Crop Circle at Ackling Dyke, near Sixpenny Handley, Dorset, UK ; 29th June 2014

The Crop Circle phenomena seems to have diminished in its intensity and the frequency at which Crop Circles have been reported the last couple of seasons has also dropped considerably. There have been some reports of formations around the world, however they lack the magic of the genuine formations, and are most likely man made formations. Here are some of the formations we came across recently from this season, which we think are genuine ones ... open to interpretation !

Here are some of the beauties from this 2014 Crop Circle Season ...

Crop Circle at Buckle Street near Pebworth, Worcestershire, United Kingdom. Reported on the 26th of May 2014.

Crop Circle at Hod Hill, near Hanford, Dorset, United Kingdom. Reported 1st June 2014

Crop Circle at Gipsy Lane, Chilcomb Down, near Winchester, Hampshire. United Kingdom. Reported on the 6th June 2014

Crop Circle at Temple Farm Sutton road, near Southend-on-Sea, Essex, United Kingdom. Reported on the 14th of June 2014

Crop Circle at Harewell Lane, near Besford, Worcestershire, United Kingdom. Reported 14th June 2014.

Crop Circle at Badbury Rings, near Wimborne Minster, Dorset, United Kingdom. Report 17th June 2014.

This wonder was reported on the 29th of June 2014, at Ackling Dyke, near Sixpenny Handley, Dorset, UK.

Crop Circle at The Long Man of Wilmington, East Sussex, United Kingdom. Reported on the 3rd of July, 2014.

Crop Circle at Tetbury Lane, near Charlton, Wiltshire, United Kingdom !! Reported on the 8th of July 2014.

There is some deep resemblance in these 3 formations below ...

Crop Circle at Forest Hill, near Marlborough, Wiltshire ... Reported on the 16th of July 2014 !

Crop Circle at Ammersee, Bavaria ... Germany : 18th July 2014

Reminds me of this formation from 2010, especially due to the magnifying glass effect ...

Crop Circle at The Forests Way, near Roydon, Essex, United Kingdom. Reported 17th July 2014

Crop Circle at Welsh Way, near Barnsley, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom : 22nd July 2014

Another beautiful weaved basked pattern at Windmill Hill : 26th July 2014

Crop Circle at Etchilhampton Hill, near Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, United Kingdom : 27th July 2014

This one reminds me of a triangular shaped craft ... adhering to principles of sacred geometry and depicting the fractal nature of reality ... a circle within a triangle which is enclosed within a circle which in turn is within another triangle ... and it goes on and on .... mirroring infinity ! Simply Beautiful !!!

Crop Circle at Parker's Hill Plantation : 27th August 2014

Crop Circle at Green Street, near Avebury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom : 29th July 2014

The formation does bear close resemblance to a pattern observed in the study of effects of sound vibrations on matter, called 'Cymatics'.

Also looks quite similar to this formation from July 1995.

Crop Circle at Roundway Hill : 30th July 2014

Crop Circle at Dornberg, Germany : 1st August 2014

Crop Circle in Sweden : 2nd August 2014

Crop Circle at Green Street, near Avebury, Wiltshire UK : 8th August 2014

Crop Circle at Gussage St Andrews, near Sixpenny Handley, Dorset, United Kingdom : 13th August 2014

The All Seeing Eye of God Crop Circle at Nettle Hill, near Ansty, Warwickshire, United Kingdom : 16th of August 2014

Crop Circle at Ackling Dyke, near Sixpenny Handley, Dorset, United Kingdom : 22nd August 2014

This post will be updated with new formations as soon as they are reported ... stay tuned !

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If you've ever been to Nepal, it isn't that rare to see someone smoking some Ganja, the good old herb or perhaps booming some Charas from the mountains. But to see someone tripping on Hallucinogenic Honey is a rarity. Mother nature has so many gifts for us hidden in plain sight, we would be amazed ... ! There are so many more discoveries yet to be made ... of legends that never seem to fade.

Plant based medicine has been used by mankind for as long as we remember ... even most of these pharmaceutical drugs are manufactured using plants from the Amazonian rain forest with other additives that we definitely can do without. Honey is well known for its medicinal qualities however the honey gathered from these steep Himalayan cliff sides also has a psychedelic angle to the healing. It gets its Hallucinogenic properties from the nectar of certain rhododendron plants that grow in this region. The Himalayan Honey Bee which pollinates 80% of the plants that grow in this region is one of the biggest bees in the world. The hives holding all this 'Mad Honey' as its called sometimes, are believed to carry upto 60 Kilos of Honey in each. Each Kilo of this Red Hallucinogenic Honey is sold in the market for something around $15 a kilo. This 'Red Honey' is also very popular among middle aged men who use it for its aphrodisiac like properties as its known to enhance sexual performance.

"Honey Hunters of Nepal" is a documentary film by freelance photo journalists Diane Summers and Eric Valli about the Gurung tribesmen of west-central Nepal who enter the jungles in search of wild honey where they use indigenous tools under precarious conditions to collect honey.

