From the creators of You Can Heal Your Life : The Movie comes a compelling portrait of three modern lives in need of new direction and new meaning, Dr. Wayne Dyer's The Shift Movie , yet another brilliant one.

In his first-ever movie (written by Kristen Lazarian and directed by Michael Goorjian), Wayne Dyer explores the spiritual journey in the second half of life when we long to find the purpose that is our unique contribution to the world.

The powerful shift from the ego constructs we are taught early in life by parents and society—which promote an emphasis on achievement and accumulation—are shown in contrast to a life of meaning, focused on serving and giving back.

Filmed on coastal California’s spectacular Monterey Peninsula, The Shift captures every person’s mid-life longing for a more purposeful, soul-directed life.

The Shift explores the intertwined lives of an overachieving businessman (played by Edward Kerr), a mother of two young children seeking her own expression in the world (Shannon Sturges), and a film director trying to make a name for himself (Michael DeLuise). Also starring Portia de Rossi. The Shift not only inspires, but also teaches us how to find the path to our spiritual purpose and therefore our greatest joy. “I am 68 years old and I have a new career,” Dyer explained. “When I was asked to do this film, I didn’t think ‘I’m too old to do something I’ve never done before.’ I thought ‘I am open to everything. I am willing to change and to learn.’ I’m more proud of this film than of anything I’ve ever done before.” Wayne Dyer appears in the film as himself. Special appearance by Louise L. Hay.

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That Light is not somewhere "else", not somewhere "beyond" our physical existence, nor is it simply a universal condition that existed in the distant past and is now out of reach. It shines within us right now as the very source of our being. In that Light, we are quite literally unified with the entire Universe. We always have been and always will be.

This transcendental state of unity is certainly an abstract concept, and in metaphysical languages we might have to refer to it as a higher dimension, but that higher dimension is not separate from our everyday experience of the physical world. On the contrary, it provides the very substance of our entire experience of being here now. It is the "stuff" of both consciousness and matter, from our living bodies to inanimate rocks to the distant quasars. If that Cosmic Light were not shining forth at this very moment, nothing whatsoever would exist.

The essence of mystical knowledge resonates with our deepest level of being, yet it persistently defies our logic-oriented minds. Normal objective logic is based on the knowledge of material separateness, and as far as our everyday existence is concerned, this is what reality is. To the ancient mystics, this is the classical trap.

The physical level of experience is that part of our being which makes us think we are separate, when in Reality we are not. If we think the physical is the only mode of being, we have fallen into the trap of the ego-self -- we have become so fully attached to the material realm that we too easily think of our body as our only mode of selfness, and have come to think of it as the only part of our being. This causes us, for example, to fear death. We fear death because we cannot see beyond it -- we have essentially no awareness of our true multi-dimensional reality and those modes of our being which are independent of the physical body.

The material world is transient -- things come and go, bioforms included. To the mystic, all forms of impermanence are a type of non-reality, and in many of the ancient teachings, such as in the writings of one of the most highly revered non-dualists, Shankara, we find the physical level being referred to as illusion. This is not to say that it doesn't really exist, but rather that we see its true form in a limited, illusory sense. There is no doubt that the physical experience is real. If we walk into a brick wall, it hurts -- both the wall and the pain are real enough. But the pain will pass, the goose-egg will heal, and the wall will eventually crumble. What is important to realize is that through all the experiences of change, the true reality which underlies and creates the physical world of change does not change. That level of reality which never changes is the most real -- everything else is temporary and illusory. The ultimate substance and reality of the Universe is not separate particles scattered around in space, but rather a timeless condition of Universal Light.

Source : Cosmic Light - The Ocean of Cosmic Light

We meditate upon that Divine Sun,
the true Light of the Shining Ones.
May it illuminate our minds.

The Gayatri Verse of the Vedas

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La Belle Verte or The Green Beautiful / Visit To A Green Planet as it's alternatively known in English is a brilliant movie written and directed by Coline Serreau released in 1996.

La Belle Verte is a philosophical, anti-conformist, ecological, feminist, humanist and pacifist fable filled with humour.

Somewhere in the universe, there exists a planet where the inhabitants have evolved and live their lives in perfect harmony with nature.

From time to time, some of them leave to visit other planets.

Curiously, in 200 years, no one has ever wanted to visit the planet Earth. One day, for personal reason, a woman volunteers to do just that. Thus begin her adventures here with us earthlings … as she uses her special gifts things start to straighten out in an unusually funny way :)

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Crop Circles are one of the greatest mysteries of our times and one of the most powerful mediums to awaken soul consciousness within us which dawns the realization of our true infinite nature and our interconnectedness with all life. Crop Circles are awe inspiring works of art and sacred geometry laid out in fields creating a powerful electromagnetic field around the formation rendering all electrical devices unfit to use. People have had mystical experiences inside crop formations and some have walked out completely healed of an illness they were suffering from, hence giving these amazing formations the name 'Healing Temples'.

