energy was soft, loving and harmonious, but also strong and filled with the purpose of clear intentions from clear hearts! It was the most beautiful and loving energy of the Sacred Rose, supported and held by Mary Magdalene with her Twin Flame partner, Yeshua, and sponsored by Archangel Michael.

After the morning work when we connected with the energies of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and Kwan Yin and the Buddha, we then asked Sarasvati and Shiva to support our creative work for the energy of the Sacred Rose in Buenos Aires.

Our group created this lovely joint work of art.....a Sacred Rose Mandala based on the form of the Rose Window. The Sacred Rose windows encoded in Light and Color the information of the Sacred Rose vortexes and stargates, and the Sacred Rose grid as defined in Sacred Geometry. This grid is held within the "Flower of Life", and Mary Magdalene calls it the "Flower of Love".

The energy of the Rose, of the Magdalene and of the Divine Feminine in partnership with the Divine Masculine was the loving support that the group used to define this new energy for the City of Buenos Aires. The people who attended the event carried the deep purity of heart and soul that was the gift of the Diamond Light grid that was activated in April. The Diamond grid is also held within the Flower of Life! It was interesting to me that this work with the Sacred Rose energy was undertaken in the same venue where I did the Diamond Light activations in early May. The energy was ready to support the activation of the Sacred Rose energy and the Sacred Rose grid for the city of Buenos Aires.

The purpose of this gathering and the work of this group was to assist in defining and holding the energy of the Sacred Rose for the 11:11:11 work on a Planetary scale. The creation of the Sacred Rose Mandala by the group was to specifically hold that energy as a seed for the city of Buenos Aires.

I share with you here some of the images from this Light work. First the Mandala that holds the energy of each person in the group. Each "petal" was created by a person and together they created the Rose. This is symbolic of how the energy of individuals is combined to create the energy of the Group or the "One" that is the combination or merging of the creative soul energy into a creative project. It is a seed energy for the way in which the New Earth will be manifested and created by groups of people combining their soul energy and power to cocreate with Spirit.

11 : 11

Beloved Lightworkers, you enter into a sacred moment as the Light intensifies. This is the moment when the Sacred Rose Stargate begins to open and you begin to align your Consciousness with the Cosmic Creation Matrix, in preparation for the final steps in your current Evolutionary Journey of Transformation.

This 11:11 portal is especially powerful, for it is in effect an 11:11:11. The triple energies represent an activation point for the energies of the Divine Christ Light. At this time, there will be an "explosion" of Radiance, and you will begin to activate the Rose Stargate or Portal that will be your connection point to the Cosmic Consciousness.

Dearest Ones, in this last phase of your transformation, you have activated your original perfection blueprint in your DNA, balanced your inner masculine and feminine energies, and brought your Lightbody into full activation. You have activated the Pineal gland and begun the process of transforming the gland into its crystalline new energy form so that it can receive and transmit the higher frequencies of crystalline light.

Now, you begin to unfurl the "petals" of the Rose within your energy field and to form or create the Auric "stargate" that will allow you to access the Cosmic Light of the "One" directly and as a Collective. As you begin to formulate this coherent pattern of Beauty within your energy body, so the Planet also begins to create this stargate beginning over that region that you know as the southern pole.

Beloved Ones, this is the culmination of the Mystery of the Sacred Rose and the Twin Flame, and the Activation of the Grail Codes. The Sacred Rose is the symbol of the Ascended Christ Consciousness, as it encodes a Sacred Truth about Who You Are and your Ascension process.

Let us explain it this way. The Grail Codes of Light activate the potential within your physical being to carry the Golden Flame of the Christ Consciousness. This is also symbolized by the Golden Chalice. You, yourselves, in your enlightened physical body, are the "chalice" that holds the golden and infinite light of Spirit.

The Sacred Symbol for the Ascended Christ teaching is the Rose within the Chalice. Beloved Ones, the Rose is your Light Body Spinal channel, culminating in the "Flower" of life, the Rose Stargate that connects you to your Divinity and the Divine Cosmic Consciousness of the Cosmic Creation Matrix.

This Rose, or in the eastern tradition, the Lotus flower, opens to create a portal to Cosmic Consciousness, and it was known to the Ancients to be a part of the "design" of the "Divine Human" or Human Angel. Many of the ancient spiritual practices were designed to ascend power up the spinal channel of light and to open the "blossom" which was the Sacred Geometric Portal known as the Rose Stargate.

