Coming into this world isn't exactly a joy ride, but it is up to us to make it Fun while we are here. In this search for happiness we come across a lot of different ways to get there, through attaining altered states of consciousness and momentary escapes by using drugs and other mind altering substances or by giving into ones sexual urges and carnal desires. All of these may seem to bring some sort of peace and happiness, it is short lived though. Overuse of any of these drains us of their vital energies which are responsible to build a strong immune system and a healthy, sound working mind-body connection. Studies have shown that there is a definite similarity between deep meditative states and orgasms which can also be compared to some of the altered states produced through the use of powerful plant based 'Entheogens'. Being able to harness this creative energy some know as 'Kundalini' enables us to be in better control and deepens our understanding of the self in relation to the external world.
Unless the Root chakra is cleansed and its blockages removed, its corresponding center in the brain will always pull our consciousness back to sexual satisfaction. We can live the same life as we do live today or we can consciously choose to make it much better. Acknowledging this dissipation of our vital energy brings back into focus certain crucial areas of our lives which we might have previously avoided confronting or simply ignored due to lack of awareness. The sexual act is sacred and our ideals today have been corrupted to an extent where sexuality has taken many perverse forms taking us further away from the truth. The only way we can find meaning in all the madness is by turning within and withdrawing our awareness from the seductions of the sensory world, instead allowing this life force to rise up into our brain and open new dimensions previously unexplored. We always have the power to re-look and re-examine our values and belief system while progressing further on a spiritual path.
I came across this eye opening TedX video of Ran Gravieli speaking about why he stopped watching porn ...
Even getting sexually involved with someone who you don't know so well can result in unconsciously absorbing some of each others energies and can make one feel drained off their vital energy. Being in a dysfunctional relationship or having multiple sexual partners, one night stands etc ... can result in contamination of ones Auric field allowing negative energies to slip in and take advantage of ones lowered frequency.
In ancient times, as suggested by texts such as the Kamasutra, the sexual act of union between the male and female was more about enjoying the journey than reaching the destination, which is to say the focus was on continuing the sexual act for a longer duration while delaying the orgasm, for as long as possible. Sex isn't necessarily a bad thing, only when indulged in excessively one loses a lot of vital energy which makes us feel drained and hastens the aging process, while not providing the required flow of Prana (Life Force) to reach the brain where it is utilized to awaken our intuitive abilities by opening the Ajna Chakra.
“In the ordinary sexual orgasm you meet as two excited beings – tense, full of excitement, trying to unburden yourselves. The ordinary sexual orgasm looks like madness; the tantric orgasm is a deep, relaxing meditation.”
~ Osho
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