The mainstream media and the governments continue to dismiss all Crop Circles as hoaxes and having no relevance to any kind of Extraterrestrial presence or anything worth investigating, whereas there have been many reports of Black Military Helicopters with highly advanced equipment and gadgetry seen hovering newly formed crop circles which clearly means there is a government/military interest in the phenomena. With thousands of researchers, whistle blowers, government officials coming out in the open and speaking publicly about UFOs, Crop Circles, Extraterrestrials ... the cat has been out of the bag a long time now and all we need now is the real~eyes~ation to see and know the truth for ourselves !

The Crop Circle phenomena is really a spiritual wake up call to all humanity in times like these when many of us here have forgotten our true nature easily distracted by the fear based conditioning of the modern society arising from the illusion of separation. The presence of orbs or balls of light in and around crop circles have made us aware of transdimensional spiritual life forms which are often seen as bright balls of light, akin to the orb phenomenon seen in many pictures taken on digital and sometimes regular cameras all around the world. Crop Circles have a quantum effect on consciousness and have ensued an amazing conversation with humanity ... here now ... communicating with all tuned in to the loving vibration of 'Compassion' !
Extraterrestrials or Aliens have for long been stereotyped by the media as short humanoid beings with big almond shaped eyes, however the truth is that there are many many civilizations out there and some exist in a higher dimension as non physical beings of light ! The Crabwood Alien Crop Circle which shows an Extraterrestrial Being (like we see in movies) holding a disc with a message encoded in binary appeared in front of 2 Radio-TV Towers and is clearly one of the most complex formations whose message has many interpretations ... Maybe they are pointing towards the deceptive representation of Extraterrestrials by the media !
Contact has begun ... all we have to do now is stay tuned !
((( вε ♥ løṿε ... вε ☼ lïģhτ )))
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David Sereda's Quantum Communication is an extraordinary film which teaches us how communication really works from the Quantum level and how this is connected to the Universal Laws of Attraction.

How do we manifest our future Soul-Matches, Business Partners, Teachers, and how do we communicate with God? What is actually happening when we pray?

How do we create an intelligent dialog with the creative force of the Universe to allow us to experience a Quantum leap in our own intelligence?

The way we manifest abundance in our lives is to awaken the genius within each one of us so that we can excel in our relationships, careers and super-learning to transform our lives and those around us. Discover how to master this in your life!

This awakening of intelligence happens when we understand how Quantum Communication actually functions within each of us. Learn techniques to open this awareness within yourself to become a Fully-Actualized human being.

This film shares powerful insights from world recognized leaders.


Dr. Bruce Lipton
Dr. John Gray (Author, Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus)
Dr. Konstantine Korotkov
Heart Math Institute
Dr. Michael Chaikin
David Sereda
Dr. Lynn Sereda
Crystal Frost
Dr. Stanislav O'Jack
Dr. Gary Schwartz
Paulette Orona

and many more ...

Source : Voice Entertainment ~ Quantum Communication

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We are in a unique time on the planet; humanity is now facing a crossroad. The choices we make today will affect our children for generations to come.

By coming together in our hearts, we can and will create the change we want to see in the world. Every day more people are awakening to understand that we must act responsibly and act now to create this change.

How do we begin to make this change with our world facing crisis on so many fronts: financial woes, famine, homelessness, perpetual wars, food shortages, exploitation and disease (to name only a few)? We do have a choice.

We are in the time of choice and human beings around the world are feeling a call to unite and make our voices heard and our actions count. People from the indigenous world to the political are beginning to step forward and speak of this change through action and choice. There are many indigenous groups, as well as different faiths and beliefs, now sharing prophecies regarding information about this special time on the planet. Within all beliefs there is a similar thread that gives us the same message: we must unite in our hearts in order to overcome the challenges we are now facing on the earth. What is The Great Gathering? It is the same message of many beliefs from around the world. The message is simple: now is the time for humanity to unite to create the one voice for the people of Earth. This Great Gathering will be in every country around the world; we will stand together and join our hands, our hearts and our voices. This will create the spark that brings light to the rest of the world and to humanity. All groups from all directions will join in this celebration of life, of nature, of humanity and all that is. Neighborhood groups, churches, friends, coworkers, families, corporations that are trying to be responsible, politicians trying to create change, religious leaders, eco-villages, farm associations, truckers, health care workers, humanitarian organizations, educators, laborers, dishwashers, peacekeepers, all races, religions and economic backgrounds (the list is endless) will come together as one in our hearts. Together we will be one voice and change will happen. In order to begin The Great Gathering we must lay the foundation for this event through our networks of friends and associates. Change starts with the individual taking responsibility. Please send this message to your friends and networks around the world so that once The Great Gathering becomes known around the globe we can then act and call on humanity to join us. Change and true unity comes from the heart and being humble in our service to the earth and others. We are all connected; this gathering is to remind us that our lives on this earth are a gift to be honored. We are all equal and we deserve to be heard. The Great Gathering gives us all a voice to say we want change and support change for our children. Through our hearts and unity we can make a difference. Let’s work on making this a reality in 2010—the year of change—by sharing this one idea. Together we will decide when The Great Gathering takes place. This is how it begins.... with you....... Please copy this and share it with your network so we can all be doing our part in the creation of a world focused on humanity, nature and living in balance with all of life. One Voice One People One Earth for The Great Gathering of Humanity Add your name to the list of participants willing to be responsible for our earth.
For more information please contact: www.thegreatgathering.org
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National Geographic's 'Light At The Edge Of The World : Himalayas Science Of The Mind' is an enlightening documentary featuring Wade Davis exploring the true essence of Buddhism in the Himalayan mountains.