This flower design was encoded into the great cathedrals of France, such as Notre Dame de Chatres, that honored the life and teachings of "Our Lady", the Feminine Christ Light of Mary Magdalene and her partner, Yeshua ben Josef.

And so, Beloved Ones, the Sacred Rose of the Flower of Life is the Cosmic Stargate that you will begin to formulate and "unfurl" in your Soul Star energy field, as you and your Planet are rebirthed and restructured into the Great Cosmic Rose or Flower. This is the Geometry of the Stargate Harmonic that will facilitate your final ascension into the Cosmic Heart and Mind and the full Creation and Experience of the New Earth.

Beloved Lightworkers, as you activate the Sacred Rose, you will indeed need to hold the highest vibration of Peace and Love. You are creating, within your Spiritual Body or spherical energy field, a Sacred Geometric design of the Highest Frequency available the Humans at this time. This pattern of Higher Coherence will need to be held in place by the physical energy of Coherence and Integrity, or the energies will become unbalanced and will collapse into chaos very easily. If this happens, dearest ones, do not panic or become anxious or depressed. Return to your Heart center, as we have taught you, and breathe deeply, connecting with the Golden Flame of the Christ Consciousness and the energy of Unconditional Love. Connect with the Sacred Heart energy within, balance your inner masculine and feminine energies through intention and enter into Sacred Union with your Soul and Spirit, as we have taught you. So, you will return to patterns of Coherence and Grace and Beauty and Integrity.

For, you are the Sacred Rose, you are Beauty and Coherence and Grace and Passion. You are Divine Love enfolded into Human Form.

At this time of 11:11:11, those of you who are ready will begin to create the Rose, or "unfurl" the "petals" of Light that will coalsce into the Rose Stargate of Cosmic Light and Consciousness.

The Sacred Rose Meditation for the 11:11:11 given by "Our Lady" Mary Magdalene in her role as Teacher of the Christ Consciousness ...

Beloved Flowers of Light and Love, you have reached a very Sacred Moment when you are ready to become the Sacred Rose. I ask you, now, to be with me and to allow the Radiant Christ energy to enter into your being and to allow you to open the Rose of Cosmic Consciousness. This was the work that I did with my Beloved, with the purpose of raising your consciousness to the point where you could truly embrace the Divine and Cosmic aspects of your Being. It is that point where you know within your heart and soul and body that You Are Heaven on Earth and that you are the Rose of the Christ Light.

So, sit very quietly, and allow yourself to breathe very deeply. Focus into your beautiful and Sacred Heart and feel the Flow of the Divine Energy moving through you. You are Beautiful and you are Loved, so deeply Loved. Feel that Love moving through every cell in your body and every aspect of who you are in the Realms of Light. You are so deeply Loved. Breathe that Love. Feel it in your Heart. It is best if you breathe deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth, letting the breathe of life move through your body. You are Loved.

So, sit in this way and allow yourself to breathe for at least ten minutes. After this time, your body should be still and your mind clear. Now, focus into your Heart again and ask your Higher Self to align your inner Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. Feel the explosion of ecstatic radiance in your Heart moving down your body through your lower chakras and into the Earth, down to the Earth Star. You are grounded and your are connected to the Earth. Feel the Love flowing from your Heart to the Earth and back into your Heart. Breathe that Love into your Being.

Now, as you bask gently in that Beautiful Love, feel the energy of Divine Grace all around you. You are held in Grace and Beauty, and you trust absolutely that you are being supported and guided by the Divine Light within. So, now, allow yourself to feel the channel in your Light Body that aligns with your spine, and allow yourself to pull that energy of Love up that channel, through the Heart channel and up into the Crown. At this point, you will feel the Pineal Gland activate in an explosion of Light and Love, and that Light will travel upwards, and the petals of the Rose will begin to open.

It will be the most beautiful and ecstatic experience, if you are ready to receive the Divine Love that will pour through you and into your Heart and down into the Earth. And you will feel the Rose opening all around you. The colors will swirl around you and you will feel movement, as your Spirit Sphere restructures into the Sacred Geometric patterns of the Sacred Rose.

Dearest Children of Light, know that you are Loved. Know that this beautiful Rose of Light will be the Spirit and Soul vehicle that will lift you into Cosmic Consciousness. We celebrate with you the opening of the Rose....the Flower of Love. Feel how this restructuring will open you to the Cosmic Creation Matrix, the Great Womb of all Creation. You will know, as I knew, your own Divine Essence and you will become One with the Divine Light of Creation.