Twice a year high in the Himalayan foothills of central Nepal teams of men gather around cliffs that are home to the world's largest honeybee, Apis laboriosa. It is over twice the size of those in the UK where their larger bodies have adapted to the colder climate for insulation. As they have for generations, the men come to harvest the Himalayan cliff bee's honey.

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"Inner Worlds Outer Worlds" is a a fascinating documentary film highlighting certain deep spiritual realizations and inevitable truths, as described by different sources such as the Kabbalah, Cymatics and ancient masters like Buddha and Jesus. An inner journey towards realization of absolute oneness with all there is, seems to be the foundation of all spiritual practices and teachings. Modern day religions have digressed so far away from this truth, that we see today is nothing more than a charade which continues to self perpetuate the lie of a separate individual self, the ego. Well, the lie too serves a purpose, as it gives us the chance to experience duality in its most dense and rigid form ... and sooner or later, we choose to transcend the illusions of the material realm, as we journey towards this realization of who we truly are, beyond the confines of flesh and bone.

The divine order in which all things exist in the universe is something of total awe and unceasing wonder ... We have found ways to describe this inherent creative intelligence as the Holographic Universe or Fractals ... Golden Ratio ... The Fibonacci Series etc. All of this is a clear indication of this intelligence being omnipresent, omniscient ... the source of all there is, some simply call it the Field. Quite aptly called so as all things originate from this field and return to it once that journey is done.

Here is a really interesting documentary titled, "Inner Worlds Outer Worlds", which I'm sure you'd love to watch as it simplifies a lot and answers a whole lot of questions we might have about ourselves in relation to the external, our experiential reality.

The Akasha

Akasha is the unmanifested, the "nothing" or emptiness which fills the vacuum of space. As Einstein realized, empty space is not really empty. Saints, sages and yogis who have looked within themselves have also realized that within the emptiness is unfathomable power, a web of information or energy which connects all things. This matrix or web has been called the Logos, the Higgs Field, the Primordial OM and a thousand other names throughout history. In part one of Inner Worlds, we explore the one vibratory source that extends through all things, through the science of cymatics, the concept of the Logos, and the Vedic concept of Nada Brahma (the universe is sound or vibration). Once we realize that there is one vibratory source that is the root of all scientific and spiritual investigation, how can we say "my religion", "my God" or "my discovery".

The Spiral

The Pythagorian philosopher Plato hinted enigmatically that there was a golden key that unified all of the mysteries of the universe. The golden key is the intelligence of the logos, the source of the primordial om. One could say that it is the mind of God. The source of this divine symmetry is the greatest mystery of our existence. Many of history's monumental thinkers such as Pythagoras, Keppler, Leonardo da Vinci, Tesla and Einstein have come to the threshold the mystery. Every scientist who looks deeply into the universe and every mystic who looks deeply within the self, eventually comes face to face with the same thing: The Primordial Spiral.

As Kundalini awakens within one's self, one begins to see the signature of the spiral in all things. The Spiral is the link between our Inner and Outer Worlds.

The Serpent and the Lotus

The primordial spiral is the manifested world, while Akasha is the unmanifested, or emptiness itself. All of reality is an interplay between these two things; Yang and Yin, or consciousness and matter. The spiral has often been represented by the snake, the downward current, while the bird or blooming lotus flower has represented the upward current or transcendence.The ancient traditions taught that a human being can become a bridge extending from the outer to the inner, from gross to subtle, from the lower chakras to the higher chakras. To balance the inner and the outer is what the Buddha called the middle way, or what Aristotle called the Golden Mean. You can be that bridge. The full awakening of human consciousness and energy is the birthright of every individual on the planet. In today's society we have lost the balance between the inner and the outer. We are so distracted by the outer world of form, thoughts and ideas, that we no longer take time to connect to our inner worlds, the kingdom of heaven that is within.

It's is the removal of all resistance, that allows evolutionary energy to unfold. For those identified only with the illusions of the material world, Kundalini will always remain a metaphor, an idea rather than a direct experience of one's own energy and consciousness.

Beyond Thinking

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We live our lives pursuing happiness "out there" as if it is a commodity. We have become slaves to our own desires and craving.

Happiness isn't something that can be pursued or purchased like a cheap suit. This is Maya, illusion, the endless play of form. In the Buddhist tradition, Samsara, or the endless cycle of suffering is perpetuated by the craving of pleasure and aversion to pain. Freud referred to this as the "pleasure principle." Everything we do is an attempt to create pleasure, to gain something that we want, or to push away something that is undesirable that we don't want. Even a simple organism like the paramecium does this.

It is called response to stimulus. Unlike a paramecium, humans have more choice. We are free to think, and that is the heart of the problem. It is the thinking about what we want that has gotten out of control.The dilemma of modern society is that we seek to understand the world, not in terms of archaic inner consciousness, but by quantifying and qualifying what we perceive to be the external world by using scientific means and thought. Thinking has only led to more thinking and more questions. We seek to know the innermost forces which create the world and guide its course. But we conceive of this essence as outside of ourselves, not as a living thing, intrinsic to our own nature. It was the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung who said, "one who looks outside dreams, one who looks inside awakes." It is not wrong to desire to be awake, to be happy. What is wrong is to look for happiness outside when it can only be found inside.