Buddhism asks the fundamental question : What is life and what is the point of existence ?

Wade Davis goes on an anthropological and spiritual journey into the Himalayas of Nepal to learn the deepest lesson of Buddhist practice.

Parts of this documentary feature H.H.Trulshik Rinpoche and Matthieu Ricard.

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'Spirit Space : A Journey Into Your Consciousness' is the result of the collective work by pioneers in the field of Quantum Physics & Spirituality of the 20th and 21st century. Extraordinary thinkers who decided to break away and follow their own paths. It would be these paths that have set forth the concepts ideas and discoveries that bring us back a full circle to the true nature of human existence.

Synopsis ...

Spirit Space takes us into a realm where other films have left off. We explore our human energy known as the soul and follow its path to the unknown. Discover remarkable possibilities as to what and how our consciousness works with the world around us. Listen to possibilities of what happens in to our energies before and after death. Challenging Quantum physics theories and how they affect how we perceive the world anciently and today, both religiously and scientifically.

From Birth to Life to Death to the Spirit World then back to Life again. Whether it be on Earth or somewhere else. Are these experiences real? Or are they just manifestations of information being readily available to tap into. Then again what is reality if reality is only everything we perceive anyway? This metaphysical voyage of the world of science and the world of spirituality helps usher in the new thought revolution of the 21st century. Spirit Space helps to chart the area that lies beyond the limits of our physical world. Learn about the route that our consciousness takes after it leaves our physical world. Unravel ideas about our basic matter that stores information for all to tap into. Could it be this information space which brings the ongoing and continuing journey of the soul which allows the spirit and its energy to exist forever?

That's Spirit Space !

  • Fred Alan Wolf
  • Edgar Mitchell
  • Don Miguel Ruiz
  • Linda Backman
  • Skip Atwater
  • Linda Gabriel
  • Laurie Monroe
  • Eden Marie James

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"The Other Side of The Wall" is a 25 minute documentary about the making of Pink Floyd's "The Wall" and includes interviews with Alan Parker, Gerard Scarfe, and clips of Roger Waters, originally aired on MTV in 1982. This documentary featured on the Pink Floyd The Wall DVD in the Extras along with another 45 minute documentary on the making of The Wall called 'Retrospective' ...

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We are all of one essence and intimately connected with all creation ... To know the true nature of self as consciousness is to realize how we are all forever united in spirit ... Forever Dancing in Unison ... in Oneness ... ((( ॐ ))) ωє αяє σиє Ҫ☼Ñșḉḭǿῧșҋḝʂṧ ☼ ...

January 7, 2010
Understanding Oneness
The Daily OM

Sometimes we look at the actions of others and find it difficult to understand what motivates them. But we are all doing the best we can with the information we currently have. We have all been taught how to see the world from the examples of those around us and by our experiences. Keeping this in mind, we can accept the choices made by others while seeking ways to increase the world’s level of consciousness as a whole.

Our different levels of consciousness are like the developmental stages of children, whose understanding varies according to their age and experience. For example, the behavior of a two-year-old who doesn’t want to share can be understood as a phase of his social education, whereas a 16-year-old who behaves in the same manner would be thought to be acting childish. It is important to remember that we are each on our own unique path. We may have chosen certain lessons or made an agreement to play certain roles in the unfolding of the world’s understanding before we incarnated in this lifetime. So our job is not to judge others but to shift the balance of understanding in the world by increasing our own.

Every thought we have and action we take becomes part of the collective energy of the planet. When we use our energy to bring light into the world, it combines with the light brought by others to dispel the darkness. Though we live in a world of duality, which helps us to experience the material plane, we don’t need to experience extremes to understand them. We can share our experiences and understanding with others not from a place of condescension but of connection. When the entire family of humanity understands that each of our thoughts, choices, and actions affect us all, we will share an incredible level of consciousness—one that puts our oneness above all else and helps us evolve into higher expressions of our spiritual selves. Remember the next time you witness an action of another that they are of the same earth as you but simply on a different conscious level at this point in their life. Find compassion, bless them, and move along your day in grace.

 References :
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