Beloved Children of Light, this was my work and my purpose with my Beloved. And we succeeded. For now, we are here to give to you these simple words that will begin to fire the completion sequence of the Grail Codes in those who are prepared to accept their own transformation and emergence into the New Earth way of Being. For us, this is a moment of Great Joy, as we see the completion of that which we came to do two thousand years ago. And we rejoice that not only our work finds completion, but the work of many others who have served the Divine Plan for your Evolution and Ascension into the Flower of Light that you Are.

So, at the end of this meditation, know that the process has begun. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to return your focus to your Heart. Again, breathe deeply, and allow the focus of your awareness to enter into your body once again.

Beloved Ones, know that as this Rose opens in your Spirit Sphere, you will feel and experience great change. You will feel safe, you will feel loved, you will feel Connected to Our Love, and you will know that All is Well, no matter what you must move through. You will feel Light at Heart and you will enjoy Life as you feel the richness and the abundance of Divine Blessing around you. You are truly home with your Beloved!

But, as our dearest Archangel did say to you, you will need to walk now in the absolute highest integrity and truth, whatever your Truth is. Speak your Truth and live your Truth. You will need to be Awake and Aware and discerning, you will need to be open and loving and honest. For to accept the Rose of Light into your Spirit Sphere is to commit to a life Ethical Purity and Integrity, and anything that is not in the highest integrity for you will create instant discord and disharmony that can only be aligned by returning to that state of Grace and Love and Harmony that is the result of living in the Highest Integrity, Truth and Love.

And so, we leave you with great Joy in our Hearts!

You are Loved. You are Beautiful. You are Divine Light. You are the Sacred Rose !

© 2009-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Star Dreams is an award winning feature documentary exploring the mystery of Crop Circles. Crop Circles are archetypical symbols based on sacred geometry, that link the inner world of the human psyche with the patterns inherent in the universe.

A hit at film festivals in Sedona, Santa Fe, Ashland and Martha's Vineyard. Featured at many conferences: The UFO Congress, Exopolitics, The American Society of Dowser's, The E.T. Dolphin Conference, The Signs of Destiny conference, Conscious Life Expo, and the World Congress on Illumination.

Star Dreams presents images of the major crop circles, along with interviews with top researchers and a narrative line dealing with the mystical aspects of the phenomenon. Also investigated is this remarkable system of communication, not only for earth to human contact, but also extra-terrestrial to human contact. The film additionally explores Crop Circles as the realization of a higher consciousness presented to humanity at this time to aid in a universal awakening to higher dimensions of being.

In truth, profound communications are now being made to Earth peoples from sources in the universe that seek to awake human consciousness to the peril of earth-damaging and ecosystem destruction. Many people are now coming to the conclusion that the exquisite designs in fields of grain and elsewhere are here to remind us of our higher natures and bring us to the realization of our home in nature. Many now believe these mysterious symbols, appearing all over the planet (more than 11,000 since 1980), are a communiqué to humankind offering an opportunity for expanded consciousness and an understanding of how the world works in the larger context of the inter-galactic community.

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Each one of us is a drop in the ocean. A growing movement of ‘Transformers’ is emerging across the globe and is creating a new wave that is growing as more and more people awaken and join the wave. A profound shift is happening - a shift in consciousness - that is reflecting in our world and in our physical reality.

A shift in consciousness of more and more people is sweeping across the face of the earth. And certain individuals are being ‘called’ to it and experiencing the shift happening. People are experiencing a radical inner transformation - a higher level of consciousness - that challenges their present ways of thinking - and offers them the opportunity to break free from old beliefs systems and habitual patterns - and move into larger experiences of who they really are and the world they live in.

Is the shift in consciousness a natural course in human evolution ? Is it a natural evolutionary process ?

Generations are realizing that they are co-creators of their reality. They are discovering their innate power, wisdom and love and they are beginning to take personal responsibility and acting accordingly. More people are realizing that they possess the power to chart the course for their thoughts and actions. They no longer let fear disempowering them - but are choosing a new way of living - a path of love, compassion, tolerance, respect and understanding that is changing the chemistry in their own bodies and affecting the tapestry of creation and the physical reality.

More and more people are becoming aware that they are interconnected within a greater whole and let their decisions and actions arise out of that broader knowing - knowing that their decisions and actions have consequences and affect others.

Through a sincere desire to work for something larger than themselves, they choose to participate and cooperate to effect positive change in the world and ‘activate’ the growth in others...one by one...day by day...