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Cannabis or Kaneh Bosm as the Hebrews called it, was used for its medicinal properties and for its mind altering effects by the ancients, across various cultures and civilizations. Its only in the last 50 years or so the sacred herb has been demonized by 'the-powers-that-be' to keep the masses ignorant of its true worth. However, the truth always manages to surface through all the lies and disinformation sooner or later. Millions of people all over the world use Cannabis as a recreational drug, oblivious of the fact that the herb has the potential to rewire one's brain and its neural network to enhance ESP and other latent abilities. If used like Yogis do, it has the power to awaken the spirit within as we progressively attain higher states of conscious awareness.

The historic use of 'Kaneh Bosm' or the 'fragrant cane' by the Hebrews has been well documented in their religious texts such as the Old Testament. The first solid evidence of the Hebrew use of cannabis was established in 1936 by Sula Benet, a little known Polish etymologist from the Institute of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw.

The word cannabis was generally thought to be of Scythian origin, but Benet showed that it has a much earlier origin in Semitic languages like Hebrew, and that it appears several times throughout the Old Testament. Benet explained that "in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament there are references to hemp, both as incense, which was an integral part of religious celebration, and as an intoxicant."

Benet demonstrated that the word for cannabis is kaneh-bosm, also rendered in traditional Hebrew as kaneh or kannabus. The root kan in this construction means "reed" or "hemp", while bosm means "aromatic". This word appears five times in the Old Testament; in the books of Exodus, the Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.

The word kaneh-bosm has been mistranslated as calamus, a common marsh plant with little monetary value that does not have the qualities or value ascribed to kaneh-bosm. The error occurred in the oldest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint in the third century BC, and was repeated in the many translations that followed.

A reading of the Old Testament reveals that Yahweh "came to Moses out of the midst of the cloud" and that this cloud came from smoke produced by the burning of incense. As scholar Ralph Patai commented in his book The Hebrew Goddess, "Yahweh merely put in temporary appearances in the tent of meeting. He was a visiting deity whose appearance in or departure from the tent was used for oracular purposes."

One is reminded of the ancient Persian sage Zoroaster, another monotheist like Moses, who heard the voice of his god, Ahura Mazda, while in a state of shamanistic ecstasy produced by cannabis. The Greek oracle of Delphi also revealed her prophecies from behind a veil of intoxicating smoke.

The insights achieved from the use of cannabis, whether inhaled in the Tent of the Tabernacle or applied topically, could have been interpreted by Moses as messages from God. This is similar to modern shamans who interpret their experiences with plant hallucinogens as containing divine revelations.

In the following documentary, "Kaneh Bosm", Chris Bennett takes a look at the fascinating references to Cannabis in the Old Testament that have been suggested by anthropologist Sula Benet and other researchers. The video features interviews with Prof Carl Ruck, Dr. Ethan Russo, David Hillman PhD., as well as drug historians and authors Chris Conrad, Michael Horowitz, Martin Lee, and Michael Aldrich. Included is a discussion of the linguistics behind the theory as well as a look at the references in context of the Biblical story line and the use of cannabis by the surrounding cultures who influenced the Jewish cosmology, such as the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Canaanites and Scythians.

In The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, Scholar John M. Allegro points out that ancient peoples believed psychoactive plants to be living gateways to other realms, and thought of them as angels. The Greek and Hebrew equivalent of the word angel literally means messenger or worker of miracles.

Seeing the present trend in the US with various states pushing for legalization, it won't be long before people all across the world start waking up to the truth and the sacred herb shall be seen for what it truly is and not something to be afraid of.

Reference : Cannabis Culture

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Many in our world today are awakening to the true essence of Yoga and the benefits of practicing yoga regularly. The Truth, in many ways is emerging in our realities making concepts easier to grasp and put in motion. Starting Yoga at an early age has its own rewards and in this post we'll speak about some of these guidelines we could share with our children to help them build strength and endurance as they mature.

For beginners, Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj' meaning 'to unite' or 'to integrate'. In other words, Yoga symbolizes the union of Human Consciousness with Universal or Cosmic Consciousness. In some ways, practicing Yoga helps us dissolve the illusions of the Ego (An illusion of a separate self) and helps us awaken to our true nature in a non-dualistic way. Just so beautifully true, isn't it ... :)

Fun Yoga for Kids : Full Movie

Here is an interesting article by Marsha Wenig on 'Yoga for Kids'...

Our children live in a hurry-up world of busy parents, school pressures, incessant lessons, video games, malls, and competitive sports. We usually don't think of these influences as stressful for our kids, but often they are. The bustling pace of our children's lives can have a profound effect on their innate joy—and usually not for the better.

I have found that yoga can help counter these pressures. When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment, they can navigate life's challenges with a little more ease. Yoga at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that's noncompetitive. Fostering cooperation and compassion—instead of opposition—is a great gift to give our children.

Children derive enormous benefits from yoga. Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. In addition, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improves. Doing yoga, children exercise, play, connect more deeply with the inner self, and develop an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds them. Yoga brings that marvelous inner light that all children have to the surface.