For centuries, people have worked to make the world a better place. Too many have spent time and energy on fighting against poverty, racism and each other etc., instead of focusing on the exact change that they wish to see in the world (e.g. peace, love, compassion, tolerance).

When we fight against whatever it may be and put our primary attention and commitment to the external situation, we often respond with the same old reactions and repeat an old pattern and project our personal responsibility ‘out there‘, instead of owning where it really exists and where we can actually do something about it - inside us.

Any problem or challenge cannot be solved or overcome from the same level of consciousness that created it in the first place. Today’s challenges can only be met powerfully and effectively through a shift in consciousness - a higher vibration - that creates a new template of actions.

Our world as it is today is a clear and accurate reflection of our present collective consciousness. Most problems in the world are human made, therefore, they can be solved by humankind. In this respect, no problem in the world is beyond human beings. Change begins with a fundamental shift in the individual.

'Transform yourself and the World transforms'

We change the world most effectively by changing our own consciousness. When we as individuals, grow in consciousness, the mass consciousness shifts accordingly. Our evolution as individuals changes the collective consciousness of our world. The way we can transform the world is by transforming ourselves and begin to act accordingly. As we become more consciousness - aware - old problems and patterns gradually melt away - and our lives will follow suit and go new ways. By making a commitment to our own consciousness journey - growth and change - we are not only transforming ourselves - we are contributing to the transformation of the world.

The shifts of consciousness we make in our personal lives send out waves that ripple over the surface of the whole.

When more and more people realize that they are the co-creators - and begin to understand just how responsible they are for creating not only their life experiences but the world situation as well - they will start to work from the point of view of a creator rather than working out of fear.

Are you waiting for someone to make the World a better place? We are it. It is up to US. It is up to YOU.

If you want to make the world a better place, take a good look at yourself, and make the change. It begins with you. Look at yourself: the way you live, the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you act in relations to others.

The Power to Transform is in YOU.

One lady once said to me,’ You can only build a power field when you work with likeminded people with the same intentions.’

When we synchronize our intentions and actions, together we can achieve ‘Synergistic Effect’. That is, our whole combined impact is greater than the sum of individual efforts. Together we can use the effect of the ‘Ripple Effect’. This means that if we can synchronize our intentions and actions toward a common goal, our independent waves will continue to add to each other as they travel out through the energetic field and the impact will be much greater than we can ever manifest independently.

One person can achieve great things. Together we can achieve what one cannot achieve alone.

Let me tell you something. This morning I held a 12-month-year-old baby boy in my arms. He looked at me with his big beautiful brown eyes - He looked at me with a deep curiosity and then a bright smile illuminated on his face. It touched me so profoundly. He leaned against my chest. And as I held him close to me, I thought to myself, ’wow, what a huge responsibility. for him, humanity and our world. The world we live in, the world he will grow up in, the world our children’s children will grow up in and so on…’

As I held the little boy, a vision reappeared to me. When I was 20 years old I stayed with a Shaman in South America. I had this particular vision among many. At the time, I did not understand the message in the vision. But now it became clearer what it was trying to tell me.

…and it is happening…

There are generations whose very lives will be shifted and shaped by the moves we make and the actions we take. Each of us have unique gifts and talents to share. Our energy and contribution have a profound impact on others and the world. We cannot do the work for someone else nor can we make the change for them directly no matter how much we want to. But we can show by example - by being, doing and acting.

By taking personal responsibility for our own growth and actions - we are affecting other people and the world around us by sending out unending ripples by our thoughts, emotions, intentions and actions. And since we are all linked through the mass consciousness, as we grow, we affect everyone else in the world.

‘You are a light in the world. Let your light shine, radiate and touch the light in others and let it enlighten our world.’

Be the change you wish to see in the world is the only way real transformation takes place.


We are turning the tides….

For our generation, our children and the generations to come.

((( Abundant Love, Light & Blessings )))

♥.•´¸.•~♥♥♥~•.¸♥ ..•*”˜”*°•. ˜”*°•♥•°*”˜ .•°*”˜”*°•.
(¯`•´¯) Gratitude
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¸¸.¸.☆¨¯`♥´ ¸¸.☆¨¯`♥´ ¸¸.☆¨¯`♥ ¸¸.☆¨¯`♥

Kayo Hansen

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In an age of quick information exchange and free knowledge sharing, the media too is quickly evolving with the changing times ... The Herald, a local newspaper in Goa recently published this brilliant article by Anil Pandey called 'Symbols of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence' which shares interesting information about creation, extra terrestrial origins of humanity, SETI, the Mayans, Crop Circles, Cycles of Time, 2012 ...