When yogis developed the asanas many thousands of years ago, they still lived close to the natural world and used animals and plants for inspiration—the sting of a scorpion, the grace of a swan, the grounded stature of a tree. When children imitate the movements and sounds of nature, they have a chance to get inside another being and imagine taking on its qualities. When they assume the pose of the lion (Simhasana) for example, they experience not only the power and behavior of the lion, but also their own sense of power: when to be aggressive, when to retreat. The physical movements introduce kids to yoga's true meaning: union, expression, and honor for oneself and one's part in the delicate web of life.

A Child's Way

Yoga with children offers many possibilities to exchange wisdom, share good times, and lay the foundation for a lifelong practice that will continue to deepen. All that's needed is a little flexibility on the adult's part because, as I quickly found out when I first started teaching the practice to preschoolers, yoga for children is quite different than yoga for adults.

Six years ago, I had my first experience teaching yoga to kids at a local Montessori school. I looked forward to the opportunity with confidence—after all, I'd been teaching yoga to adults for quite a while, had two young children of my own, and had taught creative writing for several years in various Los Angeles schools. But after two classes with a group of 3 to 6-year-olds, I had to seriously reevaluate my approach. I needed to learn to let go (the very practice I had been preaching for years) of my agenda and my expectations of what yoga is and is not.

When I began to honor the children's innate intelligence and tune in to how they were instructing me to instruct them, we began to co-create our classes. We used the yoga asanas as a springboard for exploration of many other areas—animal adaptations and behavior, music and playing instruments, storytelling, drawing—and our time together became a truly interdisciplinary approach to learning. Together we wove stories with our bodies and minds in a flow that could only happen in child's play.

The kids began to call me Mrs. Yoga, and I called them Yoga Kids. We continued to work and play together until our creations bloomed into a program called YogaKids. The program combines yogic techniques designed especially for children using Dr. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Gardner, an author and professor of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, describes eight intelligences innate in all of us—linguistic, logical, visual, musical, kinesthetic, naturalistic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal—and emphasizes that children should be given the opportunity to develop and embody as many of these as possible.

In keeping with this theory, YogaKids integrates storytelling, games, music, language, and other arts into a complete curriculum that engages the "whole child." We employ ecology, anatomy, nutrition, and life lessons that echo yogic principles of interdependence, oneness, and fun. Most of all, our program engages the entire mind, body, and spirit in a way that honors all the ways children learn.

Taking the Practice Home

If you're planning to teach yoga to kids, there are a few general things to know that will enhance your experience. The greatest challenge with children is to hold their attention long enough to teach them the benefits of yoga: stillness, balance, flexibility, focus, peace, grace, connection, health, and well-being. Luckily, most children love to talk, and they love to move—both of which can happen in yoga. Children will jump at the chance to assume the role of animals, trees, flowers, warriors. Your role is to step back and allow them to bark in the dog pose, hiss in the cobra, and meow in cat stretch. They can also recite the ABCs or 123s as they are holding poses. Sound is a great release for children and adds an auditory dimension to the physical experience of yoga.

Children need to discover the world on their own. Telling them to think harder, do it better, or be a certain way because it's good for them is not the optimal way. Instead, provide a loving, responsive, creative environment for them to uncover their own truths. As they perform the various animal and nature asanas, engage their minds to deepen their awareness. When they're snakes (Bhujangasana), invite them to really imagine that they're just a long spine with no arms and legs. Could you still run or climb a tree? In Tree Pose (Vrksasana), ask them to imagine being a giant oak, with roots growing out of the bottoms of their feet. Could you stay in the same position for 100 years? If you were to be chopped down, would that be OK? Would it hurt?

When they stretch like a dog, balance like a flamingo, breathe like a bunny, or stand strong and tall like a tree, they are making a connection between the macrocosm of their environment and the microcosm of their bodies. The importance of reverence for all life and the principle of interdependence becomes apparent. Children begin to understand that we are all made of the same "stuff." We're just in different forms.

Think of yourself as a facilitator rather than a teacher. Guide your children while simultaneously opening your heart and letting them guide you. They'll no doubt invite you into a boundless world of wonder and exploration. If you choose to join them, the teaching/learning process will be continually reciprocal and provide an opportunity for everyone to create, express themselves, and grow together.

Reference : Yoga Journal

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Tippi Degre, is truly a 'real wild child' having grown up among untamed animals in the African wilderness. Tippi was born in Namibia to French wildlife photographer parents, Alain Degré and Sylvie Robert. Tippi spent her childhood playing with wild animals including lion cubs, a mongoose, a snake, a cheetah, baby zebra, giraffes and crocodiles.

She also befriended the Bushmen and the Himba tribe people of the Kalahari, who taught her how to survive on roots and berries and to speak their language. Tippi later moved with her parents to Madagascar and then to France, where she became a celebrity. A book of her adventures, "Tippi of Africa" was published and translated in several languages. In Paris, Tippi attended a local state school for the first two years, but was then homeschooled because she was found to have little in common with the other children in Paris.

Here is a short trailer from an upcoming documentary film titled, "Tippi : Bridging the Gap to Africa" ...

Here are some pictures of Tippi while she was growing up in Africa along with other older wild animals who seem to be quite comfortable around her ... Some really powerful, thought provoking images which should make us more sensitive towards animals and help us reconnect with our Earth family.

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In this featured video, Visionary Artist Alex Grey addresses a gathering at TEDx Maui on 'Cosmic Creativity - How Art Evolves Consciousness' ! He starts with a little about his journey and how it all started for him following a sincere prayer to God which led him to taking LSD for this first time at a party, where he also met the love of his life, Allyson Grey.

The color grey brings the opposites together hence Alex chose to keep his last name Grey, after he went through, what he describes as a 'Spiritual Re-birth" following his LSD trip. :)

Just in case you haven't heard of Alex Grey, you must watch this video which will give you some idea about his Visionary Art and the Evolution of Consciousness through the exploration of Art.

This essential twenty minutes offers a journey through Alex’s art, distinguishing phase shifts of awareness and showing how visionary icons of interconnectedness are transformative.

Art is an echo of the creative force that birthed the galaxies. Creativity is a way that the Cosmos evolves and communicates with itself. The great uplifting of humanity beyond its self destruction is the redemptive mission of art.

- Alex Grey

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How is it that the same plant which is used as medicine to heal many ailments and disorders is also classified as a harmful drug and made illegal ? This is a question not many are willing to ask as we find it easier to accept what we've been told, rather than questioning authority which impairs our right to freedom and curtails our ability to experiment with our consciousness using naturally found Entheogens to attain altered states and to heal. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a well known American Neurosurgeon says that he was systematically misled about Weed and its potential medical benefits.

He writes further to elaborate his present stance on Marijuana in this article for CNN, titled "Why I Changed My Mind On Weed" ...

Over the last year, I have been working on a new documentary called "Weed." The title "Weed" may sound cavalier, but the content is not.

I traveled around the world to interview medical leaders, experts, growers and patients. I spoke candidly to them, asking tough questions. What I found was stunning.

Long before I began this project, I had steadily reviewed the scientific literature on medical marijuana from the United States and thought it was fairly unimpressive. Reading these papers five years ago, it was hard to make a case for medicinal marijuana. I even wrote about this in a TIME magazine article, back in 2009, titled "Why I would Vote No on Pot."
Well, I am here to apologize.

I apologize because I didn't look hard enough, until now. I didn't look far enough. I didn't review papers from smaller labs in other countries doing some remarkable research, and I was too dismissive of the loud chorus of legitimate patients whose symptoms improved on cannabis.

Instead, I lumped them with the high-visibility malingerers, just looking to get high. I mistakenly believed the Drug Enforcement Agency listed marijuana as a schedule 1 substance because of sound scientific proof. Surely, they must have quality reasoning as to why marijuana is in the category of the most dangerous drugs that have "no accepted medicinal use and a high potential for abuse."

They didn't have the science to support that claim, and I now know that when it comes to marijuana neither of those things are true. It doesn't have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. In fact, sometimes marijuana is the only thing that works. Take the case of Charlotte Figi, who I met in Colorado. She started having seizures soon after birth. By age 3, she was having 300 a week, despite being on seven different medications. Medical marijuana has calmed her brain, limiting her seizures to 2 or 3 per month.

I have seen more patients like Charlotte first hand, spent time with them and come to the realization that it is irresponsible not to provide the best care we can as a medical community, care that could involve marijuana.

We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that.

I hope this article and upcoming documentary will help set the record straight.

On August 14, 1970, the Assistant Secretary of Health, Dr. Roger O. Egeberg wrote a letter recommending the plant, marijuana, be classified as a schedule 1 substance, and it has remained that way for nearly 45 years. My research started with a careful reading of that decades old letter. What I found was unsettling. Egeberg had carefully chosen his words:

"Since there is still a considerable void in our knowledge of the plant and effects of the active drug contained in it, our recommendation is that marijuana be retained within schedule 1 at least until the completion of certain studies now underway to resolve the issue."

Not because of sound science, but because of its absence, marijuana was classified as a schedule 1 substance. Again, the year was 1970. Egeberg mentions studies that are underway, but many were never completed. As my investigation continued, however, I realized Egeberg did in fact have important research already available to him, some of it from more than 25 years earlier.

In 1944, New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia commissioned research to be performed by the New York Academy of Science. Among their conclusions: they found marijuana did not lead to significant addiction in the medical sense of the word. They also did not find any evidence marijuana led to morphine, heroin or cocaine addiction.

We now know that while estimates vary, marijuana leads to dependence in around 9 to 10% of its adult users. By comparison, cocaine, a schedule 2 substance "with less abuse potential than schedule 1 drugs" hooks 20% of those who use it. Around 25% of heroin users become addicted.

The worst is tobacco, where the number is closer to 30% of smokers, many of whom go on to die because of their addiction.

There is clear evidence that in some people marijuana use can lead to withdrawal symptoms, including insomnia, anxiety and nausea. Even considering this, it is hard to make a case that it has a high potential for abuse. The physical symptoms of marijuana addiction are nothing like those of the other drugs I've mentioned. I have seen the withdrawal from alcohol, and it can be life threatening.