'Symbols of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence' ... by Anil Pandey

If we accept that the UFOs exist we would be admitting that extra terrestrial intelligent life forms are a reality. While the science admits that in this vast universe with billions of galaxies, it is more than possible that intelligent life may exist not only in other galaxies but in our own Milky Way itself. We have recently found water on moon and near pure water in a Mars crater.

Ancient Sumerians have left evidence that they were taught civilization by some beings they called Annunaki - Those who from heaven to the Earth came - Sumerians left their history on clay tablets and one of them clearly depicts the solar system in correct order, including Pluto and Uranus which were discovered not more than two hundred years ago.

Zecharia Sitchin in command of many languages with cuneiform deciphering skills who has conducted primary research of ancient history and has written several books gives compelling evidence that earth had space ports in ancient times and we had visitors from other planets. Without investigating further some people tend to dismiss UFOs, Eric Von Daniken and countless other researchers who have found enough evidence which points to extraterrestrial visitors on this planet in ancient times. But Sitchin is well aware of this and bases his arguments on solid scholarship, including the most rigorous translations of Sumerian text, Vedic tales and excerpts from the original Greek and Hebrew versions of the Bible.

According to Sitchin our Solar System has another planet which the Sumerians called Nibiru which has a 3600 year orbit around the sun, and we are visited by the Annunaki, the beings that inhabit this planet when it enters our solar system.

SETI project, Search for Extra Terrstrial Intelligence had sent a Arecibo message created by Dr. Frank Drake with help from Carl Sagan and others, aimed at the globular cluster M13 some 25,000 light years away. The message sent on 16th November 1974 consists of seven parts about basic information of life on earth and was beamed into space via frequency modulated radio waves.

There are many who are convinced that we have received answers from the depths of outer space in the form of crop circles in replies that are encoded in binary digits similar to what we had transmitted into outer space. So much interest was generated in these spectacular formations that the servers of the websites hosting the information buckled due to excessive traffic.

The Arecibo Crop Glyph ( Response to The Message sent by SETI)

Wonders of our ancient history and heritage also hint of visitations of extra-terrestrial intelligent beings. Historians cannot with any measure of honest scholarship explain that how on earth some our grandest monuments like the Pyramids of Giza, Angkor Wat and the Pyramid of Chichenitza embody very advanced knowledge of astronomy and engineering at a time when classical historians tell us that we had only copper tools and the wheel had not been invented.

Researcher Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval have done extensive work of studying these monuments and there research concludes that these monuments are handiwork of a very advanced race with knowledge of Astronomy, Advanced Engineering, Mathematics and technology which we were not supposed to possess according to classical historians. Three pyramids of Giza precisely mimic the star map of the Belt of Orion and Angkor Wat is a terrestrial map of star constellation Alpha Draconis. There beauty grandeur and precise engineering of these monuments tells us they had a definite purpose which evades us.

It is now commonly believed that sites like Stonehenge in the UK and comparable sites around the world were like gigantic observatories to keep track of the precessional movement of the earth's axis, as every 72 years the Earth's axis precesses by one degree and 26000 years complete one full cycle and the end of the cycle augurs massive earth changes. How could the ancient ones keep measure of such a slow and barely discernible movement of Earth's axis?

From where did Mayans get their astronomical knowledge that they could predict the 1991 Solar Eclipse over Mexico City while the civilization had disappeared a thousand years ago? And why does the Mayan Calendar end on the Winter Solstice of 2012 which today we know as a date when a special astronomical event that happens only once every 26000 years ... when the centre of the milky way galaxy, the Sun and the Earth will come in perfect alignment. If this event will affect gravity, it will also affect time as both are interrelated. Who gave Mayans complex and advanced knowledge of movements of planets ?

The possibility that we have been visited in the past by extra terrestrial beings has to be thought of with an open mind as our ancient history certainly points to anomalously advanced ancient knowledge. In the same breath we can say the possibility that UFOs exist also has to be taken with an open mind as every thousands of reports are filed from all continents from people of all walks of life.

The next article will be devoted to Giza Pyramids as a reflection of extra-terrestrial intelligence. Wait and watch, sorry read ...