I do want to mention a concern that I think about as a father. Young, developing brains are likely more susceptible to harm from marijuana than adult brains. Some recent studies suggest that regular use in teenage years leads to a permanent decrease in IQ. Other research hints at a possible heightened risk of developing psychosis.

Much in the same way I wouldn't let my own children drink alcohol, I wouldn't permit marijuana until they are adults. If they are adamant about trying marijuana, I will urge them to wait until they're in their mid-20s when their brains are fully developed.

While investigating, I realized something else quite important. Medical marijuana is not new, and the medical community has been writing about it for a long time. There were in fact hundreds of journal articles, mostly documenting the benefits. Most of those papers, however, were written between the years 1840 and 1930. The papers described the use of medical marijuana to treat "neuralgia, convulsive disorders, emaciation," among other things.

A search through the U.S. National Library of Medicine this past year pulled up nearly 2,000 more recent papers. But the majority were research into the harm of marijuana, such as "Bad trip due to anticholinergic effect of cannabis," or "Cannabis induced pancreatitits" and "Marijuana use and risk of lung cancer."

In my quick running of the numbers, I calculated about 6% of the current U.S. marijuana studies investigate the benefits of medical marijuana. The rest are designed to investigate harm. That imbalance paints a highly distorted picture.

To do studies on marijuana in the United States today, you need two important things.

First of all, you need marijuana. And marijuana is illegal. You see the problem. Scientists can get research marijuana from a special farm in Mississippi, which is astonishingly located in the middle of the Ole Miss campus, but it is challenging. When I visited this year, there was no marijuana being grown.

The second thing you need is approval, and the scientists I interviewed kept reminding me how tedious that can be. While a cancer study may first be evaluated by the National Cancer Institute, or a pain study may go through the National Institute for Neurological Disorders, there is one more approval required for marijuana: NIDA, the National Institute on Drug Abuse. It is an organization that has a core mission of studying drug abuse, as opposed to benefit.

Stuck in the middle are the legitimate patients who depend on marijuana as a medicine, oftentimes as their only good option.

Keep in mind that up until 1943, marijuana was part of the United States drug pharmacopeia. One of the conditions for which it was prescribed was neuropathic pain. It is a miserable pain that's tough to treat. My own patients have described it as "lancinating, burning and a barrage of pins and needles." While marijuana has long been documented to be effective for this awful pain, the most common medications prescribed today come from the poppy plant, including morphine, oxycodone and dilaudid.

Here is the problem. Most of these medications don't work very well for this kind of pain, and tolerance is a real problem.

Most frightening to me is that someone dies in the United States every 19 minutes from a prescription drug overdose, mostly accidental. Every 19 minutes. It is a horrifying statistic. As much as I searched, I could not find a documented case of death from marijuana overdose.

It is perhaps no surprise then that 76% of physicians recently surveyed said they would approve the use of marijuana to help ease a woman's pain from breast cancer.

When marijuana became a schedule 1 substance, there was a request to fill a "void in our knowledge." In the United States, that has been challenging because of the infrastructure surrounding the study of an illegal substance, with a drug abuse organization at the heart of the approval process. And yet, despite the hurdles, we have made considerable progress that continues today.

Looking forward, I am especially intrigued by studies like those in Spain and Israel looking at the anti-cancer effects of marijuana and its components. I'm intrigued by the neuro-protective study by Raphael Meschoulam in Israel, and research in Israel and the United States on whether the drug might help alleviate symptoms of PTSD. I promise to do my part to help, genuinely and honestly, fill the remaining void in our knowledge.

Citizens in 20 states and the District of Columbia have now voted to approve marijuana for medical applications, and more states will be making that choice soon. As for Dr. Roger Egeberg, who wrote that letter in 1970, he passed away 16 years ago.

I wonder what he would think if he were alive today.

Article by Dr. Sanjay Gupta

"The cannabis experience has greatly improved my appreciation for art, a subject which I had never much appreciated before. The understanding of the intent of the artist which I can achieve when high sometimes carries over to when I'm down. This is one of many human frontiers which cannabis has helped me traverse."

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The Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared into thin air while flying over the Gulf of Thailand on its way to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The mystery over the missing plane with 239 people on board (227 passengers and 12 crew members) has deepened as some of the relatives of the passengers reported to the media stating that when they tried reaching their family members who were on the plane, their mobile phones were ringing hours after the flight went missing, off the radar. There is something strange about the whole incident as it seems to hint at something otherworldly or supernatural at play. Not so long ago an Air France Flight 447 went missing after it entered an electromagnetic storm cloud of sorts ... and disappeared without a trace. It does sound like a case of Teleportation like in the Bermuda Triangle !

A few relatives said they were able to call the cellphones of their loved ones or find them on a Chinese instant messenger service called QQ that indicated that their phones were still somehow online.

A migrant worker in the room said that several other workers from his company were on the plane, including his brother-in-law. Among them, the QQ accounts of three still showed that they were online, he said Sunday afternoon.

Adding to the mystery, other relatives in the room said that when they dialed some passengers' numbers, they seemed to get ringing tones on the other side even though the calls were not picked up.

Here are some other facts concerning the whole incident which leave a lot of questions unanswered ...

• Fact #1: All Boeing 777 commercial jets are equipped with black box recorders that can survive any on-board explosion

No explosion from the plane itself can destroy the black box recorders. They are bomb-proof structures that hold digital recordings of cockpit conversations as well as detailed flight data and control surface data.

• Fact #2: All black box recorders transmit locator signals for at least 30 days after falling into the ocean

Yet the black box from this particular incident hasn't been detected at all. That's why investigators are having such trouble finding it. Normally, they only need to "home in" on the black box transmitter signal. But in this case, the absence of a signal means the black box itself -- an object designed to survive powerful explosions -- has either vanished, malfunctioned or been obliterated by some powerful force beyond the worst fears of aircraft design engineers.

• Fact #3: Many parts of destroyed aircraft are naturally bouyant and will float in water

In past cases of aircraft destroyed over the ocean or crashing into the ocean, debris has always been spotted floating on the surface of the water. That's because -- as you may recall from the safety briefing you've learned to ignore -- "your seat cushion may be used as a flotation device."

Yes, seat cushions float. So do many other non-metallic aircraft parts. If Flight 370 was brought down by an explosion of some sort, there would be massive debris floating on the ocean, and that debris would not be difficult to spot. The fact that it has not yet been spotted only adds to the mystery of how Flight 370 appears to have literally vanished from the face of the Earth.

• Fact #4: If a missile destroyed Flight 370, the missile would have left a radar signature

One theory currently circulating on the 'net is that a missile brought down the airliner, somehow blasting the aircraft and all its contents to "smithereens" -- which means very tiny pieces of matter that are undetectable as debris.

The problem with this theory is that there exists no known ground-to-air or air-to-air missile with such a capability. All known missiles generate tremendous debris when they explode on target. Both the missile and the debris produce very large radar signatures which would be easily visible to both military vessels and air traffic authorities.

• Fact #5: The location of the aircraft when it vanished is not a mystery

Air traffic controllers have full details of almost exactly where the aircraft was at the moment it vanished. They know the location, elevation and airspeed -- three pieces of information which can readily be used to estimate the likely location of debris.

Remember: air safety investigators are not stupid people. They've seen mid-air explosions before, and they know how debris falls. There is already a substantial data set of airline explosions and crashes from which investigators can make well-educated guesses about where debris should be found. And yet, even armed with all this experience and information, they remain totally baffled on what happened to Flight 370.

• Fact #6: If Flight 370 was hijacked, it would not have vanished from radar

Hijacking an airplane does not cause it to simply vanish from radar. Even if transponders are disabled on the aircraft, ground radar can still readily track the location of the aircraft using so-called "passive" radar (classic ground-based radar systems that emit a signal and monitor its reflection).

Thus, the theory that the flight was hijacked makes no sense whatsoever. When planes are hijacked, they do not magically vanish from radar.

Barbara Marciniak Channeling the Pleiadians on the Malaysian Airlines' Disappearance !

The possibility that the plane went through some kind of a space-time warp or wormhole is definitely not ruled out as it does remind one of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle where planes have known to experience similar anomalies and some have in fact disappeared without a trace. I feel some of these planes could have entered a wormhole of sorts to go into an alternate / parallel timeline. If this sounds like science fiction then we must gear up for the surprise of our lifetime as we come face to face with the truth which would then make this possibility more plausible.

Here is something interesting you might want to watch :)

Latest Update on Malaysia Airlines MH370 is that it was hijacked and taken to some place in the Indian Ocean, most likely the Diego Garcia base of the Unites States. A man called Philip Wood who managed to sneak in his iphone after being taken hostage sent a picture message to a friend. The message when later traced back pointed at a location in the Indian Ocean, exactly where the Diego Garcia base is.

What's even stranger is the connection between the Malaysia Airlines False Flag and Jacob Rothschild ... with the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH370, Jacob Rothschild Became the Sole Owner of the 'Freescale Semiconductors' Patent. Four days after the flight MH370 disappeared, the semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent and was divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself, Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong. The 4 Chinese employees were on the same plane MH370 which disappeared on March 8 ... Guess who owns Freescale Semiconductors ... Jacob Rothschild.

The image sent by Philip Wood with the text message is definitely the smoking gun in this case and proves the fact that Malaysia Airlines MH370 was in fact hijacked and then taken to the US Military Base Diego Garcia.

The picture below was sent by Philip Wood, an IBM employee from Texas with the following text ...

“I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly.”

Strangely the blank black image labeled “1395192158752.jpg” contains the following metadata:

Dimensions: 240 x 320
Device Make: Apple
Device Model: iPhone 5
Color Space: RGB
Color Profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Focal Length: 4.12
Alpha Channel: No
Red Eye: No
F Number: 2.4
Exposure Program: 2
Exposure Time: 1/15

Someone managed to trace the location from where the message was sent by using a software on his computer. Here is how he did it ... posted on Steve Quayle's website ...