Source : The Herald Goa

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Inside the vertebral column, there are seven lotuses located on the Brahma Nadi. These are known as Chakra (spinal centres). Each lotus possesses different number of petals and also a distinct colour.

Amazing powers devolve on a human on activation of the Kundalini and each Chakra is related to the following attainments.

1. Muladhara Chakra

This Chakra is situated in the basal region of the vertebral column at the mid spot between anus and penis. In meditation, this Chakra is visualised as a red lotus possessing four petals. This is the resting place of the Kundalini Shakti, which lies here as a snake having three and half coil. This Chakra is the symbol of Earth element.

Activation of this results in riddance from tensions, true happiness, beauty, perfect health and physical strength, magnetic persona.

2. Swadhishtthan Chakra

This Chakra is located in the vertebral column just opposite to the penial region. In meditation, this Chakra is visualised as a vermilion coloured lotus having six petals. This semilunar Chakra is the symbol of Water element.

Activation of this results in freedom from stomach ailments, increase in sex power, and cure of sexual debility, increase in courage and fearlessness and magnetism.

3. Manipur Chakra

Inside the vertebral column, this Chakra is situated just opposite to the naval region. This ten petalled lotus is of blue colour. The Yantra of this Chakra is triangular in shape and it represents the fire element.

Activation of this results in perfect digestion, riddance from ailments like kidney stones, diabetes, liver problems etc. Success in amazing Sadhanas like flying in the air, walking on water, telepathic contact with animals and plants, perfection in Prannayam and the highest achievement is success in Meditation.

4. Anahata Chakra

The relative position of this Chakra inside the vertebral column is just opposite to the cardiac region (heart). This red coloured lotus possesses twelve petals and it represents the Air element. Activation of this Chakra illuminates the entire body and the entire vertebral column starts vibrating.

Activation of this results in peace of mind, boundless divine joy, total freedom from tensions, power to look into future, power of hypnosis, entering into Samadhi (divine trance), riddance from problems related to heart, increase in soft emotions like love, affection and kindness.

5. Vishuddha Chakra

Inside the vertebral column this Chakra is located opposite the throat region. This lotus of smoky colour possesses sixteen petals and it represents the sky element.

Activation of this results in riddance from all ailments related to throat, thyroid etc., increase in knowledge, gain of power of eloquence, deeper Samadhi, perfection in the art of Hypnotism, gain of power to die when one wills, total material success like comforts, wealth, fame etc.

6. Aagya Chakra (Ajna)

In Brahma Nadi (enclosed by vertebral column) this Chakra is located just opposite the mid spot between the two eyebrows. This white lotus has only two petals.

Also called the Third Eye its activation brings wondrous powers like clairvoyance, telepathy, power of giving curses or blessings, instant fulfillment of anything one wishes, and gain of knowledge related to all subjects and sciences, power to control thoughts of others and interfere even in nature.

7. Sahastrara Chakra

Beyond these six Chakras at the upper termination of the spinal cord, is the thousand petalled lotus; the abode of Lord Shiva (supreme being). When the Kundalini Shakti unites itself with the supreme being, the aspirant gets engrossed in deep meditation during which he perceives infinite bliss.

This is a subtle centre in the brain. On activation of Sahastrara a very fine, elixir-like secretion is produced from it which permeates the whole body thus making the human forever free of all ailments.

Sahastrara Chakra is also termed as Dasham Dwar of Brahmarandhara. In my view, this Chakra is situated two inches deep inside both the temporal region and three inches deep from the midspot between the eyebrows that is in the middle portion of cerebral hemispheres. From the throat, it is located three inches above the palate and inside the brain it is located in a small hole above the 'Maha Vivar' foramen of cerebrum.

Awakening of Sahastrara renders the aspirant liberated from corporeal bondages and attachments. He is endowed with all kinds of divine attainments including 'Ashta Siddhi' and 'Nava Nidhi'. He becomes an omniscient Yogi. Being emancipated from the cycles of birth and death, he certainly achieves the final beatitude.

One is fully enlightened and can then envision any event going on anywhere in the universe with out entering into Samadhi. All natural elements come under one’s control.

The practice of awakening Kundalini Shakti must be done only under the guidance of a competent Guru. Sometimes when the aspirant practices such exercises only after going through some books, he endangers his own life and there are chances of his becoming insane.

Really, fortunate is the person who attains his divine Guru. That person is fortunate who strives for awakening of the Kundalini Shakti and only that person is called God-illumined who after activating his Kundalini Shakti, gets the totality of life.

Source : Siddhashram

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