Hi Steve,

Re: the black/blank photo from the IBM tech on the lost Malaysian jet. The photo was taken inside a building just off the runways at Diego Garcia. I put the photo into my editing software, grabbed the GPS point and here it is. Try this: go to: itouchmap.com , choose #6, go to the bottom right box and input the info: -7 18 58.3 LATITUDE 72 25 35.6 LONGITUDE Click on: SHOW POINT Zoom in and you will see where the photo originated. Wow. You’ll probably recognize the heavy aircraft parked nearby. Image Via itouchmap.com:

If anyone still thinks this is just a conspiracy theory, you must read the facts behind the Malaysia Airlines MH017 crash which happened not too long after the hijacking of Malaysia Airlines MH370.

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Human Origins and the true history of our planet has for long been concealed behind stories of creationism and intelligent design. Did we really evolve from Blue Green Algae ... How is it that we share 98.8% of our DNA with the chimpanzee yet are so far advanced than our distant cousins ... some of these questions can be answered if we retrace our origins ... as we are led to the great lands of Africa.

Were Homo Sapiens created by the Annunaki who came here to mine Gold and needed a slave race to work for them. Were they the ones who established the patriarchal system on Earth, with their kings and priests appointed as the ones in charge here ? Let's find out ... what Klaus Dona and Michael Tellinger have to say about our Hidden History and True Origins.

Hidden History of the Human Race A presentation by Klaus Dona

In the following video Michael Tellinger discusses a whole lot about our true origins in Africa, the Elohim or the Annunaki ... Who were the Nephilim or these Annunaki overlords who invaded Earth many years ago? Michael discusses the power of Sound and Acoustic Levitation used to build the Pyramids and other megalithic ancient monuments all around the world. He also proposes a new way of living, a new way out from this global enslavement ... No money system ... No Barter ... No Trade ! The following video is a must see for all ... please share this post with all your friends and contacts online.

Here is a short excerpt from an article called "Temples of the African Gods" by Michael Tellinger ...

"We live in an electromagnetic universe. Everything spins and vibrates. And because it spins and vibrates we can detect it and know its presence because everything has a frequency. Everything has a frequency from subatomic particles to planets, solar systems, galaxies, vortices. Even the entire universe has a spin motion.

Leading physicists like Nassim Haramein point out very beautifully how this all fits together and how they generate the energy and how they regenerate the twisting vortex motion energy. Everything spins and vibrates and because of that we can detect it.

This is how the electromagnetic universe is presented to us.

It is infinite in both directions. Everything you can imagine vibrates at its own specific frequency. Once you know its frequency you can affect the positive with the negative. This is understanding vibration fields. The amazing thing is out of this entire electromagnetic spectrum we can only see a little piece and a sliver of light what we call visible light over there. Everything else as far as we are concerned is invisible. There is not always physical evidence for the start of the universe. You don't always have to see it to believe it. How did the ancients respond to all this stuff they could not see? The ancients had a very keen understanding of this. They called it the third eye, the pineal gland. You will see the third eye echoing through all ancient cultures. Somehow they knew more about this psychic ability, this ESP of being able to feel, read and understand the other frequencies that are not necessarily visible to our eyes. There have been huge amounts of research and it is amazing when you realise how important the pineal gland is in our anatomy. And how this has been manipulated to control us, it becomes quite spectacular. Basically what the pineal gland is, is a frequency receptor like our eye, they pick up the frequency of the visible light and convert it into something that our brains understand. It picks up the other frequencies and converts it to understandable information. There seem to be some people who are awakening and using their ability to use the pineal gland.

Frequency equals energy: Ancient civilizations understood frequency and how to convert it into energy. Ancient civilizations and modern physics overlap very comfortably.

Sound and frequency are the common denominators of all religion. The Primordial Word, let their be light the sound of God that created the universe and all things in it. In Eastern philosophies, it is the primordial sound, the Aum that created all things. Sound is the primordial source of all things in the universe. This lays the foundation for nature's law, which is sometimes referred to as sacred geometry. Sacred in Greek means fixed.

We are dealing with fixed geometry as it is fixed by the divine creator and the primordial source of all things and we realize there is only one law of nature. And that is the law of nature.

Take for example) the six aspects of Aum. OM MA NI PAD ME HUM, the six sound frequencies. Suddenly in the symbol of Aum you see these beautiful shapes that actually are the representations of sound manifesting itself in physical form. This goes back to the 1700's with the plates and then Hans Jenny's research in the 60's and 70's you see some fantastic things that come to light. And that is sound manifesting itself in physical form. The six aspects of Aum are represented in sacred geometry. The six sounds represent the six days of creation. We are combining all this into the laws of nature and it starts to show us the source and origin of these things and it seems to come from sound. The number six is not just restricted to Hinduism and Christianity. Egyptian religion talks about the six aspects of the divine eye of Ra. The five primary Platonic shapes that give rise to all other matter and frequencies are inextricably linked to the six days of creation as first there was a void. All this fits together as the essence of God moves across the waters, across the Void."

References : Michael Tellinger - Temples of the African Gods

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